- Solved: Cdate in range form number => date
- Compare 2 VBA Projects (code)
- Get details button from a data.
- How to speed up this macro? How to use an array?
- Split sheet to different files - variable number of rows
- Solved: sort data on cell by value order
- Solved: Find and Replace not working
- click and move
- Applying code to entire column
- Simple multiplication
- Loop until found / user cancels
- Solved: Adding another code the original VBA code (Excel 2003)
- Export to text file
- Macro to combine output of two sheet into one
- Speed up a slow code
- serial search
- Foreign language
- Solved: Trying to create a text box in word from excel
- Reading/writing MP3 properties with Excel VBA
- Excel Calender
- Add the file name in the header of the PDF
- CrePivot Table To Show All Value/Field Columns
- Solved: Updating Data Multipage 2 to Page 1 Combo box
- Sort By Value In Cell
- Solved: Average if
- Shortening VB Code
- Merging Cell EntireRow.Insert Excel 2003
- Merge all data in 1 cell with format
- VBA email - MERGE addresses
- VB Code help on Worksheets
- Import specific cells from a website table
- how to write a vba code to perform complex calculations
- Solved: where to put end if
- compile error
- Paste the file names in a excel sheet
- Sumif for text + concatenation
- VBA pulling data from a table
- [SOLVED:] Condtional format but if Cell next displays "Y", conditional colour should Green
- Solved: Conditional Formatting Help excel 2003
- Solved: Run a macro by refernce to a cell
- PasteSpecial
- Search in every column for a value in a specific row, then insert a column before IF
- [SOLVED:] FindNext
- Solved: Run code when workbook opens
- Filling Arrays
- Find all possible paths in a Flowchart
- Comparison
- Solved: Referencing objects
- Solved: Select the last used row in a column using VBA
- Dates
- Excel 2010 VBA Insert new row changes formula
- Need Macro to create a Format
- Solved: locked method of range failed
- How to save webpage as html to drive
- [SOLVED:] UserForm Radio Buttons
- Create blank lines between all current
- Copy data to Master file from Different Sheets
- VBA for Dynamic source data for charts
- 3 pairs of If and end if
- add message to macro
- auto populate with cell change event?
- Excel Phonebook
- [SOLVED:] Hiding multiple non-contiguous rows simultaneously and quickly
- Solved: Fine Tuning an Application Event
- [SOLVED:] Formula In Entire COlumn
- Understanding brettdj multiple goal seek code
- Solved: Cell Name as a variable to feed
- [SOLVED:] Highlight row based on cell value
- run Time error '76 -looking for files within Sharepoint
- [SOLVED:] Using array and column data to creat new sheets
- Converting Access SQL to EXCEL SQL
- [SOLVED:] NOVICE QUESTION: Referencing Integer Arrays
- Solved: Excel Functions VBA
- search and count values
- auto select
- [SOLVED:] Hide and Unhide rows based on the condition set
- [SOLVED:] backup of file with date
- [SOLVED:] Borders on a Range of Cells
- [SOLVED:] Multiplying cells in a range only if they have content
- Macro - transpose - audit
- formula copy
- [SOLVED:] Worksheet event does nothing
- Solved: vbs creates .xml from folders - how to run excel macro at end
- Solved: Avoid Screen flickering and selection
- cell blinking
- Solved: Inserting a formula with VBA
- Hidden ActiveX Controls Disappearing
- Arrange Images relative to each other
- Question about Slicers
- [SOLVED:] Make text in a cell bold
- Solved: VBA Code help.
- Find and Replace of Formula Result
- pivot table automation
- extract data from multiples excel files
- unable to set focus
- userform combobox requirement
- Solved: Delete Unused rows in a table
- VB ClearContents if add-on (Excel 2003)
- Solved: Save as and File Directory
- Solved: Create Monthly Calendar using Userform
- Converting conditional format to permanent and reference to shapes
- Solved: Writing data from workbook to text file
- Array function
- Real challenge from my professor
- VBA drop down and he internet
- Excel 2010 fuzzy vlookup add in
- Assign Keyboard Shortcut to Ribbon Item Excel 2007
- Next and Prev. command
- need help with a code
- improving class modules with syntax sugar
- Solved: Delete Empty cells with condition
- match or vlookup help
- Dont Change Folder/Zip File after Zipping & Unzipping
- Transpose Range on Key
- ListBox Index Select
- expired workbook
- Solved: Producing multiple spreadsheets by running data from excel database
- Solved: copy data to another spreadsheet
- [SOLVED:] Interchanging data on different sheets
- Assigning macro to print button code help
- Solved: whats the difference
- Calculate Correlations Based on Changing Parameters
- Plotting an arrow in excel using VBA
- Frequently bought together
- Cell copy the data to another cell with offset
- Solved: UF Count Tally
- Error using .Find across worksheets
- insert row above button (retrieve position of button)
- How to analyze and sort data using VBA
- pause and continue
- Help with Excel & Office Web Component!!
- Solved: Open Txt File and Copy data
- Write Hebrew characters to file in VBA
- Problem with OnAction
- The active cell in a sheet other than the active sheet (VBA Excel)
- Pesky users, causing issues with userform
- Solved: Help with Pivot Tables
- Solved: Extend Range selection Down
- Look up values through hierarchies
- Solved: Find Last Used Cell In a Table
- sumproduct help ..
- Solved: Find a string and align left
- Data Validation List
- Workbook Parameters compare
- [SLEEPER:] OnTime Problem ..?
- Solved: Looking for a more 'flexible' Match()
- Error when set value to an worksheet object
- Date Tranformation
- sum of mismatch records
- Problem in adding record using macro
- Solved: merge blank record in first column
- Shade Weekends in Calendar
- Solved: Find final Row In Mearge TOP Cell
- Unselect missing line in "References VBAProject"
- [SOLVED:] How to stop a specific VBA loop??
- Solved: Option Buttons in Multipage Form
- VB+Excel help
- Solved: Choose a folder in a directory if found.
- Adding Data Rows into excel using user inputs.
- Add value in empty cell always same line column after column
- Count of distributors based on criteria
- Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick is not invoked
- Solved: Modify Copy to spreadsheet
- Autoupdate Dropbox Values
- I feel Computer Illeterate
- Sleeper: Select column and row(s) and change format
- Check Box Issue
- Recall data to my userform
- populate combobox when workbook is open
- Date and time calculation
- VBA to logon to Webpage (JSP)?
- Import data from website
- Combine Data that obviously the same
- Solved: Quintiles and Conditional Formatting
- Solved: Trim extra characters from Column F
- Solved: SumProduct Help
- [SLEEPER:] Error of Advanced filter, copy & paste from different worksheets using 1 cmd button
- Solved: Using ElseIF
- Force user to enable macros
- Solved: Blank cells
- Solved: More on SumProduct
- Solved: Expression not running all the way through
- Solved: Paste block of data into certain cells
- Allow Group/Ungroup on protected sheet
- change the (Worksheet_Change) event for a module (Sub).
- Solved: Need help with adding yes/no msgbox to Find Procedure
- edit values of a cell through textbox in a user form
- Solved: color
- replace text/integer within a formula
- Solved: Excel VBA Code for higlighting Pass Or Fail profile
- Locking Cells
- Solved: Macro embedded in workbook
- Formatting not alligning properly on macro run
- Solved: Delete Duplicate Colums
- How to go through a list on two different worksheets comparing values using VBA
- Delete all rows under a group
- COUNTIF formula with text color
- Solved: excel can't calculate formula
- VBA Print Range
- [SLEEPER:] Obtaining the standard deviation of a range in vba code
- Updating Linked Data
- Solved: Sheet Protection and Clipboard
- Edit macro to pull from column instead of line in macro
- Close messages
- Extract missing digits
- Lookup and Match data
- Comparing spreadsheet - VBA almost working..
- [SOLVED:] Deploying Add-in
- Show / Hide part of Tabstrip or Multipage
- ActiveCell.Offset in a Data filtered sheet
- More Robust Directory List Generator?
- need help with simple macros
- copy cells to one page from others
- Same ComboBox Value to show in 3 other ComboBoxes in Seperate Userforms
- How to disable Paste Special->Keep Source Formatting - Excel 2010
- Collecting Data
- [SOLVED:] Close and re-open
- userform combobox error
- Use PlaySound and control left/right volume independently
- VBA Code to copy required data into Separate Sheet
- Sum x number of rows
- Minimise use of SELECT in macro copying data from one sheet to another
- Extract substring
- Solved: if-else query
- Solved: problem with sum product formula
- Auto Email
- Solved: How to perform code on all pages except first one
- Multiple columns into multiple rows
- read write format text files
- sort by upcoming date 60 days from today
- Solved: combine data from spreadsheet help
- find number of work days in month
- Remove Duplicates by Date Range
- Store Value in A temporary Variable
- Solved: Search Through Subfolders of a Selected Folder
- Solved: Creating folder with drive selection.
- split workbook into 2 by criteria
- Find Function - ONLY find what is specified
- Solved: Using Dir()
- Solved: Formula to extract string help
- Solved: Convert formula to Macro; find closest value and return adjacent values
- Error in Picking the specific excel file
- Formatting a cell's value as a date
- VBA overflow problem, export data
- Fill Rows Based On Cell Above
- Delete Row If Cell Doesn't Contain Word
- Formula Help
- Copy data from Multiple Sheets
- [SOLVED:] Merge multiple .txt files into one .txt thru Excel VBA