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  1. positioning charts
  2. Relative selecting to the right (or left)?
  3. Merge multiple workbooks with multiple worksheets into one
  4. [SOLVED:] Update Cell Based Off TickBox Value
  5. The specified Dimension is not valid for the current chart type
  7. Extra lines at the botom of notepad when opening CSV
  8. Select picture shapes
  9. skip zeros for chart range
  10. How to Convert XML text intoe Array
  11. Macro that updates a workbook using an old workbook
  12. Extracting a number from text using a vba function
  13. [SOLVED:] SQL Syntax help
  14. [SOLVED:] Unprotect a merged cell
  15. [SOLVED:] Run Crystal Report from Excel VBA
  16. [SOLVED:] Dynamic hyperlinks?
  17. What method do I use?
  18. [SOLVED:] Change VBA from AutoFill to FillDown
  19. Compare two sentences and highlight in different color
  20. [SOLVED:] VLookup Formula
  21. Trying to create Submit button that will attach the form created in Excel via Lotus
  22. [SOLVED:] exporting chart as image on a mac
  23. How can I see the code used on another form?
  24. [SOLVED:] Filter data to pages based on number format
  25. [SOLVED:] Two macro button but in a double action
  26. Vlookup from external file
  27. Please help - pivot drilldown macro
  28. how to set function( input range )and (array output)!!
  29. Code That Works on PC but not Mac
  30. Chart color palette sync issue
  31. Insert Image to Specific Page using APPWD
  32. [SOLVED:] Macro that copies data and format Worksheet to worksheet
  33. [SOLVED:] macro in excel
  34. IF function
  35. [SOLVED:] initialize all DTPicker same CustomFormat in UserForm
  36. Kick off macro when a cell is double clicked?
  37. Adding attachment to the lotus notes via evcel VBA
  38. [SOLVED:] *variable* in .AutoFilter Criteria
  39. [SOLVED:] searching a range alphabetically
  40. Variable column reference for a formula
  41. How to make the values in larger font for the cells with datavalidation?
  42. Refresh ribbon with code
  43. fixe through the win7 date windows and get information by retrun,!!!
  44. Workbook.Open Opens a Dialogue Box Instead of the Specified file
  45. defining a range as a string
  46. VBA to copy worksheet and insert at the end all worksheets
  47. How to move column?moving is possible,if so will it affect formulas?
  48. Protect spesific columns from deleting
  49. Excel 2010 VBA and Speech Recognition...
  50. Application-defined or Object-defined error
  51. IE automation - tricky - how to give the script a file path then click OK ?
  52. marco in Excel - loop probably
  53. How to disable Clipboard Section (Cut, Copy, Paste) under Home Tab - Excel 2007
  54. Need macro to update cell that linked to another program
  55. dual search criteria over two ranges (ie column)
  56. Need macro to check data from workbook to another workbook
  57. Macro which copy cells if other cell have specific value
  58. [SOLVED:] Beginner's attempt at VBA!! Not sure what is going on!!
  59. Save image from computer to worksheet via userform
  60. Read Only Files
  61. Excel and Word
  62. using pointer in VBA
  63. onAction refreshing ribbon macro
  64. inserting a pdf as ole object into word doc from excel
  65. [SOLVED:] Formula to calculate how many circles fit in a larger circle
  66. External reference help
  67. length of a minimum of a range defined by a variable
  68. I Need Help Vba Code Disable Key F12
  69. #Click in Botton of Web Site whith VBA Excel 2007
  70. excel vba to sum textbox values inside a userform frame
  71. Count if - cell color index & cell value (range of value)
  72. Open file from FTP: "Excel cannot access" error
  73. Dependent (conditional) combo box without creating UserForm
  74. [SOLVED:] go to worksheet depending on Cell value
  75. [SOLVED:] Change the range to all data range in column
  76. How can I speedUP my events based procedure?
  77. Copying data down the column til then "nth" row
  78. Filtering by InputBox date entries and using Autofilter with 3 criteria
  79. Sleeper: Nested if VBA
  80. Select Column with VBA and come up 3 rows from bottom
  81. Open and close multiple workbooks - out of memory
  82. Right click on the tab: Enable
  83. [SOLVED:] Surveys in Excel!
  84. VBA codes find multiple data using multiple criteria
  85. Choosing ranges/cells between sheets!
  86. Not Saving
  87. Organizing Data with many categories
  88. Runtime error 1004 - paste method of worksheet class failed
  89. [SOLVED:] Consolidate two reports based on multiple criteria
  90. Worksheet sheetchange -out of stack
  91. [SOLVED:] Difference between carriage return and linefeed?
  92. [SOLVED:] Problem wih logical es formula
  93. [SOLVED:] Sorting Simplification Problem
  94. [SOLVED:] Insert row and paste data into (modify code)
  95. [SOLVED:] Alert/Message Box
  96. Protect Range of columns
  97. Create a combobox
  98. vba macro splitting string/text
  99. How to grab particular data and output data?
  100. [SOLVED:] How to automatically rotate through task
  101. [SOLVED:] Find and copare value afte fill cell
  102. [VBA] Changing to directory with variable that was read from a text file
  103. Workbook Not Saving
  104. [SOLVED:] if find less that six numeric value clean the cell
  105. Search folder -> find excel in folder and copy data
  106. [SOLVED:] Writing formula at the end of selection
  107. Using R1C1 formula referencing other WB and SH
  108. [SOLVED:] VBA Formual not working
  109. [SOLVED:] Conditional Formating (modify)
  110. Automate Report
  111. Buttons often expand to fill the worksheet. Button Bug
  112. [SOLVED:] Copy multiple cells on the same worksheet after a search
  113. Get data from HTML files
  114. [SOLVED:] vba module not reading the IF Statement
  115. [SOLVED:] deleting old ws (cycling sheets)
  116. [SOLVED:] Interactive userform please help
  117. [SOLVED:] propertrim() and lower() functions, manipulating ranges of cells
  118. Rename Picture to Value in a Cell & Copy to Worksheet
  119. [SOLVED:] VBA macro help to find index match error
  120. Analysing a Word Documents headings and write it in an array
  121. [SOLVED:] Adding Page breaks every ninth row
  122. [SOLVED:] Extract data between brackets
  123. Minor Flaw - Help and understanding required if possible
  124. One Checkbox to uncheck/disable all others in group
  125. Select last cell with the data in the column/range of cells - only visible datas
  126. [SOLVED:] Worksheet change help please
  127. Clean the Cells if cell does not start with (
  128. [SLEEPER:] Automatic Deleting complete excel sheet in 2 years
  129. [SOLVED:] Change cell color based on text
  130. Error: You must rely on system font, Adobe 10, windows 7, Office 2010
  131. Help need to fix code
  132. Find all values with curly brackets
  133. VBA syntax error
  134. Need help seperating files
  135. [SOLVED:] Cells blocked with permission to change II (block full range)
  136. [SOLVED:] VBA code that Unhides sheets that are hidden using sht.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
  137. vlookup on an array
  138. Excel 2007 Code
  139. Need Help on a macro...kind of desperate!
  140. [SOLVED:] Copy interior Color to linked Worksheet
  141. Need Help: Macro that can filter data and plot results on a matrix
  142. [SOLVED:] Extract unique Values by comparing Master list and copy full row to another sheet
  143. Simple macro - loop to write value from column to another cell, then save as PDF
  144. creating report
  145. [SOLVED:] Macro to match entries in column A on diff sheets
  146. [SOLVED:] Compare sheets macro
  147. Find particular text in a sentence in a cell and copy to adjacent cell
  148. Pick specific portions and make new lines
  149. word doc with multiple tables to master excel spreadsheet
  150. Sleeper: Creating Row and Column headers based on a formula and filling with formulas
  151. [SOLVED:] Increase Target.Value By Percentage
  152. Move / copy to relevant cell matched with sheet name VBA excel 2010
  153. [SOLVED:] Printing only non-blank rows
  154. [SOLVED:] VBA Query to filter #N/A
  155. [SOLVED:] VBA to populate a multicolumn listBox using Additem
  156. To Sum all columns to right
  157. [SOLVED:] Unqualified Error
  158. [SOLVED:] How to get Tab-index from user form in ascending order
  159. [SOLVED:] If variable 1 = 'this' then make variable 2 = 'that'
  160. How to Skip a column for every 2 columns while Paste the values?
  161. Need VBA coding help for status bar and screenupdating
  162. (Bit Rusty, Need Help) Copy & Paste for Adjustable Cell Range (Horizontal to Stacked)
  163. Can some one help on Saving multiple excel files from one excel data file
  164. text to number
  165. Late Binding VBIDE
  166. AppActivate does not work
  167. [SOLVED:] Multiple Criteria Duplicates
  168. Need Help with Macro
  169. Excel VBA for ammending outlook Signature template
  170. Query Connections on a Mac
  171. Dynamic Named Range used on multiple sheets
  172. [SOLVED:] append several sheets to a 'Results' sheet
  173. [SOLVED:] VBA to lock specific rows when a worksheet opens
  174. [SOLVED:] Date keeps returning time, don't understand why
  175. Send Keystrokes Without Interrupting The User?? - There has to be a way
  176. Cannot Insert Image into Mac Excel 2011 UserForm
  177. mousemove(drag and drop) for spreadsheet on vba userform
  178. Maximum x-axis value of chart couldn't fit into the image control of userform
  179. Customer-Data Tally work sheet Update Using VBA
  180. [SOLVED:] Command execution VBA
  181. Problem solved? HLOOKUP/VLOOKUP question.
  182. Output Unique Data To An Array VBA
  183. How to sort invocied by column based on sequence number provided in another sheet
  184. [SOLVED:] Adding Number into the generated Report
  185. [SOLVED:] Insert after
  186. [SOLVED:] How to insert rows in sheet1 based on sequence number.
  187. [SOLVED:] Make macro timer a little bit more fancy
  188. [SOLVED:] Custom function not being able to record correct cell values - RANDOMLY???
  189. [SOLVED:] Copy and paste data and format if values match between sheets
  190. Modifying codes to add if-else statement
  191. [SOLVED:] Listbox default tem when the list is made up of dates
  192. Moving Rows Reversing Columns by VBA
  193. VLOOKUP referencing table name
  194. Need to calculate sum & division till end of data in sheet1
  195. [SOLVED:] Using DropDown list to navigate through Sheets - Help with Code size reduction
  196. Fill sheet 2 with details as froma table in sheet 1
  197. [SOLVED:] vba to generate XML file with different values
  199. Pivot table format
  200. [SOLVED:] formulaArray resultat over Msgbox
  201. Changing cell value from another workbook cell value in vba macro
  202. Sleeper: Run time error 1004 file could not open
  203. Pivot table priority issue
  204. Optimize VBA code
  205. VBA Automatic Data Export from .Docx to Excel
  206. Code takes action on multiple worksheets
  207. [SOLVED:] CONCATENATE used with IF AND funtion
  208. VBA code to transfer data to different workbooks
  209. macro to control visible tabs
  210. Most efficient way to copy array data (big amount of data) to a txt file
  211. Pivot Table - Hide Columns + Maintain Grand Total
  212. Macro/VBA to remove all text before hypens - Active X Combo Box
  213. VBA Help, need this for school
  214. Runtime error 1004
  215. VBA- copy/union certain cells
  216. Moving Duplicate records from one worksheet to another
  217. [SOLVED:] Reformat Spreadsheet
  218. Measure height of textbox
  219. [SOLVED:] Macro that sorts a specific column by colors and value.
  220. Fill Down Data
  221. Case When error for set values
  222. Custom button sometimes won't load to ribbon through xml
  223. [SOLVED:] Help using Named Range in VBA tp pupultate a worksheet.
  224. (*Challenging!*) Protect two range's data validation and change in priority order
  225. Fetch the data's from excel file and provide the CSV file as a output
  226. Save a file as csv with date
  227. Computing Limitations for large VBA code
  228. Select multiple cells in a range
  229. [SOLVED:] have to delete one to one duplicate entry in muliple columns
  230. [SOLVED:] List all Excel and Word files in a folder containing specific text
  231. Challenging issue when making alignment of datas into excel using vba
  232. Sleeper: Creation macros
  233. With 2 sheets, if value not in one sheet AND column C = specific color, copy & Insert
  234. [SOLVED:] Disable Send by Email
  235. ScaleAxes with VBA problem
  236. [SOLVED:] How to use vba fuction to translate the day format
  237. select cells through loop
  238. Need Help with Querying an Excel Table in VBA. ADO?
  239. Macro to copy data from one workbook to another.
  240. [SOLVED:] Out of memory for below code
  241. [SOLVED:] Wrapper for RtlMoveMemory
  242. [SOLVED:] Subtotals several columns
  243. Date Filtering with VBA
  244. Document select, and move
  245. Hide Rows to variable specific criteria
  246. When PrintView button is clicked open the invoice in PDF format
  247. [SOLVED:] Insert Picture in Footer
  248. [SOLVED:] Get Max value in a multpile term cell reference
  249. User Form Code to Load Text Files
  250. [SOLVED:] Copy Data from one sheet to another IF cells are highlighted specific colors.