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  1. Help: How to change color pallet? (5 replies)
  2. Goto nested if's (7 replies)
  3. Solved: Highlight Duplicates (12 replies)
  4. Solved: Workbook_SheetSelectionChange Event (7 replies)
  5. Solved: Copy Paste using macro involving 6 different workbooks (28 replies)
  6. Instring Replace: Error (26 replies)
  7. Don't show the opening/closing workbooks (4 replies)
  8. Copying from a Dynamic Source! (4 replies)
  9. If your search string isn't found... (1 replies)
  10. including string in string (2 replies)
  11. Changes formula to value- wrong number format (24 replies)
  12. Target Line on Plots (2 replies)
  13. [SOLVED:] Prevent minimize window (11 replies)
  14. Solved: truncate and add two text boxes into third (3 replies)
  15. Solved: Open a workbook & copy data using (3 replies)
  16. Find all instances of a word and return the results in a userfrom - not working (2 replies)
  17. How to identify non-whole number? (7 replies)
  18. [SOLVED:] Working with visible rows (2 replies)
  19. Possible 1-liner (2 replies)
  20. Solved: Onchange event to check a date (12 replies)
  21. Solved: Help w/ Summing Range (3 replies)
  22. Solved: Difference between UDF & sub routine (6 replies)
  23. Compare 4 worksheets in a workbook (0 replies)
  24. Solved: explain formula (3 replies)
  25. Solved: Two instances of the same form? (5 replies)
  26. Delete duplicated rows 2 (8 replies)
  27. Solved: More than 1 Validation in Single cell (11 replies)
  28. [SOLVED:] Change event in range selection (2 replies)
  29. Solved: Activate sheet after add/sort sheet executed (13 replies)
  30. Solved: How to copy data from one sheet to another (4 replies)
  31. Solved: Cannot Open The Excel File (6 replies)
  32. Solved: Tool to check VBA code (2 replies)
  33. Disabling worning message while closing a workbook. (3 replies)
  34. For-Next Loop Help (14 replies)
  35. Solved: Search for Missing Module/Code? (34 replies)
  36. Opening an Access Form via Excel (1 replies)
  37. ASCii code to allow a space (11 replies)
  38. Macro on Window Activation (8 replies)
  39. Solved: Is there a way to have code trigger an event when trying to save or print? (34 replies)
  40. Sorting producing wrong result (4 replies)
  41. Solved: Extract number of digits/characters of a variable (15 replies)
  42. Problems in calculation of Means, Max, Min in VBA (9 replies)
  43. Solved: Populate UserForm TextBox based on Worksheet Lookup (7 replies)
  44. Solved: Prohibit or restrict copy (7 replies)
  45. Solved: Nomenclature for referencing named cells in .Formula Code (7 replies)
  46. Solved: Migrating frm Excel 2003 to 2007 (4 replies)
  47. Solved: Delete duplicated rows (7 replies)
  48. How to Give Upper & Lower Limits to a Plot? (2 replies)
  49. Solved: Linking Again? (16 replies)
  50. Dynamic Plotting (1 replies)
  51. Solved: populate combobox problem (4 replies)
  52. Problem using arbitrary column length in a user defined function (9 replies)
  53. Sort data and past into new sheet (1 replies)
  54. Dummy post so I can creat4e an attachement (2 replies)
  55. [SOLVED:] Automatic close and save (7 replies)
  56. Adding sheets to summary (15 replies)
  57. Solved: Help with Lookup Function (6 replies)
  58. Solved: Populate Column based on contents of range (3 replies)
  59. VBA obfuscate data & find cell (1 replies)
  60. Solved: IsError Function (3 replies)
  61. Problem in the Range Row index (4 replies)
  62. Solved: delete columns with an array collection (4 replies)
  63. Print Setup via VBA (7 replies)
  64. Problem of open all file(s) in the listbox (2 replies)
  65. Counting Multiple Criteria (12 replies)
  66. Playing w/ Arrays (13 replies)
  67. I want to change the color of some letters, but it does't work (4 replies)
  68. Solved: Conditional formatting (6 replies)
  69. vlookup worksheet formula error: sub or function not defined? (8 replies)
  70. Making URLS Hyperlinks (4 replies)
  71. Diaplay text in a cell (8 replies)
  72. Loop Comparison Theory Discussion: For.Nxt vs. For Each (6 replies)
  73. Extract Text (8 replies)
  74. Solved: Hyperlink Address (4 replies)
  75. Transfer the data from the multiple files into 1 worksheets (7 replies)
  76. Solved: Remove Formula (5 replies)
  77. VBA to EXE (3 replies)
  78. inporting external data (4 replies)
  79. delete rows based upon external list (2 replies)
  80. Multi-Delete Function Problem in ListBox1 (11 replies)
  81. Solved: Amend cell in row based on value in first cell (4 replies)
  82. Solved: removing spaces (5 replies)
  83. Solved: Message box Format?? (6 replies)
  84. Version clash (7 replies)
  85. Solved: Excel 2007 ExportAsFixedFormat (8 replies)
  86. Creating charts automaticaly in Excel (7 replies)
  87. Solved: Prompt to save on close (askes if already saved?) (24 replies)
  88. Solved: Copying Workbooks without disrupting the original (1 replies)
  89. Row entry without keeping any row blank (2 replies)
  90. Solved: Data Validation Code To Force Prior Cell Entry (2 replies)
  91. Hide Rows based if column I = 0, then set print area from row 80 to everything visibl (2 replies)
  92. Create Summary Sheet (1 replies)
  93. Excel Lists (6 replies)
  94. 180 Day Calendar (24 replies)
  95. Solved: Sloved:Why GetOpenFilename not working (9 replies)
  96. Need help setting tab orders (28 replies)
  97. Show sheet based on serial number (4 replies)
  98. Searching a range (1 replies)
  99. Solved: clear cells if, like reset (15 replies)
  100. Union Query in VBA (12 replies)
  101. Macro - Pivot Tables (7 replies)
  102. Calculations between Textbox values on Form (2 replies)
  103. Solved: Looping required (2 replies)
  104. Seek help to highlight number. (55 replies)
  105. Newbie help: advanced table manipulation (10 replies)
  106. Auditing in Excel (4 replies)
  107. Solved: Paste Special,Text question (3 replies)
  108. Solved: "Tagging" a Cell (7 replies)
  109. CellColor Macro Not Working (13 replies)
  110. Publish Selection to Web (1 replies)
  111. Hide rows based on cell in row (3 replies)
  112. Prevent VBA generated charts from refreshing (3 replies)
  113. Solved: word wrap or new line (2 replies)
  114. Find Method To Find 2nd Occurence (9 replies)
  115. Solved: Question on sheet names and Copy (3 replies)
  116. Row and Column Numbers in VBA (8 replies)
  117. Solved: Help with array formula (9 replies)
  118. Last Date Used: (3 replies)
  119. print multiple sheets based on user choices (17 replies)
  120. Help:Just some clarification... (4 replies)
  121. Disabling the "Unsafe ActiveX controls" promt in excel (3 replies)
  122. VBA Help in books (3 replies)
  123. How to change sheet name at close excel workbook (17 replies)
  124. Using spinner in a protected sheet (2 replies)
  125. Solved: Hide column on selection change (14 replies)
  126. removing duplicates (4 replies)
  127. Column Sorting (2 replies)
  128. Solved: Import by tab name (28 replies)
  129. Solved: Selecting a Cell on a worksheet. (6 replies)
  130. defining a data source as a variable (5 replies)
  131. Solved: ComboBox & Dynamic Arrays (3 replies)
  132. Football Cup maker (1 replies)
  133. Substitute variable into a range (9 replies)
  134. How to get the data from the "Staff Record.xls" in VBA (12 replies)
  135. [SOLVED:] Copy to OPEN Workbook, not named... (19 replies)
  136. Solved: Casting to Text (9 replies)
  137. VBA Find and replace in XML/Text file (6 replies)
  138. Referencing Cells in changing worksheets (3 replies)
  139. Solved: A Simple(?) ComboBox Query (2 replies)
  140. Solved: Download file from web (5 replies)
  141. Solved: Excel Code Efficiency with DB Connection (20 replies)
  142. Searching Cells for String (8 replies)
  143. Solved: Conditional searching using VBA (1 replies)
  144. Solved: Variable type question (6 replies)
  145. Solved: compare worksheets (5 replies)
  146. Solved: Getting Page Count for a Workbook (2 replies)
  147. Userform Treeview (11 replies)
  148. Solved: Using a String to Run a Macro (3 replies)
  149. Solved: Upper, Proper, and Date Formats (14 replies)
  150. Solved: Deleting a part from a parts list with a macro (9 replies)
  151. Can't Populate Recordset due to SQL code (1 replies)
  152. Solved: Define constant path (5 replies)
  153. Solved: A "Browse" option for File Save? (4 replies)
  154. Solved: Show remaining time (4 replies)
  155. Time Elapsed (4 replies)
  156. Solved: Opening a window to the active.path location (5 replies)
  157. Calculation by VBA (15 replies)
  158. Solved: Printing multiple pages based on cell (8 replies)
  159. Vlookup help (13 replies)
  160. Find Local Time (17 replies)
  161. Solved: Pop up data in Excel (9 replies)
  162. Incrementing the previous value (2 replies)
  163. Solved: Save data to notepad file and leave link in worksheet (12 replies)
  164. Solved: Rename object and code (1 replies)
  165. COMBO BOX question (5 replies)
  166. Solved: Combo Box: set possible values 1 thru N in code (11 replies)
  167. Solved: File Search in Excel - hidden files? (25 replies)
  168. Make directory at Network Login name (16 replies)
  169. restore excel to default (5 replies)
  170. Solved: WEEK DAY REMINDER (3 replies)
  171. Solved: Conditional format (2 replies)
  172. Completely remove form from Excel file (1 replies)
  173. Solved: month end reminder (30 replies)
  174. SUMIF question (4 replies)
  175. Cannot copy a range.... (4 replies)
  176. Excel (10 replies)
  177. Log-in server time (5 replies)
  178. How to set Iteration Times in Solver with macro (2 replies)
  179. Wraptext (2 replies)
  180. Solved: help: How to get cells data for calculation in the best way (20 replies)
  181. Deleting identical rows between sheets? (11 replies)
  182. code for review - Excel "new window" substitute (1 replies)
  183. Suggestions please..... (17 replies)
  184. Solved: excel 2007 saving to 97-2003 compatible (26 replies)
  185. Help:User interaction when code running (11 replies)
  186. Dynamic toolbar fails under certain condition (1 replies)
  187. How to transfer the data from other Workbooks to my worksheets in this case (18 replies)
  188. Empty Cell Reference (3 replies)
  189. Code modification for updating (8 replies)
  190. Cutting a loop short... (3 replies)
  191. Inserting worksheets automatically in the same workbook..Guidance reqd (7 replies)
  192. Solved: Count Total Columns used in Sheet (3 replies)
  193. Help with Index Custom Function (4 replies)
  194. Solved: set reference to Windows Script Host Object Model ??? (4 replies)
  195. Array manipulation (16 replies)
  196. what is wrong with this code? (3 replies)
  197. Solved: Position Values on Stack Bar chart (5 replies)
  198. Issue about size in excel (2 replies)
  199. VBA LogParser and Yahoo RSS feeds (11 replies)
  200. Solved: Excel 2000 commandbar question (15 replies)
  201. Excel 2007 and Conditional formatting (5 replies)
  202. Solved: Scroll Bar Length (2 replies)
  203. Help:How to identify the sheet number of the first sheet? (3 replies)
  204. Solved: VLOOKUP as a sum (19 replies)
  205. [SOLVED:] IF Statement (10 replies)
  206. Loop problem (13 replies)
  207. help speed vba code (2 replies)
  208. Solved: Data Validation Error (19 replies)
  209. Solved: Need a replacement for sub underneath sub (20 replies)
  210. Adding Date to File name (11 replies)
  211. Calling a Worksheet_SelectionChange Subroutine (7 replies)
  212. Use worksheet functions in VBA w/out opening sheet (5 replies)
  213. Forcing user to accept macro? (2 replies)
  214. Name definitions lost after import (0 replies)
  215. Formatting a Cell (11 replies)
  216. Attach ActiveSheet to Email (5 replies)
  217. replace code in VBE with values on worksheet (3 replies)
  218. VBA simple step (11 replies)
  219. Solved: Image instead of Comment (3 replies)
  220. U.K Can any one recommend a VBA course? (12 replies)
  221. Solved: Import data from text file (7 replies)
  222. Solved: VBA Evaluate function not working in arrays - Need alternate (13 replies)
  223. Workbooks.Open ... AddToMru:=True (7 replies)
  224. Abstract first 6 characters from a column (8 replies)
  225. Editing Initialize Procedures for Dynamic User Forms (3 replies)
  226. Help: How to get function return result in the cell next to it (9 replies)
  227. Solved: Move to next cell (3 replies)
  228. Solved: Onkey (11 replies)
  229. Extract numbers only (7 replies)
  230. [SOLVED:] Adding Next Line Character in a Cell (15 replies)
  231. Master broken into week 1, week2, etc... (12 replies)
  232. Solved: Scroll Bar (10 replies)
  233. Looping formula... (13 replies)
  234. Function or not? (15 replies)
  235. Solved: Logging previous values in series of cells (3 replies)
  236. [SOLVED:] Avoid unwanted messages (8 replies)
  237. Computer Hangs (18 replies)
  238. More showed up and Repeated Data! (9 replies)
  239. Button in Excel to open a New Contact in Outlook (1 replies)
  240. Help - activate sheet (5 replies)
  241. [SOLVED:] Array problems (6 replies)
  242. Recover variable value after saving document (3 replies)
  243. Updated time on Cell (17 replies)
  244. VBA Evaluate function not working in arrays - Need alternate (1 replies)
  245. [SLEEPER:] Activate Esc key in Calendar userform (10 replies)
  246. Solved: Navigate Controls (4 replies)
  247. Solved: Change event (2 replies)
  248. Solved: Run Calculator (7 replies)
  249. how to distribut a form project? (10 replies)
  250. Adding worksheets (5 replies)