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  1. [SOLVED:] Code for Pivot (1 replies)
  2. Filtered data in Listbox based on Option buttons EXCEL VBA (0 replies)
  3. problem getting internet values (0 replies)
  4. [SOLVED:] Excel Optionbutton Calculations (4 replies)
  5. [SOLVED:] Wrong customer apprearing (2 replies)
  6. Automation of Drop Down list (1 replies)
  7. [SOLVED:] I need to create a macro, but unsure of what formulas to put into it (5 replies)
  8. How to disable the sheets protection (2 replies)
  9. Excel VBA (1 replies)
  10. Can VBA record multiple iteration wb results with for next loop from a range of data? (5 replies)
  11. MAcro Creation Date (1 replies)
  12. If and Index and Match against a couple of different conditions (2 replies)
  13. Change the list contents in a cell, when changing the contents in another cell. (17 replies)
  14. Out of places to turn for Time and date stamp help (2 replies)
  15. Copying specific fields of multiple txt files into one master excel (1 replies)
  16. Most efficient way of finding the last row. (4 replies)
  17. INDEX/MATCH formula with INDEX return being in row higher than MATCH value (xlUP) (1 replies)
  18. Code to copy row if two criteria match (1 replies)
  19. VBA code for plotting ternary in excel (0 replies)
  20. Draw line around page margins (6 replies)
  21. Copy data from excel which receive in outlook mail (0 replies)
  22. Transfer Data from one sheet to another sheet to create invoices (3 replies)
  23. Userform Listbox Search Function (9 replies)
  24. HTML Scraping (1 replies)
  25. How to insert a specific row from my sheet, into the email-body using VBA-Excel (1 replies)
  26. Update the Master Workbook from the Copy. (2 replies)
  27. Runtime error 438 (6 replies)
  28. [SOLVED:] Problem with Range().EntireRow.Insert when creating insertRow sub (4 replies)
  29. Date calculation and formula (2 replies)
  30. VBA - change color with double click and count cells based on color (0 replies)
  31. [SOLVED:] Placing comma separated values into the corresponding cell (2 replies)
  32. [SLEEPER:] Can you query a RECORDSET using SQL (4 replies)
  33. [SOLVED:] How To Load Macro onto Exported Excel Sheet (6 replies)
  34. [SOLVED:] PDF from a macro in excel (3 replies)
  35. [SOLVED:] VBA: Detect if the webpage on Internet Explorer is loaded (4 replies)
  36. [SOLVED:] inputbox vba problem (1 replies)
  37. VBA to replace text in a single column (1 replies)
  38. Impossible to trigger a value input in a menu with VBA (javascript) (0 replies)
  39. How Many Coctail With Fruit From İnventory(most effective ways) (0 replies)
  40. [SOLVED:] Excel VB to hide an entire row based on sheet name match and cell dynamically. (4 replies)
  41. Getting “Type Mismatch” with VBA PivotTables and Filter Dates (0 replies)
  42. VBA code errors for exporting sheets as individual PDFs (3 replies)
  43. [SOLVED:] Increment number sequence by two conditions (4 replies)
  44. Dlookup only works when Access is open (0 replies)
  45. Cntl+. macro ? (1 replies)
  46. Send Notes Mail out of Excel with monospaced body (0 replies)
  47. [SOLVED:] How to copy and paste only bold parts of string and not unbold parts of string? (2 replies)
  48. Code to hide row if no value (9 replies)
  49. problem getting internet values (0 replies)
  50. VBA Textbox get last entry from time stamp (1 replies)
  51. Complex VBA - Trying to use specific online calculator and download data to excel (0 replies)
  52. [SOLVED:] Error - Duplicate record after filtering n the Header can't be copied to new workbook (2 replies)
  53. Extract data from the outlook mail which has attached excel file (2 replies)
  54. [SOLVED:] Import .csv file (7 replies)
  55. [SOLVED:] Compare 2 Sheet and by 2 column and compare date get the value on sheet 1 (2 replies)
  56. [SOLVED:] Auto Fill Next Blank Cell in a Row with Value from the Row Above (3 replies)
  57. VBA not to show excel file, excel logo, excel ico but only show a User form (3 replies)
  58. VBA code to print unique values and corresponding values from the other coloumn (1 replies)
  59. Multipage: When I change the page the date changes. (1 replies)
  60. VBA code help 2016 (3 replies)
  61. After uppdating cell excel jumps to other sheet (1 replies)
  62. [SOLVED:] Find all cells with certain value and delete the whole row (8 replies)
  63. [SOLVED:] change from vba code (const as date) to (cell.value in worksheet) (0 replies)
  64. Counting Number of Colors in a sheet (not Number of Colored cells) (3 replies)
  65. [SOLVED:] If E and F is empy paste to column (2 replies)
  66. [SOLVED:] Merge specific worksheet from multiple workbooks into a single worksheet (8 replies)
  67. [SOLVED:] Send e-mail with multiple range in body of e-mail (4 replies)
  68. VBA code to delete contents of one cell based on change in another (1 replies)
  69. VBA Code help - Search files within folders and return file name and path (1 replies)
  70. VBA code to seend seperate sheets as PDF to seperate emails (8 replies)
  71. Logic to pull directory, two tabs and transpose data (1 replies)
  72. How to create a dynamic range for vlookup based on active cell (1 replies)
  74. Amalgamating and texting (1 replies)
  76. [SOLVED:] Underline specific text in shape caption. (Excel 2013) (2 replies)
  77. Convert Row Range formula result to Value (1 replies)
  78. Excel VBA Highlighting dates in a range which match a date from an inputbox (1 replies)
  79. sending email with multiple attachments (4 replies)
  80. Pass Chart Data Point number to variable (1 replies)
  81. Run-Time Error 53 File not found (2 replies)
  82. [SOLVED:] VBA to send 1 email containing all attachments (2 replies)
  83. Problem in automating form filling web page. (0 replies)
  84. #1 VBA to sort data from multiple worksheets into a worksheet (same workbook) (4 replies)
  85. [SOLVED:] Conditional Formatting Help (6 replies)
  86. excel - search for document and open (2 replies)
  87. Userform too much loaded (7 replies)
  88. [SOLVED:] Class Event for ComboBox Enter (Excel 2013) (3 replies)
  89. [SOLVED:] Quick VBA find question (2 replies)
  90. [SOLVED:] ListBox - PreSelect Values (3 replies)
  91. Help with VBA to send email to several recipients listed in different columsn (4 replies)
  92. Please Help !!! Copy particular columns from one file to master file with condition (5 replies)
  93. Extract URL with the hashtag # (2 replies)
  94. Sheets change every few seconds in a loop (19 replies)
  95. [SOLVED:] Run Macro only if selected by left click (4 replies)
  96. Count Highlighted Cells In Each Column (3 replies)
  97. Autofilter, copy, paste to new file (11 replies)
  98. [SOLVED:] Find values in a range then copy and paste data to different column (2 replies)
  99. [SOLVED:] Sum on the basis of mutiple criteria (7 replies)
  100. Moving Files & Folders by Last Modified Date (14 replies)
  101. Copy text to cell from another sheet (5 replies)
  102. [SOLVED:] Start From Last Column - Sequential Number (2 replies)
  103. VLOOKUP VBA FORMULA (2 replies)
  104. Creating shapes and position them (3 replies)
  105. getting #N/D on function.transpose (8 replies)
  106. VBA - Removing a Sheet based on a condition (else a message box) (5 replies)
  107. [SOLVED:] Setfocus in Access form FROM within Excel ? (8 replies)
  108. Excel VB "Unprotect" workbook statement (4 replies)
  109. Rename Files (4 replies)
  110. Add string of text to a specific point in every cells (2 replies)
  111. Highlight Duplicates based on Different year in each row. (1 replies)
  112. Run-time eerror 424 (5 replies)
  113. [SOLVED:] Shapes Array (Excel 2013) (4 replies)
  114. Pivot > show all data (1 replies)
  115. Moving Folder to another Folder if name of folder and cell match (8 replies)
  116. VBA to email each sheet in a workbook (2 replies)
  117. [SOLVED:] Sort and spilit into column from one cell (5 replies)
  118. [SOLVED:] Ensure Selected Item in Listbox does not exist in Range (2 replies)
  119. Macros to copy from desirable worksheets to the same worksheets in another workbook (0 replies)
  120. pls help conditinal formating or vba (16 replies)
  121. [SOLVED:] Display Cell Contents - in ListBox (8 replies)
  122. [SOLVED:] Shape Fill Color Does Not Change (Excel 2013) (1 replies)
  123. Copy and past whole rows to a different tab based on two criteria (1 replies)
  124. [SOLVED:] color uppercase words (1 replies)
  125. [SOLVED:] Find and color text with Text List (1 replies)
  126. Array add dropdown Combobox for UserForm (3 replies)
  127. [SOLVED:] SIMPLE vertical timeline ... (16 replies)
  128. VBA help to compare 2 sheets and pick out duplicates (3 replies)
  129. VBA - Recursive Function modify Code - Output ERROR (10 replies)
  130. [SOLVED:] Sum on the basis of multiple creterias (4 replies)
  131. Can't get a loop to spit out individual files... (1 replies)
  132. my code is working.... almost (1 replies)
  133. [SOLVED:] Checkbox Loop (8 replies)
  134. Transpose Tables arranged horizontally to vertically (3 replies)
  135. [SOLVED:] VBA Code to copy data from one sheet to another based on date (3 replies)
  136. vlookup range in another sheet (9 replies)
  137. Export Multiple Sheets and Save As a new file (2 replies)
  138. Looking to Highlight Certain Phrases (4 replies)
  139. Transferring Data (1 replies)
  140. Checkbox to write values to multiple cells (6 replies)
  141. Data Retrieval (3 replies)
  142. VBA API Parsing and pasting json string to excel spreadsheet. run time 13 error (1 replies)
  143. [SOLVED:] Setting 1 range in 1 Workbook equal to another range in another workbook (3 replies)
  144. [SOLVED:] Sum of all months (3 replies)
  145. VBA Conditional Formatting Help (4 replies)
  147. excel vba replace (7 replies)
  148. Loop based on count of serial number and fill formula (0 replies)
  149. VBA capturing screenshot (2 replies)
  150. vba algorithm (1 replies)
  151. to many line continuations during parsing (9 replies)
  152. compare 3 arrays. If uniqe in dimmesion (2,3,4) then check and copy to Tab1 or Tab3 (1 replies)
  153. Removing uncommon entries between two lists of names+data (3 replies)
  154. How to read values in custom tab of file properties dialog box in windows. (9 replies)
  155. VBA wait on VBScript to finish? (4 replies)
  156. VBA excel looping to subfolders outlook (1 replies)
  157. [SOLVED:] Change Mulitple Userform Label Backcolors (Excel 2013) (7 replies)
  158. [SOLVED:] Excel 2013 - How to check whether a chart series is selected (5 replies)
  159. [SOLVED:] help with understanding loops and multiplying integers (5 replies)
  160. I don't know what to do with message in Excel (4 replies)
  161. Test if active cell is within 2 separate unrelated ranges (2 replies)
  162. Copy specific data from a worksheet containing searchable comboboxes to another sheet (1 replies)
  163. Help Combining Two Private Sub's Into One (22 replies)
  164. List Box issue (2 replies)
  165. Excel recalculate everytime i write in a cell (1 replies)
  166. Advice for my prank code (6 replies)
  167. [SOLVED:] An Array of Sheet Names (6 replies)
  168. [SOLVED:] Loop and copy paste part numbers based on qty (5 replies)
  169. Shared Workbook Which Has 12 Worksheets (3 replies)
  170. VBA Code Updating Word Doc Bookmarks Data to Push New Data from Excel Cells (2 replies)
  171. VBA code for a routine process (4 replies)
  172. Outlook Calander Appointments With Excel (1 replies)
  173. Formula Help (4 replies)
  174. Filter - Copy - Paste (7 replies)
  175. Close Workbook After Idle (1 replies)
  176. Help with my code (Finding specific max values and applying it for other column) (0 replies)
  177. Change color of numeric characters (2 replies)
  178. To copy specific columns from a raw file to another workbook (2 replies)
  179. Help with VBA coding (4 replies)
  180. [SOLVED:] VBA Code to create a list of changes from a workbook. (8 replies)
  181. Send E-Mail via Macro if Workbook was saved and the was name changed aswell (5 replies)
  182. [SOLVED:] How to set loop for selecting columns and converting numbers stored as text (3 replies)
  183. time deduction (3 replies)
  184. Fill Internet Form (1 replies)
  185. static "fake" pivot table (1 replies)
  186. Refresh MS Query - Password Issue (1 replies)
  187. [SOLVED:] Custom sort with placeholders (5 replies)
  188. [SOLVED:] RE-ORDER and Inserting Columns of two Workbooks. (18 replies)
  189. VBA code for adding a new value in data range using user form (1 replies)
  190. INDEX MATCH with 2 range criteria in the same sheet (1 replies)
  191. Copying data from one sheet to another (6 replies)
  192. vba array /loop help (4 replies)
  193. [SOLVED:] VBA Macro to select and bring back a new campaign code (5 replies)
  194. Macro to Insert Objects from folders and move it to respective Sheets (3 replies)
  195. Infinite VBA Loop (16 replies)
  196. [SOLVED:] VBA help please (2 replies)
  197. [SOLVED:] VBA Before Double-Click Event executing when not desirable (5 replies)
  198. Variable x,y axis scales, series names and chart title (1 replies)
  199. Chart with Dynamic Row and Column Count Help needed (3 replies)
  200. Download Csv file from the Website VBA (0 replies)
  201. OptionButton LinkedCell trouble (8 replies)
  202. copy entire row from sheet1 into sheet2 if ID matches and column header should match (7 replies)
  203. [SOLVED:] Delete the value of cell that start by char with exception . (4 replies)
  204. [SOLVED:] Vba how to check workbook name first before opening it (2 replies)
  205. [SOLVED:] Random Numbers Looping Thru and Displaying Values (17 replies)
  206. Form created in worksheet, using macro to submit the info to second sheet (1 replies)
  207. Macro to open workbook copy data from workbook 1 and paste in workbook 2 and repeat. (5 replies)
  208. MultiPage - Run-time error 35788: (3 replies)
  209. Application.Goto not working in immediate window (2 replies)
  210. Split cells data in below rows with other data. (2 replies)
  211. VBA Combining Data from Multiple Workbook into One - Need help ASAP (2 replies)
  212. [SOLVED:] TMP file not found error when creating multiple workbooks in a loop (27 replies)
  213. [SLEEPER:] Makes bold a chosen word in a cell (8 replies)
  214. [SOLVED:] VBA Error run time 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error (6 replies)
  215. excel vba change cell color based on a number value in a range (3 replies)
  216. VBA to carry out Simpson's Rule for Tabulated (Equispaced) Data (2 replies)
  217. [SOLVED:] Show Random Numbers Looping on a UserForm (10 replies)
  218. Programming Scroll Button on Mouse (2 replies)
  219. [SOLVED:] TextBox - Named Range Dynamic Search (1 replies)
  220. Else without If Problem (22 replies)
  221. VBA Loop on Overly Coded Macro (14 replies)
  222. [SOLVED:] IF-ElseIF-Else macro seems to be disconnected (2 replies)
  223. File renaming (2 replies)
  224. [SOLVED:] Sorting by custom aplphabet (6 replies)
  225. code for sum function (0 replies)
  226. Data Tabulation (2 replies)
  227. Transferring Data between sheets to main record sheet. (2 replies)
  228. VLookup (0 replies)
  229. Excel Userform - how can I send an HTML email using data from the userform with image (0 replies)
  230. Conditional Formatting with Multiple Criteria (2 replies)
  231. SUMPRODUCT formula does not add up negative numbers. (0 replies)
  232. Market- making algorithm (2 replies)
  233. Excel Clarification (4 replies)
  234. Multiple Linear Progression, logging and VBA (35 replies)
  235. Same Userform, Different Lines (7 replies)
  236. VBA SQL Query from Cell (1 replies)
  237. [SOLVED:] VBA Dir and HTTP Directories Equivalent (10 replies)
  238. [SOLVED:] Consolidating data from multiple workbooks with varying ranges (3 replies)
  239. proper variable type (2 replies)
  240. Quick Question (hopefully) - Possible to create a front sheet for analysing data? (4 replies)
  241. Lock ComboBox/ MsgBox as Error (2 replies)
  242. counts ships between instances of picked number (4 replies)
  243. [SOLVED:] overflow error in range.find (7 replies)
  244. [SOLVED:] Hidden Object Range Failure in Worksheet Calculate (1 replies)
  245. Excel 2016 VBA Error 400 (4 replies)
  246. VBA to copy / autofill data, where am i going wrong? (1 replies)
  247. [SOLVED:] Deleting multiple cells based on value found (2 replies)
  248. [SOLVED:] Copy from Excel to Powerpoint to create a report (17 replies)
  249. VBA to email each sheet in a workbook (0 replies)
  250. [SOLVED:] if not found record after 1st criterial in Advanced Filter - then move to next if (1 replies)