- Solved: Disable "X" button
- Solved: subtracting 1 row from a range
- Solved: Fill down just paste special format
- PivotTable Dynamically Selecting the Last Six Items
- Function Tips
- Solved: Alter Code from a KB Entry: Table of Contents
- add pagebreakes every 50 rows
- Solved: Referencing ListBoxes
- Graph Help?
- Run macro if date has changed
- Solved: Select Case
- Solved: Protect and Specify to Allow Autofilter
- Solved: Run Once
- Solved: Duplicate cells across sheets upon update
- Solved: Timer
- Solved: PageBreak Macro Slow
- paste after copy
- Solved: Help with SIMPLE string-matching loop
- Call Macros in other worksheets or selection change event?
- macro listbox
- Solved: Conditional Copying Of Cell Value
- Solved: Is It "Round" or "Application.Round"??
- Solved: generating random mumbers
- Solved: Count if on VBA
- drag and drop
- Solved: Find next row
- RTD function/Add ins?
- Run time error "13"
- [SOLVED:] If statment to refer to a blank cell
- v lookup problem
- why the value are out the header...
- double click on listbox
- Solved: Protect vba
- Solved: Copy and paste
- Solved: Return Autofilter to All upon sheet deactivation
- Get values on sheet2 from sheet1 data
- Get values in sheet2 from sheet1 data
- Solved: Bar Chart code, help please
- Solved: random but unique running 4 digit pin
- toolbar mishap
- Re-populating cells
- Solved: Display Send To Recipient
- Solved: Sum condition
- Solved: ActiveSheet.Paste error
- change text colour in outlook message
- Solved: Remove all modules.
- Solved: Combine multiple workbooks from various locations into one master workbook
- knowledgbase item problem - in excel 97
- Solved: Move Row(s) to Another Worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Add-in .xla w/ toolbar not finding assigned macro
- Solved: I added a function and now it's slow and nonfunctional
- Hide/ Unhide Column Through Listbox
- Solved: Return data from Userform to a specifik worksheet cell
- Solved: Send a copy of Excel file.
- VLOOKUP: 2 Conditions
- Solved: Distributing Color Palette Changes
- Solved: Goto a cell and ensure that cell is in the middle of the screen
- Solved: Macro to unprotect and protect in shared workbook
- ADO CopyFromRecordset to Multi column Listbox
- [SOLVED:] Add or subtract depending on format???
- Solved: Save CSV as Excel file
- Find a string through textbox and display the result in worksheet
- Solved: someCell.activate and then showing up on screen
- statusbar indication
- Deselect One Item in Pivot Table
- Opening workbooks in several Folder
- Solved: Comparing-Matching-Copying-Deleting Cells in 2 WKBooks
- Solved: Copy sheet from closed workbook
- Solved: Problem with Combo Box
- add record to first free row in all sheets
- Solved: Call a macro stored in Personal.xls
- Solved: Sending arguments to macro in Personal.xls
- Validating Sheet
- Create a Powerpoint pps file.
- macro do not work
- Solved: Delete (not hide) Excel Window
- Open a workbook that refering to a cell
- vba-match and copy data
- line number in module
- Saving Cell Address by selecting It
- Solved: Change filenames according to a list
- Solved: VB solution to conditional row formating
- Solved: the SUMPRODUCT formula
- Solved: Creating Ranges
- disabling a toolbar when no workbook is active
- Solved: Auto Save as help
- Interaction between Excel and Word
- Solved: Hide Unhide Columns - But Not Certain Cells
- Solved: Hidden Worksheet and Macros
- Excel Employee(r) Tests
- Solved: Creating a Button For A Workbook Macro
- Help needed! VBA form
- Formula to look in range
- Solved: Code testing appreciated
- Looking for Possible Web Query
- Solved: Setting A Range In VBA
- Solved: Working With Dates
- Solved: Multi Column Listbox - Need 2nd Col Item
- Solved: When find text insert formulas vba
- Handicapp help?
- Solved: Array Constants
- Option Buttons To Command Buttons To Sub Routines
- Solved: Insert columns by using a criteria
- Audit trail
- Solved: Merge Cell Autofit (
- Solved: Create, insert, arrange sheet.
- VBA code Tracer
- Validation data entry in multiple fields in userform
- Solved: Merge Workbooks ...
- Solved: Distributing to foreign users
- Solved: Opening Files
- retrieving in a textbox
- find out which control type being used
- Solved: Passing an array to a sub
- Solved: Subscript Out of Range Error
- Solved: Changing Range in comboBox
- Solved: Covert dates into true dates
- Solved: renaming files using excel
- Pivot Table Fill Blank Cells Add-in
- big dreams.. high hopes.. alot of questions..
- Macro not referring to current worksheet
- Solved: Rotating pictures
- Solved: Copy a row from sheet to sheet
- [SOLVED:] Can they marry? (Word / Excel)
- Form tracing around screen
- Stop macros
- Solved: Lookup ?? Problem!
- Solved: dual lookup problem
- conditional format
- Solved: Sorting by Code
- Solved: Separation by comma
- Solved: How can the Task Pane active in Thisworkbook
- Solved: update pivot table
- [SOLVED:] Email from a range within spreadsheet.
- Solved: OWC Spreadsheet: Disable Right-Click menu
- Solved: Autofill formula across to the last active column
- Changing the from: adress from an email send within Excel
- Formula solution required
- Solved: All-in-One: specialcopy/attach/close
- Solved: COUNTIF
- Solved: Conditional Number Formatting
- Solved: Copy and Paste row to another sheet
- Stop code without ESC key
- Solved: Login / Password validation - limited attempts?
- Selective Filtering
- Look up results across workbooks
- Solved: Copyright Symbol
- comment time
- Print all pages
- Solved: Macro to put a pacticular text to the first balnk cell
- How to return the sum of variables which change in a loop
- Sorting by number in non-numeric field
- Error when running histogram in Analysis Toolkit
- Solved: ready to try functions
- Solved: Populating treeView
- Solved: What formula to use for getting ur moneys worth
- Can this be done in Excel or other application
- Solved: What's wrong with my code?
- Solved: excelv ado as400 speed issue
- Finding Spaces Equivalent to a Constant String
- Solved: Left -Right -Mid functions not available
- Overrule ForeColor of disabled textbox
- Solved: Clearing Column Contents
- Solved: Excel 101 "Show me how's"
- [SLEEPER:] Am I seeing pastespecial limitations?
- Absolute and Relative references
- Solved: Sorting
- return cursor for manual cell selection in excel vb macro
- Sleeper: Create a hyperlink in email text body
- Sort + Rank 2 columns with formula
- [SOLVED:] Using code within Excel to change the from mail adress within outlook
- Solved: Copy sheets but without the code..
- 3 Part VBA Excel 2003 Problem
- Trobule inserting a row through VBA
- A Counting loop required
- Auto Update excel form textbox from database
- Solved: How to count Cell Style used in a workbook
- Adding to the Character Map
- Disable / Enable controls in VBA ?
- Searching for text in a list
- Hiding worksheets based on one cell
- Solved: Fixed length strings in text file output
- Ending a form
- Sort Worksheet with a wild card
- Finding Value on sheet and inserting row under it
- Graphical Adjustment to Chart Curves
- Solved: Lookup, Concatenate & Format Date
- Solved: Persistent VBE Window
- Microsoft Query
- Help Needed! Automatic incremental replication of forumlas
- Carrying forward minus time
- Looking up and Pasting Data
- Running total
- Worksheet_Change Event Won?t Trigger
- What determines a good code library?
- 2 ways table lookup
- [SOLVED:] Sum Lookup
- Solved: VB code
- Is it possible to call Macros depending on cell Value?
- [SOLVED:] How to "unselect" a cell or range
- Select cells around active cells
- Solved: Where to Store Universal Name Definitions
- What type of control is it?
- Auto opening excel
- Solved: Cut and paste a row to another sheet depending on cell value
- List Sort - Pulldown Names
- Copy and Paste issues
- Solved: Progress Bar help - method not found
- Running out of stack space....
- Autorun question
- Edit Form and update them in xlsheet
- UK course recommendations
- Solved: Delete Lines of Code
- selecting variable to declare a format
- Save inputed text in new sheet and clear input cell
- For Bob (XLD) I think
- Picture and Fax viewer
- how to display names of subjects taught in cells if specific teacher name selected ?
- Gathering and formatting data from worksheet
- Delete all worksheets but exclude ?
- Sleeper: Copying specific data selected with Filters
- Handling multiple delimiters
- Solved: Global Find and Replace
- put code into the on_open event of 250 workbooks
- Do we have some functions similar to Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen).Show to open .xls file
- Excel Not responding
- Adding total and trasfering in other sheet....
- Conditional If-then help
- Cut&Paste breaks EnableEvents
- (Solved) Goto the first page on a multipage userform
- SetFocus then lose Focus
- Autorun Macro/Select Tab
- how to edit recordset through ADO
- Solved: Answer No to Alert When DisplayAlerts = False
- Paste doesn't work when module is created
- Attachments
- Timer & Decimal Places
- 2-letter DAY format
- Automatic update of links
- Protect cells, Copy Entries
- Find X Value and Past Y in column Beside
- Using symbols
- Automatic download
- Deal Or No Deal
- Customizing Font Color
- WorkbookOpen & double-clicked .XLS file from explorer...