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  1. Looping through cells and move sheets from file in folder. (6 replies)
  2. Solved: Stopping a file from being opened (4 replies)
  3. [SOLVED:] Vba Replace Function (4 replies)
  4. Solved: macro help (4 replies)
  5. Search / Find - across sheets - find multiple instances (4 replies)
  6. Excel, Date find issue (1 replies)
  7. Solved: Retrieving comments from a worksheet (2 replies)
  8. Regular expression to find negative number (4 replies)
  9. Charting Question with Line and Scatter (4 replies)
  10. utomatically close the shared spreadsheet (0 replies)
  11. Not delete or move an excel file (9 replies)
  12. [SOLVED:] Multiple fonts in excel forms textbox (4 replies)
  13. Graduated Cell Colour in Excel 2003 (5 replies)
  14. Solved: Query within Excel to SQL server with VBA Code (4 replies)
  15. Need Help With a User Form (20 replies)
  16. macro to conditonal format and negative numbers (2 replies)
  17. Weird Add-in Error (3 replies)
  18. Dimension x number of arrays based on user input (8 replies)
  19. Solved: Code works as Sub but not as a Function! (7 replies)
  20. Solved: conditional formatting (4 replies)
  21. Solved: Count the same items in a column (12 replies)
  22. Solved: Update an excel sheet, by loading from an object (2 replies)
  23. Prevent / Disable Sort function ? (1 replies)
  24. Custom Messaging with Mouseover (0 replies)
  25. Find "Hard Coded" cells? (1 replies)
  26. Solved: TIMER SCALE IN EXCEL (3 replies)
  27. Create New Macro Using VBA (8 replies)
  28. Error in the creation of multiple PivotCharts (1 replies)
  29. Find duplicate cells in a column and contitionally delete the dupes (7 replies)
  30. Extended Conditional Formatting (1 replies)
  31. Query a sheet using SQL (3 replies)
  32. why it find only each second value (4 replies)
  33. Listbox query (1 replies)
  35. Solved: Msgbox if value not found (5 replies)
  36. [SOLVED:] VBA Target.value (14 replies)
  37. [SLEEPER:] Macro to Search and Replace word within another Macro (8 replies)
  38. Solved: Controls.Remove causes unexpected behavior (5 replies)
  39. move pdf files (3 replies)
  40. Solved: Create Custom Menu Macro Items in Excel VBA (4 replies)
  41. Date on Userform (5 replies)
  42. Protect a worksheet at startup with VBA (2 replies)
  43. 2010 excel calendar (9 replies)
  44. macro to add addtional pivot tables after the first pivot table (8 replies)
  45. Solved: Copy sheet without the vba code (3 replies)
  46. Solved: Find and replace values from separate spreadsheet (11 replies)
  47. Application-defined or object-defined error (2 replies)
  48. Function Argument Window - Can it be expanded? (2 replies)
  49. Copy to new workbook the active sheets and erase the content of the original (2 replies)
  50. Find Desktop Folder Files (2 replies)
  51. Solved: VBA colours appearing as grey for other users (7 replies)
  52. Maximum limits (15 replies)
  53. round + sumproduct help (2 replies)
  54. Solved: VBA AUTO FILTER (15 replies)
  55. Solved: Need macro for this pivot functionality? (2 replies)
  56. Solved: Dynamic Drop down based on a dynamic named range (5 replies)
  57. Solved: How to know when Webquery has finished updating (12 replies)
  58. Porting UserForm to network of users (3 replies)
  59. Error while running Macro in excell (2 replies)
  60. Bug with shortcut for macro?? (10 replies)
  61. Push Excel Named Range to Word Bookmark (2 replies)
  62. Multiple Macros for one Workbook/sheet (3 replies)
  63. get rid of unwanted characters and send to new txt or xls file. (3 replies)
  64. Solved: Count Files in Folder (2 replies)
  65. URGENT - Create Access database on the fly & import csv/txt file as table! (1 replies)
  66. [SOLVED:] Formatting New to Excel (5 replies)
  67. Solved: Copy and paste as an object (1 replies)
  68. Run a Macro when you click on a cell (25 replies)
  69. Assist with Hyperlink in Email (0 replies)
  70. 16 Digit number output (6 replies)
  71. ListBox Help! (4 replies)
  72. Stop running macro after specific time (1 replies)
  73. multipage search - duplicate entries (1 replies)
  74. Solved: Help with formula please (3 replies)
  75. Solved: product begins with XY (8 replies)
  76. Solved: auto number (8 replies)
  77. Solved: Floating a textbox over an excel worksheet (2 replies)
  78. Solved: VLOOKUP question (5 replies)
  79. counting (4 replies)
  80. Solved: Searching in multiple workbooks (3 replies)
  81. ATPVBAEN.XLA . . . One More Time (2 replies)
  82. Changing worksheet issues (1 replies)
  83. Save Progress Bar Not Displayed (7 replies)
  84. Write a string of text to all HTM files (1 replies)
  85. Shortwrite (2 replies)
  86. VBA: Copy chart from excel to word (1 replies)
  87. search for word (4 replies)
  88. Solved: delete leter (8 replies)
  89. Solved: Need to include Scientific Labels to a Form (2 replies)
  90. Solved: In a VBA program, how to use DataBodyRange property to write to a specific sheet? (4 replies)
  91. Solved: letter index (18 replies)
  92. Simultaneous Entry (9 replies)
  93. Get information from a .MDB file (3 replies)
  94. Fetching data from the web (3 replies)
  95. Solved: Pick up peak(maximum) value in running data (5 replies)
  96. Run macro IF (4 replies)
  97. Counting date cells (16 replies)
  98. Select and name a Range (2 replies)
  99. SOLVEROK (3 replies)
  100. Combobox items (8 replies)
  101. vb script to copy selection (2 replies)
  102. msgbox more than 1024 chars (3 replies)
  103. Setting Sheet Visible Error (2 replies)
  104. VBA to Find and compare data from multiple columns (5 replies)
  105. MISSING: Ref Edit Control (3 replies)
  106. Solved: update opened read-only wb (1 replies)
  107. VBA which finds data in one sheet & return list with all relevant data in new sheet (3 replies)
  108. Not able to click a button on a webpage (0 replies)
  109. Solved: TRIM STRING (7 replies)
  110. Solved: Data Validation help (6 replies)
  111. Excel 2007/2003 files access (3 replies)
  112. Solved: Unlocking an embedded object (2 replies)
  113. Solved: Put picture in top right corner of cell (2 replies)
  114. Data format changes after sending email (1 replies)
  115. Solved: recurring date - wildcard ? (7 replies)
  116. Recordset recordcount property (1 replies)
  117. Solved: Apply Formula in Column B if Column A has Data (13 replies)
  118. excel add-in in 2003 (11 replies)
  119. IP address manipulation and lookup in a spreadsheet (0 replies)
  120. Excel 2007 Macro Ref Libraries (6 replies)
  121. Solved: Delete Rows if cells in columns are empty (6 replies)
  122. Solved: Disable right click on images (4 replies)
  123. Solved: Need help error trapping / event / alert trapping?? (2 replies)
  124. Solved: check in wb if is filled all what is needed (3 replies)
  125. [SOLVED:] Application.Quit doesn't quit? (10 replies)
  126. gmail (0 replies)
  127. Populate a Sheet with Active Directory Computers (7 replies)
  128. Insert new Row (1 replies)
  129. Solved: Excel ADODB Connection resulting in 'Catastrophic Error - 2147418113' (2 replies)
  130. Solved: Excel problem (2 replies)
  131. Changing data refered to by varying named ranges though a macro (4 replies)
  132. Solved: Conditional Formating - Formula Help (3 replies)
  133. macro activate button to run another macro ? (4 replies)
  134. Solved: Nested Range Names (3 replies)
  135. downlist and formula (5 replies)
  136. Who Opens my WorkBook (0 replies)
  137. Excel 2007 file search (7 replies)
  138. Solved: Delete specific rows too slow (7 replies)
  139. Solved: search across multiple worksheets (4 replies)
  140. Highlights Duplicate Entries (15 replies)
  141. Solved: How to add continuous value under one set of column (8 replies)
  142. Vba for Export Pic (7 replies)
  143. Solved: Check if aRange = anotherRange (3 replies)
  144. count days (2 replies)
  145. Solved: Excel Userform Datagrid (4 replies)
  146. Cell Validation List from a UDF (12 replies)
  147. Help with finding the right function (2 replies)
  148. Solved: Get Subrange from a Range (2 replies)
  149. [SOLVED:] VBA to select picture in a comment (10 replies)
  150. Insert Blank row between rows with values (6 replies)
  151. Solved: How to delete active row and up to a defined row number (2 replies)
  152. Solved: IF statement (6 replies)
  153. Delete automatically opened workbook (5 replies)
  154. Solved: set ListBox row source automatically for each sheet (10 replies)
  155. how to read Excel file (3 replies)
  156. Solved: Highlight vba code (12 replies)
  157. Solved: Prevent Row Insert - (Above Row 1) (18 replies)
  158. Shared Workbook?!! PLEASE HELP (1 replies)
  159. Date calculation error (6 replies)
  160. Message Box for Column (5 replies)
  161. Need help for searching duplicate rows in a worksheet (1 replies)
  162. solver add in (2 replies)
  163. Excel 2007 and ATPVBAEN.xla (Phffft!) (2 replies)
  164. auto update with cell value change (14 replies)
  165. Solved: Copy Cell and Comment (4 replies)
  166. Excel data to Word Mail Merge via VBA (2 replies)
  167. Display results of CTRL+F in the middles of the screen (4 replies)
  168. Recorded excel macro doesnt work :( I need a help ASAP (4 replies)
  169. VBA Help: Inserting new rows with data (26 replies)
  170. Solved: Cell Address Value (3 replies)
  171. Post Excel UserForm data based on Selected ListBox value (6 replies)
  172. excel (2 replies)
  173. get value from not opened excel file sheet. (2 replies)
  174. Solved: Selecting First Empty Cell in Column A (2 replies)
  175. Ranking Based on criteria (3 replies)
  176. I know they all are criminals(a specific datatype) But dont know how many? (4 replies)
  177. One Kinter-Garden Question (7 replies)
  178. All our names are given to our heads only! (3 replies)
  179. [SOLVED:] Is the Child different from the Family? (2 replies)
  180. How to access the items in a row or column(i.e a cell) in Excel as Objects( Items ) ? (5 replies)
  181. Alternative solutions for adding the first cell of the columns of a worksheet to a li (2 replies)
  182. excel_copy (3 replies)
  183. What's the Name of that? (2 replies)
  184. Workbook "Save As" Method - Question (1 replies)
  185. Looping through controls having specific properties only! (1 replies)
  186. Activecell.movenext? (3 replies)
  187. Index Macro (6 replies)
  188. [SOLVED:] determining user input (8 replies)
  189. Solved: Copy files from folder to folder according to list (8 replies)
  190. EXCEL DELETE (1 replies)
  191. iteration loop (1 replies)
  192. Automatic Entry (5 replies)
  193. Application.FileSearch doesn't work (1 replies)
  194. Need Direction/Guidance (2 replies)
  195. Can't add book as an attachment (1 replies)
  196. Chart Object set Marker type and color (4 replies)
  197. Problem calling function twice (4 replies)
  198. Solved: Align Text (2 replies)
  199. "Object not found" (8 replies)
  200. Excel 2007 . . . Arrrgh (7 replies)
  201. Check cell for Valid Date (5 replies)
  202. FIFO REPORT (8 replies)
  203. How to force users to enter Four Numbers ONLY in inputbox (2 replies)
  204. Inputbox to force users enter date as DD/MM/YYYY ONLY (5 replies)
  205. Solved: Chart - Gridlines (4 replies)
  206. Application.StatusBar errors (2 replies)
  207. Solved: Count Based on two Criteria (7 replies)
  208. Solved: Date Search - error handling (2 replies)
  209. listbox.value blank while listbox.list(listindex) accurate (3 replies)
  210. Solved: TextBox BackColor when Enable (6 replies)
  211. Array or multiple lookups help (4 replies)
  212. Solved: Copy cell to multiple rows (5 replies)
  213. Screen shudder and jumping during macro run (4 replies)
  214. transferring problem (5 replies)
  215. password protection (3 replies)
  216. Show shapes when the pointer move over on any range (2 replies)
  217. Excel macro enabled workbook is not working on Vista m/c (0 replies)
  218. Solved: For, Each, Next Loop with a Skip (3 replies)
  219. conditional drop down list box (2 replies)
  220. Solved: Another format numeber issue (7 replies)
  221. Solved: Format numbers (2 replies)
  222. Solved: Memory used (1 replies)
  223. Solved: MouseWheel Event (1 replies)
  224. Solved: Right click menu in excel 2007 (1 replies)
  225. Solved: Analysis Toolpak (4 replies)
  226. PRINT MACRO (4 replies)
  227. Simple UDF....or so I thought. (4 replies)
  228. Solved: sending data from form to doc (2 replies)
  229. To find the unknown parameters by using subroutine (1 replies)
  230. Built a Hyperlink in excel using micro (1 replies)
  231. Solved: Why doesnt this work? I need someone smart! (8 replies)
  232. Security Alert (5 replies)
  233. Paste value from combobox into cell (8 replies)
  234. Solved: Add to existing comments via Userform (6 replies)
  235. Solved: UDF problem with ADO query (2 replies)
  236. Excel VBA to cut & paste between worksheets (1 replies)
  237. See only relevant data based on user and password login (3 replies)
  238. Direct Connect to mysql (17 replies)
  239. Solved: Keep cell in edit mode after VBA paste (18 replies)
  240. text file (26 replies)
  241. Solved: Formula question for extracting numbers (4 replies)
  242. Reference groups of excel data (11 replies)
  243. ListBox Headers and Sorting (3 replies)
  244. Date display issues in Consolidation File (4 replies)
  245. [SOLVED:] Interaction between applications (7 replies)
  246. Taking links from a site direct to a textbox (1 replies)
  247. Solved: open a text file with complex macro in current workbook (14 replies)
  248. How to export part of a sheet (7 replies)
  249. Solved: VBA Return to Initial Selected Cell (5 replies)
  250. Solved: ScrollBar to show Userform Form field values (10 replies)