- get first blank row and paste formula and format from range
- Solved: drop down list forced selection
- VB Code for saving a workbook with duplication prevention
- [SOLVED:] Floating button
- list box
- Solved: Nested ifs Check Changed by val
- Altering the Series Formula in a Chart
- Converting normal cell into DropDown List
- Solved: Combo Box loses all entries after running code
- Logging in problem again.
- Solved: Close Excel?
- Copying data from multiple sheets to one - feedback Req.
- Fill text to two sheets on entry
- Calendar with comments
- msgbox help wanted
- Menu Editor
- Solved: Data from Userform to spreadsheet
- Solved: Working with Filtered Data
- Find Excel workbooks in many SubFolders
- Solved: Add new row to spreadsheet
- Existing data shuts down VBA
- Problem with Calculated fields in the Pivot Table
- Solved: Spreadsheet Printing
- Solved: Search and copy question
- Worksheet_SelectionChange Now I can't Cut and Paste
- Hiding Spreadsheets
- Inserting names from address list into user form
- Using excel to read pixel color in .bmp files
- Copy and pasting format and formula for new range.
- Solved: Interest Rate
- Solved: Selecting Value from List based on Multiple Criteria
- Solved: SaveFileName As Concatenated Value
- Userforms
- Solved: Message box code
- Solved: Data validation cell change - message box
- Dodgy array and loop - this might be very bad...
- Solved: Dynamic placement of buttons
- Solved: Email multiple attachments using a column range in excel
- Solved: VBA Code to Concatenate
- Solved: Sheet Security
- Delete or ClearContents ends sub prematurely
- Solved: Selecting a folder interactively
- Solved: Date Formating?
- Solved: find data in a closed workbook?
- Solved: Text Compare - pattern match
- Solved: Fixed Cell/Column Width - when reached move to cell below
- Solved: Loop in Excel
- Solved: Can you put a smilie in a msgbox?
- Solved: Select Range of all rows
- Solved: Formatting headers
- Solved: Get portion of search results
- Solved: Clean up some code
- Solved: Get Tabs Back
- Highlight formula results that have a blank value
- Advice on a sort of client-server app
- Solved: Paste last row into master sheet.
- saving userform textbox as a number in worksheet
- Hyperlink - Parent and Child
- [SOLVED:] IF Formula with colour
- Solved: Menu options on Microsoft Visual Basic
- Solved: Combo Box Help
- Solved: bar diagram
- Solved: Autofilter Question
- Taste of my addin
- Solved: Opening a doc
- [SOLVED:] Line Number in Error Handler
- Summary worksheet
- Create ActiveX Form from Delphi7
- Counting Clicks?
- Getting the Excel's name from folder!
- copy cell content depending on value
- Excel persisted range to SQL Server 2005
- Toolbar...
- summ aumont with interesec two index....
- Sudoku setup
- [SLEEPER:] Restrict to single selection in Multi select Listbox
- Mail from Excel via Outlook
- Solved: excel cursor turns into black box
- VLookUp or ....
- Solved: Need a blank cell as a result
- Solved: send email using outlook to diff people, diiff attachments and using diff email ids
- Solved: Help with the formula
- GetObject method in Excel 2004 for MacOs
- Solved: XLSTART Directory
- If null or if is not null question ...
- Worksheet Formula Finding Duplicate Names?
- Get Active IE Contents Into Worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Sheet names in an array
- Solved: Cell range as a variable
- Solved: Export to Text File
- Solved: Macro Problem
- Need macro help
- Where is it the written cell????
- Worksheet ReadOnly?
- Compile error: Variable not defined
- Solved: Make add-in compatible with Excel 2007
- Solved: Export/Import Range to Text File
- Sleeper: Charting question
- convert to number alert msg
- testing/quizzing
- Creating Common Connection object to use across many modules
- [SOLVED:] Which Runs Quicker???
- Breaking a name into characters
- CTRL F on more than one WB
- Zygote Assistance: Search by Font, Copy to New Worksheet
- Adding Controls to Pages programatically
- Solved: Message Box Obsolete
- Solved: assign macros to the controls of a toolbar
- Need help with macro to insert rows and copy data
- simple loop backwards
- Solved: When Application.UserName is blank ...
- multi match
- Code Printing
- Solved: Page break at each change in customer
- Making a textbox display a default value
- Solved: Formula if Product is the same as above
- Data validation pull down not recognized
- Solved: delete rows which are not completely filled
- Outlook data checked against a spreadsheet
- Solved: Working with Dates
- Getting a feel for excel functions
- Solved: Array & cbos?
- Solved: Store Application.Vlookup Value in Array?
- Images copying to another cell
- HELP With Code
- Solved: Hide my "Personal"
- Browser History to Excel
- coding OptionButton to show message
- rename excel files using text in it
- one sheet print
- Solved: Naming Sheets
- Returning External Data from MySQL Server
- zoom in to the pasted area.
- Solved: I need to debug, Can you help pls?
- Automate IE download from jsp web page
- world war 2
- SS not accepting dates past 1/20/06
- Dependant comboboxes
- Compare one cell with a range ....
- Summing largest amounts - Formula limitations?
- Pivot Table Default Selection
- Shift if "Invoice Date"
- Solved: Populating a user form, editing the data, then saving it back to the spreadsheet
- conditional addition of row
- Solved: Date in all Caps
- complex if statement.. need help.. thankyou
- Solved: Precedure that works on one sheet and does not on another one
- Group Cut and Paste
- Sleeper: Autofit without unhiding
- Copy data from one sheet to another in the same workbook
- Converting from: Send Key Event to: different event
- Solved: Update Matched Items
- Solved: Using wildcards in a formula
- Copy Outlook data to Excel
- Cells method advice
- PivotTable.Refresh woes
- Solved: Moving data and deleting duplicate rows
- Hiding rows in a protected worksheet..
- Solved: view/page break preview
- Solved: XCOPY Command Using VBA?
- Date Format Error
- Copy data from Excel to Internet Explorer
- close all but activeworbook
- Loop involving list
- Passing a variable into a Private sub
- Solved: Delete Any Numbers that are less than 1
- Import data
- Last Row
- Solved: pasting with formulas - problem with macro
- Extend Code To Other Worksheets
- save a worksheet
- Open Workbook based on today's date
- Number of days in current month
- Solved: Timer Delay
- Solved: 2007 Personal.xlsb info
- Copying a Module and Updating Links
- Solved: User Form / List Box Help Me!
- Solved: Copy Large Cells
- Control with time
- Locking cells in excel
- Data Input in Excel
- Solved: Problem with Formula to Determine the Max Row
- Format of date in text box differs from the corresponding cell.
- Get inner Text string Value
- Restrict Data in Cells
- Use Variable in ComboBox name?
- Solved: how to make a solved thread, unsolved again?
- Solved: Copy and Paste Problem
- Solved: Help With INDEX-MATCH-SMALL...
- Solved: Formula for sheet name
- Consolidating data from multiple workbooks grouped by first column
- Find Next Error
- Solved: [solved] Help with Email active worksheet example
- Solved: Cut and Paste using Offset and Vlookup
- Solved: titles in scatter graph
- Solved: Adding new sheets with the pre-define names
- recursively add button and code
- Version incompatibility?
- macro to open a folder with explorer
- Solved: Adding a row of unlocked cells
- [SOLVED:] Worksheet Protection
- Solved: Pivot Tables from External Databases - Average formula incorrect
- Unexplained ?NAME? Error in Formula
- Solved: Flashing cell (sheet_activate)
- Check for memory leaks in Excel VBA
- Custom Document Property Defaults
- VBA Code Security and Sheet Protection
- Solved: Specifying path using Environ(UserName) = Runtime Error 5?
- Chart Series info in tipbox?
- collecting particular type of fileds
- Solved: Splash screen While Macro Runs
- repeate open event
- Solved: Excel Sorting Help
- Report from Excel
- Solved: Advance Filter problem copying filtered range to different workbook?
- Copy just certain data from a cell
- How to copy vice versa? ..
- [SOLVED:] What Quarter is the Date?
- FinalRow
- Solved: Overflow Error #6
- Solved: Formatting Time Values using VBA
- Solved: Summing time in a dynamic range?
- Open emails from excel.
- Solved: Form Locations
- Solved: Range Reference Quickie
- Excel Macro Help
- List uniques from multiple worksheets
- SQL Loop Error '3021'
- Solved: Range Union
- Auto Run a macro from PERSONAL.XLS
- Solved: Help understanding CONCATENATE formula
- Import Text File to Different Worksheet
- Solved: Help with Textbox and label
- correct formula syntax in macro
- Hours Between dates & time
- re: Cannot Add Uniqe Items to a collection
- Use animated gif in userforms
- inserting optButton value into worksheet
- Text to columns Destination
- help with old code now work has changed output formats
- Solved: The Lifetime of the "Application.Iteration" Setting
- Solved: Showing filtered range in TextBox on UserForm?
- Help with consolidating Invoices
- EnableMenuItem function help
- Solved: Changing Month In Cell Everytime Sheet Is Copied?
- Msg Box options
- Solved: option box, combo box and excel
- Solved: form.width=screen.width
- Solved: Newbie...Stopping automatic conversion to scientific notation in VBA