View Full Version : Excel Help
- Slicers:Extract selected & unselected items to a Range
- Combining matching values.
- VBA Adding Table Row - Quick Fix Help!
- [SOLVED:] Selecting ONLY filtered cells NOT all the active cells in a column
- [SOLVED:] Excel Macro Run-time error '1004': Selected method of Range class failed
- Hello, how to distribute content to a cell by various cells automatically.
- [SOLVED:] Find a string and clear cell's contents to the right
- error parsing text files in directory using excel 2010 vba
- Filter all sheets by filtering one sheet
- Quartiles with N/A
- Filter
- [SOLVED:] Lock (freeze?!) objects
- Private VBA Apply to all New Worksheets
- Consolidating Multiple Sheets into One File
- [SOLVED:] Filter on today's date
- [SOLVED:] Workbook.Open Event not working correctly
- Splitting Sheets
- Macro for counting frequencies
- VBA String Range Detection
- [SOLVED:] Merging multiple worksheets into one
- Simple computation to record the difference between consecutive cells over a range
- [SLEEPER:] Need help creating VBA code for interpolation (kinda)
- [SOLVED:] Improve Multiple loop code
- VBA: Compare 2 cells from different workbook and publish the text right or wrong
- [SOLVED:] How can I use a current worksheet rather than creating a new one?
- Delete rows based on a condition
- copy-paste from one Excel file to the other VBA
- Conditional macro in Excel based on two or more conditions
- Prevent duplicates for 2 sheets + msgBox
- [SOLVED:] conditionally sum values based on the TOTAL of multiple columns being greater than 0
- fill in sequence number
- Get data from a PDF...VBA
- [SOLVED:] Text Box not Displaying
- VBA Expert Wanted! >> Populate Table by Cycling Through Sheets
- Retaining the Macro code for disabling Save option in Excel
- [SOLVED:] IF / OR Statement
- [SOLVED:] Delete table last row
- [SOLVED:] Transponse help
- [SOLVED:] Formula - Sumif,sumifs, aggregate
- User Defined Function Call Error
- [SOLVED:] Returning the Desktop Path
- Vlookup/Index match, Vba code for two sheets in a Workbook
- Pasting Rows from one Table to another
- Cell Split or add Rows Excel VBA Leave Plan
- [SOLVED:] Creating a new row problem
- Use Find Method to Clear Groups of Cells in Column When First Cell Marked "DELETE"
- VBA problem can anybody help
- Macro to Convert text to Number to last cell in the range
- Excel userform to search find and return data
- VBA Shift One Row Down.
- Help....for Changing Vba Code in a Pivot for Filtering a Criteria.
- Assigning a cell value to a variable - between different workbooks
- Excel file which listed new for any update information
- Macro to Copy data from Input sheet to Output sheet based out few criteria
- AutoFilter and Copy - Paste
- [SOLVED:] Listview in userform to show data entred by textboxes and comboboxes
- Run-time error "91":
- Exit from Sub which is called from another Sub
- [SOLVED:] Seletion problem in listbox (Userform)
- TextBox Has Numericals, Value is String of Hexadecimals
- place grid in parsed xlsx
- How can I copy and image file from Access Table to Excel?
- Reset Sub Workbook_BeforeClose
- add date to the column during update in worksheet
- Urgent: Help Needed With INDIRECT Formula
- [SOLVED:] Create Outlook 2013 Calendar items without duplicates
- [Solved] Referring to a String within Quotations
- [SOLVED:] Excel MultiLine Textbox to Access Database - MultiLine lost in the Access Database
- Code for multiplying 2 values based on search
- Help with worksheet_change
- date issue for excel file
- Pivot Table expand/collapse buttons
- [SOLVED:] Help with Loop
- Importing Data from Closed Workbook
- ISNA alternative
- Data Comparison between master workbook and another workbook
- Creating list of Unique values in offset cells
- Cycling through filters
- Pivot error
- [SOLVED:] Array declaration question - "myArray()" versus "myArray"
- CMD.exe window keeps "taking over" when looping
- Copy email id & contact numbers from multiple resume which is in word file
- Formating date delimiters in real time
- XML Source data format change, Macro's no longer working
- [SOLVED:] vb to copy and paste based on criteria
- VBA formula
- Copy Charts from Excel to power point 2007 and save as.
- Looping a macro until the formula within the macro results in an acceptable output
- Multiple Command Buttons & results in a new sheet.
- Open a file from browse window and perform VLOOKUP
- [SOLVED:] AdvancedFilter displaying Unique values.
- google poly line encoding in excelR
- [SOLVED:] Unable to locate named range in code
- [SLEEPER:] How to avoid Circular reference in a Range
- [SOLVED:] Transformation of data with macro
- [SOLVED:] save one large file as separate text files
- [SLEEPER:] Syntax for unique values
- [SOLVED:] Filter Data Using Macro
- [SOLVED:] Modification to copy VBA code
- [SOLVED:] VBA: Importing data from one worksheet to another returns "TRUE"
- [SOLVED:] Aligning a chart textbox with a variable datapoint
- [SOLVED:] write data consecutively if certain cell is not empty
- [SOLVED:] Application.FileSearch Help
- Help: How to Find and Replace VBA Code with VBA Code?
- VBA to copy down information into blank row
- How to Allocate ER Credit with VBA
- What if analysis in Median (formula help required)
- Loop for copying values from excel file to fill sentences in Word
- [SOLVED:] SUMIF with Left criteria VBA
- 2003 sorting code not working in 2010
- [SOLVED:] Max Row Index for an Array
- [SOLVED:] Excel 2010 How to Create a Custom Toolbar and Distribute to 50+ Users
- Using VBA to send emails via outlook using excel cells
- Establishing comm link with Eicon Aviva from Excel VBA
- [SOLVED:] Use Cell Value to go offset to another cell
- [SOLVED:] Auto-remove duplicates from dynamic list
- [SOLVED:] Find and Open an email in Outlook
- [SOLVED:] Odd error when comparing times with "dateadd"
- Code to sum columns in lastrow +1
- how to get the directory (file save) when the macro is run the first time in the day
- I need help with this VBA exam example
- Macro to Transpose data
- Can you help fix this macro?
- [SOLVED:] VBA Edit to Search Range
- [SOLVED:] Nested Loop in VBA
- [SOLVED:] Employee schedules, 15 minutes interval table [working/slow; need alternative ideas]
- Excel Recursive function through XML file
- [SOLVED:] Pivot Table VBA
- Prompt/Store value based on a selection/entry
- Create different text files from parts of a range
- Using vba to automate a Microsoft Word document with data imported from a Excel sheet
- Copy-Paste rows from multiple worksheets into a new workbook based on unique id
- Defining Dynamic Named Ranges with VBA
- Macro to combine columns without formulas
- nervous! How To Import Data From SQL Query To VBA Coding?
- Return Last April using VBA
- search in another excel file with VBA
- Conditional wrap line - VBA Excel
- Linear programming using solver in Excel 2000
- VBA code for entering a formula not as expected
- VBA Multi Select ListBox Issues
- Revising a code that inserts a new option column upon execution of an option button
- VBA: Text from Excel to Word with formatting
- Userform calls other userform, then populate worksheet
- Linking Content of Wkbk1 to Wkbk2, Extract filtered information into table in wkbk2
- Help with VBA code Transfer excel range to Word bookmark
- how to open protected view excel file using VBA macro
- PDF Data to Excel Adobe XI
- Develop a macro to solve below problem
- How do I copy Internet Most Visited Places shortcuts to an Excel sheet ?
- [SOLVED:] How to set the SubTotal TotalList using a variant instead of an array
- [SOLVED:] Advise on "Best" or "Better" practices
- [SOLVED:] Pulling specific lines from a text file into Excel
- Pull data from webpage
- VBA Help - Excel Range (text) to Word Bookmark
- [SOLVED:] via code to use to 6, 8, 12 sheets
- Help vba code for a formula in two cells
- [SOLVED:] Vlookup using Vba code across two tabs
- [SLEEPER:] Create Summary
- Create new sheet
- How to Pass an array of implement(ed) object(s) to a sub/function?
- Help with a code for a picker
- Split certain cells to multiple sheets IF value
- [SOLVED:] macro to take values from range to slicers
- Vba to insert text in range of cells
- If dropdown only contains one option, automatically show that option - How????
- Return the value below the cell that contains a specific string
- I Need an Array Formula?
- Data from Excel to Word 07 Bookmark
- [SOLVED:] import txt or csv delimited parts into different excel sheets
- Sleeper: Look up records in Access from Excel and copy data to cell
- Date Validations using VBA code
- Loop within a loop vba
- Determine if all files in a folder were created today
- excel says it cant find the file I just DoubleClicked
- [SOLVED:] User Form .SetFocus Help
- Build new Nested Loop in VBA
- [SOLVED:] How to add a label to one selected data point in an xy scatter chart
- Sort on multiple dynamic columns using excel VBA
- [SOLVED:] Open Latest Outlook email by Received Date
- create a worksheet based on description
- VBA Form inserting dates in the wrong format
- [SOLVED:] VBA Set Variable equal to macro function
- [SOLVED:] Max value in array and return adjacent column (similar to offset/match in excel)
- SaveAs xlText (tab delimited text): delete empty line at the end
- [SOLVED:] VBA Sheet Protection Failing
- Copy and Enter Current Record Displayed in Userform a # of Times to WS
- Excel Duplicates
- Moving sheets to a new workbook
- VBA CODE- Match 2 cells and display the result
- Error When Testing Collection for Key Exists
- [SOLVED:] FSO filtering on the fly
- [SOLVED:] Change Numbers to Words
- VBA Importing a sheet from a closed excel workbook
- Multi-step workbook/sheet automation with VBA, macros, INDEX MATCH combination
- [SOLVED:] Add Dates to Printed Header
- Concatenate in VBA
- Excel 2013 - VB Script to save and e-mail form
- [SOLVED:] [VBA] Pasting data in Word looping for no apparent reason
- [SOLVED:] PivotTable field name is not valid when changing source data
- VBA Code - Lookup column1 in Column2
- How to Shell to other Application with excel vba
- [SOLVED:] Question with FSO filtering - snb
- VBA Calling/ with dynamic inputs + error handling
- HELP with Formula to calculate Interest Rate
- Running a PDF file from Excel
- [SOLVED:] Custom Function Needed for Evaluating Performance
- Saving Row as Text file - Concatenate & Line Breaks Not Working
- [SOLVED:] How can I remove duplicates from a dynamic range?
- Small Script Edit - Pasting value in front of data set
- [SOLVED:] Cannot unlink word header
- Delete row based upon Date
- Running macros while logged off
- [SOLVED:] Copy value of cell if date matches the date of another sheet
- Problem to create an indexed array - M(1 to 1, 1 to 4){i}
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code: If not in column A then Replace
- [SOLVED:] Dynamically Color Coded excel rows
- Turning Auto Calcs into Run by Button
- Merge and Append 95 Workbooks into One Workbook
- [SOLVED:] Move data from one sheet to another and export
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to Insert a Row
- Copy sheets from file to another but Not Copying those that already exist in 2nd file
- Move cell values and buttons up from application caller
- [SOLVED:] Clear contents before replacing text
- Search through a number of files for keywords and return associated data. help!
- Userform With Multiple Independent Combobox (delete row when not match)
- VBA Excel data to Powerpoint
- [SOLVED:] index match function & IF to exclude few values
- Color issue confusing me
- Help putting border around a range
- [SOLVED:] Add a sort filter to existing code
- Compare 2 multi-arrays and isolate duplicate into 3rd array
- Help with code to determine whether two strings are in a cell
- VBA Code - If Code #1234 found in ColumnA then result code 5678 return in ColumnC
- VBA Code: Use keyboard keys in VBA coding
- [SOLVED:] VBA/VBE Weird behavior when deleting a code line in a sub using a different sub
- How to Go to Next Row on a UserForm
- [SOLVED:] Finding the Sum of Numbers between words in the entire workbook.
- Shape Conditional Formatting & Permanent Logged In User, Date & Time Stamp
- [SOLVED:] Get latitude and longitude from Bing using VBA
- Help with macro for filter
- [SOLVED:] Import worksheet based on filename and date
- Pulling Data from Web - page still loading
- [SOLVED:] Search left from specific column eg. "y"
- convert text with (.) to number with (,)
- Removing blank lines from report calculated by macro
- [SOLVED:] macro to hyperlink excel cells to pdfs
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