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  1. VBA PasteSpecial error
  2. Creating Checkboxes that when click uncheck the other
  3. Copying with condition
  4. Word Document Vba Excel - Changing Information in Multiple Documents
  5. [SOLVED:] Justify text in a msgbox
  6. Insert new column with a Formula
  7. [SOLVED:] How to force WorkSheet InputBox to accept currency or decimal value
  8. [SOLVED:] Macro defaulting to original filepath after sheet extracted to new workbook
  9. [SOLVED:] HELP Getting data to final sheet based on highlighted cells!!!
  10. [SOLVED:] VBA code Function to check if date is weekday
  11. .CompareMode with Dictionary
  12. internetexplorer from excel vba run time error 462
  13. Calculating Max and Min Value of RTD without capturing them.
  14. One workbook range data paste into another workbook range
  15. Defining range to convert to CSV
  16. [SOLVED:] How to Combine Multiple Excel Workbooks into Existing Workbook
  17. [SOLVED:] Counting letters and numbers separately in a single cell
  18. Add In Preferences
  19. Copy and paste in one worksheet by conditionqq
  20. how to filter all dates between two dates
  21. [SOLVED:] VBA Code Require - Consolidate multiple sheets in 1 sheet when column Headin differs
  22. [SOLVED:] Renaming Word Document from Excel VBA
  23. Compare two sheet , i.e import sheet and htmlcopy sheet and give result in third she
  24. I can't find a control
  25. [SOLVED:] Issue with Excel Division of Fractions..Not showing correct results
  26. I get the error with that if condition.
  27. Fill down name according to column B
  28. vba - Create subfolder as per monthwise and one Masterworkbook
  29. Move all files on XX Folder to XX Folder based on excel.
  30. How to invert and copy data from a cell?
  31. VBA Coding help please
  32. Stgange overflow error
  33. VBA to load specific cells from one doc to another
  34. Macro to parse a file and input in a spreadsheet the lines that match parameters
  35. Move Filtered Data & Get series of Numbers
  36. Pivot report filter with wildcard
  37. VBA code help - concatenation
  38. [SOLVED:] Open File not working
  39. Inserting lines in text file according to a list
  40. [SOLVED:] How to Open a Picture using Windows Photo Gallery
  41. Print multiple sheet as single pdf page
  42. Defining names in VBA using for loop
  43. Delete Partially Duplicate Rows based on Multiple Values
  44. Search for data based on cells in another worksheet and copy data to another wrksht
  45. [SOLVED:] Assistance required to resolve ComboBox_Change issues
  46. Copy paste
  47. Copy paste csv to xlsx
  48. extract after multiple criteria
  49. [SOLVED:] String Array
  50. [SOLVED:] Copy data based on a certain criteria
  51. Drop-Down List to Display Different Pivot Tables
  52. Concatenate Conditional Long String in Formula
  53. [SOLVED:] Refreshing linked cells to 3 workbooks on different pc's
  54. Search for data in different wrsht and paste result to other column in original wrsht
  56. Scatter graph based on pivot table
  57. [SOLVED:] How do I avoid selecting Shapes?
  58. SQL query run on Excel VBA
  59. Suggestions for Creating Hundreds of Data Lines for Budget
  60. Delete Blank Rows and Add Borders on Last Row
  61. Dlete row
  62. Unhide sheet with password protection
  63. Copy paste
  64. User Form Shown when open VBE Editor
  65. [SOLVED:] Delete row
  66. [SOLVED:] Connecting to phpMyAdmin SQL DB through SSH
  67. If Column X Contains Specific Text, Copy to Col X cell & del
  68. Reference a person in e-mail from VBA
  69. Userform Enter key
  70. Turn Multiple OptionButtons as False
  71. Add border top and bottom row for all pages
  72. VBA Sheet Linking Issue
  73. How to Sum Variable Columns and Rows Using VBA
  74. How to automate an email process –ideas and or advice
  75. Formula by vba
  76. Popup UserForm, the custom message box, is not closed.
  77. filter data Automatically with wildcard characters string
  78. hide/unhide column after criteria match
  79. VBA to use Format Painter from one row to another row
  80. Pulling data from MenaData and BioData in result sheet based on employee id
  81. Clear the data
  82. Page break setup
  83. need macro for auto year workbook with auto months and dates
  84. Combobox's
  85. VBA Help
  86. [SOLVED:] Arranging data that is in columns in a different dynamic way
  87. [SOLVED:] Move file by vba
  88. After page break bottom border for all pages
  89. Select record and update
  90. [SOLVED:] Look up function vba?
  91. [SOLVED:] Issue with VLOOKUP.....Working on 1 Cell but not the other cell....
  92. [SOLVED:] Updating Win/Loss records with VBA Button
  93. [SLEEPER:] The number of users in the shared workbook
  94. [SOLVED:] Select Current Row when a Condition is True in a For Each Loop
  95. Best way to handle duplicate records....
  96. [SOLVED:] Change Value on Multiple Pivot Tables at Once
  97. How can I paste specific rows and replace specific rows
  98. Searchable Drop-Down List Stops Working when Sheet Protected
  99. Debugging Offset within a Range?
  100. Opening XLSM file with Excel 2007 does not display content
  101. Vba process entire row delete
  102. Change the copy order in this VBA code
  103. VBA - Set background color (and text) according to column in another dataset
  104. [SOLVED:] VBA command button to auto generate outlook email
  105. Copy from another program and past to Excel sheet
  106. Extract unique text from cell - excel formula
  107. Please help
  108. [SOLVED:] open worksheet from different worksheet cell
  109. Popup to display warning message
  110. Update Calendar Fills by Revolving Sequence Using VBA
  111. Complex Netting of Amount Against An Array
  112. Copy all of the sheets in an array to a new workbook
  113. [SLEEPER:] How to fixed box text in the excel?
  114. Refer to cells instead of hardcoding text and numbers
  115. Best VBA process for extracting data
  116. Need to be able to move things in order based on sequence of events.
  117. VBA CODE for Subtract two cells
  118. Change cell color based on other cell value
  119. % variation between two cells
  120. VBA - How to Cycle through Workbooks to Paste Columns To a Matching Worksheet
  121. [SOLVED:] VBA coding help
  122. Lookup closest value azimuth (0-360°) value in specific range and return over 360°
  123. If condition for stop printing sheet
  124. How to extract all data with same name
  125. Make Directory and File If doesn't exist?
  126. [SOLVED:] crieria item in list to replace in another column
  127. Copy/Transpose/Paste Vertically Breaking on Blanks Macro
  128. Sleeper: file with macro button to import and split the data in to multiple work bo
  129. logic operator bug, I've never had anything like this
  130. [SOLVED:] Shell( .exe with input files)
  131. [SOLVED:] Check if Plink.exe is active
  132. VBA open another Workbook copy and paste if condition is met
  133. Extract author and date from web page
  134. How to have excel add any new data in a pivot automatically
  135. [SOLVED:] How to unhide Sheets based on 3 cell values
  136. Paste contents into cell that has color
  137. Copy Sheet to New WB but Macros still point to sheet in WB
  138. Duplicate the sheet and updte the Master
  139. Pass parameter into SQL statement in Power Query
  140. VBA Browse multiple workbooks how to short the code....
  141. [SOLVED:] ADODB not getting all the data from one field
  142. [SOLVED:] VBA update and clear the value without delay
  143. [SOLVED:] Hide and unhide columns according to number of days in my calendar
  144. Prevent to modify file extension
  145. Update Shopping list Fills by looking up on another workbook Using VBA
  146. VBA - Find and find next and sum their value help.
  147. [SOLVED:] AdvanceFilter- Multiple Criteria in one Cell
  148. How do you write to worksheet in Excel 2007
  149. [SOLVED:] Save as pdf's
  150. Open latest, partial named file in folder.
  151. Clear cell data that does not contain specific value
  152. Runtime Error
  153. Create Bookmarks from cell names when saving as pdf
  154. add a new event to an event change macro
  155. Vlookup Choose for 3 table after criteria macth
  156. Copy and paste a row in a new worksheet VBA
  157. Reference large spreadsheets without opening them
  158. Update Sheet2 based on date/time values in sheet1
  159. [SOLVED:] How to get name of Option Button created dynamically
  160. copy cell value from one sheet to another sheet
  161. Next without For error
  162. Problems with Object Variable or With block variable not set
  163. vba using on android
  164. SQL on Excel Table
  165. [SOLVED:] Formula to look for a cell phrase and add a cost
  166. [SOLVED:] Transfering Values From Textbox to Textbox
  167. [SOLVED:] Write array to row (not column)
  168. Mismatch data - Dates issue for certain range
  169. VBA Pivot Grouping help
  170. questions about ranges and refedit.
  171. [SOLVED:] Create copy button on userform that autofills information already entered on userform
  172. String Manipulation to Sentence.
  173. Copy and paste filtered rows
  175. Filtiring Dates in Listview
  176. [SOLVED:] combine macros and have access from my personal workbook
  177. [SOLVED:] Different granularity for dashboard
  178. Userform Textbox Number format
  179. Vba to execute what was done with conditional formatting
  180. [SOLVED:] UserForm Label Text Direction
  181. VBA Countif help Passing Criteria through Array
  182. Horizontal cell data to Vertical cell data excel formula
  183. [SOLVED:] EXCEL VBA - Open the Specific file and copy the Data by Vlookup and Offset
  184. 'Send e-mail' bolt-on to existing VBA code
  185. VBA for highlight & extract cells addresss where harcode mannual entry
  186. VBA to execute filter for future date ranges
  187. [SOLVED:] Duplicate Entries in Excel
  188. Populating listbox with selected columns
  189. VBA Change FileName with Numbers sequentially
  190. Extract Data from PDF to Excel in a format
  191. Open specific folder based on cell value or create folder
  192. How are these things done inside VBA Excel?
  193. VBA TextBox Upon Opening, Adding Userform, Not Prompted After Initial Save
  194. [SOLVED:] How to count, sum and subtotal values in a filtered listbox?
  195. VBA: Copy and paste row data in multiple column if Sheet1 ID matches with SheetY ID
  196. Copy and paste images from excel to word with VBA
  197. Database Style
  198. Using a loop to run through Adding Freeform Nodes
  199. [SOLVED:] Removing extension (.xlsm) when converting to PDF
  200. VBA R1C1 help on vlook up
  201. [SOLVED:] Populate multiple textboxes
  202. macro to save cells to another sheet
  203. How Can I Build Chat with Vba?
  204. [SOLVED:] VBA SPLIT into cells and reshape into table
  205. Update chart after cell gets updated
  206. [SOLVED:] User type not defined error trying to merge pdfs
  207. small with condition
  208. [SOLVED:] Make Array with Full Paths to PDF Files in Parent and Subfolders
  209. VBA Search form
  210. Pull data from one table to another
  211. If cell is Empty!
  212. VBA: Input cell data outout in three ways
  213. Input box to display as ******
  214. How to share an Excel file containing a macro on the network
  215. Selecting (copying) specific rows up to the last column
  216. Keep userform open when opening or closing other workbooks
  217. help adjusting code combine two tables from two sheets to another sheet
  218. vba advanced_Filter help
  219. Customize ribbon 2013 excel
  220. [SOLVED:] VBA Code not running if sheets are protected
  221. Pull from Table1,Table2, Test Data, Then place in Table3
  222. [SOLVED:] VBA from text to number
  223. VBA Validation Fields and Date and Time Picker
  224. Require VBA Code for filter Data after criteria match
  225. [SOLVED:] Finding/Changing Default Printer
  226. [SOLVED:] Identify missing numbers in sequence
  227. [SOLVED:] Reformat a table
  228. VBA Error 'Range of object worksheet failed
  229. Copy data between sheets
  230. VBA Macros to Copy Data to Another Workbook
  231. vba copy paste
  232. [SOLVED:] How to Log Changes on Sheets!
  233. Multi-use UForm - can it be improved upon?
  234. [SOLVED:] Extract numbers starting with 07
  235. Formulas no longer work in Excel for Office 365
  236. [SOLVED:] vba sum format number with currency
  237. UserForm to Return the MAX date in a TextBox resulting from VLOOKUP in ComboBox
  238. [SOLVED:] Add Roundup formula to VBA button
  239. [SOLVED:] help adjusting code delete empty rows based on condition from sheet1 to sheet2
  240. VBA code to copy to new workbook and insert pivot
  241. [SOLVED:] Highlight cells that contain specific words
  242. [SOLVED:] question re "for each range in target"
  243. Please help VBA Coding for Repeat Task for Step 2 to Step 6
  244. Advice on comparing excel workbooks
  245. Help!! Merging multiple Excel workbooks into one master sheet.
  246. VBA to check if object is inside or outside of freeform area
  247. [SOLVED:] I want my reset button on VBA userform to do nothing if "no" is selected
  248. [SOLVED:] How to define range based on the value of another cell
  249. Check if labels are visible
  250. [SOLVED:] copy multiple rows of numbers to new location on same sheet.