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  1. Different access for different users (10 replies)
  2. Unique Rows In New Workbook (2 replies)
  3. Solved: Adding and apostophe to the beginning of numbers within cell (5 replies)
  4. Emailing in Excel using VBA Groupwise (0 replies)
  5. Excel 2007 Color Compatibility Issue (0 replies)
  6. Change series of a chart without using relative reference.... (0 replies)
  7. Help needed with this function call (3 replies)
  8. [SOLVED:] stupid questions (5 replies)
  9. Save As File Type 'Options' (3 replies)
  10. Sleeper: Unfinished Macro Copy cells from different Workbooks to a Main Workbook (7 replies)
  11. Excel sends email with low importance (3 replies)
  12. Copy and paste part of data to new workbook and save in specific directory (2 replies)
  13. Excel 2003 speed up code??? (3 replies)
  14. determine if "File Download" window is there (3 replies)
  15. Help!! Excel Data gets cut off when pasting to ppt slide (0 replies)
  16. Solved: Userform query (4 replies)
  17. Solved: Find & Replace problem (6 replies)
  18. Conditional [Color] Formatting not recognized with formula (8 replies)
  19. Problems with Evaluate method in VBA: Variance of the product of two ranges (1 replies)
  20. Excel crasches while opening files with references.addfromfile (0 replies)
  21. Solved: Autofilter (3 replies)
  22. Pivot Table - Blank rows/columns (9 replies)
  23. saving a MSP file to open up in Excel and back (1 replies)
  24. Use vlookup formual in data validation (0 replies)
  25. Chart scaling and adjusting (2 replies)
  26. Solved: Switching the Worksheet Deletion Warning Off? (2 replies)
  27. Can you make VLOOKUPS conditional? (5 replies)
  28. Compare Data from one sheet to another (2 replies)
  29. Solved: Copy input range (2 replies)
  30. Solved: Randomly picked winners (2 replies)
  31. Drop down in one cell & fill another cell (8 replies)
  32. Solved: Help with Excel roster matching... (2 replies)
  33. VBA Split Workbook macro (5 replies)
  34. Solved: Read in Excel, Write out to Text (3 replies)
  35. Apply macros to an other workbook (4 replies)
  36. Conditional count (4 replies)
  37. Solved: Help opening csv files in Excel (23 replies)
  38. Importing data; action when ready (0 replies)
  39. Trying to modify an macros (13 replies)
  40. Select All Data (8 replies)
  41. Data Values in chart (9 replies)
  42. Solved: chart titles with varied font sizes (6 replies)
  43. changing chart colours dynamically (1 replies)
  44. Solved: IF(IsNumber (7 replies)
  45. Compare Private Function help. (1 replies)
  46. Class Project for bnwhite (4 replies)
  47. [SOLVED:] How to check if a shape Exists? (5 replies)
  48. Solved: Auto_Run macro that only auto_runs once (7 replies)
  49. (Limited) Loop Through Sheets. (1 replies)
  50. Solved: Copy cells with no spaces and paste with semi-colon (15 replies)
  51. search for mulitiple text strings, return value (6 replies)
  52. Converting English number Fomat to German number Format (5 replies)
  53. Solved: ActiveCell rw,col (2 replies)
  54. Adding rows and copying cells (3 replies)
  55. Solved: How to insert ToolTips in Cell? (2 replies)
  56. How to write this kind of code (14 replies)
  57. delete row is A(x) is blank (4 replies)
  58. [SOLVED:] List all sheets of opened workbook into ComboBox (8 replies)
  59. Extract entire row based on the cell value (5 replies)
  60. i want to learn VBA (7 replies)
  61. Values from Spreadsheet into Userform Textbox (7 replies)
  62. Comment box listing sheet names from active cell (4 replies)
  63. VBA "ignoring" request to not copy from sheet (2 replies)
  64. [Excel] Data transfer to new file (1 replies)
  65. Linking-updating worksheets? (10 replies)
  66. Solved: Why is the sorted array Not being returned? (9 replies)
  67. Solved: Copy Entire Row based on Cell (4 replies)
  68. VBA Copy/Paste Offset Values Between Sheets (2 replies)
  69. Solved: Why is vba not obeying an if statement to skip a sheet? (2 replies)
  70. Modeless Userform event (6 replies)
  71. Trying to call a amcro on selection of a cell in a range (2 replies)
  72. Populate Array from a range in a closed workbook in vba (4 replies)
  73. "one hundred" converted to 100 (5 replies)
  74. auto populate cell in worksheet (3 replies)
  75. How do I reference the current cell? (2 replies)
  76. Solved: Finding avg of ranges (7 replies)
  77. Wildcard in SUMPRODUCT (5 replies)
  78. Solved: Newbie VBA help in Excel (Moving cells) (6 replies)
  79. Solved: Excel accounting spreadsheet macro (24 replies)
  80. Solved: If loops (7 replies)
  81. [SLEEPER:] Activating Excel VBA References programatically (5 replies)
  82. Regarding Application.ScreenUpdating=False (3 replies)
  83. Solved: Help Basics Input Data (19 replies)
  84. Error (1 replies)
  85. Auto Enable Macro in 2007 (2 replies)
  86. excel 2007 stop pop up (7 replies)
  87. Solved: cycle through rows (6 replies)
  88. InputBox (7 replies)
  89. Solved: Export Shapes to PowerPoint (3 replies)
  90. Solved: VBA active cell (5 replies)
  91. Solved: Splitting cell values into two defferent columns (13 replies)
  92. Solved: Select Cases using two columns (5 replies)
  93. Attached alpha numeric based on criteria (3 replies)
  94. Create Copies of Workbook (4 replies)
  95. Solved: Problem with averaging netdays with criteria (23 replies)
  96. Solved: Get MS Word OptionButton value from Excel VBA (19 replies)
  97. PrintPreview failed (7 replies)
  98. [SOLVED:] How to enter just time in a cell (28 replies)
  99. Select date in page field (4 replies)
  100. Solved: Vlookup and negative numbers (6 replies)
  101. Solved: Range method failed (7 replies)
  102. Problems with Workbook_Beforesave (3 replies)
  103. difficult macro to count values (15 replies)
  104. Solved: Find Max Value across Wkshts and display max in alert (4 replies)
  105. Solved: Adding Formula into Loop (4 replies)
  106. Color fill when >= date entered (5 replies)
  107. Solved: Display Sheet Name If Cell Criteria Is Met (3 replies)
  108. Solved: Change the state of cell by clicking on it (3 replies)
  109. Help with Embedded Add-In Links in a Spreadsheet (4 replies)
  110. cancel button click events (1 replies)
  111. Need help with deleting duplicates (14 replies)
  112. Solved: Adding another column to a listbox? (4 replies)
  113. Array Forumla Help (1 replies)
  114. [SOLVED:] Auto add code to [ThisWorkbook] while running macro from different location (3 replies)
  115. Solved: Run code if workbook abc.xls is open (2 replies)
  116. Loop - usage (10 replies)
  117. Solved: Move and delete row (3 replies)
  118. Solved: Help with SendKeys (4 replies)
  119. Looping through a column (3 replies)
  120. search and delete (1 replies)
  121. Solved: Can't suppress "Do you want to save..." (19 replies)
  122. Custom Menus (3 replies)
  123. Solved: Last Row, CopyPaste (2 replies)
  124. import data to Excel from old accounting system (1 replies)
  125. Solved: Help with IF statements in Excel (13 replies)
  126. Refreshing Pivot Tables (3 replies)
  127. Continued: pivot table counting blank cells in data table (6 replies)
  128. Solved: Selection Triggerred Macro (6 replies)
  129. Solved: Resize to last cell and select (2 replies)
  130. [SOLVED:] Create checkbox (5 replies)
  131. invoice.txt (7 replies)
  132. [SOLVED:] Start from the 2nd row (7 replies)
  133. Macro to Hide/Unhide 3 Sheets (10 replies)
  134. Can't Get This Code to Run in Excel 2007 (5 replies)
  135. [SOLVED:] unselecting all PivotTable rows in a PivotField? (1 replies)
  136. Solved: Copying Rows (9 replies)
  137. Solved: Storing a range as a variable? (6 replies)
  138. If..Then for Empty Column (2 replies)
  139. VBA conditional formatting for rows (more than 3) (9 replies)
  140. Solved: Macro/ Cell referencing and separate sheets (5 replies)
  141. Solved: Excel Recovery Tools (2 replies)
  142. pivot table counting blank cells in data range (5 replies)
  143. recurrence (5 replies)
  144. Opening Data File automatically (8 replies)
  145. [SOLVED:] Cell value unseen on first open (2 replies)
  146. Excel bar Chart invisible (5 replies)
  147. Solved: Loop in Column P to Convert value (4 replies)
  148. Solved: Listbox Format (3 replies)
  149. Solved: How to auto count a data (4 replies)
  150. Solved: Advice, please - VBA vs. Visual Basic.Net (16 replies)
  151. Solved: Week No Formula (13 replies)
  152. Solved: Find String (7 replies)
  153. Command button to save and add data? (4 replies)
  154. Solved: SysTray - reduce form or workbook to... (8 replies)
  155. Jump to another cell on a different sheet (10 replies)
  156. Problem with Excel... (3 replies)
  157. Copy a range ? (2 replies)
  158. Using Trendline Formulae (1 replies)
  159. [SOLVED:] Seconds Counter (42 replies)
  160. Append data from EXCEL to SQL Server (8 replies)
  161. Solved: Define number of cells that should contain data (8 replies)
  162. Display info from Spreadsheet in listbox (30 replies)
  163. Playing Midi Files in VBA (1 replies)
  164. Writing a Macro for Checkbox Form (3 replies)
  165. Macro for color fill (7 replies)
  166. Solved: Working with two workbooks (3 replies)
  167. Counting Multiple Cells (3 replies)
  168. Using Excel with ACT (3 replies)
  169. Solved: Saving files increment of 1 (7 replies)
  170. Add macro button to worksheet - tricky (1 replies)
  171. Solved: Concatenate multiple un-adjacent columns (17 replies)
  172. open charts from list (0 replies)
  173. Code required to remove a button (4 replies)
  174. Solved: VBA: Left & Find function Error (6 replies)
  175. Solved: Option Buttons (13 replies)
  176. Solved: customized macro button (1 replies)
  177. Solved: Find / Replace not working - why? (3 replies)
  178. Auto Filter .... (3 replies)
  179. Solved: Choosen some checkbox (5 replies)
  180. Solved: loop (2 replies)
  181. Solved: Merging Data from 2 Sheets (0 replies)
  182. Solved: Loading a listbox with sheet names (4 replies)
  183. Insert Picture into Comment (0 replies)
  184. Solved: Application.Calculation . . . Explain Please (4 replies)
  185. Copy Data from table based on Criteria (5 replies)
  186. Solved: Dual Worksheet Duplicates (10 replies)
  187. Combining HTML and text box entry into message body (1 replies)
  188. Insert rows condition but ingore the blank cells. (2 replies)
  189. How to export random samples from multiple sheets to a new workbook (1 replies)
  190. Finding Max or Large in non contiguos range (5 replies)
  191. OPEN TO SPECIFIC SHEET (2 replies)
  192. Small problem : Filter/copy/past (2 replies)
  193. Textbox - cannot tab to it on user form (2 replies)
  194. Textbox formatting question (3 replies)
  195. Macro into VB (7 replies)
  196. Solved: Prevent Users from leaving blank cells (3 replies)
  197. Solved: Create listbox via vba: populating listfillrange (7 replies)
  198. Extract Numbers and copy into new cell (3 replies)
  199. Solved: All matched values in one Row (8 replies)
  200. Formula Editing in vba (6 replies)
  201. data representation in flowchart??? (1 replies)
  202. Test if DocVariable exists from within Excel (0 replies)
  203. Copy paste all data with duplicates to new sheet (2 replies)
  204. Modify recorded macro to Worksheet Activate (4 replies)
  205. Solved: Readonly (2 replies)
  206. [SOLVED:] Adding Extra Memory - Will it help Excel (2 replies)
  207. Solved: Find.Resize.Paste (5 replies)
  208. Solved: Mutipage Case (2 replies)
  209. How to delete whatever appear in column A, from column B (2 replies)
  210. How to stop printing after the before_print event (2 replies)
  211. click image in web page (5 replies)
  212. .Find gets 'Error 13' (4 replies)
  213. How to ByPass Workbook_Open Execution (5 replies)
  214. Solved: Best Practice Lookup (3 replies)
  215. Consolidate Spreadsheets into 1 (4 replies)
  216. running two Worksheet_Change events (2 replies)
  217. Solved: best way to delete 18,500 rows? (12 replies)
  218. How to call .Net DLLs in Excel? (4 replies)
  219. Filtering Data (2 replies)
  220. Solved: vlookup question (2 replies)
  221. file/object attachment (2 replies)
  222. Solved: How to increase letters (3 replies)
  223. Range using Offset (3 replies)
  224. Solved: Problem application.filesearch: find directory of file (18 replies)
  225. Solved: Looping (4 replies)
  226. confirm entered data with msg box (7 replies)
  227. Sleeper: Need help to change a formula (4 replies)
  228. Solved: Search all the matching names (5 replies)
  229. Solved: Worksheet Help (4 replies)
  230. From main macro: Automatically Enable a macro when opening a file (1 replies)
  231. Sleeper: Scatter Plot with VBA (1 replies)
  232. row counts and transposing cell data (5 replies)
  233. Solved: Formula to return the last cell that contains data (14 replies)
  234. Save by Cell Value (1 replies)
  235. Open all Workbook_Open event in folder (4 replies)
  236. Need Help With A Project. (4 replies)
  237. Solved: Copy then PasteSpecial a worksheet? (2 replies)
  238. Copy Paste (14 replies)
  239. [SOLVED:] Further technique help required, please! (7 replies)
  240. Chart reference for Macro (8 replies)
  241. Exporting a group of shapes to PPT (0 replies)
  242. Solved: Calling Userform procedures from worksheet - Help! (6 replies)
  243. Days Elapsed (5 replies)
  244. Reg: search option (6 replies)
  245. Efficiency Issue (3 replies)
  246. Solved: changing cell selections quickly and easily (3 replies)
  247. Control Zoom for Print Preview (0 replies)
  248. Attachment Location (2 replies)
  249. VBA HELP (2 replies)
  250. Solved: inserting a / between alpha and numeric (8 replies)