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  1. get first blank row and paste formula and format from range
  2. Solved: drop down list forced selection
  3. VB Code for saving a workbook with duplication prevention
  4. [SOLVED:] Floating button
  5. list box
  6. Solved: Nested ifs Check Changed by val
  7. Altering the Series Formula in a Chart
  8. Converting normal cell into DropDown List
  9. Solved: Combo Box loses all entries after running code
  10. Logging in problem again.
  11. Solved: Close Excel?
  12. Copying data from multiple sheets to one - feedback Req.
  13. Fill text to two sheets on entry
  14. Calendar with comments
  15. msgbox help wanted
  16. Menu Editor
  17. Solved: Data from Userform to spreadsheet
  18. Solved: Working with Filtered Data
  19. Find Excel workbooks in many SubFolders
  20. Solved: Add new row to spreadsheet
  21. Existing data shuts down VBA
  22. Problem with Calculated fields in the Pivot Table
  23. Solved: Spreadsheet Printing
  24. Solved: Search and copy question
  25. Worksheet_SelectionChange Now I can't Cut and Paste
  26. Hiding Spreadsheets
  27. Inserting names from address list into user form
  28. Using excel to read pixel color in .bmp files
  29. Copy and pasting format and formula for new range.
  30. Solved: Interest Rate
  31. Solved: Selecting Value from List based on Multiple Criteria
  32. Solved: SaveFileName As Concatenated Value
  33. Userforms
  34. Solved: Message box code
  35. Solved: Data validation cell change - message box
  36. Dodgy array and loop - this might be very bad...
  37. Solved: Dynamic placement of buttons
  38. Solved: Email multiple attachments using a column range in excel
  39. Solved: VBA Code to Concatenate
  40. Solved: Sheet Security
  41. Delete or ClearContents ends sub prematurely
  42. Solved: Selecting a folder interactively
  43. Solved: Date Formating?
  44. Solved: find data in a closed workbook?
  45. Solved: Text Compare - pattern match
  46. Solved: Fixed Cell/Column Width - when reached move to cell below
  47. Solved: Loop in Excel
  48. Solved: Can you put a smilie in a msgbox?
  49. Solved: Select Range of all rows
  50. Solved: Formatting headers
  51. Solved: Get portion of search results
  52. Solved: Clean up some code
  53. Solved: Get Tabs Back
  54. Highlight formula results that have a blank value
  55. Advice on a sort of client-server app
  56. Solved: Paste last row into master sheet.
  57. saving userform textbox as a number in worksheet
  58. Hyperlink - Parent and Child
  59. [SOLVED:] IF Formula with colour
  60. Solved: Menu options on Microsoft Visual Basic
  61. Solved: Combo Box Help
  62. Solved: bar diagram
  63. Solved: Autofilter Question
  64. Taste of my addin
  65. Solved: Opening a doc
  66. [SOLVED:] Line Number in Error Handler
  67. Summary worksheet
  68. Create ActiveX Form from Delphi7
  69. Counting Clicks?
  70. Getting the Excel's name from folder!
  71. copy cell content depending on value
  72. Excel persisted range to SQL Server 2005
  73. Toolbar...
  74. summ aumont with interesec two index....
  75. Sudoku setup
  76. [SLEEPER:] Restrict to single selection in Multi select Listbox
  77. Mail from Excel via Outlook
  78. Solved: excel cursor turns into black box
  79. VLookUp or ....
  80. Solved: Need a blank cell as a result
  82. Solved: send email using outlook to diff people, diiff attachments and using diff email ids
  83. Solved: Help with the formula
  84. GetObject method in Excel 2004 for MacOs
  85. Solved: XLSTART Directory
  86. If null or if is not null question ...
  87. Worksheet Formula Finding Duplicate Names?
  88. Get Active IE Contents Into Worksheet
  89. [SOLVED:] Sheet names in an array
  90. Solved: Cell range as a variable
  91. Solved: Export to Text File
  92. Solved: Macro Problem
  93. Need macro help
  94. Where is it the written cell????
  95. Worksheet ReadOnly?
  96. Compile error: Variable not defined
  97. Solved: Make add-in compatible with Excel 2007
  98. Solved: Export/Import Range to Text File
  99. Sleeper: Charting question
  100. convert to number alert msg
  101. testing/quizzing
  102. Creating Common Connection object to use across many modules
  103. [SOLVED:] Which Runs Quicker???
  104. Breaking a name into characters
  105. CTRL F on more than one WB
  106. Zygote Assistance: Search by Font, Copy to New Worksheet
  107. Adding Controls to Pages programatically
  108. Solved: Message Box Obsolete
  109. Solved: assign macros to the controls of a toolbar
  110. Need help with macro to insert rows and copy data
  111. simple loop backwards
  112. Solved: When Application.UserName is blank ...
  113. multi match
  114. Code Printing
  115. Solved: Page break at each change in customer
  116. Making a textbox display a default value
  117. Solved: Formula if Product is the same as above
  118. Data validation pull down not recognized
  119. Solved: delete rows which are not completely filled
  120. Outlook data checked against a spreadsheet
  121. Solved: Working with Dates
  122. Getting a feel for excel functions
  123. Solved: Array & cbos?
  124. Solved: Store Application.Vlookup Value in Array?
  125. Images copying to another cell
  126. HELP With Code
  127. Solved: Hide my "Personal"
  128. Browser History to Excel
  129. coding OptionButton to show message
  130. rename excel files using text in it
  131. one sheet print
  132. Solved: Naming Sheets
  133. Returning External Data from MySQL Server
  134. zoom in to the pasted area.
  135. Solved: I need to debug, Can you help pls?
  136. Automate IE download from jsp web page
  137. world war 2
  138. SS not accepting dates past 1/20/06
  139. Dependant comboboxes
  140. Compare one cell with a range ....
  141. Summing largest amounts - Formula limitations?
  142. Pivot Table Default Selection
  143. Shift if "Invoice Date"
  144. Solved: Populating a user form, editing the data, then saving it back to the spreadsheet
  145. conditional addition of row
  146. Solved: Date in all Caps
  147. complex if statement.. need help.. thankyou
  148. Solved: Precedure that works on one sheet and does not on another one
  149. Group Cut and Paste
  150. Sleeper: Autofit without unhiding
  151. Copy data from one sheet to another in the same workbook
  152. Converting from: Send Key Event to: different event
  153. Solved: Update Matched Items
  154. Solved: Using wildcards in a formula
  155. Copy Outlook data to Excel
  156. Cells method advice
  157. PivotTable.Refresh woes
  158. Solved: Moving data and deleting duplicate rows
  159. Hiding rows in a protected worksheet..
  160. Solved: view/page break preview
  161. Solved: XCOPY Command Using VBA?
  162. Date Format Error
  163. Copy data from Excel to Internet Explorer
  164. close all but activeworbook
  165. Loop involving list
  166. Passing a variable into a Private sub
  167. Solved: Delete Any Numbers that are less than 1
  168. Import data
  169. Last Row
  170. Solved: pasting with formulas - problem with macro
  171. Extend Code To Other Worksheets
  172. save a worksheet
  173. Open Workbook based on today's date
  174. Number of days in current month
  175. Solved: Timer Delay
  176. Solved: 2007 Personal.xlsb info
  177. Copying a Module and Updating Links
  178. Solved: User Form / List Box Help Me!
  179. Solved: Copy Large Cells
  180. Control with time
  181. Locking cells in excel
  182. Data Input in Excel
  183. Solved: Problem with Formula to Determine the Max Row
  184. Format of date in text box differs from the corresponding cell.
  185. Get inner Text string Value
  186. Restrict Data in Cells
  187. Use Variable in ComboBox name?
  188. Solved: how to make a solved thread, unsolved again?
  189. Solved: Copy and Paste Problem
  190. Solved: Help With INDEX-MATCH-SMALL...
  191. Solved: Formula for sheet name
  192. Consolidating data from multiple workbooks grouped by first column
  193. Find Next Error
  194. Solved: [solved] Help with Email active worksheet example
  195. Solved: Cut and Paste using Offset and Vlookup
  196. Solved: titles in scatter graph
  197. Solved: Adding new sheets with the pre-define names
  198. recursively add button and code
  199. Version incompatibility?
  200. macro to open a folder with explorer
  201. Solved: Adding a row of unlocked cells
  202. [SOLVED:] Worksheet Protection
  203. Solved: Pivot Tables from External Databases - Average formula incorrect
  204. Unexplained ?NAME? Error in Formula
  205. Solved: Flashing cell (sheet_activate)
  206. Check for memory leaks in Excel VBA
  207. Custom Document Property Defaults
  208. VBA Code Security and Sheet Protection
  209. Solved: Specifying path using Environ(UserName) = Runtime Error 5?
  210. Chart Series info in tipbox?
  211. collecting particular type of fileds
  212. Solved: Splash screen While Macro Runs
  213. repeate open event
  214. Solved: Excel Sorting Help
  215. Report from Excel
  216. Solved: Advance Filter problem copying filtered range to different workbook?
  217. Copy just certain data from a cell
  218. How to copy vice versa? ..
  219. [SOLVED:] What Quarter is the Date?
  220. FinalRow
  221. Solved: Overflow Error #6
  222. Solved: Formatting Time Values using VBA
  223. Solved: Summing time in a dynamic range?
  224. Open emails from excel.
  225. Solved: Form Locations
  226. Solved: Range Reference Quickie
  227. Excel Macro Help
  228. List uniques from multiple worksheets
  229. SQL Loop Error '3021'
  230. Solved: Range Union
  231. Auto Run a macro from PERSONAL.XLS
  232. Solved: Help understanding CONCATENATE formula
  233. Import Text File to Different Worksheet
  234. Solved: Help with Textbox and label
  235. correct formula syntax in macro
  236. Hours Between dates & time
  237. re: Cannot Add Uniqe Items to a collection
  238. Use animated gif in userforms
  239. inserting optButton value into worksheet
  240. Text to columns Destination
  241. help with old code now work has changed output formats
  242. Solved: The Lifetime of the "Application.Iteration" Setting
  243. Solved: Showing filtered range in TextBox on UserForm?
  244. Help with consolidating Invoices
  245. EnableMenuItem function help
  246. Solved: Changing Month In Cell Everytime Sheet Is Copied?
  247. Msg Box options
  248. Solved: option box, combo box and excel
  249. Solved: form.width=screen.width
  250. Solved: Newbie...Stopping automatic conversion to scientific notation in VBA