- Prevent sub routines from running
- Solved: Changing Date Format in an Array
- Select unique value
- Solved: Changing Date Format
- Solved: Comparing a list between two worksheets
- Cell on Click Event?
- Data from Web page / IE into Excel
- getting worksheetnames as links
- -2147417848 Object Disconnedted from client
- Solved: Printing different columns
- Cell Reference in another excel file
- Solved: How to protect macro code..
- Individual Dates To Consecutive Dates
- The sampler should give transactions of
- Copying chart parameters from one chart to another
- calculation state
- [SOLVED:] Start Range down 1 Row
- Write Reserved Error With Save As Macro
- Solved: resetting a variable to empty
- Solved: Eliminating the "Data May Exist in the Sheets Selected for deletion" window
- Solved: Merging Worksheets into one Master Sheet
- Solved: Selecting Non-adjacent columns
- Solved: Combobox Value in Userform to a textbox in an activeworksheet
- Using the MATCH command
- nesting a vba function
- lotus email problem
- Solved: Rename tab
- Solved: Form Radio Buttons
- Solved: Excel Template and Excel Database
- Best loop to use?
- Listbox Values to Select ppt Shape
- 1004 error
- EXCEL MACROS: Convert Absolute Reference cell into Relative one
- Excel userform pass values to SQl query
- Solved: AutoFilters: need simple tutorial, and differences (?) for Mac users?
- Solved: For Each Loop- Multiple columns?
- UCase Help
- Solved: Delete Empty Rows
- Copy "X" number of records to new file
- Set up table to search Web for specific Item details
- Compare and Print with VBA HELP!!
- Solved: Macro to AutoRun at Night on Network - will it work?
- Solved: Auto Date Populate in form
- Data Validation - Combo box using Named Ranges ? INDIRECT
- [SOLVED:] code to close workbook
- copying a worksheet that is hidden?
- Solved: link to return to form
- Solved: Using the EOMonth Function
- Solved: Matching Date Types
- [SOLVED:] Refresh Pivot with larger cache
- adding date with double click
- Mouse Icon over Cell Change
- Switch to workbook if already open
- Solved: Work Sheet Naming
- Read Only File
- Pivot Table events
- Exporting data from Access to Excel
- Where does code go
- SaveAs: Keep original copy open?
- Save copy.
- Solved: Auto Comment
- Solved: UserForm Navigation
- Open Bloomberg
- Tabbing Issues
- Inputing Userform data into spreadsheet
- Solved: Scrolling in Form threw rows
- Checking date in cell A1 Monday or not
- worksheetname
- Recognize other programs running
- Solved: Changing Date Format Within an Array
- Solved: Highlight control in UserForm
- Export Excel Range to Access
- query does not work
- toggleButtons
- how to delete the column when the shape is deleted?
- Solved: Excel User Forms with multiple selections
- Solved: Conditional formating
- Solved: Searching a very specific Value
- Solved: Re-writing my VBS into VBA Excel... minor bug
- Solved: Prevent Duplicate Date in Validation Code
- Solved: Design of reformat macro
- Help with query
- Solved: Help:Switch automatic changing case ON/OFF?
- How to have a macro run by itself
- Array size limits?
- [SOLVED:] Change Link Source in a protected sheet
- Solved: Error Checking against opening file
- Finding the Folder that the working file is in
- Userform To Act As A Login With A Password To Use The Spreadsheet
- serious problem re: cut copy and paste
- Import data from Text file using macros
- Solved: user access
- Solved: Column Number
- Solved: Setting Window height & width
- Exit Excel Macro
- VBA: Append letter "JS"
- Import Access table to Excel
- Solved: Sheets Problem
- Input data into web form write to Excel
- Cut and Paste Problem
- switch cells
- "Reset" Lastcell
- Variables and Chart Series
- Solved: Populate boxes on form with value from 1 cell
- Web Query -- URL Dynamically post
- Sorting Columns
- Whole row of active cell should be bold
- transfer of data from userform to sheet
- Web Query Questions
- Solved: Whole row becomes shaded / highlighted when selected
- how to write if a=b in VBA?
- Formatting text in a formula
- Solved: Code help
- Solved: Forming a variable name
- Solved: calling a sub in another add-in
- Solved: Tabbing Issue
- Solved: reducing size of Excel files
- Solved: create new workbook B from subtotals in workbook A
- Create Image of selected cells and save outside of Excel
- Solved: Test if Autofilter is on
- Macros do not work
- Solved: WB + WS vba headache
- run macro for an entire folder contents
- Assist in creating loop w/ multi-variables
- Deleting a formula from a cell once the result is given
- Solved: Dealing with multiple columns with variables
- Solved: Cell formatting
- Solved: Debug.Print
- combining two Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) correctly
- Sheet Protection - Which has precedence?
- Copy values from one sheet to another
- Column Exists
- Select Row Copy anomaly
- Solved: Cell reference in global declaration
- Handling Array Error
- Solved: Code works on step through, but skips when run...
- Solved: Goto a worksheet selected by the user
- Solved: Determine is Sheet exists based on list
- Send as Attachment - Change coding from Excel 2003 to Excel 97
- populate data based on a list
- Sheet selection + Shortcuts
- Solved: Multi stage sorting and subtotaling of Excel Data Base
- Run Time errror 1004
- How to protect the macro code?
- Solved: protect formulas
- [SOLVED:] Hiding Command Toolbars
- Only locking particular cells without protecting the whole sheet?
- Solved: Deleting file at end of code
- excel and sharepoint 2007
- Classes, Instance, What is this all about?
- recopy value in column without dupes
- Solved: Simple formula not working
- Solved: Track File Usage
- Importing a Text File
- Using 'Ontime'
- Is this code correct?
- Solved: Dropdown list problem
- Convert Excel Workbooks into Text files, Compare them & store result back ito Excel
- Solved: Excel VBA Email to more than one recipient
- Solved: Copy paste special
- Cell format
- Solved: Gather tab names from workbook
- Hiding blank rows below Pivot Table
- Solved: Formulas, entered by macro
- Solved: Chart Formatting
- textbox events?
- Solved: Sum of columns
- Solved: how to check duplication of columns?
- Formulas that do not run
- Combining code to make smaller
- Changing Date Format in an array
- Search and Replace Special
- Userform checkbox captions to a cell
- Can you tell me why it sends two emails?
- why can i see it and other can't?
- Solved: A function that pulls earliest date based on multiple criteria
- double click
- Solved: Format problem
- Solved: #NA problem
- Solved: Table customisation thru Pivot Table
- Solved: Function - Lookup sub for file path
- Data Form in Excel
- Solved: Input Box help
- Combining Code Part Deux
- Solved: Why does one work but not the other?
- VBA to minimize file size?
- Solved: Create User Defined Text File
- Auto start macro problem
- Solved: This works horzintally but not vertically?
- User Form Won't show
- Custom Views/Hidden Row VBA Solution?
- Solved: Debugger anomaly
- Solved: test for Add-Ins, prompt to activate if not
- if file size larger than X KB, run zip/mail vba .... how?
- do i need vba to do this? (regarding dynamic range)
- weekly count
- Why won't this (simple) VBA work??
- Macro In .xlt File Won't Work In .xls File?
- Sleeper: Recover information
- select case
- CM
- force a workbook save
- right click
- copy current sheet
- Solved: a VBA code example for Right Click Menu On a ListBox
- Solved: With End With Copy PasteSpecial Help
- problem with Textalign
- [SOLVED:] How To Work With Boolean Values
- Solved: SaveAs Macro Code
- Solved: Theory/Explanation/Benefits; Filldown vs. Copy
- Solved: How to create a drop down list?
- Help writing loop
- Solved: Application.FileSearch Excel 2003
- [[URGENT]] VBA help with the Taylor Series on Trigonometry
- Solved: Using all Spreadsheets in a folder to create table
- Dynamic pivot data
- Sum using match feature with multiple criteria
- Rearrange the Worksheets of Two Workbooks
- ListFillRange
- [SOLVED:] Using VLOOKUP with array in different workbook and referencing the filename
- Pass a variable to a built-in dialog
- Solved: Modifying a User form
- Solved: Loop help
- Transpose
- Solved: How can I enable a right click on this code?
- Remember Toolbar Position
- Solved: Setting using Personal workbook to store settings
- Solved: Issue with running Solver in VBA
- Solved: Pulling hair here... :D
- How to create a summary out of 2 columns
- Some problems with checkbox
- Why won't this work?
- Creating Shared Workbooks destroys hyperlinks?
- Help! Insert row based on row values...
- VBA Code to read the structure & data of an excel sheet having merged rows & columns
- Copying down and out of memory problem
- how to add a control to the aditional controls available?
- Solved: match loop up help
- Solved: Custom Format hh:mm producing odd result?
- How To Filtering Datas On a ListBox By First Date and Last Date?
- Opening all worksheets in a workbook
- Solved: Forcing Conditional Formatting to Check Cell's value
- Solved: Show text from textbox on worksheet in textbox on userform
- [SLEEPER:] Inserting Table into word from Excel VBA