View Full Version : Excel Help
- [SOLVED:] Automating Date Entry
- [SOLVED:] compare date in number and product
- search for data and delete rows containing it
- [SOLVED:] Finding non-zero minimum in a dynamic array
- [SOLVED:] Transfer values from sheet to textbox
- Using Min() in VBA
- Move various duplicate rows to new sheet
- Varible help?
- Copy range of cells between workbooks with same named sheets
- Excel VBA - vLook-Up if match first 2 characters of one column with another column
- Help on Shell and Class module
- [SOLVED:] Updating sheet with data from another sheet
- Excel VBA - Delete last row containing data
- [SOLVED:] VBA conditional formatting
- [SOLVED:] Call Sub in module from userform
- Check 2 column and Combine Data
- savecopyas in event
- Filtercopy does not return records listed with criteria value below 7 characters
- [SOLVED:] Consolidate spreadhseets
- [SOLVED:] GetElementsByClassName With IE8
- Workbook -macros query
- Wrong line in the macro.
- [SOLVED:] Adjust error calculation in VBA
- html problem with vba
- [SOLVED:] Need: VB code to get values from different closed workbooks
- Copy & Pasting Overwrites My Data Validation
- if find string copy that cell to right column
- vba code move cell to next cell
- Worksheet change clears selection(s) on MultiSelect type listbox.
- Help to use an array for this little section of code
- Excel slideshow and data query help
- [SOLVED:] Copy sheet into another workbook and put in alphabetical order
- Percentage Difference for Two Percentage
- Have Macro run when cell is updated
- VBA Script to Average Amplitude Values in Each Bin Range of a Frequency Histogram
- Information sheet or message in xlam?
- [SOLVED:] Change the macro to search for a specific word (as written) and not close to it
- Call previous dictionary entry
- Rename buttons using loop and "i + 1"
- [SOLVED:] RTE Error
- Unable to set FormulaArray Property of the Range Class - Using Replace Function
- [SOLVED:] Ie Automation
- [SOLVED:] Populating Listbox
- [SOLVED:] Creating a unique id
- help with copy range
- Search for a string on all excel files inside a ZIp folder
- VBA Calendar
- Rename Code Modules Programmatically
- Extract values of a certain format
- How to copy format of a column using spin button
- Total data if salary each month is the same - VBA
- [SOLVED:] 2013 CalcPad.xlsm in XLStart folder. Open Excel - "CalcPad.xlsm is already open."
- PivotFields class returns an error when .Function property is set
- Change Cell Color on Sheet "Statistic" if value is negative
- trasfer data from Lotus macro to Excal VBA macro
- blank row
- Barcode fonts
- [SOLVED:] copy not contiguous cells via VBA
- [SOLVED:] Date overlap
- Find a "zero" of an implicit function
- VLOOKUP returns #N/A
- [SOLVED:] User input to delete value in named range:
- [SOLVED:] Help with Loops
- Copy data from different workbook and consolidate into one masterfile workbook
- Fill a combobox with data found in a range based on worksheet chosen in another cbx
- Bill of Material
- [SOLVED:] RunTime Error 53 : File Not Found error
- XML Data I/O
- Code to Group Worksheets when Printing and Print Preview - 2003 vs 2010
- Exel Crashes with Form Control
- [SOLVED:] Sum from previous sum formula in a column to active cell
- Sumifs and dates
- [SOLVED:] struggling with excel combo boxes macro
- Help with code
- [SOLVED:] Range, Columns, and Copy
- find matching entry, then copy and paste
- Excel as Notify Icon
- [SOLVED:] Help to Improve Double Loop Code
- Edit VBA to prevent paste but allow copy and save the file with a file name derived
- Create a simple chart in a sheet where a pivot table already exists
- Create Sheet if Workbook name contain some text
- [SOLVED:] Need a little help with "totals"
- Copy Paste from multiple worksheets into one based on multiple criteria
- import txt. file to excel with vba
- [SOLVED:] fill months following
- Loop through subfolders
- [SOLVED:] VBA Auto SAVE - need help!
- [SOLVED:] Error: Overflow
- [SOLVED:] Parse Text And Read Into Cells
- [SOLVED:] Allow only choose 4 colors
- Check whether numbers are sequential?
- Importing data from Header and table in Word to Excel.
- [SOLVED:] Changing formatting by writing all cells to an array
- Help in VBA
- Hidden worksheet codes not working
- SaveasUI - Save as .xls not XLSM
- [SOLVED:] Subscript out of Range
- VBA Auto generate numbering
- Trouble setting pivot page filter using VBA
- Merging Word Documents From VBA
- New to VBA Coding
- Excel record aggregation with VBA macro
- [SLEEPER:] Runtime error 445, need help
- [SOLVED:] VBA Scientific Format. Can I reduce a digit?
- Mathematical Excel Optimisation Challenge (production of units)
- [SOLVED:] Increment Column Selection with InputBox
- Question regarding loops sum and average
- Sales Returns for FIFO
- [SOLVED:] Kill Files that Begin With Something
- [SOLVED:] Automatic Generate random unique time From 8 AM till 21 PM in range
- Format search results in a Multicolumn Listbox With Headings
- [SOLVED:] Date range
- [SOLVED:] Adding New Chart Series with Loop
- String length mismatch
- [SLEEPER:] Change Decimal Separator
- Optimize a VBA loop
- [SOLVED:] Creating an Array from a Table with only one row in it
- [SOLVED:] Acceptable to use Goto
- Hiding Cols With VBA
- automation error
- Compiling and Exporting Information
- [SOLVED:] Case Senerio and Offset That Creates A Data Validation Box
- Array for ActiveX Controls
- [SOLVED:] Trying to find the next empty cell in a range Using With and Set method - Help
- [SOLVED:] Increase number every nth year
- [SOLVED:] macro button for copying excel data into multiple word docs
- [SOLVED:] Directly Copy A Range from One Sheet to Another
- How to compare text in 2 cells and highlight incorrect text
- Excel VBA to Unhide rows with a specific value in a Range
- Printing an Selected Sheets
- How to add row into another worksheet based on multiple cell values?
- Multiple Column Listbox (with headers) = the bain of my existence
- How to Avoid Formatting Cells When Protected?
- Automating the use of
- VBA Userform (for Entering Data)
- Lookup column value and find value
- [SOLVED:] Userform for Entering Data in Excel VBA
- Slow Import from Web
- How modal forms work
- [SOLVED:] Print a changing range based on date values
- [SOLVED:] Put data from userform into specific place.
- [SOLVED:] ListView Run-time erro "13"; Type mismatch
- [SLEEPER:] Run-time error when using OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider
- Autofilter based on content in cells
- [SOLVED:] Writing and Reading the Same Set of Ranges
- How to send email from excel using VBA with Cell Range (Including Images) as Email Bo
- [SOLVED:] Download file, how do I know when the file is downloaded?
- Issues getting data in PowerPivot from Access
- [SOLVED:] Iterate values through cell using VBA and record result
- Iterate values through calculation using VBA and record results
- Runtime error copying value from one worksheet to another in same workbook
- [SOLVED:] Trying to add variables into Worksheet statements and can't get the right syntax
- VBA combo boxes
- [SOLVED:] When does a Chart object become a ChartObject object
- Userform submitting a date in format "mmm-yy", but a small problem arises.
- VBA - Rounding Goal Seek result
- I Can't change <SELECT> html tag using VBA
- remove an item from a combobox.
- multiple word files tables to excel vba
- [SOLVED:] Need Help Removing quotes and double quotes from my Excel Spreadsheet
- Merged mulitple sheets of existing workbook into one sheet
- Excel 2003, worksheet_change to insert current date when a cell is colored yellow
- Merge Single Worksheets from Different Files into One Workbook AND Replace Formulas
- trouble selecting sheet
- [SOLVED:] Remove Text
- VBA Code - Novice Here, Sorry!
- Searching information in different bases
- [SOLVED:] Worksheet not updating with data from VBA
- Update workbook data from another workbook
- [SOLVED:] Code works in Macro, but not in Function
- creating Parameters in Excel using VBA
- Help Require in VBA
- [SOLVED:] Problem deleting a legendEntry
- [SOLVED:] Runtime Error 1004 on 2nd run
- Automatically Inserting Rows with Date, Each Worksheet
- Help with VBA Events - some work and some don't
- [SOLVED:] Help me improve some old code
- [SOLVED:] Clearing contents of all worksheets in a excel workbook
- [SOLVED:] Find every instance of a word, then find previous instance of another word
- [SOLVED:] Correct Row/Column Numbers with INDEX and MATCH
- [SOLVED:] Help With Worksheet Change event
- [SOLVED:] Calculate sub shift hours
- Adding Item to Reference Library
- [SOLVED:] Help with a msgbox :)
- [SOLVED:] Userform doesn't open unless Excel is the active application
- Delete Powerpoint slide which contains zero values
- [SOLVED:] Find and Match Formula
- EXCEL/Quickbooks HELP!!!
- Complex Filtering & Copying With VBA (Need Help)
- Finding duplicates and replacing.
- One rate sheet - multiple customers/multiple rates based on the one sheet
- Help jump Columns
- [SOLVED:] De-Duplication & Merge with multiple criteria
- VBA Help please (Novice)
- [SOLVED:] Delete duplicate rows Excel 2003
- [SOLVED:] VBA MsgBox Width in WIN7
- [SOLVED:] Excel Crashes when Saving workbook
- [SOLVED:] FileSearch Macro error
- VBA Help Needed with Dynamic Sum Formula
- Utilizing Stored procedure parameters in VBA
- Annual Time Sheet (including flexi/TOIL) - Enter Negative Time/hours
- VBA / Excel / Formula / Examples
- count numbers that are in two sets of numbers
- Problem with ProgressBar
- [SOLVED:] Rank/ Sequence of Repetition
- Copy and Paste if Value changes
- IE.navigate not working on VPN
- To obtain the coordinates
- Sleeper: Create VBA Function from VBA Macro - Inverse of Matrix in Excel VBA
- [SOLVED:] Formula Q: referencing first column number that meets specific criteria
- [SOLVED:] Calling custom class method through variable
- Replace All fires WS_Change for every cell
- Check If Files In A Folder Are Open Without Knowing Name/File Type
- [SOLVED:] Lookup up formula
- Setting a timeout for Excel workbook
- Import Sharepoint list into Excel
- Macro for inserting new rows conditionally.
- Help with code
- Copy cells from an open workbook to a closed workbook
- [SOLVED:] Close workbook without save prompt?
- 2013 Slicer Events
- Excel functions
- [SOLVED:] Is this efficient?
- Need Macro to Copy and Ignore Duplicate
- macro to find modified date of file
- [SOLVED:] What does it mean to click on a cell?
- Possible to have a macro "Rewrite" another macro?
- Export / Print all Charts in Workbook to PDF
- [SOLVED:] How to use the AddComment method of the range object
- [SLEEPER:] Issues getting text into a text box on a website form
- Latest file name in the folder path
- file exists or not
- [SOLVED:] Headings in formulas
- PowerPoint crashes while copypasting diagrams from Excel
- Login into intenet website not recognizing password via VBA code from excel
- Input date into input box on website not working correctly
- [SOLVED:] Small Delay when showing Form
- [SOLVED:] Ratio being force formatted into Time
- [SOLVED:] Counting specific figures based on pivot table data
- [SOLVED:] Wildcards with Replace in VBA
- Code duration inconsistent
- Unhide Entire Rows based on numeric value in cell
- Need help with four basic VBA functions
- Lookup multiple values and compare different scenarios to get a specific result
- Are these multiple range objects or multiple names
- Need help with inspecting elements from website
- [SOLVED:] Macro not working for partial date format conversion
- [SOLVED:] Calculator buttons repeat very slowly
- Game in excell that I found. Where is the code that makes this game work
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