View Full Version : Excel Help
- [SOLVED:] Deleting rows older than 3 months
- Adding and Deleting a Sheet Dependent on Cell Content
- Listbox Not Populating - Source is dynamic named range
- [SOLVED:] Select range of visible cells
- [SOLVED:] userform text box formatting and exporting to word template
- Formatting Font Style and Size on Excel Chart with Marco
- max items in Array
- [SOLVED:] SaveAs Error
- Help with Function
- Excel VBA insert Formulas below a table
- Specify Columns to Write File to CSV
- Need Help Deleting Rows Based on Column Values
- delete characters from string
- VBA to Insert Blank Row Based on Two Variables
- Code Help Request
- [SOLVED:] Efficent arithmetic loop
- Refresh connection then close
- Copying data from one cell when other cell is between a time range
- Large Spreadsheet Calculations
- Sum two column criteria
- [SOLVED:] Check Name and Save Workbook
- vba userforms - transparency png premultiplied alpha channel
- Match formula too slow
- Appending multiple text files to each other by name.
- [SOLVED:] VBA code to fill missing data
- Radio Button Not Working
- UDF result wrong when cell with UDF copied to range
- Excel 2003 - Broken ActiveX
- Excel sheet to textfile
- [SOLVED:] "A" shift vs "B" shift work days into calendar
- Copy a colum where add data in every year to another column
- Error 424 - Copy and paste b/w worksheets
- Need Help Sorting a List
- Calculate % trend reversal from last bank high
- [SOLVED:] Help with Workbook_BeforeSave
- [SOLVED:] Is there a VBA that will search all formulas in a sheet or book
- Make seperate columns range formula refer to cell in vba?
- VBA error
- Cant refer to graph from other sheet?
- A project assigned to me
- With keyword triggers Class_Terminate
- Time Calculation Dilemna
- [SOLVED:] Make the ENTER key act like the TAB key.
- Need VBA help to create copies of template and populate sheets with data from Master
- [SOLVED:] Autofilter: Filter between to dates
- [SOLVED:] Change Data from String to Date: Runtime Error '1004'
- Run-time Error 1004
- [SOLVED:] Excel won't load using 3rd party software
- [SOLVED:] Separate content of a cell (merged or not) in columns
- how do i get the cell value from formula results (variable) in excel 2013 ?
- Slider effect
- [SOLVED:] chart with dynamic axis help
- [SOLVED:] Compare two columns in different workbooks
- VBA Code to Compare a number of different worksheets and change/highlight differences
- [SOLVED:] Help with an If and OR Statement
- Macro to Copy Paste Data from Source WB to Master WB in different folder sheet wise
- problem with VBA code( Ambiguous name detected)
- Mix Constants and Enumerators
- Macro to create an outlook appointment using specific cells in my spreadsheet & email
- Sleeper: Count weeks with broken/unbroken date ranges with vba
- Delete File if the specific cell is empty
- Generate a list without duplicated data and fill Start/End Date
- Syntax for sending email
- Copy the data from pdf to Excel VBA
- [SOLVED:] Auto shape color change
- Run Dos Comand and store result in Excel.
- VBA Select Dynamic Data for Pivot Chart Monthly
- Send Excel data to Word
- Compressing long IF OR AND functions
- [SOLVED:] Moving entire row of data based on two cell values
- Workbook with a series of errors
- Macro to compare date in cell to current date.
- [SOLVED:] Excel Add In runtime error 4198
- Unicode in Excel-Cells
- Sleeper: Can someone help me narrow down a list of combinations.
- [SOLVED:] Application.OnTime at Workbook_Open
- RDP via VBA Macro
- [SOLVED:] Text Import Wizard Help
- Why the Excel is not opening as page in IIS?
- [SOLVED:] Open Powerpoint file from Excel
- [SOLVED:] Stop Read only
- [SOLVED:] How to integrate a Loop
- [SOLVED:] Can't refer to graph when using if statements?
- [SOLVED:] Need help with ForEach-If-ElseIf situation
- Combine several sheets - Union, ADO, SQL, Consolidate, Formula?
- VBA in oil and gas prodaction
- Select a couple of cells per row
- [SOLVED:] VBA Sum a range of variable rows with a value below a set amount and loop
- OnTime expertise needed
- Worksheet_Change to trigger a graph scale change
- VBA match 4 conditional values at once with Select Case.
- Totally new with VBA help please
- [SOLVED:] Insert N cells for M new rows?
- [SOLVED:] Autofill Form fields from external spreadsheet - Help please!
- Excel code to close an already openend access database
- [SOLVED:] Try to Increment "To" Variable in "For To" but it's static.
- [SOLVED:] Get number of last colored column
- Find Last Match, if no match use previous Match
- [SOLVED:] Macro for setting up a printarea of random large quntaties of ranges
- How to Loop thru Column and Modify Values Based on User Input
- Excel 2013 is changes all General formatting to Date formatting...
- [SOLVED:] Distribute rows from 1 ws into about 100 different workbooks and copy 2 ws to all.
- Keeping modeless userform on top
- Data Validation for a Range
- Run macro from another workbook
- Count colored worksheets
- VBA Data Transmission - Sound Output/Input
- Weighted Random Number generator
- Open Webpage use pg dwn, take a screen shot (print screen) and paste into excel
- VBA help - how to ungroup rows at level 2 only
- [SOLVED:] Close Word UserForm from Excel
- VBA To Open & Close Files from a specified Folder
- Delete full line under condition
- [SOLVED:] Extracting Data from Folder -- Want to Select Higher Level Folder
- Help with VBA
- Help with macros/VBA and formulas - Generating a report & recurring task
- [SOLVED:] Print hidden chart
- [SOLVED:] MACRO converter number to english letter
- [SOLVED:] picking up every new unique name and counting the times it appears in a column (VBA)
- [SOLVED:] Comparing Strings
- VBA Help - E-mail extract
- Problem with Instance Code
- VBA to Create new tabs based on Location
- [SOLVED:] Case Sensitive Macro Help
- Lookup and insert rows
- Hyperlink to be revised help please
- Compare values from two excel sheets(columns) and check values one by one
- adding 3 column lines to a 3 column listbox
- Better way to search through 35000 lines?
- Copy table data
- If statement if cell is active?
- [SOLVED:] Selecting sets of 21 Rows and saving as a csv
- [SOLVED:] Calculating Last Vote
- [SOLVED:] Need Assistance with a complex If And Then statement
- Help with macroes
- VBA for putting in 450 word documents into excel
- Re-arranging 1 row to multiple rows based on specific data
- Sleeper: Macro to find correct workbook from table name in cell
- VBA code not working correctly
- Form
- Macro emailing that includes a spreadsheet sum
- [SOLVED:] Please help with formula
- Print Screen
- [SOLVED:] How to select all rows down?
- Compiling data from selected excel files
- Update Worksheet from Listbox selected items
- VBA problem from complete amateur
- [SOLVED:] Setting Boolean Using a Cell
- Save Worksheet as PDF but Ignore Hidden Rows
- Help with macro for solver using variable cells
- Call By Month aggregate
- Copy "My Sql" Query from worksheet and connect to MY Sql and get results
- Compiling data from selected excel files (with screenshots!)
- stop duplicates
- How to sum without using a worksheet function
- VBA Code - Based on Cell Value, macro inputs number into the cell that is next
- Insert & fill rows based on values if found in columns
- [SOLVED:] Insert With Worksheet_Change (VBA)
- Quicksort code
- VBA control chart Y-Axis
- minimized userform pops up when new spreadsheet opened
- [SOLVED:] Variable Array based on cell value
- Help with Printing/Exporting First Page of Multiple Sheets to Single PDF file
- Duplex Printing For 3 Hole Punched Paper
- [SLEEPER:] From Excel, selecting Word text between headings
- Consecutive status in period of 15 minutes
- [SOLVED:] Excel VBA - Change the current page of an already open PDF
- Sleeper: Combine Worksheets into Master Depending on ID
- Excel functions in VBA (basic question)
- [SOLVED:] Trying to get a Macro to sort 4 digits
- Extract unique words from textbox
- Problem with Time-Data format
- [SOLVED:] Open multiple VBE while using multiple monitors
- VBA Slide array defined by user in Excel
- macro loop to save .xml extension to .xls.
- excel 2010 - turn off cell updates, but keep calculations running
- Need a FOR Loop which selects all worksheets with a number in the worksheet name
- Keep Lowest value row
- Why my VBA code runs faster when clicking on the Immediate Window?
- [SOLVED:] Excel VBA Application Object
- Insert Row in Table Linked to PowerPoint
- VBA Script for changing grouped data names in multiple pivot tables
- Problem with creating Array
- [SOLVED:] How to replace a symbol like ≤ by using VBA?
- Help Needed: filtering data from to sheets in another sheet currency wise
- [SOLVED:] Macro to copy from Merged Cells (Same Range) to Columns of a New Worksheet
- conditional formatting based on other cell (over multiple Rows & Column)
- [SOLVED:] Efficiently searching text array?
- Need Help Writing Macro to Simulate Roulette Spins
- [SOLVED:] Create a Named range for each Unique Value in Column
- Macro Loop to Copy/Paste picture and set of columns if Checkbox
- [SOLVED:] Macro filtered in column no fill cells in selected sheets
- Vlookup in vba isn't working
- Can someone critique my code please
- VBA for Pivot Tables and Slicers
- [SOLVED:] Macro to find duplicates in a column and add the cell contents together
- VBA code to import data from a website
- [SOLVED:] Unable to remove "Overflow" message while running the macro
- Creating button by offsetting space
- [SOLVED:] Importing Worksheets from different Workbook
- Create button with different Find range
- Open all Zipped files within folder of the xlsm file.
- [SOLVED:] Excel VBA User Form ( Need Help here please )
- macro to search & copy columns from another workbook
- [help][Important to learn VBA] export the list of classes from VBA Object libraries
- List to Labels
- Formula Conumdrum Is Excel up to it.
- HELP VBA code
- Need to replace SUMIFS function with VBA code
- Recordset B takes longer to copy/paste to worksheet than Recordset A, but is smaller!
- help to write VBA code for ignoring cells with "0" in them (I'm new to this..)
- [SOLVED:] VBA-highlight cell(s) in a column range if empty or greater than a value
- How to select highlighted cells as dynamic range?
- Need formula for this
- Dynamic Table Using Reference Cells to Adjust Size
- Deleting two buttons with similar names
- vba to insert vlookup between workbooks
- Run-time error 402 for Userform
- Use Find in a loop
- VBA: Get Range of found cell
- [SOLVED:] Removing the Zeros from Blank Cells
- Chart creation basis dropdown value
- [SOLVED:] How to create a Macro Pivot Table where the range changes?
- [SOLVED:] Round Robin Triggered by Button Click
- Edit/Delete Data Row
- [SOLVED:] Pivot Table error - Tabular format
- Change file name & path with formula or macro
- Age Calculate from textobx
- Stepping through cells in a range
- Help with .Find and .FindNext in VBA
- [SOLVED:] Protecting Passwords and Workbook expiration date
- VBA Filter problem
- [SOLVED:] Want help with a tricky sorting Macro
- Referring formulas to next row in spreadsheets (Shapes)
- VBA - Vertical organization display on set chart
- [SOLVED:] worksheet_change to select a range
- Problems with copying multiple worksheets into one workbook
- create an id generator and copy data within worksheets
- Merging one sheet from Multiple Workbooks with Headings
- [SOLVED:] VBA returns negative value when calculating difference between date/times
- [SOLVED:] Filter based on 3 OR conditions and cut paste the same on different sheet
- Loop through the range to find the duplicates and print the number of occurrences
- Hidden sheet in vba form excel vlookup
- [SOLVED:] Populating a Cell Using Value of Another Cell to Lookup the Desired Value
- Status Bar Display
- [SOLVED:] Creating a Function parameter pick list
- [SOLVED:] Is there a Simple Way to code this.
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