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  1. [SOLVED:] Deleting rows older than 3 months
  2. Adding and Deleting a Sheet Dependent on Cell Content
  3. Listbox Not Populating - Source is dynamic named range
  4. [SOLVED:] Select range of visible cells
  5. [SOLVED:] userform text box formatting and exporting to word template
  6. Formatting Font Style and Size on Excel Chart with Marco
  7. max items in Array
  8. [SOLVED:] SaveAs Error
  9. Help with Function
  10. Excel VBA insert Formulas below a table
  11. Specify Columns to Write File to CSV
  12. Need Help Deleting Rows Based on Column Values
  13. delete characters from string
  14. VBA to Insert Blank Row Based on Two Variables
  15. Code Help Request
  16. [SOLVED:] Efficent arithmetic loop
  17. Refresh connection then close
  18. Copying data from one cell when other cell is between a time range
  19. Large Spreadsheet Calculations
  20. Sum two column criteria
  21. [SOLVED:] Check Name and Save Workbook
  22. vba userforms - transparency png premultiplied alpha channel
  23. Match formula too slow
  24. Appending multiple text files to each other by name.
  25. [SOLVED:] VBA code to fill missing data
  26. Radio Button Not Working
  27. UDF result wrong when cell with UDF copied to range
  28. Excel 2003 - Broken ActiveX
  29. Excel sheet to textfile
  30. [SOLVED:] "A" shift vs "B" shift work days into calendar
  31. Copy a colum where add data in every year to another column
  32. Error 424 - Copy and paste b/w worksheets
  33. Need Help Sorting a List
  34. Calculate % trend reversal from last bank high
  35. [SOLVED:] Help with Workbook_BeforeSave
  36. [SOLVED:] Is there a VBA that will search all formulas in a sheet or book
  37. Make seperate columns range formula refer to cell in vba?
  38. VBA error
  39. Cant refer to graph from other sheet?
  40. A project assigned to me
  41. With keyword triggers Class_Terminate
  42. Time Calculation Dilemna
  43. [SOLVED:] Make the ENTER key act like the TAB key.
  44. Need VBA help to create copies of template and populate sheets with data from Master
  45. [SOLVED:] Autofilter: Filter between to dates
  46. [SOLVED:] Change Data from String to Date: Runtime Error '1004'
  47. Run-time Error 1004
  48. [SOLVED:] Excel won't load using 3rd party software
  49. [SOLVED:] Separate content of a cell (merged or not) in columns
  50. how do i get the cell value from formula results (variable) in excel 2013 ?
  51. Slider effect
  52. [SOLVED:] chart with dynamic axis help
  53. [SOLVED:] Compare two columns in different workbooks
  54. VBA Code to Compare a number of different worksheets and change/highlight differences
  55. [SOLVED:] Help with an If and OR Statement
  56. Macro to Copy Paste Data from Source WB to Master WB in different folder sheet wise
  57. problem with VBA code( Ambiguous name detected)
  58. Mix Constants and Enumerators
  59. Macro to create an outlook appointment using specific cells in my spreadsheet & email
  60. Sleeper: Count weeks with broken/unbroken date ranges with vba
  61. Delete File if the specific cell is empty
  62. Generate a list without duplicated data and fill Start/End Date
  63. Syntax for sending email
  64. Copy the data from pdf to Excel VBA
  65. [SOLVED:] Auto shape color change
  66. Run Dos Comand and store result in Excel.
  67. VBA Select Dynamic Data for Pivot Chart Monthly
  68. Send Excel data to Word
  69. Compressing long IF OR AND functions
  70. [SOLVED:] Moving entire row of data based on two cell values
  71. Workbook with a series of errors
  72. Macro to compare date in cell to current date.
  73. [SOLVED:] Excel Add In runtime error 4198
  74. Unicode in Excel-Cells
  75. Sleeper: Can someone help me narrow down a list of combinations.
  76. [SOLVED:] Application.OnTime at Workbook_Open
  77. RDP via VBA Macro
  78. [SOLVED:] Text Import Wizard Help
  79. Why the Excel is not opening as page in IIS?
  80. [SOLVED:] Open Powerpoint file from Excel
  81. [SOLVED:] Stop Read only
  82. [SOLVED:] How to integrate a Loop
  83. [SOLVED:] Can't refer to graph when using if statements?
  84. [SOLVED:] Need help with ForEach-If-ElseIf situation
  85. Combine several sheets - Union, ADO, SQL, Consolidate, Formula?
  86. VBA in oil and gas prodaction
  87. Select a couple of cells per row
  88. [SOLVED:] VBA Sum a range of variable rows with a value below a set amount and loop
  89. OnTime expertise needed
  90. Worksheet_Change to trigger a graph scale change
  91. VBA match 4 conditional values at once with Select Case.
  92. Totally new with VBA help please
  93. [SOLVED:] Insert N cells for M new rows?
  94. [SOLVED:] Autofill Form fields from external spreadsheet - Help please!
  95. Excel code to close an already openend access database
  96. [SOLVED:] Try to Increment "To" Variable in "For To" but it's static.
  97. [SOLVED:] Get number of last colored column
  98. Find Last Match, if no match use previous Match
  99. [SOLVED:] Macro for setting up a printarea of random large quntaties of ranges
  100. How to Loop thru Column and Modify Values Based on User Input
  101. Excel 2013 is changes all General formatting to Date formatting...
  102. [SOLVED:] Distribute rows from 1 ws into about 100 different workbooks and copy 2 ws to all.
  103. Keeping modeless userform on top
  104. Data Validation for a Range
  105. Run macro from another workbook
  106. Count colored worksheets
  107. VBA Data Transmission - Sound Output/Input
  108. Weighted Random Number generator
  109. Open Webpage use pg dwn, take a screen shot (print screen) and paste into excel
  110. VBA help - how to ungroup rows at level 2 only
  111. [SOLVED:] Close Word UserForm from Excel
  112. VBA To Open & Close Files from a specified Folder
  113. Delete full line under condition
  114. [SOLVED:] Extracting Data from Folder -- Want to Select Higher Level Folder
  115. Help with VBA
  116. Help with macros/VBA and formulas - Generating a report & recurring task
  117. [SOLVED:] Print hidden chart
  118. [SOLVED:] MACRO converter number to english letter
  119. [SOLVED:] picking up every new unique name and counting the times it appears in a column (VBA)
  120. [SOLVED:] Comparing Strings
  121. VBA Help - E-mail extract
  122. Problem with Instance Code
  123. VBA to Create new tabs based on Location
  124. [SOLVED:] Case Sensitive Macro Help
  125. Lookup and insert rows
  126. Hyperlink to be revised help please
  127. Compare values from two excel sheets(columns) and check values one by one
  128. adding 3 column lines to a 3 column listbox
  129. Better way to search through 35000 lines?
  130. Copy table data
  131. If statement if cell is active?
  132. [SOLVED:] Selecting sets of 21 Rows and saving as a csv
  133. [SOLVED:] Calculating Last Vote
  134. [SOLVED:] Need Assistance with a complex If And Then statement
  135. Help with macroes
  136. VBA for putting in 450 word documents into excel
  137. Re-arranging 1 row to multiple rows based on specific data
  138. Sleeper: Macro to find correct workbook from table name in cell
  139. VBA code not working correctly
  140. Form
  141. Macro emailing that includes a spreadsheet sum
  142. [SOLVED:] Please help with formula
  143. Print Screen
  144. [SOLVED:] How to select all rows down?
  145. Compiling data from selected excel files
  146. Update Worksheet from Listbox selected items
  147. VBA problem from complete amateur
  148. [SOLVED:] Setting Boolean Using a Cell
  149. Save Worksheet as PDF but Ignore Hidden Rows
  150. Help with macro for solver using variable cells
  151. Call By Month aggregate
  152. Copy "My Sql" Query from worksheet and connect to MY Sql and get results
  153. Compiling data from selected excel files (with screenshots!)
  154. stop duplicates
  155. How to sum without using a worksheet function
  156. VBA Code - Based on Cell Value, macro inputs number into the cell that is next
  157. Insert & fill rows based on values if found in columns
  158. [SOLVED:] Insert With Worksheet_Change (VBA)
  159. Quicksort code
  161. VBA control chart Y-Axis
  162. minimized userform pops up when new spreadsheet opened
  163. [SOLVED:] Variable Array based on cell value
  164. Help with Printing/Exporting First Page of Multiple Sheets to Single PDF file
  165. Duplex Printing For 3 Hole Punched Paper
  166. [SLEEPER:] From Excel, selecting Word text between headings
  167. Consecutive status in period of 15 minutes
  168. [SOLVED:] Excel VBA - Change the current page of an already open PDF
  169. Sleeper: Combine Worksheets into Master Depending on ID
  170. Excel functions in VBA (basic question)
  171. [SOLVED:] Trying to get a Macro to sort 4 digits
  172. Extract unique words from textbox
  173. Problem with Time-Data format
  174. [SOLVED:] Open multiple VBE while using multiple monitors
  175. VBA Slide array defined by user in Excel
  176. macro loop to save .xml extension to .xls.
  177. excel 2010 - turn off cell updates, but keep calculations running
  178. Need a FOR Loop which selects all worksheets with a number in the worksheet name
  179. Keep Lowest value row
  180. Why my VBA code runs faster when clicking on the Immediate Window?
  181. [SOLVED:] Excel VBA Application Object
  182. Insert Row in Table Linked to PowerPoint
  183. VBA Script for changing grouped data names in multiple pivot tables
  184. Problem with creating Array
  185. EXCEL, VBA, DLL
  186. [SOLVED:] How to replace a symbol like ≤ by using VBA?
  187. Help Needed: filtering data from to sheets in another sheet currency wise
  188. [SOLVED:] Macro to copy from Merged Cells (Same Range) to Columns of a New Worksheet
  189. conditional formatting based on other cell (over multiple Rows & Column)
  190. [SOLVED:] Efficiently searching text array?
  191. Need Help Writing Macro to Simulate Roulette Spins
  192. [SOLVED:] Create a Named range for each Unique Value in Column
  193. Macro Loop to Copy/Paste picture and set of columns if Checkbox
  194. [SOLVED:] Macro filtered in column no fill cells in selected sheets
  195. Vlookup in vba isn't working
  196. Can someone critique my code please
  197. VBA for Pivot Tables and Slicers
  198. [SOLVED:] Macro to find duplicates in a column and add the cell contents together
  199. VBA code to import data from a website
  200. [SOLVED:] Unable to remove "Overflow" message while running the macro
  201. Creating button by offsetting space
  202. [SOLVED:] Importing Worksheets from different Workbook
  203. Create button with different Find range
  204. Open all Zipped files within folder of the xlsm file.
  205. [SOLVED:] Excel VBA User Form ( Need Help here please )
  206. macro to search & copy columns from another workbook
  207. [help][Important to learn VBA] export the list of classes from VBA Object libraries
  208. List to Labels
  209. Formula Conumdrum Is Excel up to it.
  210. HELP VBA code
  211. Need to replace SUMIFS function with VBA code
  212. Recordset B takes longer to copy/paste to worksheet than Recordset A, but is smaller!
  213. help to write VBA code for ignoring cells with "0" in them (I'm new to this..)
  214. [SOLVED:] VBA-highlight cell(s) in a column range if empty or greater than a value
  215. How to select highlighted cells as dynamic range?
  216. Need formula for this
  217. Dynamic Table Using Reference Cells to Adjust Size
  218. Deleting two buttons with similar names
  219. vba to insert vlookup between workbooks
  220. Run-time error 402 for Userform
  221. Use Find in a loop
  222. VBA: Get Range of found cell
  223. [SOLVED:] Removing the Zeros from Blank Cells
  224. Chart creation basis dropdown value
  225. [SOLVED:] How to create a Macro Pivot Table where the range changes?
  226. [SOLVED:] Round Robin Triggered by Button Click
  227. Edit/Delete Data Row
  228. [SOLVED:] Pivot Table error - Tabular format
  229. Change file name & path with formula or macro
  230. Age Calculate from textobx
  231. Stepping through cells in a range
  232. Help with .Find and .FindNext in VBA
  233. [SOLVED:] Protecting Passwords and Workbook expiration date
  234. VBA Filter problem
  235. [SOLVED:] Want help with a tricky sorting Macro
  236. Referring formulas to next row in spreadsheets (Shapes)
  237. VBA - Vertical organization display on set chart
  238. VBA TANKER volume HELP
  239. [SOLVED:] worksheet_change to select a range
  240. Problems with copying multiple worksheets into one workbook
  241. create an id generator and copy data within worksheets
  242. Merging one sheet from Multiple Workbooks with Headings
  243. [SOLVED:] VBA returns negative value when calculating difference between date/times
  244. [SOLVED:] Filter based on 3 OR conditions and cut paste the same on different sheet
  245. Loop through the range to find the duplicates and print the number of occurrences
  246. Hidden sheet in vba form excel vlookup
  247. [SOLVED:] Populating a Cell Using Value of Another Cell to Lookup the Desired Value
  248. Status Bar Display
  249. [SOLVED:] Creating a Function parameter pick list
  250. [SOLVED:] Is there a Simple Way to code this.