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  1. [SOLVED:] Split Cells that have Alt+Enter Text Into Multiple rows and fill rows accrodingly.
  2. VBA Coding help - Multi-page User Form, vlookup, and INTERCEPT
  3. Email macro works 1 time on excel sheet and stops
  4. Clock not working properly
  5. email macro stops on Debug Run-time error '91'
  6. Customer accounts balance(debt,credit) vba
  7. Pivot Table: pct by rows
  8. [SOLVED:] Need Help with this macro, please! need to return unque values from within range
  9. [SOLVED:] hh:mm:ss conditional formatting
  10. How do I populate a listbox in Excel Userform with data from the non active sheet
  11. update date automatically hen saved
  12. Link last Checkbox in Column to Cell below
  13. Variable in Loop
  14. Run time error help
  15. [SOLVED:] Send Data to Alternate Userform
  16. Saving Autocorrect entries into different languages using VBA
  17. Do tables work with well macros.
  18. Help in VBA to transfer data into multiple files in a folder
  19. [SOLVED:] Modifications to macro that copies cells that contain the name of a worksheet
  20. [SOLVED:] Speed up VBA code
  21. Programatically Add Reference
  22. Mass Find and Replace VBA - Need Help
  23. [SOLVED:] Show Area of Freeform Shape
  24. Email macro
  25. [Novice] VBA Looping Macro
  26. Find and Replace
  27. Using Excel VBA to Scrape Web Table Data
  28. How to get the name of USB port name
  29. Problem in converting charts in workbooks to pictureP
  30. [SLEEPER:] objFolder.GetDetailsOf not working
  31. Filter ShapeCount for Grouped Shape
  32. Count if vs a trade with 'todays date formula' help
  33. [SOLVED:] Loop values from data validation list vba
  34. Creating and displaying 16 frames on a userform each frame two labels.
  35. Selecting the row with the highest value
  36. Userform vlookup, copy row data, display each found in sequential order in same form
  37. Running Code in Visual Basic Window Versus in Excel
  38. Double Type error 13
  39. [SOLVED:] Newbie help on row count as range
  40. Formulas with Minus
  41. Using Input Box Variable
  42. Visual Basic run-time error 1004 work around
  43. transfer data
  44. RANDBETWEEN not stopping
  45. [SOLVED:] Need help constructing a vba code to show frequency of given values within delim data
  46. VBA insert formula based on another cell selection
  47. [SOLVED:] resize word pictures
  48. Run time Error 1004 - Unable to get the Picture Class..(Inserting URL images)
  49. Text Comparison between a column and a table is not working.
  50. Send or data transfer multiple conditions
  51. [SOLVED:] Inserting Picture
  52. Copying table to another sheet on worksheet change
  53. Deleting text after a specific character
  54. [SOLVED:] Bulk Export Worksheet Code
  55. [SOLVED:] Filtering data on multiple conditions
  56. Get the reference from other sheet & go next row automatical
  57. Problems with Sum Function
  58. Pivot Table VBA
  59. [SOLVED:] Build parent/child hierarchy
  60. Import data and remember file path
  61. [SOLVED:] Sort using the active cell value
  62. Macro to format 2 cells adjacent to each other
  63. Formula visible cells
  64. VBA to help copy and paste few columns from pivot table 2 another table within sheet
  65. Generate a series of column data with a condition
  66. Using Calculated Field to Return the Difference Between Two Columns
  67. Acceleration of working Script. Ideas?
  68. Delete duplicate rows based on 2 conditions using VBA Macro (Beginner)
  69. counting non numeric with pivot tables
  70. [SOLVED:] Vlookup or indirect,Help
  71. VBA code for Data Entry
  72. Clear and restore conditional formatting of different cells before printing
  73. [SOLVED:] VBA to add series to graph only if data in column.
  74. Pivot table Error
  75. [SOLVED:] Macro not working while sending email
  76. How to make excel vba crash proof?
  77. Pivot 1004 run error why?
  78. Macro to Edit Links ?
  79. [SOLVED:] time degrees to decimal degrees
  80. Track updated data in table
  81. Activex Controls Combo Box unique values
  82. [SOLVED:] Problem with .Find in Loop.
  83. Triggering a VBA Sub with DDE/RTD
  84. [SOLVED:] Copy and paste loop help
  85. [SOLVED:] Helping a student automate a couple of sheets
  86. VBA not working
  87. A-Z processing of folders
  88. [SOLVED:] Delete cell data if value is high
  89. parsing txt log to excel table
  90. Add sequential # to userform once saved
  91. Search in multiple workbooks to identify duplicate values
  92. Creating a database using a VBA code with user from
  93. Index into specificied collection is out of bounds error
  94. Remove cell data for numbers over an average amount
  95. [SOLVED:] add random picture to Image in Userform
  96. VBA to copy files ( list ) from location ( different locations ) to another folder
  97. [SOLVED:] Searching for date in array
  98. [SOLVED:] Checkboxes
  99. Loop through specific range of dates do something and then do it again for new date r
  100. [SOLVED:] Creating a history
  101. Excel crashing after running macro to work with autocad and after deleting column
  102. [SOLVED:] Loop through the record and summarized
  103. Combo Box selection = 2 values set
  104. Copy and Insert Rows based on value in column R
  105. VBA to save as not saving values.
  106. [SOLVED:] Help With Macro to Attach Multiple Items To Outlook
  107. [SOLVED:] random unique images
  108. email sending
  109. Create ppt from Excel using macros
  110. Designating Master file to excel
  111. [SOLVED:] Using VBA SUMIF with multiple conditions
  112. VBA Excel - Macro simple - help needed
  113. Whats wrong with my code, copy paste does not change Array formula
  114. Easy Excel Formula Problem
  115. multiple times same control wit same function after click
  116. [SOLVED:] Wanting to change the range in a Macro
  117. Freeze one cell after data is entered
  118. Copy and paste not working for macro
  119. Please help _table update
  120. Send data from excel with API (XMLHTTP in VBA)
  121. Macro(s) for importing txt-file
  122. Macro flickering
  123. [SOLVED:] Using autofilter to loop and count visible cells
  124. [SOLVED:] How to save as txt file name depend on current date and time
  125. Caculate Distance between 2 points on x y scatter plot chart
  126. Remove Duplicates and Replace Content Cell
  127. transfer data from excel to word
  128. Use KB shortcut keys to return a value from a range
  129. [SOLVED:] Using Countif formula in vb
  130. Sleeper: Lotus Email Attachments, How to better Optimize my Code?
  131. Problem with MkDir
  132. Separating data with VBA
  133. Get the shape's RGB value
  134. delete text from word
  135. Extracting resume data from word to excel
  136. VBA to centre range of images in cells
  137. how to search the next value in excel
  138. calculating time display when the macro is running (the time is a lot while calcule)
  139. Encrypt Decrypt Excel cells/ colums
  140. [SOLVED:] Rename Files By Adding Last Modified Date
  141. [SOLVED:] Importing file with date that changes daily
  142. [SOLVED:] IF statments with weekday
  143. Opening and Saving spreadsheet
  144. [SOLVED:] Adding more drop down list with my macro?
  145. [SOLVED:] Highlighting every other row containing data
  146. [SOLVED:] How to write last row update record in excel into txt file ?
  147. Duplicate value removal across sheets and rows and columns IN A FILE
  148. [SOLVED:] Seperate unique accounts and manipulate data
  149. [SOLVED:] Help with formula please
  150. [SOLVED:] Help with a difficult sort
  151. RT Error 424 - Object Required, when UNIONing 2 ranges in order to sync 2 columns
  152. Need help with VBA Error
  153. "The Master" ,The one Book that rules them "ALL."
  154. .Click in IE only works every few attempts
  155. Delete duplicate rows
  156. [SOLVED:] Copy and paste data from a source file to destination file.
  157. Comparing 2 Workbooks AND Their Worksheets
  158. Partial String Search cross sheet reference
  159. Combine all text files from multiple folders into one worksheet
  160. Open and Link Spreadsheet Using VBA
  161. Interactive maps
  162. Userform Help
  163. Excel 2007 3d animation engine - Tutorials
  164. [SOLVED:] join an merge cells in column A but at same time the same rows in columns B and C
  165. [SOLVED:] Multiply two matrices
  166. VBA Delete for Shapes Range Very Slow
  167. [SOLVED:] Disbale Shift Key on workbook Open
  168. Run-Time Error '1004': Method 'HasRoutingSlip' of object '_Workbook' failed
  169. read contents of pdf
  170. Copy single row from multiple workbooks to one main sheet
  171. [SOLVED:] Move an excel file to another folder
  172. Macro to copy selected cells in a row and paste into new sheet at specified locations
  173. how to display Unicode Hindi characters into combobox from mysql database
  174. How to transfer userform data to two diffirent sheets in diffirent cells?
  175. Copy the entire row if the value in column R is greater than 1 and insert above
  176. Plot a AREA in a X,Y scatter plot
  177. [SOLVED:] Multiple URL's to Get External Data
  178. [SOLVED:] Trigger event when pressing F12
  179. Make custom formula with VBA's
  180. Pattern Style
  181. VBA code to find fraudulent activity in data
  182. Vlookup or Index/Match code to find the value
  183. Use Bookmark To Fill in Word Document From Excel Data
  184. Dim - Compile Error: Syntax Error
  185. [SOLVED:] VBA Vlookup Reflect Data to TextBox1
  186. [SOLVED:] Reformat data in specific way
  187. [SOLVED:] Change "Selection.CurrentRegion.Select" so macro captures cols A-Q, non-contiguous
  188. VBA help
  189. [SOLVED:] My first excel VBA project
  190. [SOLVED:] Search for files with ending ".csv" in a folder and work on it
  191. save and Merge PDFs From Excel
  192. Macro which auto runs when every excel workbook is opened
  193. [SOLVED:] Expand rows automatically based on grouped rows
  194. Comparing 6 coloumn and highlighting the difference
  195. autonumber a string within a cell
  196. Reformat string
  197. How to Merge/ Combine , three worksheets ?
  199. [SOLVED:] automatic E-mail using Arrays in VBA
  200. Emailing Named Ranges Using VBA
  201. [SOLVED:] compare workbooks version number
  202. [SOLVED:] Data lost when sending file as attachment
  203. Macro for Splitting Information Contained Within a Column
  204. Allow copy and paste only
  205. How can I do this differently and faster
  206. Highlight some of the cells in a row
  207. [SOLVED:] Reset data validation drop-down list via VBA linked button
  208. VBA to save .xml file from selected Columns
  209. Combo Box Data Validation Macro not working
  210. How to extract zip files by looping through folders
  211. Reformatting Images in Merged Cells
  212. Take a text string (user input) field and resolve/parse to use defined abbrevations
  213. Automatically determines what shift is working based on time
  214. [SOLVED:] picture not load after time sometimes
  215. compare value from notepad with value in excel
  216. How to unzip files?
  217. [SOLVED:] VBA to assign & then access a workbook a variable
  218. Need to correct a VLOOKUP/ INDIRECT combo formula
  219. [SOLVED:] Move Up or Down A Rows Using VBA
  220. Data validation query
  221. Tracking Changes to a worksheet using VBA
  222. Make report summary using VBA arrays
  223. Looking For A Programmer
  224. Header info on excel list
  225. [SOLVED:] Help with code
  226. Save Sheet As New Work Book
  227. [SOLVED:] Help with formula
  228. [SOLVED:] change row format to show 0 as first symbol
  229. Input Box and Msg box Help
  230. Opening A Working Book and Using Copy & Paste
  231. Excel Send Rows of Data to Different Email Addresses Based upon Cell Values
  232. Formula Index, Match and Partial Match four columns
  233. how to make general range
  234. [SOLVED:] getting the error "91 object variable or with block variable not set"
  235. [SOLVED:] Rookie Question: Three Columns - Total, Sub-Total, Calculate Percentage...?
  236. stop errors on a user form
  237. Web Automation (Excel+VBA) - Help checking element in table
  238. Find the first cell in a column by criteria and replace with combobox value
  239. VBA Loop problem
  240. excel document problem
  241. Change macro to move rows to worksheets in all workbooks in a folder
  242. [SLEEPER:] Why blanco lines after a copy ?
  243. [SOLVED:] Excel VB to open an XML as read only
  244. Autofit inconsistent
  245. Dynamic hyperlink in VBA
  246. [SOLVED:] Copy/select specific row to last row
  247. Trouble with pulling data from offline workbooks
  248. timesheet Out of Hours enhanced payment values
  249. Save each sheet as a text file
  250. VBA : Help on Filtered Range