- Solved: Splitting cell content
- Delete VB code
- Setting Print area to used range, VBA?
- cut and paste a range to a new worksheet
- Solved: Range Concatenation
- [SOLVED:] Add data from many files (they are in same format)
- automatic update from external source
- Solved: Create a email send list
- Deleting a Chart in VBA
- Where's the code error?
- Chart Question
- trying to lookup a number in a column and edit data in another
- Importing a worksheet
- Solved: Run a dialog using Macro
- Solved: Function help
- Solved: Variables declared correctly? Space Continuation?
- Advice Needed w/statistics
- Solved: need help with #value! error
- Solved: Locating a Knowledgebase Workbook
- Vlookup reverse
- IF statment with cell formating
- Solved: Install Office 2007
- [SOLVED:] Why is Next used/necessary
- Centering answer in Msgbox?
- Qualifying Object Reference Help
- select and delete a certain date
- Array Formula
- conditional formating if Teddy I
- Solved: create workbook, delete workbook
- Selecting a Random Statement
- macro to open userform and close everything else
- duplicate warning code for 3 columns
- Solved: Delete entire row that are duplicates.
- insert value into A1
- Built-in Help is not working
- Solved: Transfer range from excel to access
- Solved: If condition false reply by e-mail with variable hyperlink
- Assist in developing new procedure: Lists.
- Refresh All XMLMaps
- Fill Down Automatically?
- Sheet Names of XLS within a drop down list
- Solved: Checkmark in Active Cell
- Solved: Return cell address of VLOOKUP
- [SOLVED:] Condense this code ?
- Solved: Adding New Sheet w/ Sequential Date
- Set field lengths
- Populating listbox in User Forms
- Copy data from CloseWorkbook to OpenWorkbook
- Solved: Limit the Number of Sheets in A Workbook
- start header and footers on 2nd sheet
- when to use error code?
- My macros connects to Oracle and writes to file but no Excel
- Solved: Copy RightHeader onto sheet
- Solved: Weird Problem
- Expand column range in code
- Copy only visible cells
- Fun with FUNCTIONS!!!
- Solved: What are the differences between two?
- I need to parse out data into separate columns
- Solved: Getting Data from Password Protected Workbook
- VBA uploading spreadsheets
- Huffman Coding
- EVal function in Excel VBA
- Solved: Unable to add another record thru click event
- Mid Formula - extract numerals..
- Hiding Unused Worksheets
- How to Internet Explorer's HomePage textbox is enable via VBA?
- Solved: BeforeDoubleClick setting column and row?
- Solved: Object Required error when inserting data from Excel to Access
- automatic sorting
- macro for recording changings
- PrintScreen Request
- Solved: images
- Solved: Find Last Row With Border
- help on creating new sheets
- using loops to search through a text file
- Solved: I want to add hundreds of TXT files into one XLS file
- Solved: Mega help required to remove 1000 block of code
- Solved: select plot area sheet using cell reference
- Solved: Counting based on Cell Values
- Solved: BorderAround only displays on 1 quadrant
- relative-absolute
- simple (i think) text manipulation
- Solved: Compute Months And Days From Decimal Value...
- Calculate how many items are in the data field
- Find Last Row for "x"
- Break down a string
- Email On Click Cell
- [SOLVED:] Sorting inside single cell
- Solved: Create hyperlink and activate it
- help on duplication code
- A useful Risk Liklihood Matrix
- Username and Password
- create .xls file from false condition
- to modify an existing code
- Copy worksheets to new workbooks
- Solved: Unhide and hide desired sheets from macro
- Find Blank Row and Sum Cells Above it??
- Insert Row based on partial cell value
- how to modify Novell Groupwise VBA script?
- Worksheet Change Event
- Concept only required
- Solved: Forms 101... showing range of cells on a user form
- Importing html's source code into Excel !
- Solved: How come this works on 2007 but not on 2003
- Global Variable accross multiple procedures
- PivotTable question
- random problem
- Solved: Find text, return near by text based on an offset(more efficient way?)
- Sorting in PivotTable or Hiding a PivotField
- How to solve the strings and sentence
- Solved: Setting Available References
- Copying to list
- Menu bar on a User Form
- VBA DateDiff() Problem
- Solved: Application-defined or object-defined error
- Making a report based on 4 sheets
- Options of Excel 2007
- Date Format - Non-English
- Solved: Statusbar progress percentage value
- Solved: Listbox starting value - vlookup disappears?
- Solved: Unhide only certain sheets Macro
- Newbie Function Compile Error
- Save small icons as pictures
- Solved: Convert to txt
- UserForm-ListBox
- Solved: Format Extracted Data
- Comparing columns
- ActiveCell - shifting from one workbook to another
- looping cut & paste
- Excel not properly closing
- Automatically run macro every 5 minutes
- Saving after autodeleting
- Solved: How to check the values stored in excel sheet thru VBA
- Countdown Clock
- Solved: copy data from one worksheet to another in same workbook
- Solved: Copying UserForm between project files
- Solved: Sheet Change Event
- stop closing a worksheet unless press a button
- Solved: Why won't this work?
- check if a file exists
- create and run a worksheet template macro in a middle of other process !!!
- Sleeper: Moving Items in a ListBox
- Solved: CheckBox Delete in Macro
- Need help with a function called PAYBACK
- Change Print to 'Landscape'
- My Print Layout Reverts Right Before Printing
- Solved: Open & copy from files with differing names
- Solved: Compare Worksheets
- Solved: generate reports.. need help...
- Datepicker Null value.
- userform help wanted
- UserForm, Copy Data
- data store in access ..
- I lose page break formatting when attempting to print
- Deleting Checkboxes
- Transfer Array to worksheet
- Hyperlinks within a userform
- Solved: Speedy PageSetup
- Solved: countif and offset help for 2 work sheets
- Retrieving data based on a combobox selection
- [SOLVED:] Range in VBA
- 2-Part Workbook Question- Save & Save As
- Summing non contiguous range minus last 2 cells of range?
- Solved: Curing #NUM! when formula finds no match?
- amending Array MATCH formula to cope with blanks?
- Solved: Setting the Directory - SaveAs
- copy data in the last row automatically
- Listbox worksheet help
- Solved: create User Friendly Spreadsheet
- Highlight if less then subtotal
- Solved: Checkbox help
- Solved: Help required for Excel VBA query
- Solved: Delete Rows with same information
- printing issue
- Copying and Storing VBA Code in DB
- Solved: Delete rows based on Criteria in two cols
- UserForm- Select records from Access
- Can I combine these into 4 lines?
- Using user-defined functions in formulas
- reminder box
- Clear cell edit
- Help With Sorting
- function category
- SubFolders of GetFolder(x).SubFolders
- Help w/ Loop
- Solved: Question re: Browse For Folder KBase article
- Copying Cell to another Worksheet
- Solved: Create Email with Hyperlink to Network Folder
- Solved: Concatenate and Autonumbering
- Solved: Getting rid of message box
- Solved: Chart from a list of cells with count of numbers as data
- Dropping off all characters after .xx decimal place (not rounding up or down)
- help in unhiding all hidden cells and worksheets
- Macro to attach numerous pdf files and email via lotus notes
- picking up file names in one folder
- Hyperlink to another form.
- Solved: Error on "Save As"
- Solved: Excel Auto Fill columns
- Relative Reference
- Solved: Copy cells from a excel form to different worksheets
- Command in execution time
- Need help, don't know VBA.
- [SOLVED:] A Problem in an User Definied Function About Color Info
- Solved: Add a Clear Button
- Copy Particular Text to Excel File...
- Run Macro
- Solved: Compare values in same sheet
- Solved: How to save OLE object added in a sheet.
- Copy data with empty value
- UserForm - clear contents for next entry
- Sleeper: Few Quick Questions
- Solved: Use VBA to compare two columns in Excel and highlight the cells that are similar
- Re-setting Checkbox Number
- Do Calculation with Form before I enter on worksheet
- [SOLVED:] S"Action" menu item?
- Solved: Locating Address without Selecting cell
- Attach button to sheet/ access from Private Sub
- Find Excel workbooks in many SubFolders and create hyperlink for it
- Solved: UDF For Convering a Formula To Resource Addresses
- Solved: Variable Help
- CVar'ing a string
- Solved: Test Date if it is Weekend or Holiday
- intersect function
- Filtering A Worksheet
- Solved: I am getting " ' " in front of text
- copying worksheets
- Ignoring item in unique list formula?
- Solved: generate ws from template adding data from range on main sheet
- Compare two xls files and generate a report/result file
- copying data from different workbooks.
- UserForm clear controls
- A Simple Email from Excel
- Solved: Run-time error '1004': Issue
- Line numbering in the VBE
- [SOLVED:] Shade all Blank rows in Range
- need help with VBA code for conditional formatting
- detecting open WB at start up
- Combine Workbooks based on Date
- Solved: Conditional Format of textbox on form
- Solved: Offset List Help
- Solved: PivotTable Finding x,y First Non-Blank Cell in Row Returning Column #
- Solved: Copy a range from 1 workbook to another workbook
- Solved: Add to a Year if not formated as a number
- Vlookup if I don't know the name of the workbook
- Merge Data from 2 lists into 1 without duplicates
- Solved: Testing the Left Header
- Input Mask?
- Web query help
- Trying to make a loop to shorten my code