View Full Version : Excel Help
- Save Specific Protected Sheets to a new Workbook
- [SOLVED:] Help with Dynamic UserForm in Excel
- Macro to concatenate cells into a single cell multiple times
- Convert to For Next loop
- [SOLVED:] LastRow from a specific Cell
- VBA Help
- Put linear trendline equation into cell
- Problem about sort horizontal with Function.
- Problem about Loop through files sort by Date.
- Logit VBA Debugging
- [SOLVED:] Hide Column Target Cell Clicked - From a List
- Checking For Commands From Central Server
- Outlook Calendar In Excel
- [SOLVED:] Auto Save Excel File as PDF
- Email Range Of Cells
- [SOLVED:] Show/Hide a Textbox Based on Value of a Combo Box in a USerform
- Sum with weeknumbers of a given date
- [SOLVED:] Loop through sheets based on cell contents
- operations copy and paste file from Adobe Reader
- How To Copy just the value in Excel.
- Search data in 4 Contiguous cells within a selected area
- Amending Code To Reference value (Email address) In Cell
- Can I "cancel" Workbook_WindowDeactivate?
- [SOLVED:] For If Statement with Two Ranges
- convert column to matrix
- Hyperlink With Special Characters
- Cycling through sheets with loop
- Help adding font size / color / etc to my macro
- [SOLVED:] How to Combine a Save As PDF macro and an E-Mail send macro???
- Problem about function reference
- How To Copy excel to powerpoint
- How select next blank cell in row and add timestap
- SAVEAS with location
- Delete all AllowEditRanges in workbook
- Copying cells from worksheet that varies in cell range and number of pages.
- [SOLVED:] Automatically Update TextBox on Other Sheet
- Match to master
- Delete Entire Row Based on a Selection
- Run time error 429 - ActiveX component can't create object.
- Information about Transferring Data In Excel.
- Problem about a variable value In excel.
- Chart - Plot has different size
- Out of Memory error on close tries to open protected VBA
- Search List, Find Sheet, Return Value
- Autofill Across Columns with "Centered Across Formatted (3 Columns)" Quarterly Dates
- [SOLVED:] Please Help me
- Search for postcodes in a PDF document and list them in a excel worksheet
- Open all pdf one by one from a folder using followhyperlink
- Questions about conditions in excel function.
- Need help of members with spreadsheet allows users to manipulate.
- Macro for executing commands from cmd prompt
- Macro to count repeat occurrences from closed WB and paste total counts in new WB
- Adapt macro that copies excel to ppt
- Sleeper: Open Hyperlink File From Cell - Follow Hyperlink
- [SOLVED:] CheckBox on UserForm to show Full list or Part list according to Criteria
- VBA Coding to send a common email to different email addresses based on cell values
- Issues about source in excel 2010.
- Question about create Macro manage information.
- Use WinHttpRequest#responseStream for SOAP Request
- When Limit has reached in Excel, send to Sheet2
- loop, vba
- Insert Excel cell range in Shell command
- Insert row automatically?
- add payment button vba code
- Exit User Form Button
- Find duplicates with VBA
- Copying multiple ranges to Word
- [SOLVED:] Initialize modeless FYI Userform but focus never leaves sheet
- Download from FTP
- Saving to different folders based on part numbers in B1
- [SOLVED:] Help with VBA password in commanduttons
- [SOLVED:] INDIRECT Row Reference and Increments
- ie.navigate to follow links from A1 to A2000
- VBA Multiple Attachments
- Pasting excel tables one after the other from excel into a word document
- Meaning of iLastColumn = .Column + .MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1
- Excel VBA Database
- Macro: Sheet 1 populates Sheets 2 & 3 with unique records only. (stuck)
- Sleeper: VBA to group matching data and copy for printing
- Problems Initiating a User Defined Function UDF - Using Application.caller.row
- How to login with vba
- Can't select and activate cells during BeforePrint event
- VBA code to Copy/Insert + Delete rows by criteria
- VBA: Apply loop to existing code
- Save Worksheet as PDF and Attach in Outlook
- Extract data from LinkedIn
- All VBA Code Stopped Working
- Error 53 "file not found"
- [SOLVED:] Help to create a date range chart based on a date wthin the data
- Copy and rename files without overwriting files
- From Sheet.add to Workbook add method
- Multi-choice of the listbox to many controls(textbox)
- VBA Simple Code Help (Formatting FDM)
- [SOLVED:] Problems using ComboBox
- Looking for help with VBA code please?
- Gantt Chart
- [SOLVED:] Need VBA code for Copy+insert / Delete rows & columns by criteria
- Code guidance please
- Sort All Sheets In Workbook
- [SOLVED:] Individually generate email content and attached all files from folder based on cell
- [SOLVED:] Copy first 5 characters of Course Name to Column A
- [SLEEPER:] VBA code to rename folders
- Unable to read last line from VBA plink stdout
- [SOLVED:] Set Variable of column number to Multicolumn ListBox
- Sleeper: Copy Paste as Values & Save as new sheet
- Copy Missing Data to Main Worksheet.
- [SOLVED:] Sorting Sheets in a specific order
- [SLEEPER:] Populating checked items in worksheet1 to worksheet2
- VBA Checkbox buttons
- HTML click not consistently working
- Passing Data from UserForm to Sheet makes excel to crash (Why?)
- Auto-resize Shape_width
- Loop through Vlookup
- [SOLVED:] Using Workbook from FilePicker
- Sleeper: Help with combining these macro snippets?
- Need VBA Code to close userform
- VBA Command button
- Excel File-1 copy the value & compare with Excel File-2 and Save it in Excel File-1 ?
- Pivot > Showall data in rows field
- [SOLVED:] Fix calculation of minimum date
- [SOLVED:] Hide rows between 2 strings
- Open Images Folder Mac OSX
- Workbook Password Protect
- Need help with a VBA code for distributing data
- Validation Tool- Lookup for Mis-Match and send email out
- Why data labels gone when i paste the chart to other workbook and change the range?
- Copy select data on USERFORM
- [SOLVED:] Combo box filtering?
- [SOLVED:] Send attachment via outlook
- Macro to conditionally insert rows not functioning as intended
- [SOLVED:] UDF to convert column Letter to Number and return the Largest column as Number
- [SOLVED:] Match two rows using VBA
- [SOLVED:] Require VBA Macro logic for Multiple ID and Matching Columns data.
- Stock Length Calculator
- Copy select data to different column
- Copy line by index number and past in another worksheet
- [SLEEPER:] Embed an "open file" dialogue box to userform, Excel 64 bit version
- VB script to filter and update value in different sheet
- Generate random values between two number and specific string
- Hitro Macors
- Match two rows across various columns using VBA
- Stopping or breaking userform or code causes VBA to flip through all userforms
- [SOLVED:] How to check whether Cells contains specific number?
- Resetting Dropdown list in all sheets (Excel Workbook)
- Hyperlink Issue
- [SLEEPER:] Convert Vlookup to VBA
- How to conjuct all the excel value into one cell?
- [SOLVED:] How to get Last Digit from Text
- Copy data from one sheet to another based on a certain criteria
- [SOLVED:] Identify column header name based on a colored cell
- VBA Express Certification?
- Trying to extract all data from word docs into excel docs
- [SOLVED:] Run-time error 91
- [SOLVED:] Match and Vlookup method
- Google map Travel Planner #1
- [SOLVED:] Left Right Function Help
- Can VBA be used to search a folder of .docx's for text strings and copypaste to Excel
- Codigo VBA para fecha matar o arquivo temporário.
- Delete rows except the last one with same numerical value
- [SOLVED:] Code to match to cells using a mapping
- [SOLVED:] Unhide Worksheet on Selection of Cell
- [SOLVED:] Trouble using selected range to define a for loop
- [SOLVED:] On Open: "This action will reset your project, proceed anyway?"
- [SOLVED:] Macro to create list of hyperlinks to all files in chosen folder including subfolders
- [SOLVED:] Remove Apostrophe from string
- [SOLVED:] Add shape only if shape doesn't already exist
- Ping tester in Excal
- Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
- Help me insert subtotals on I:L my vba code below. It sorts and insets a blank row
- Data Formating - Macro to copy header row and paste to multiple columns.
- [SOLVED:] Assign Shape Macros - From List
- Need help with this macro to have it work with Alpha Numeric data
- [SOLVED:] VBA to create a mapping
- [SOLVED:] Group Shapes Rename Them - Loop Through Worksheets
- [SOLVED:] Find and replace
- [SOLVED:] Find Text Within A String
- "MSACCESS.EXE" process issue - How to terminate this process correctly
- VBA code disaappeared.
- [SOLVED:] Forms 2.0 library
- [SOLVED:] Conditional Compile Question
- Open workbook with dynamic filename
- Concat date and time in one cell
- [SOLVED:] Find a Value in a Cell and Delete some of the text
- Adding Code to Workbook_BeforeOpen
- Open multiple password protected workbooks in a folder
- [SOLVED:] Split files and attach them to an email
- [SOLVED:] Create multidimensional array from several non adjacent table columns
- Problem in Executing the Code
- The BIG DATA Challenge - Match cells on BIG DATA Sheet (LOOP take 4 Hrs !)
- Copy Leading Numeric Values, then Remove
- Update data entry for all future months (not a single month)
- Logging other PC programs via VBA excel
- Drag Drop Reorder part of Row .. Excel
- Help me to correct the vba
- trying to finish my vbaproject barcodescanner
- Syntax for Evaluate SumProduct in VBA
- [SOLVED:] trying to pull dynamic webquery data
- Make userform stay on top of all windows when macro is fired
- VBA: Help me write a code in vba
- Formula working wrong, I can't identify why.
- Copy and pasting time calculations
- Email alert not firing with VBA even though the condition is satisfied.
- Learning VBA Variables
- Random Sequencing
- Rename Current PDF file name using Excel Sheet List
- [SOLVED:] Search with Criteria on Userform
- i want to validate users entered value with existing range in another sheet
- [SOLVED:] Add 1 row below a selected cell using a user input box
- VBA help to convert unstructure data to structured data
- Data Validation
- [SOLVED:] Exporting Worksheet Code Modules - Export Code As Worksheet Name
- [SOLVED:] Looping For Duplicates In 2 Dynamic Columns (Odd Issue)
- [SOLVED:] Returning Description Based on Field Value
- [SOLVED:] Why is "1D050" numeric?
- [SOLVED:] Need Help constructing a vba counts rows between data and. Please
- create workbooks based on a given template using data in a table
- how do I save as .xlsx using xcell compiler
- [SOLVED:] SPLIT STRING issue with array if element not found
- Loop for certain text in cell - delete cells and shift up
- avoid iterations
- Help with duplicate matches when using Index(Match(
- Sum if Index Match with multiple criteria
- Copy down text in columns until next part number - VBA Code
- [SOLVED:] Declared Variable not selecting the correct range
- Need help reconstructing macros on this file in my description please!!!
- VBA code to sort, compare, and line up two lists of data.
- [SOLVED:] Delete any row which does not have any cells which are conditionally formatted
- obtain distinct rows based on three columns
- [SOLVED:] Start Loop Rows From - Row 10 on wards - Listing Files
- hide and protected sheet macro not working
- [SOLVED:] VBA - Extracting 3 Text Lines From Text files
- Removing duplicates from multiple columns
- Help VBA using excel function help
- Vba help for a lookup table
- [SOLVED:] QR-reader to Excel (with time stamp)
- Multiple column select in VBA
- [SOLVED:] Combining two sets of data into one - vlookup, comparing part numbers - advanced VBA
- Data validation
- Retrieve value based on selection
- Select Case Function on a CommandButton/ToggleButton
- Merging columns
- Moved: VBA: Picture in Word-Header? Position?
- [SOLVED:] VBA Paste As Values
- Toggle to Hide Rows
- Matching multiple values from different column
- [SOLVED:] Filling in blank cells with data from another workbook - VBA
- VBA help
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