- Solved: Showing all offset matches on different sheet using formula?
- Summing last two entries or smallest two entries in a list
- complicate unhide sheet
- Solved: Replace in a sheet and not the entire workbook
- Moving 3 decimal places
- Simplify SQL string
- Solved: use today in formula
- Solved: Insert/Delete Row Between Entry
- Hide Rows Using Data Validation
- 2 Excel Files, 1 Userform
- Solved: UserForm scroll bar
- Solved: Open text File into a Excel workbook
- Solved: Named range quickie
- Solved: filtering, maybe?
- Solved: Excel out of memory with plenty of memory unused
- Print Userform
- Copying data from another excel workbook created to another file automatically.
- Manipulate data in range
- Solved: populating listbox2 with listbox1
- Determining name of nested multipage...
- Highlighting cells using VBA & Sumif()
- Auto close excel after 1hr
- Solved: Insert File(s) In to the main xls file
- Solved: Display info from Module in msg box
- [SOLVED:] 52 wks or 53 wks in Year
- Solved: Test if last column is longer than first column
- Solved: Autofit alternating sizes
- Execute SQL Stored Procedure
- VISTA: multiple excel apps
- copy and paste 2 destinations
- Solved: Add Bold to Number Formating
- Solved: populating a worksheet
- Solved: Call Subroutine to Clear cells on Worksheet_Change
- Assigning comments to UDF
- [SOLVED:] List worksheet names across columns
- Count rows based upon multiple criteria
- Reassign variable
- count if help
- Solved: Max and Min dates in right header
- Unload frm1 - error (Wrong Number of Arguments)
- This Should be an easy copy/paste
- ensure that all controls have a value
- [SOLVED:] Stop WorksheetChange Event
- Excel Help - Templates / Forms
- Solved: Drop Down List
- Solved: deleting form listbox and datagrid
- textbox controlSource problem
- double V-Lookup
- [SOLVED:] Delete Rows
- Top 5 Help.
- save userform and continue later
- automatic calculation
- Solved: Match
- Flexible range graph
- API show last active URL
- Solved: Return a subtotal in a list
- Update Registry key via VBA/excel to chnage default E-mail to Lotus Notes
- Retrieving hidden columns
- Adding filter criteria
- Solved: Generate a computer's hardware code
- Display sheet name in a cell
- Solved: Macro to compute Lagged Correlations
- Solved: Enable additional controls by vba code
- Down and Dirty xml->xsd
- [SLEEPER:] Automatic save a file and close
- vbe and excel date settings
- Solved: Option button and text box
- Solved: Open workbook when excel starts
- a userform question
- Solved: Apply a Range Name to a second sheet
- Solved: Problem Moving Code from Module to UserForm
- Macro code isn't working
- [SOLVED:] Dsiplay image based on list box selection
- Warning for missing information
- Solved: Calculating wage using time format & currency format?
- Solved: Import Text File
- Help in Tab in user form
- Embed ActiveX Control for portability
- Solved: Input check
- Solved: User defined data type - array of an array!
- [SOLVED:] Link VBA and HYSYS
- Solved: how range is defined for a worksheet?
- Solved: Get values from a multi columns listbox
- XLM Page Setup
- Solved: search for #n/a
- Is this ready?
- Solved: Create folders on network drive
- Solved: Listbox selection
- XY Scatter graphs
- Chart Problemz
- Solved: 1st Form option button to 2nd FORM
- Linking?
- Solved: Copy & paste a cell and row times defined number
- Solved: subtract
- Solved: Keep only the newest data?!?
- Copy rows from multiple worksheets
- Selecting Range based on criteria?
- Solved: Selecting Range based on criteria?
- Solved: Combo Box help
- Solved: Date Formula With Conditional Formatting
- Using OWC9 spreadsheet on User Form
- Solved: Setting a range from a Worksheet module
- HELP!! Attachments to email - excel VBA
- Solved: Save one sheet as Read-Only
- Solved: Get a Full address of a website using a macro
- Solved: Collating and formatting financial data
- Excel 2007 -- need help
- Form-level key handler
- Multiple V-look ups at once
- Solved: run if this cell is blank
- Sleeper: Tracking payment adjustments
- VB date formats - UK / US - HELP!!!!!
- Solved: Counting Visible Sheets in a workbook
- Solved: use multipage as button
- Select all text of a textbox
- new to VBA scripting. need help.
- V Lookup
- Solved: Run-time error '3464' Data type mismatch in criteria expression?
- Help with: Hide empty rows, unhide others from johnske
- Solved: Advice On Macro For Transfering Data
- File I/O Functions
- Solved: Ignoring 0 in list
- Solved: reducing file size
- Solved: Date Format
- Solved: Cell Error ####
- Solved: Building Dynamic List for Combobox Sort Alphabetically?
- Scanning for specific sheet names
- Find used cells, skip blanks
- Excel VBA Problem :(
- how to save worksheets in another excel file?
- Solved: rounded down format/display
- Conditional Formating
- Solved: Pasting from Word into Excel
- hide or disable a page
- Solved: Excel sync from network copy
- [SOLVED:] Naming a Worksheet Today's date
- Alter one macro from within another
- Solved: output message in label
- clock - display message every half hour
- [SOLVED:] How to write the codes?
- Solved: Install if certain user
- Solved: turn off features if not found
- Misc problems and questions.
- Run macros on different occasions
- Concatenate in a cell the content of a column if a certain condition
- See the values from a formula
- VBA paste from clipboard to email
- Solved: Saving Sheet
- Solved: Comparing 2 Sheets in a Workbook minor bug
- Solved: Sort without a title row
- Consolidate to Summary Page
- Solved: filling in data, relative to the active cell
- Sorting Multiple columns programmatically
- Solved: Show Hide Multiple Columns at once
- Hide and unhide rows by selecting a letter from a userform ComboBox
- Another minor Bug :( passing String variable
- Variable Indirection
- Waiting message
- Enumerate reference GUID's
- Solved: Check if sheet is blank
- Solved: Referencing A Variable + An Integer To Show Cell Value?
- how to delete rows?
- set label value equal to file name
- Array.Count gives Invalid Qualifier Error
- Solved: autofilter event ... ?
- Solved: Range Array
- Urgent - manual combo input
- Sleeper: Add ColumnHead to a ListBox via VBA
- Find First Cell, Check if Pivot Table
- Help in pictures on user form
- AfterUpdate event in Class module
- AutoFilter - number of criteria
- Solved: Conditional Range without autofilter?
- Why my UserForm cannot be initialized?
- Solved: Excel to Access
- replace an icon
- Merge tables on diferent workbooks
- [SLEEPER:] Statistics on LogNormal/Monthly Arrays
- Praying... and Praying....
- Solved: Worksheet_change event with VLookUp
- Solved: Formula question
- Solved: What's up with thes CheckBoxes and Option Boxes?
- Speed Imporvements
- Trigger Excel Solver without VBA
- Solved: Formula not working the way I need it to
- Solved: Display Character Entries in InputBox with "*"
- [SOLVED:] Excel VBA "OnKey" command problem
- [SOLVED:] Block cells
- Solved: error
- Custom Menu Item not following document
- Trigger Excel Solver by User Defined Function
- Check availability
- % formula
- Solved: workout
- Changes from vba version 6.3 to version 6.5
- Another Related Question/Issue (combining workbooks into Master file)
- a udf with many arguments
- Problems freezing the header row form scrolling
- [SOLVED:] Adding Icons to Add-in
- Solved: Drag Over Event for Cell Color Format Properties
- Solved: Add Input box to this code
- Solved: Create an Array from a Filled Range
- code failure
- [SOLVED:] Mark minumums by columns in each segment
- Solved: Macro: Cell Formatting is Failing
- Solved: colorindex = xlnone ?
- Solved: Sort Left to Right
- Current Account Program
- Solved: Need help implementing code
- Solved: Hiding the "X" or close button on user form
- Sum text box values
- add an item to a vbe toolbar
- Print to 1 pages wide sometimes makes it too small
- month
- Lookup result needed
- Solved: ordering complex dates
- [SOLVED:] Sumif & sum only positive or negative number
- Solved: Hiding Worksheets
- show answer to other cell
- how to put the sheets in order?
- how to open a sheet instead of another sheet?
- code for determining error in s/sheet
- [SLEEPER:] Switch to tab if already created
- row height set up
- updating links to external data source
- how to load textbox?
- Solved: Run macro after file save
- Settle Time for Excel Application
- write in cells in correct order
- open an image inserted with hiperlink
- IF statement inside a vlookup?
- Sorting data over multiple sheets into array
- Solved: Find blanks - move over and then highlight
- Export to Txt File - Amount should be right justified
- Macro to delete other macro or Module
- Solved: Highlight date if it is two weeks late
- Solved: Sheets(Array(1,2,3).Copy based on date?
- How can I do this?
- Solved: Requisite first posting to view attachments
- list box
- Excel VBA to server
- remove Pivot lookup value
- Solved: Create an Array from Filled Range - Part II
- Check Lotus Notes if open
- [SOLVED:] Splash Screen
- Autofill dynamic range across sheet
- ASCII replacement
- Turn on Resources on Install
- use code for multiple controls