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  1. Solved: colorindex = xlnone ? (3 replies)
  2. Solved: Macro: Cell Formatting is Failing (3 replies)
  3. [SOLVED:] Mark minumums by columns in each segment (5 replies)
  4. code failure (6 replies)
  5. Solved: Create an Array from a Filled Range (2 replies)
  6. Solved: Add Input box to this code (11 replies)
  7. Solved: Drag Over Event for Cell Color Format Properties (17 replies)
  8. [SOLVED:] Adding Icons to Add-in (18 replies)
  9. Problems freezing the header row form scrolling (6 replies)
  10. a udf with many arguments (2 replies)
  11. Another Related Question/Issue (combining workbooks into Master file) (8 replies)
  12. Changes from vba version 6.3 to version 6.5 (11 replies)
  13. Solved: workout (9 replies)
  14. % formula (4 replies)
  15. Check availability (31 replies)
  16. Trigger Excel Solver by User Defined Function (1 replies)
  17. Custom Menu Item not following document (8 replies)
  18. Solved: error (2 replies)
  19. [SOLVED:] Block cells (1 replies)
  20. Excel VBA "OnKey" command problem (2 replies)
  21. Solved: Display Character Entries in InputBox with "*" (2 replies)
  22. Solved: Formula not working the way I need it to (6 replies)
  23. Trigger Excel Solver without VBA (4 replies)
  24. Speed Imporvements (3 replies)
  25. Solved: What's up with thes CheckBoxes and Option Boxes? (9 replies)
  26. Solved: Formula question (2 replies)
  27. Solved: Worksheet_change event with VLookUp (9 replies)
  28. Praying... and Praying.... (4 replies)
  29. Statistics on LogNormal/Monthly Arrays (2 replies)
  30. Merge tables on diferent workbooks (3 replies)
  31. replace an icon (0 replies)
  32. Solved: Excel to Access (0 replies)
  33. Why my UserForm cannot be initialized? (20 replies)
  34. Solved: Conditional Range without autofilter? (9 replies)
  35. AutoFilter - number of criteria (5 replies)
  36. AfterUpdate event in Class module (9 replies)
  37. Help in pictures on user form (2 replies)
  38. Find First Cell, Check if Pivot Table (12 replies)
  39. Sleeper: Add ColumnHead to a ListBox via VBA (7 replies)
  40. Urgent - manual combo input (10 replies)
  41. Solved: Range Array (3 replies)
  42. Solved: autofilter event ... ? (2 replies)
  43. Array.Count gives Invalid Qualifier Error (1 replies)
  44. set label value equal to file name (2 replies)
  45. how to delete rows? (13 replies)
  46. Solved: Referencing A Variable + An Integer To Show Cell Value? (20 replies)
  47. Solved: Check if sheet is blank (6 replies)
  48. Enumerate reference GUID's (7 replies)
  49. Waiting message (9 replies)
  50. Variable Indirection (9 replies)
  51. Another minor Bug :( passing String variable (6 replies)
  52. Hide and unhide rows by selecting a letter from a userform ComboBox (8 replies)
  53. Solved: Show Hide Multiple Columns at once (4 replies)
  54. Sorting Multiple columns programmatically (5 replies)
  55. Solved: filling in data, relative to the active cell (5 replies)
  56. Consolidate to Summary Page (7 replies)
  57. Solved: Sort without a title row (5 replies)
  58. Solved: Comparing 2 Sheets in a Workbook minor bug (2 replies)
  59. Solved: Saving Sheet (3 replies)
  60. VBA paste from clipboard to email (5 replies)
  61. See the values from a formula (2 replies)
  62. Concatenate in a cell the content of a column if a certain condition (11 replies)
  63. Run macros on different occasions (2 replies)
  64. Misc problems and questions. (16 replies)
  65. Solved: turn off features if not found (7 replies)
  66. Solved: Install if certain user (17 replies)
  67. [SOLVED:] How to write the codes? (29 replies)
  68. clock - display message every half hour (4 replies)
  69. Solved: output message in label (3 replies)
  70. Alter one macro from within another (6 replies)
  71. Naming a Worksheet Today's date (3 replies)
  72. Solved: Excel sync from network copy (5 replies)
  73. hide or disable a page (3 replies)
  74. Solved: Pasting from Word into Excel (4 replies)
  75. Conditional Formating (14 replies)
  76. Solved: rounded down format/display (4 replies)
  77. how to save worksheets in another excel file? (21 replies)
  78. Excel VBA Problem :( (10 replies)
  79. Find used cells, skip blanks (14 replies)
  80. Scanning for specific sheet names (14 replies)
  81. Solved: Building Dynamic List for Combobox Sort Alphabetically? (19 replies)
  82. Solved: Cell Error #### (6 replies)
  83. Solved: Date Format (4 replies)
  84. Solved: reducing file size (6 replies)
  85. Solved: Ignoring 0 in list (8 replies)
  86. File I/O Functions (4 replies)
  87. Solved: Advice On Macro For Transfering Data (13 replies)
  88. Help with: Hide empty rows, unhide others from johnske (4 replies)
  89. Solved: Run-time error '3464' Data type mismatch in criteria expression? (7 replies)
  90. V Lookup (23 replies)
  91. new to VBA scripting. need help. (4 replies)
  92. Select all text of a textbox (9 replies)
  93. Solved: use multipage as button (4 replies)
  94. Solved: Counting Visible Sheets in a workbook (22 replies)
  95. VB date formats - UK / US - HELP!!!!! (1 replies)
  96. Sleeper: Tracking payment adjustments (3 replies)
  97. Solved: run if this cell is blank (1 replies)
  98. Multiple V-look ups at once (6 replies)
  99. Form-level key handler (3 replies)
  100. Excel 2007 -- need help (0 replies)
  101. Solved: Collating and formatting financial data (2 replies)
  102. Solved: Get a Full address of a website using a macro (7 replies)
  103. Solved: Save one sheet as Read-Only (6 replies)
  104. HELP!! Attachments to email - excel VBA (3 replies)
  105. Solved: Setting a range from a Worksheet module (3 replies)
  106. Using OWC9 spreadsheet on User Form (4 replies)
  107. Solved: Date Formula With Conditional Formatting (4 replies)
  108. Solved: Combo Box help (14 replies)
  109. Solved: Selecting Range based on criteria? (1 replies)
  110. Selecting Range based on criteria? (8 replies)
  111. Copy rows from multiple worksheets (3 replies)
  112. Solved: Keep only the newest data?!? (1 replies)
  113. Solved: subtract (17 replies)
  114. Solved: Copy & paste a cell and row times defined number (22 replies)
  115. Linking? (7 replies)
  116. Solved: 1st Form option button to 2nd FORM (11 replies)
  117. Chart Problemz (2 replies)
  118. XY Scatter graphs (2 replies)
  119. Solved: Listbox selection (10 replies)
  120. Solved: Create folders on network drive (11 replies)
  121. Is this ready? (6 replies)
  122. Solved: search for #n/a (5 replies)
  123. XLM Page Setup (7 replies)
  124. Solved: Get values from a multi columns listbox (2 replies)
  125. Solved: how range is defined for a worksheet? (5 replies)
  126. [SOLVED:] Link VBA and HYSYS (1 replies)
  127. Solved: User defined data type - array of an array! (6 replies)
  128. Solved: Input check (6 replies)
  129. Embed ActiveX Control for portability (2 replies)
  130. Help in Tab in user form (22 replies)
  131. Solved: Import Text File (3 replies)
  132. Solved: Calculating wage using time format & currency format? (2 replies)
  133. Warning for missing information (16 replies)
  134. [SOLVED:] Dsiplay image based on list box selection (11 replies)
  135. Macro code isn't working (17 replies)
  136. Solved: Problem Moving Code from Module to UserForm (10 replies)
  137. PERSONAL.VBO (2 replies)
  138. Solved: Apply a Range Name to a second sheet (7 replies)
  139. a userform question (4 replies)
  140. Solved: Open workbook when excel starts (3 replies)
  141. Solved: Option button and text box (7 replies)
  142. vbe and excel date settings (0 replies)
  143. automatic save a file and close (21 replies)
  144. Down and Dirty xml->xsd (3 replies)
  145. Solved: Enable additional controls by vba code (4 replies)
  146. Solved: Macro to compute Lagged Correlations (6 replies)
  147. Display sheet name in a cell (10 replies)
  148. Solved: Generate a computer's hardware code (14 replies)
  149. Adding filter criteria (1 replies)
  150. Retrieving hidden columns (3 replies)
  151. Update Registry key via VBA/excel to chnage default E-mail to Lotus Notes (13 replies)
  152. Solved: Return a subtotal in a list (1 replies)
  153. API show last active URL (9 replies)
  154. Flexible range graph (2 replies)
  155. Solved: Match (2 replies)
  156. automatic calculation (4 replies)
  157. save userform and continue later (7 replies)
  158. Top 5 Help. (7 replies)
  159. [SOLVED:] Delete Rows (3 replies)
  160. double V-Lookup (20 replies)
  161. textbox controlSource problem (10 replies)
  162. Solved: deleting form listbox and datagrid (4 replies)
  163. Solved: Drop Down List (3 replies)
  164. Excel Help - Templates / Forms (3 replies)
  165. [SOLVED:] Stop WorksheetChange Event (3 replies)
  166. ensure that all controls have a value (25 replies)
  167. This Should be an easy copy/paste (7 replies)
  168. Unload frm1 - error (Wrong Number of Arguments) (3 replies)
  169. Solved: Max and Min dates in right header (9 replies)
  170. count if help (2 replies)
  171. Reassign variable (1 replies)
  172. Count rows based upon multiple criteria (11 replies)
  173. [SOLVED:] List worksheet names across columns (2 replies)
  174. Assigning comments to UDF (2 replies)
  175. Solved: Call Subroutine to Clear cells on Worksheet_Change (12 replies)
  176. Solved: populating a worksheet (10 replies)
  177. Solved: Add Bold to Number Formating (3 replies)
  178. copy and paste 2 destinations (11 replies)
  179. VISTA: multiple excel apps (19 replies)
  180. Execute SQL Stored Procedure (4 replies)
  181. Solved: Autofit alternating sizes (4 replies)
  182. Solved: Test if last column is longer than first column (2 replies)
  183. Solved: 52 wks or 53 wks in Year (7 replies)
  184. Solved: Display info from Module in msg box (4 replies)
  185. Solved: Insert File(s) In to the main xls file (8 replies)
  186. Auto close excel after 1hr (7 replies)
  187. Highlighting cells using VBA & Sumif() (8 replies)
  188. Determining name of nested multipage... (4 replies)
  189. Solved: populating listbox2 with listbox1 (15 replies)
  190. Manipulate data in range (4 replies)
  191. Copying data from another excel workbook created to another file automatically. (5 replies)
  192. Print Userform (23 replies)
  193. Solved: Excel out of memory with plenty of memory unused (4 replies)
  194. Solved: filtering, maybe? (2 replies)
  195. Solved: Named range quickie (2 replies)
  196. Solved: Open text File into a Excel workbook (5 replies)
  197. Solved: UserForm scroll bar (4 replies)
  198. 2 Excel Files, 1 Userform (3 replies)
  199. Hide Rows Using Data Validation (4 replies)
  200. Solved: Insert/Delete Row Between Entry (6 replies)
  201. Solved: use today in formula (2 replies)
  202. Simplify SQL string (5 replies)
  203. Moving 3 decimal places (8 replies)
  204. Solved: Replace in a sheet and not the entire workbook (5 replies)
  205. complicate unhide sheet (9 replies)
  206. Summing last two entries or smallest two entries in a list (1 replies)
  207. Solved: Showing all offset matches on different sheet using formula? (13 replies)
  208. Solved: Newbie...Stopping automatic conversion to scientific notation in VBA (4 replies)
  209. Solved: form.width=screen.width (15 replies)
  210. Solved: option box, combo box and excel (10 replies)
  211. Msg Box options (2 replies)
  212. Solved: Changing Month In Cell Everytime Sheet Is Copied? (2 replies)
  213. EnableMenuItem function help (12 replies)
  214. Help with consolidating Invoices (2 replies)
  215. Solved: Showing filtered range in TextBox on UserForm? (13 replies)
  216. Solved: The Lifetime of the "Application.Iteration" Setting (5 replies)
  217. help with old code now work has changed output formats (13 replies)
  218. Text to columns Destination (2 replies)
  219. inserting optButton value into worksheet (2 replies)
  220. Use animated gif in userforms (6 replies)
  221. re: Cannot Add Uniqe Items to a collection (10 replies)
  222. Hours Between dates & time (8 replies)
  223. correct formula syntax in macro (5 replies)
  224. Solved: Help with Textbox and label (5 replies)
  225. Import Text File to Different Worksheet (12 replies)
  226. Solved: Help understanding CONCATENATE formula (6 replies)
  227. Auto Run a macro from PERSONAL.XLS (11 replies)
  228. Solved: Range Union (3 replies)
  229. SQL Loop Error '3021' (8 replies)
  230. List uniques from multiple worksheets (7 replies)
  231. Excel Macro Help (8 replies)
  232. Solved: Range Reference Quickie (3 replies)
  233. Solved: Form Locations (1 replies)
  234. Open emails from excel. (12 replies)
  235. Solved: Summing time in a dynamic range? (17 replies)
  236. Solved: Formatting Time Values using VBA (5 replies)
  237. Solved: Overflow Error #6 (5 replies)
  238. FinalRow (5 replies)
  239. [SOLVED:] What Quarter is the Date? (8 replies)
  240. How to copy vice versa? .. (11 replies)
  241. Copy just certain data from a cell (5 replies)
  242. Solved: Advance Filter problem copying filtered range to different workbook? (17 replies)
  243. Report from Excel (1 replies)
  244. Solved: Excel Sorting Help (2 replies)
  245. repeate open event (8 replies)
  246. Solved: Splash screen While Macro Runs (9 replies)
  247. collecting particular type of fileds (4 replies)
  248. Chart Series info in tipbox? (3 replies)
  249. Solved: Specifying path using Environ(UserName) = Runtime Error 5? (3 replies)
  250. VBA Code Security and Sheet Protection (30 replies)