View Full Version : Excel Help
- [SOLVED:] Copy data to other sheet
- [SLEEPER:] Consolidate data from multiple excel files into single file
- [SOLVED:] Look for specific date
- VBA Multiplication Formula
- VBA Code to select value from Popup dropdown
- Window 8 PutInClipboard error
- [SOLVED:] Macro running but populaing wrong cells
- Can not run SQL update statement
- (Help) Moving row with the macro
- [SOLVED:] SUMIF formula
- [SOLVED:] IF / AND within VLOOKUP formula
- [SOLVED:] manipulating bmp files
- Excel Crashes and macro runs slow
- [SOLVED:] Data connections have been disabled
- Saving A Excel Macros File
- Copy data to other sheet
- Generate number when userform information is submitted
- [SOLVED:] vba macro code for counting total days above 32 degrees, 33, 34, and goes on..
- [SOLVED:] Compare/match name list in sheet with sheet names and delete extra names from list
- Help with ActiveX installs (date picker)?
- [SOLVED:] Vlookup: Wildcard in Reverse
- want to compel user to enter data to both col B and then col C if data is in col A
- Display a simple Access Database onClick
- Sending emails with attachments from excel
- Help please
- [SOLVED:] Need code to merge PDF files in a folder using adobe acrobat X
- [SOLVED:] VBA Create Unique Distinct List From Three columns
- [SOLVED:] Set a variable based on another variable
- Excel weird behavior when connecting through ADODB
- Dumb question - onLoad?
- Create Time Log Based on Workbook.Activate/Deactivate events
- [SLEEPER:] VBA runtime crash - Listrows.add
- Displaying an SQL Select Statement Help
- Clear contents
- help with uniquevalue function
- Run macro from an already open workbook
- I need good examples how to traverse xml file
- [SOLVED:] Excel data import once only and save as new file
- Listing folder names in a column
- User form, VBA and timediff
- [SOLVED:] Working With Specific Named Ranges
- Count Number of Targets Reached
- Import Table With No ID From Internet
- Run Access Macros in Excel
- [SOLVED:] Match numbers and highlight
- [SOLVED:] Force user to save as new file and NOT overwrite MASTER file
- SumIf Dynamic Range
- [SOLVED:] On Error Close Worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Chart title not updating
- [SOLVED:] update pivot dynamically based on range in separate worksheet
- [SOLVED:] selecting the newest date
- Simple Link to Access code
- [SOLVED:] Mismatch error
- What's the best approach: Need multiple queries displayed on Excel on the same page
- VBA To Send Warning When The User Hasnt Worked In The Workbook For X Minutes
- Pasting into cell changes format - can this be stopped?
- Running Macro when Data Valaudation Cell Changes
- Navigate Webiste and click on link/button using vba
- [SOLVED:] Why is this loop not working?
- Sending email from Excel
- Can Excel run this big SQL?
- [SOLVED:] R1C1 and using variable in array formula
- Excel dashboard based on Outlook data with events
- VBA getElementsByTagName Issues
- [SOLVED:] Loop Data validation list item and generate PDF for each
- Error code 438
- Search for a string with " char.
- [SOLVED:] VBA Separate monthly data into weekly data
- [SOLVED:] TextBox Editor
- [SOLVED:] dayly data to weekly data
- [SOLVED:] delete all sheets and charts except "Input"
- Using datevalue with different languages
- [SOLVED:] Proper syntax to sort columns (only identified in variable)
- [SOLVED:] vba macro code for filtering from the given numbers.
- VBA merge without creating new sheet
- Macro for copying specific values from one excel file to another
- VBA- Skipping word in column of data and displaying result in other sheet
- Copy my files + Date
- Macro to find a word and select a range based in their position
- Scrolling down flowchart
- Copying a (variable) range from multiple worksheets to a summary worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Count filled Cell where having number Only
- Generate path of a file in column and send email as attachment based on a cell value
- combobox to populate listbox
- [SOLVED:] copy entire row to another sheet if cloumn A contains numeric data on Cloumn A
- Offset command for specific row display
- My code works for a single row, but how do I make it work for all rows?
- Opening multiple files and applying a macro to all of them
- [SOLVED:] Plz help, Macro needed for If the file opened from folder, do this
- VBA: Change conditionally highlighted rows from current date to 24 hours
- [SOLVED:] Duplicate Master from Brettdj
- [SOLVED:] VBA Black Scholes w/Greeks and Conditional Formula
- Excel Macro help with Outlook email
- [SOLVED:] Help transforming dates and rounding numbers using VBA
- Best approach to filter on a value, but showing all lines concerned by same object?
- [SOLVED:] Paste data to another sheet and do sum and Multiply.
- [SOLVED:] Transposing in VBA
- [SLEEPER:] Multiplied of 2 column
- Find duplicates in each column, then delete rows containing only Subsequent duplicate
- VBA to Self Destruct File
- List Conditional Formatting on Separate Sheet
- Search & Replace
- What to do when Text is found in a row?
- Help Organising Data
- CountIf with date
- Relative address rather than absolute address in VBA code (macro)
- [SOLVED:] Sum the column
- VBA concenate problem
- enable and disable cells based on other cell value
- Cut and Paste Rows from multiple Worksheets on to one summary sheet based on 1 condit
- Macro to repeat merge, Filter, copy & paste to other sheet.
- [SOLVED:] Identify value and automatically puts in another spreadsheet
- [SOLVED:] vba script to convert worksheets to pdf
- Logic
- Insert blank rows based upon cell value with criteria
- Cells Clearcontents
- [SOLVED:] Pivot "For Each" Filtering Loop Failing
- [SOLVED:] check if listbox selected
- [SOLVED:] ComboBox: Possible to change Popout direction?
- [SOLVED:] Tab order with VBA
- How to enter data in a specific cell (c8 in all sheets ) when data is on 1st sheet
- [SOLVED:] Ignoring comma when creating validation lists
- Pivot table empty
- [SOLVED:] Passing Variables through VBA Excel - VBA Access
- Sleeper: How to make Excel Start itself with a VBA Macro
- [SOLVED:] Per hour result
- Sleeper: Open attached file from email in Lotus Notes in Excel
- [SOLVED:] Pivot Table Subtotals
- [SOLVED:] VBA Print function - want quotation marks in my text file
- [SOLVED:] Inquiry: VBA Code in Excel
- [SOLVED:] vba textbox data valdiation
- Adapt VBA Code With Adjusment Range
- [SOLVED:] Export multiple worksheets into one csv file
- [SOLVED:] Need to copy paste different cells to another file (files are same image)
- Comma delimiters - Batch conversion of .csv to .xlsx
- Macro not running properly on other systems
- typed and moving
- Set range and calculate sum problem
- whenever auto insert row than auto enter a formula in specific cell
- [SOLVED:] Formulas to values with offset based on date > today
- [SOLVED:] Lotus Notes adding signature and attaching saved PDF
- Compare two columns to sheet3 based on condition
- Add New line above inlineshapes.
- MAX MIN AVERAGE for situation
- Search column - move/copy entire row into another sheet.
- [SOLVED:] Set Range as a single cell relative to active cell
- [SOLVED:] Userform listbox to range
- [SOLVED:] Multiply cell values using worksheet change event
- Copy used cells and paste to master spreadsheet
- Macro for adding variably named PDF in email from excel -
- Getting "Subscript out of range" error
- [SOLVED:] How to identify my version of VBA
- [SOLVED:] Deactivate Event Causing Error
- [SOLVED:] Dir function not working
- Update Pivot Table filter by a value in another cell
- Object Variable or With Block variable not set
- Can this be done with macro
- [SOLVED:] Replace formula
- [SOLVED:] Adding Values in a Userform
- Need to link drop down list from range in xlsm (Add-In)
- Indexed Database Table in Excel for Lookup
- [SOLVED:] VBA Format to Sheet Array
- [SOLVED:] excel 2010 stops working when opening a userform
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to parse boolean equations
- [SOLVED:] Insert blank row based on values in specified column
- [SOLVED:] SetFocus on TextBoxes
- help conditional formula if cell
- Deleting repeated cells in two column table (text)
- Using inputbox to locate a range, and using 2 different locations to insert amounts
- Tips And Tricks
- [SOLVED:] VBA Generate sheets with unique values
- [SOLVED:] Loop Only Works on Active Sheet
- [SOLVED:] Delete Duplicate data on sheet2 and delete the row
- [SOLVED:] Need help with macro that clears out several different worksheets
- Email Automation
- Mass Pivot Table Changes
- [SOLVED:] Find strings and delete
- How to paste a range of cells from excel to text field of a web page
- Request Help for this Simple Macro
- Excel 2010 Protect Existing Row, Allow New Rows
- Sorting GPS Marks
- [SOLVED:] macro to repeat a value times in a column
- Calculate multiple sums depending on cells
- loop the wookbook with HPageBreaks and VPageBreaks.
- [SOLVED:] Export embedded Word document and set data
- [SOLVED:] Close a command button after it has been clicked
- [SOLVED:] Average times as long as between 2 dates
- [SOLVED:] Select Case nested in If Else... where's the break?
- VBA Index/Multiple Match criteria
- [SOLVED:] Check & Copy Data
- Object variable or With block variable not set error
- VBA: extract systematiically 5 rows and save them in a new excell file as .txt
- [SOLVED:] Calculating Min,Max,Quartile in dynamic ranges
- [SOLVED:] Worksheet focus change issues with userform(s)
- Interpolation and calculation from table
- [SOLVED:] VBA Coding to Repalce a List of Words with one word.
- Fill in InputBox using VBA
- Put Data On One Row in Excel With Many Forms
- [SOLVED:] Sum Based On condition!
- [SOLVED:] vba function to return random sign
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to populate to end of data
- Auto paste special on lookup formulas if value is found
- [SOLVED:] Selecting Multiple Items in a Pivotfield, Hoping to be able to Toggle with a Hotkey
- [SOLVED:] time utilization
- [SOLVED:] Macro code for matching and replacing the values
- VBA code to merge cells
- [SOLVED:] InStr reading cells - doing something wrong
- Hello my fellow nerds
- [SOLVED:] Repeat a column Insert in the same position on two other sheets.
- [SOLVED:] Code Execution Interrupted when Reloading Userform
- HELP : Extract value with criteria color
- Fastest way to temporarily store results for further analysis
- [SOLVED:] Paste a columns formats and formulas not its values
- Prevent form from closing after programmatically adding code
- Help With Counting
- Strange delay in execution of MailTo Macro code
- INDIRECT() function doesn't work: "Can't Find Object or Library"
- Excel 2010 huge file size
- Show Zero Value in Cell
- [SOLVED:] Changing the Row reference of a formula
- [SOLVED:] How to Make Copy of Word Document
- Re-Arrange Data based on FLAG
- When choosing an image according to the number in a cell to show marked
- Extract portion of web page to excel using VBA
- [SOLVED:] Bypass Run-time error '13'?
- [SLEEPER:] Run Access create table query from Excel with msgbox displaying records created
- [SOLVED:] Renaming a text file and extension from content
- [SOLVED:] Need Error Check
- [SOLVED:] Re-Activating OnSave Macro
- Copy Columns With Specific Headers--Paste Into Separate Workbook Based On Header
- [SOLVED:] Issues in conditional formatting
- Sleeper: Macro built on Win64 not running on Win32
- [SOLVED:] Using multiple if criteria in VBA
- Bitten off more than I can chew.
- [SOLVED:] Please help Chart data
- total Fridays in a range
- Sleeper: Copy Data From INTERNET EXPLORER into Excel using vba
- Shared document/Multiple Users - tops please :)
- Require macro for the attached scenario
- Macro to Clear Rows Not Containing a Particular Word/Text Across Worksheets
- [SOLVED:] excel userform calendar for leave tracking
- [SOLVED:] Excel 2013 - text box glitch - tiny cursor on entry, font size fine on exit
- Update SharePoint List from Excel using VBA
- Paste as text not BMP! in lotus notes
- Open Password protected zip file using vba
- CSV files processing
- VBA Script to import Sheet content from external workbook
- Data exctraction from one sheet to another
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