- Solved: A Loop?
- Solved: New Member-Formula act within a range
- Solved: How to speed-up Macro?
- Solved: Blackjack
- Insert page break after each row that has a cell with a specified value
- Time difference
- Macros
- Solved: How Do I Write This Formula?
- How to retrieve the alphabets of a word
- Conditional count (two conditions)
- Solved: Vlook up..?
- Conditional formatting
- Solved: Checking For Data In A Cell
- Solved: Why Doesn?t This INDIRECT Work?
- view hyperlink on a userform
- Location Change for a Chart
- Chart, mark value that varies
- Solved: Number Format
- Userform?
- Print area...
- Solved: What does this Dim mean?
- Merging-Copy Row-Marking Solved...
- comparing....
- Print "Repeat rows from bottom of worksheet"
- Solved: Combo Box help....
- Copying and pasting rows based on criteria in saved a list
- Solved: Test for Null in Listbox Value
- Protecting coding
- Line chart
- Modeless Userform to act like "Find and Replace" modeless form
- Solved: ToolTip for VBA checkbox in Excel
- Repeating search
- Solved: Not displaying N/A but showing a blank ""
- Solved: Qanalys - Quantitative analys of Manuscripts
- [SLEEPER:] Conditionally format a cell the same as another cell upon a match
- Solved: Problems with ?MERGE? and ?xlCenterAcrossSelection?
- Solved: How to create a DLL via VBA editor?
- check for hyperlink
- Solved: Linking columns in different tabs of the same file
- Solved: treeview in worksheet
- Insert a new row after a certain number of rows
- Solved: Delete Duplicate Rows based on multiple columns
- Solved: Add NETWORKDAYS to a date
- Changing data selected in a UserForm
- Compare between two lists project
- [SOLVED:] Copy and Paste Error between Application instances
- Solved: Importing Non English Text
- Calculate thru VBA
- Solved: Deleting Row if word ends in "a" in column A?
- [SOLVED:] Sharing Macros
- [SOLVED:] About Windows Media Player on UserForm
- Solved: Excel to word at position
- Solved: Save only one sheet
- Solved: Macro Calling
- Solved: Copying rows into worksheet - problem with macro
- Solved: Excel Error Lists...?
- Solved: Complete Data Entry Before Close
- combobox
- Calculate period of time, excluding non-working hours
- Solved: Saving to various sections on the same sheet
- Excel VBA to Script
- Running/storing macros independently of worksheet
- [SOLVED:] A Simple search
- Solved: Password sensitivity
- Solved: Saving as xlExcel5 from Excel 2000
- Transfering information
- Solved: Help with VBA
- Application.Ready
- Solved: Modify Personal.xls Not Trusted Error
- SOLVED: How do you create a worksheet with a given name?
- count a numberformat
- ?Can?t Find Project or Library?
- Quick few questions
- Solved: How to sort worksheets?
- Copy worksheets to new workbook - Teach Me?
- Solved: Auto completion of Dates
- Sleeper: Landscape if 2 pages wide?
- List of last date sold and price
- hyperlinking to a macro?
- Solved: Copy/Paste within a Macro
- Solved: Format cells in noncontiguous selected rows
- Auto Transfer
- Solved: Delete empty rows and copy to another worksheet
- Excel Functions in VBA
- Solved: Unprotecting All Worksheets While Macro RUNS
- Solved: Problem with array
- Move files between directories
- Windows and Mac difference...Code wise
- How to get all texts from clipboard?
- Solved: Macro for Custom Formatting
- find and move data macro
- Solved: How to Assign ?Define Name? to a Button on a Toolbar
- Solved: Stop the cursor in a loop
- Solved: Opening a Word document from Excel in the running instance of Word
- Solved: Page break after each new customer
- Excel Range Math - anyone have a lookup?
- Forcing printer to print landscape
- Solved: CSV FILE
- VBA Cell locked
- Solved: Probem with comparing list code.
- Protect/Unprotect Closed workbook
- Solved: Select sheet based a combobox value
- Solved: Complele Daily Entries before Closing Worksheet
- Fit To pages wide
- Solved: Don't allow Special Characters
- Solved: Change to column if more than one item is checked
- Solved: Upper/Lower Case
- Solved: Sheetprotection and Save dialog
- Max from a certain range
- Fctns LARGE & SMALL Don't Work in Cond Fmtting Formulas
- Solved: Assign VBA Variable from Excel Cell
- Solved: Select All and Unselect all
- Solved: Adding features to an excel worksheet
- [SOLVED:] How to highlight precedents of formula
- Solved: progress bar
- Calculate Date Difference excluding Weekend (Saturday & Sunday)
- Hide Rows based on variable
- Excel data format query
- Solved: Pivot table
- using inputbox
- Solved: Transform general format in time format
- Solved: Loop to check every row
- Text Boxes Won?t Stay Visible on Charts
- Solved: copy specific cells sheet1 into form sheet2
- Solved: Parent and Child workbook relationships
- Automation: EVT Logs to Excel
- Solved: Change focus or unload between forms
- Run macro on passw protected TAB
- Solved: Next cell any direction
- [SOLVED:] Macro to search multiple workbooks for a match?
- Keypress on Datepicker
- Run .exe from VBA code
- Replace a tilde with the corresponding headword
- Solved: Deleting text boxes
- A problem with user defined data type
- Can someone help me solve this issue pls?
- Time question
- Solved: Solved:Totaly stuck
- email active sheet problems
- Solved: Find / FindNext question
- Paste Format
- How to use DoEvents in VBA
- Solved: I want to make code smaller and more optomized
- Solved: Form to change sheets
- Solved: Defining variable Ranges?
- Solved: Programmatically add controls
- Solved: Programmatically add controls 2
- Addin for work
- Names like McNeed etc.
- Solved: Programmatically add code to Workbook_Open
- stretch to a4
- sheetchange problem
- Solved: Looping Images
- Refresh Listbox
- Solved: Auto Tab
- right click menu in a text box
- Help Creating Pivot Table w/ Specific Consolidation Ranges
- Solved: Merge Cells
- Solved: Retrieve Data From A Database To Excel Using SQL
- [SOLVED:] Muliple Userforms
- Solved: Browse A Folder And Hyperlink All Modified WBs
- Sleeper: Auto-Adjust Ranking
- [SOLVED:] Don't have Frame1 & ListBox1 BackColor = fmBackStyleTransparent Property?
- Conditional Formatting for row based on cell
- How to return large multi-dimensional arrays from VBA Excel functions?
- combobox and listbox questions
- How does one obtain a folder name using VBA?
- Transparent Background Colour?
- Solved: VB Editor
- Solved: Timesheet calculation using forms accounting for sick days
- Cannot call "Format Cells" dialogue box - Excel Bug?
- Importing Data to a Form
- Solved: Delete specific rows from all spreadsheets
- Intelligent Copy Paste
- Clear:Temporary Internet Files + Opened Website Address Names + DNSCache+Cookies+Temp
- Solved: A Submit Button that Doesn?t
- Solved: Find named range that activecell is in
- Solved: get rid of duplications and data filtering!
- [SLEEPER:] Execute macro on all sheets but last 6
- Solved: ToolTip for each item in combobox
- return text in one column based on another one
- Adding Cell reference as a header prior to print
- A Difficult thing indeed
- create a save as box in a user form
- Solved: Removing Controls on the Fly
- Solved: Preventing renaming sheets
- Solved: merge and print with offset
- Solved: Trouble with format of a textbox in a userform
- can't get rid of Bold
- Solved: Optimize Code
- VBA Code to Auto-Select Rows and Copy to New Worksheet
- Using Case Statement
- Solved: Problem with DB Path
- add a description
- Solved: Automatic Cell formating
- Solved: Clearing old data from a table
- Solved: Vlook up and two combo boxes
- [SOLVED:] Disable "shift" key
- Solved: quick question
- speedy page setup
- ComboBox - Using Combo Boxes to Change/Delete rows
- Solved: Help: Need to export image from Excel
- List Boxes
- Solved: Subscript Error
- Conditional code or format (No formula)
- Solved: Quantity at Operation based on In/Out marker
- auto update link from password protected file
- Paste format + formula attached to " Add new " Button
- Solved: Pop-up calendar confusion
- Solved: Data Entry Control
- Email sheet and cell reference
- Solved: Copy rows to 2 different workbooks
- Updating nested linked files
- test if more than one year
- Solved: Perl Conversion
- Solved: Check one range against another
- FileSystemObject and Subfolders
- Buttons Visible/Hidden
- Solved: Pop-up with list of sheets and checkboxes?
- User Selected Excel File
- Advice Needed
- Cut and Paste Rows to New Worksheet based on date in column - protected worksheet
- Set focus in a list box
- Solved: Duplicates removals!
- Solved: Help with Error Handling
- Solved: Removing Blanks
- Solved: Multiple instances of VBAProject
- Solved: From - Option Button & Focus issue
- extract data from notepad to xls
- Settings?
- Get Column Letter
- Extracting data from another file
- Solved: CSV File
- Solved: row counting, pasting on trigger
- Converting a Column Reference/Address to Points measurement for Shape alignment.
- Transfering data form to form
- Solved: click cell behind picture NOW EDITED
- Solved: Form Controls Vs Active X Controls
- Solved: Forcing a spreadsheet with a read only attribute to reopen as read/write
- Constant
- Solved: Syntax calculation error
- Solved: validation techniques
- VLookup on more than one column
- Conditional transfer of data
- [SOLVED:] How to display a special character in a message box?
- Solved: Userform updating worksheet incorrectly
- Clean way to create popup help balloons