View Full Version : Excel Help
- Can Not Seem to Get If and ElesIf Statement to Work Correctly
- sampling -VBA code
- need help to edit code use values instead of coords
- InvalidateControl in Excel not working... not sure what I'm doing wrong
- Absolute Cell Reference Using Match
- Secondary & primary axes scaling !
- Change Header Name on Worksheet Table from a ListBox
- VBE Programming buttons in Excel
- Automating My Excel Project
- Allocation with VBA until limit value is reached
- Need Help with the Following Macro--Copy & Paste
- Iteration Until Conditions Are Met - Need VBA Code
- [SOLVED:] Resize Code Window
- Show Hide ranges with button selection
- [SOLVED:] VBA to copy data from source to destination with unique column match
- Deleting rows in the middle of a table
- accessing data from intranet and copy pasting it into the appropriate cell
- [SOLVED:] Macro for numbering several levels
- Circularity Breaker
- API call, send XML
- [SOLVED:] Stripping certain data from left side of a string
- [SOLVED:] Using active cell move entire row from one table to another
- [SOLVED:] VBA Excel Match Sets of items in a range
- [SOLVED:] How to mark a post as solved
- [SOLVED:] Formula to find single date from multiple dates
- [SOLVED:] Input box Data entered need code to state you’ve entered Wrong data try again
- [SOLVED:] Python dictionary in VBA
- VBA code working on one file, giving error on another
- [SOLVED:] How to count unique values in a dynamic range
- [SOLVED:] Delete all conditional formatting and coloring conditional on specific rows
- [SLEEPER:] Split Workwook and save
- [SOLVED:] Dropdown List Copy/Paste to Excel Table on Different Worksheet But in Wrong Column
- [SOLVED:] remove . from the last of email
- From Abbreviation to full form street address Column E
- [SOLVED:] Need to delete any row with "Daily Ledger Bal' in the 3rd column
- Need VBA help for Multilevel number according to the document path
- [SOLVED:] Dynamically locate and copy last number in a column before #N/A error
- [SOLVED:] Create a working search box
- [SOLVED:] Copy active workbook
- [SOLVED:] Highlight domain
- Data transfer from online excel to offline excel only specfic columns
- [SOLVED:] return TEXT value from MID w integer results
- [SOLVED:] Check if Excel cell is not number
- Execute a function stored in text format
- Excel spreadsheet looks different depending on how I open the file.
- Create Hyperlinks based on selection and cell contents
- [SOLVED:] How do you get Excel VBA to realize the default properties again
- [SOLVED:] VBA code to replace "1" with "7:00/ 15:30"
- [SOLVED:] Evaluating Lat Long Equations
- Find and replace function (not Sub) with VBA
- Sleeper: Recursive folder search
- [SOLVED:] Formula to match information from a source sheet
- [SOLVED:] VLOOKUP - Multiply by a percentage if appropriate
- [SOLVED:] Copy file from source path in cell, to destination path in cell, and create folders
- [SOLVED:] condition error
- [SOLVED:] 'Run time error 438 Object does not support this property or method
- [SLEEPER:] copy rows with checkbox
- [SOLVED:] 'Run time error 1004 method 'range' of object'_worksheet' failed
- Error #Value!, vba code trinomial model, Option Put American
- when the checkbox is checked, something must only happen in that row
- [SOLVED:] problem adding 2 values in 2 columns
- [SOLVED:] Copilot
- [SOLVED:] Find Small in and Array
- Drag & drop a file to automatically copy it to a destination folder
- make a table bigger at the touch of a button
- [SOLVED:] Finding wildcards in indexing and aggregate functions.
- transferring a spreadsheet but specifically which sheet
- [SOLVED:] Vertical progress bar with label and changing height - only "grows" downward
- [SOLVED:] Insert names found according row .
- [SOLVED:] How to connect to SQL server over the internet?
- how do i output an ascii text from excel and maintain proper dimensions
- [SOLVED:] Interpolation in excel
- Is chatGPT the way to go with Excel
- Array as variable
- [SOLVED:] Working with Read-Only Export - Save-As
- [SOLVED:] All userform controls are "not" working
- [SOLVED:] If Cell Contains Any Words Found in the Adjacent Cell
- [SOLVED:] Reading items
- Sleeper: Macro to select next result that an xlookup would return
- Create my own permanent Quick Access Data Form on a UserForm in VBA?
- [SOLVED:] columns to columns and rows
- Formula in VBA
- Sleeper: AdvancedFilter - Removing page
- Sleeper: AdvancedFilter - limited columns
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to Send Email Using Excel
- Sleeper: 'New Outlook' Broken my VBA
- [SOLVED:] Trying to reference data from a column of cells in a message box
- Sleeper: Draw proper Bezier curves to contruct flow shapes for Sankey chart
- Sleeper: If and Statement based on one cell and
- [SOLVED:] Concatenate first 3 letters of first word, and first 3 letters of second word
- [SOLVED:] Switching 3 colors on Form
- VBA formula that creates new workbook from 1 sheet after 1 cell is updated and refres
- Sleeper: Ribbon Menu
- Sleeper: Reading serial port rs232 vba
- [SOLVED:] Filter function (not VBA)
- Sleeper: VBA Help on Excel to Web portal
- [SOLVED:] Standard Deviation of an array
- Sleeper: Payroll File--Need Help with Formula
- Convert Excel formula to VBA code
- Sleeper: Pull different numbers from independent lists efficiently
- [SOLVED:] Counting DataValidation Attempts
- Move data from Template A to template B
- [SOLVED:] Copy Macro based on ActiveCell.Offset(r,c)
- [SOLVED:] Appointments Failing to Line up correctly when more than one Appt scheduled in a day
- Can't position dialog
- [SLEEPER:] Please make my code for an active workbook
- Removing folder and subfolder from hyperlink path
- Feedback for Dashboards
- [SOLVED:] VBA code not work if I change the file name
- [SOLVED:] Error handling
- [SOLVED:] PowerQuery Steps to Move Data
- Find duplicates in combobox - get index and remove from other comboboxes.
- [SOLVED:] VBA Highlight consequent cells based on value from another cell with criteria
- [SOLVED:] Should I need a terminate initialisation subset as well?
- [SOLVED:] Run-time error 1004 when trying to open a VBA form
- [SOLVED:] Transposing data
- [SOLVED:] Use an Input box to select a range
- Automatic form creation from construction activities list
- Change lines in a macro with the same idea but different reordering
- [SOLVED:] VBA Macro. I Think I'm Close But Something Is Not Right
- [SOLVED:] Power Query to transpose a dataset
- [SOLVED:] Copy and paste vba - Full numbers come out -1
- [SOLVED:] Dependant cells
- [SOLVED:] Press button to assign the reason provided and count
- [SOLVED:] Excel not handling large number correctly
- Automatic sensitivity assignment in Excel VBA - Blocks automatic processes in VBA
- Switching Between Two Already Open Apps
- Changing excel version with macros
- Hide the Macro form Dialog Box
- Oddly slow running code, under very specific circumstances
- Sleeper: Need some help with arrays and loops
- Moving file to folder with first couple matching characters
- [SOLVED:] Custom Function Wtih Range in Another Sheet
- [SOLVED:] Counts min and max quantity of equals 'strings' based on a filter column
- Sleeper: Excel's Formula by Example
- [SOLVED:] Select row apart from a merged area
- Simplification of Repetative Actions on 2 sets of Different Ranges
- Table format to rows Macro
- Convert Index Match to a regular excel reference
- [SOLVED:] how to enable macro button for every sheet
- Sleeper: VBA code to un-merge cells from a Database
- [SOLVED:] Macro Codes for auto fit columns and rows
- Sleeper: Loop for copying and pasting tables
- Sleeper: VBA Change Line colors
- [SOLVED:] VBA sub - result in run-time error 9, but code looks good
- Adding worksheets to a Listbox
- [SOLVED:] Join Lines
- Sleeper: Change Cell's named reference via VBA
- How to.. Macros only running one active worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Existing macro to password protect sheets has stopped working
- [SOLVED:] Pivot table showing how a Batsman was given out
- [SOLVED:] Update Excel table from a one column range on a different sheet
- How to create a module to find missing brands and models (look through table 1, compa
- Sleeper: Method to show exponential growth in population
- circular flow diagram
- [SOLVED:] Incrementing value in a cell depending on clicking of a macro button
- [SOLVED:] Incrementing a list on clicking a macro button
- [SOLVED:] Help with Convert a formula
- [SOLVED:] VBA Hyperlink not working
- Command Button
- [SOLVED:] Summing dynamic Excel column and count
- [SOLVED:] Close Specific Workbooks Without Saving
- [SOLVED:] Saving index to a variable prior to closing the file
- [SOLVED:] Why does this work? Replacing IF with Text
- Hide unhide sheets with navigation buttons
- [SOLVED:] How to search text in pdf files in one folder
- VBA module to Macro short cut and sharing to multiple users
- [SOLVED:] Inserting Date Last Modified in lots of excel files without opening
- [SOLVED:] Macro to import historical data using web query
- Need help with VBA
- Sleeper: VBA to continuously click email hyperlink
- [SOLVED:] Subtracting Single and Formular values
- Split file with multiple sheets into new workbooks based on column value
- Could not find installable isam when connecting Excel 2016 to SharePoint 1016 lists
- Cannot find the Chrome binary
- VBA and Highlight function has stopped the Undo Funciton
- [SOLVED:] Open file with vba based on file name
- userform close when i close another excel file
- [SOLVED:] Help needed to find matching string from the collection.
- [SOLVED:] Create Named Ranges from worksheet list
- ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs not working with folder
- How to save multiple output excel in single folder in the given format
- Creating a macro to highlight cells in one sheet using info provided in another sheet
- [SOLVED:] VBA code not working
- Sleeper: Reset CommandButton Caption after creating PDF
- how to merge two VBA codes in one?
- VBA copies random rows to new sheet
- [SOLVED:] Why doesn't the macro I created work on all of my sheets.
- Sum of arrays
- Sleeper: Inserting a Row under a Specified Value
- [SOLVED:] Compare each Value from a Row with Values in a Range
- Export bespoke PDF macro
- Need help with the following code--To Save and Close
- Next Help to fix VBA please?
- Use Excel VBA to extract fund size data
- need help in looping
- [SOLVED:] Auto commentary function
- Modules and forms autoupdate
- Generating and populating a table based on list of values in another workbook.
- [SOLVED:] VBA Combination/Posibility problem with and "not equal/OR"
- [SOLVED:] Non-VBA question for Conditional Formatting
- [SLEEPER:] Row protection based on specific cell
- [SLEEPER:] VBAcode to switch(show and hide) between 4 sum value fields on a data mod pivot table
- Why cannot print PDF
- [SOLVED:] VBA help - New row in excel with predefined data
- Workaround to Create a Checkbox in a table with cells(A:A)
- [SOLVED:] IF statment nested within VBA Code
- Excel Not Changing Serial Date to Formatted Date
- Command button to download all attachments recieved today from a specific sender.
- [SOLVED:] Problem with Query Filters on Excel
- [SOLVED:] Need help: debug/fix VBA code to create new worksheets from template and names list
- Excel VB Macro Help
- Create new column in excel when email received.
- Run time error 91 object variables not set
- Syntax issue
- [SOLVED:] Clearing clipboard performance
- [SOLVED:] VBA display pictures in a table
- [SOLVED:] Stuck on sorting array
- Looping through textboxes to copy files and send emails.
- [SOLVED:] dynamically call sub via string
- VBA User form error when saving data to a table
- Moving rows when cell value is changed
- [SOLVED:] Split Text File Into Multiple Text Files keeping the header row
- [SOLVED:] VBA - Search explorer for keyword and return file path
- [SLEEPER:] Copy data including coloured cells automatically to another sheet
- Unprotect sheet for certain users upon start up
- Extracting Financial Data From PDF
- Pull information from selected row via listbox
- Pulling data from another workbook and worksheet
- Scan and copy in same worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Transfer columns from comparable workbook if cell value exists
- [SOLVED:] Pivot table filter based on value using VBA code
- Macro to apply MP3 tags changes with VBA
- [SOLVED:] List the 2nd Tuesday of the month for the next 12 months - Calculation Error
- VBA dictionary concept problem
- Optimization of newton-raphson iterative solution with excel solver vba
- [SOLVED:] Return Subtotal for Table Columns
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to Copy UserForm Textbox data to specific Excel sheet/cells
- [SOLVED:] Failed to run codes from txt file
- Perform basic operations basen on a cell
- [SOLVED:] Help with a Macro to insert a column of a fairly complicated Date/Time function
- [SOLVED:] VBA - Remove Duplicate rows from an entire worksheet
- Vba to copy range from Sheet to another and define a name
- help with detrended fluctuatin analysis
- [SOLVED:] VBA Code to call another VBA function when certain cells match a given criteria
- Prepare Profit and Loss Statement
- Converting 32-bit to 64-bit VBA code
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