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  1. [SOLVED:] Returning Description Based on Field Value (2 replies)
  2. [SOLVED:] Looping For Duplicates In 2 Dynamic Columns (Odd Issue) (4 replies)
  3. [SOLVED:] Exporting Worksheet Code Modules - Export Code As Worksheet Name (8 replies)
  4. Data Validation (4 replies)
  5. VBA help to convert unstructure data to structured data (0 replies)
  6. [SOLVED:] Add 1 row below a selected cell using a user input box (3 replies)
  7. i want to validate users entered value with existing range in another sheet (1 replies)
  8. [SOLVED:] Search with Criteria on Userform (1 replies)
  9. Rename Current PDF file name using Excel Sheet List (2 replies)
  10. Random Sequencing (8 replies)
  11. Learning VBA Variables (2 replies)
  12. Email alert not firing with VBA even though the condition is satisfied. (3 replies)
  13. Copy and pasting time calculations (1 replies)
  14. Formula working wrong, I can't identify why. (0 replies)
  15. VBA: Help me write a code in vba (5 replies)
  16. Make userform stay on top of all windows when macro is fired (22 replies)
  17. [SOLVED:] trying to pull dynamic webquery data (1 replies)
  18. Syntax for Evaluate SumProduct in VBA (6 replies)
  19. trying to finish my vbaproject barcodescanner (25 replies)
  20. Help me to correct the vba (2 replies)
  21. Drag Drop Reorder part of Row .. Excel (1 replies)
  22. Logging other PC programs via VBA excel (1 replies)
  23. Update data entry for all future months (not a single month) (0 replies)
  24. Copy Leading Numeric Values, then Remove (7 replies)
  25. The BIG DATA Challenge - Match cells on BIG DATA Sheet (LOOP take 4 Hrs !) (27 replies)
  26. Problem in Executing the Code (4 replies)
  27. Create multidimensional array from several non adjacent table columns (3 replies)
  28. [SOLVED:] Split files and attach them to an email (0 replies)
  29. Open multiple password protected workbooks in a folder (4 replies)
  30. Adding Code to Workbook_BeforeOpen (7 replies)
  31. [SOLVED:] Find a Value in a Cell and Delete some of the text (2 replies)
  32. Concat date and time in one cell (1 replies)
  33. Open workbook with dynamic filename (8 replies)
  34. [SOLVED:] Conditional Compile Question (11 replies)
  35. [SOLVED:] Forms 2.0 library (9 replies)
  36. VBA code disaappeared. (4 replies)
  37. "MSACCESS.EXE" process issue - How to terminate this process correctly (2 replies)
  38. [SOLVED:] Find Text Within A String (4 replies)
  39. [SOLVED:] Find and replace (9 replies)
  40. Group Shapes Rename Them - Loop Through Worksheets (1 replies)
  41. [SOLVED:] VBA to create a mapping (0 replies)
  42. Need help with this macro to have it work with Alpha Numeric data (2 replies)
  43. [SOLVED:] Assign Shape Macros - From List (2 replies)
  44. Data Formating - Macro to copy header row and paste to multiple columns. (1 replies)
  45. Help me insert subtotals on I:L my vba code below. It sorts and insets a blank row (0 replies)
  46. Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (0 replies)
  47. Ping tester in Excal (2 replies)
  48. SUMPRODUCT in VBA (7 replies)
  49. [SOLVED:] Add shape only if shape doesn't already exist (1 replies)
  50. [SOLVED:] Remove Apostrophe from string (4 replies)
  51. [SOLVED:] Macro to create list of hyperlinks to all files in chosen folder including subfolders (8 replies)
  52. [SOLVED:] On Open: "This action will reset your project, proceed anyway?" (26 replies)
  53. [SOLVED:] Trouble using selected range to define a for loop (3 replies)
  54. [SOLVED:] Unhide Worksheet on Selection of Cell (2 replies)
  55. [SOLVED:] Code to match to cells using a mapping (3 replies)
  56. Delete rows except the last one with same numerical value (1 replies)
  57. Codigo VBA para fecha matar o arquivo temporário. (0 replies)
  58. Can VBA be used to search a folder of .docx's for text strings and copypaste to Excel (1 replies)
  59. [SOLVED:] Left Right Function Help (4 replies)
  60. Google map Travel Planner #1 (0 replies)
  61. [SOLVED:] Match and Vlookup method (3 replies)
  62. [SOLVED:] Run-time error 91 (4 replies)
  63. Trying to extract all data from word docs into excel docs (0 replies)
  64. VBA Express Certification? (0 replies)
  65. [SOLVED:] Identify column header name based on a colored cell (6 replies)
  66. Copy data from one sheet to another based on a certain criteria (1 replies)
  67. [SOLVED:] How to get Last Digit from Text (3 replies)
  68. How to conjuct all the excel value into one cell? (1 replies)
  69. Convert Vlookup to VBA (22 replies)
  70. Hyperlink Issue (2 replies)
  71. Resetting Dropdown list in all sheets (Excel Workbook) (0 replies)
  72. [SOLVED:] How to check whether Cells contains specific number? (3 replies)
  73. Stopping or breaking userform or code causes VBA to flip through all userforms (0 replies)
  74. Match two rows across various columns using VBA (2 replies)
  75. Hitro Macors (3 replies)
  76. Generate random values between two number and specific string (1 replies)
  77. VB script to filter and update value in different sheet (2 replies)
  78. Embed an "open file" dialogue box to userform, Excel 64 bit version (5 replies)
  79. Copy line by index number and past in another worksheet (0 replies)
  80. Copy select data to different column (1 replies)
  81. Stock Length Calculator (0 replies)
  82. [SOLVED:] Require VBA Macro logic for Multiple ID and Matching Columns data. (9 replies)
  83. [SOLVED:] Match two rows using VBA (1 replies)
  84. [SOLVED:] UDF to convert column Letter to Number and return the Largest column as Number (4 replies)
  85. Macro to conditionally insert rows not functioning as intended (1 replies)
  86. [SOLVED:] Send attachment via outlook (2 replies)
  87. [SOLVED:] Combo box filtering? (3 replies)
  88. Copy select data on USERFORM (1 replies)
  89. Why data labels gone when i paste the chart to other workbook and change the range? (0 replies)
  90. Validation Tool- Lookup for Mis-Match and send email out (0 replies)
  91. Need help with a VBA code for distributing data (3 replies)
  92. Workbook Password Protect (10 replies)
  93. Open Images Folder Mac OSX (0 replies)
  94. [SOLVED:] Hide rows between 2 strings (3 replies)
  95. [SOLVED:] Fix calculation of minimum date (1 replies)
  96. Pivot > Showall data in rows field (1 replies)
  97. Excel File-1 copy the value & compare with Excel File-2 and Save it in Excel File-1 ? (0 replies)
  98. VBA Command button (20 replies)
  99. Need VBA Code to close userform (6 replies)
  100. Sleeper: Help with combining these macro snippets? (3 replies)
  101. [SOLVED:] Using Workbook from FilePicker (4 replies)
  102. Loop through Vlookup (4 replies)
  103. Auto-resize Shape_width (1 replies)
  104. Passing Data from UserForm to Sheet makes excel to crash (Why?) (4 replies)
  105. HTML click not consistently working (0 replies)
  106. VBA Checkbox buttons (4 replies)
  107. [SLEEPER:] Populating checked items in worksheet1 to worksheet2 (0 replies)
  108. [SOLVED:] Sorting Sheets in a specific order (2 replies)
  109. Copy Missing Data to Main Worksheet. (4 replies)
  110. Sleeper: Copy Paste as Values & Save as new sheet (1 replies)
  111. [SOLVED:] Set Variable of column number to Multicolumn ListBox (2 replies)
  112. Unable to read last line from VBA plink stdout (11 replies)
  113. [SLEEPER:] VBA code to rename folders (3 replies)
  114. [SOLVED:] Copy first 5 characters of Course Name to Column A (3 replies)
  115. [SOLVED:] Individually generate email content and attached all files from folder based on cell (3 replies)
  116. Sort All Sheets In Workbook (12 replies)
  117. Code guidance please (9 replies)
  118. [SOLVED:] Need VBA code for Copy+insert / Delete rows & columns by criteria (4 replies)
  119. Gantt Chart (3 replies)
  120. Looking for help with VBA code please? (10 replies)
  121. [SOLVED:] Problems using ComboBox (1 replies)
  122. VBA Simple Code Help (Formatting FDM) (9 replies)
  123. Multi-choice of the listbox to many controls(textbox) (4 replies)
  124. From Sheet.add to Workbook add method (7 replies)
  125. Copy and rename files without overwriting files (1 replies)
  126. [SOLVED:] Help to create a date range chart based on a date wthin the data (16 replies)
  127. Error 53 "file not found" (3 replies)
  128. All VBA Code Stopped Working (1 replies)
  129. Extract data from LinkedIn (2 replies)
  130. Save Worksheet as PDF and Attach in Outlook (9 replies)
  131. VBA: Apply loop to existing code (6 replies)
  132. VBA code to Copy/Insert + Delete rows by criteria (2 replies)
  133. Can't select and activate cells during BeforePrint event (8 replies)
  134. How to login with vba (6 replies)
  135. Problems Initiating a User Defined Function UDF - Using Application.caller.row (4 replies)
  136. Sleeper: VBA to group matching data and copy for printing (0 replies)
  137. Macro: Sheet 1 populates Sheets 2 & 3 with unique records only. (stuck) (3 replies)
  138. Excel VBA Database (5 replies)
  139. Meaning of iLastColumn = .Column + .MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1 (2 replies)
  140. Pasting excel tables one after the other from excel into a word document (0 replies)
  141. VBA Multiple Attachments (4 replies)
  142. VBA an MSGBOX (4 replies)
  143. ie.navigate to follow links from A1 to A2000 (12 replies)
  144. [SOLVED:] INDIRECT Row Reference and Increments (7 replies)
  145. [SOLVED:] Help with VBA password in commanduttons (3 replies)
  146. Saving to different folders based on part numbers in B1 (2 replies)
  147. Download from FTP (6 replies)
  148. [SOLVED:] Initialize modeless FYI Userform but focus never leaves sheet (9 replies)
  149. Copying multiple ranges to Word (0 replies)
  150. Find duplicates with VBA (2 replies)
  151. Exit User Form Button (4 replies)
  152. add payment button vba code (1 replies)
  153. Insert row automatically? (17 replies)
  154. Insert Excel cell range in Shell command (8 replies)
  155. loop, vba (10 replies)
  156. When Limit has reached in Excel, send to Sheet2 (3 replies)
  157. Use WinHttpRequest#responseStream for SOAP Request (1 replies)
  158. Question about create Macro manage information. (2 replies)
  159. Issues about source in excel 2010. (2 replies)
  160. VBA Coding to send a common email to different email addresses based on cell values (1 replies)
  161. [SOLVED:] CheckBox on UserForm to show Full list or Part list according to Criteria (6 replies)
  162. Sleeper: Open Hyperlink File From Cell - Follow Hyperlink (9 replies)
  163. Adapt macro that copies excel to ppt (3 replies)
  164. Macro to count repeat occurrences from closed WB and paste total counts in new WB (7 replies)
  165. Macro for executing commands from cmd prompt (3 replies)
  166. Need help of members with spreadsheet allows users to manipulate. (1 replies)
  167. Questions about conditions in excel function. (3 replies)
  168. Open all pdf one by one from a folder using followhyperlink (0 replies)
  169. Search for postcodes in a PDF document and list them in a excel worksheet (5 replies)
  170. [SOLVED:] Please Help me (10 replies)
  171. Autofill Across Columns with "Centered Across Formatted (3 Columns)" Quarterly Dates (10 replies)
  172. Search List, Find Sheet, Return Value (6 replies)
  173. Out of Memory error on close tries to open protected VBA (7 replies)
  174. Chart - Plot has different size (1 replies)
  175. Problem about a variable value In excel. (2 replies)
  176. Information about Transferring Data In Excel. (3 replies)
  177. Run time error 429 - ActiveX component can't create object. (5 replies)
  178. Delete Entire Row Based on a Selection (5 replies)
  179. Match to master (5 replies)
  180. [SOLVED:] Automatically Update TextBox on Other Sheet (6 replies)
  181. Copying cells from worksheet that varies in cell range and number of pages. (1 replies)
  182. Delete all AllowEditRanges in workbook (1 replies)
  183. SAVEAS with location (1 replies)
  184. How select next blank cell in row and add timestap (2 replies)
  185. How To Copy excel to powerpoint (0 replies)
  186. Problem about function reference (1 replies)
  187. [SOLVED:] How to Combine a Save As PDF macro and an E-Mail send macro??? (6 replies)
  188. Help adding font size / color / etc to my macro (2 replies)
  189. Cycling through sheets with loop (8 replies)
  190. Hyperlink With Special Characters (1 replies)
  191. convert column to matrix (1 replies)
  192. [SOLVED:] For If Statement with Two Ranges (2 replies)
  193. Can I "cancel" Workbook_WindowDeactivate? (0 replies)
  194. Amending Code To Reference value (Email address) In Cell (1 replies)
  195. Search data in 4 Contiguous cells within a selected area (4 replies)
  196. How To Copy just the value in Excel. (1 replies)
  197. operations copy and paste file from Adobe Reader (0 replies)
  198. [SOLVED:] Loop through sheets based on cell contents (2 replies)
  199. Sum with weeknumbers of a given date (0 replies)
  200. [SOLVED:] Show/Hide a Textbox Based on Value of a Combo Box in a USerform (3 replies)
  201. Email Range Of Cells (1 replies)
  202. [SOLVED:] Auto Save Excel File as PDF (5 replies)
  203. Outlook Calendar In Excel (2 replies)
  204. Checking For Commands From Central Server (0 replies)
  205. [SOLVED:] Hide Column Target Cell Clicked - From a List (2 replies)
  206. Logit VBA Debugging (4 replies)
  207. Problem about Loop through files sort by Date. (1 replies)
  208. Problem about sort horizontal with Function. (1 replies)
  209. Put linear trendline equation into cell (6 replies)
  210. VBA Help (4 replies)
  211. [SOLVED:] LastRow from a specific Cell (5 replies)
  212. Convert to For Next loop (1 replies)
  213. Macro to concatenate cells into a single cell multiple times (2 replies)
  214. [SOLVED:] Help with Dynamic UserForm in Excel (5 replies)
  215. Save Specific Protected Sheets to a new Workbook (0 replies)
  216. [SOLVED:] How can I run VBA Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick on a (new) daily extract.csv (17 replies)
  217. [SOLVED:] Issue with AVERAGEIF (6 replies)
  218. Is a Multi-Cell Row Power Search Possible? (1 replies)
  219. Embedded image in Gmail only works with .Display before .Send (0 replies)
  220. Problem about data form excel to API (1 replies)
  221. How To Create a spreadsheet in excel (2 replies)
  222. [SOLVED:] How to Save listbox items to .csv file (12 replies)
  223. Need help constructing a vba to remove duplicates and its original and spare the uniq (14 replies)
  224. [SOLVED:] Pass Sheet Codename as argument to Subroutine (4 replies)
  225. Need one Sub for all CheckBoxes. (13 replies)
  226. [SOLVED:] If only blanks PIVOT should not be inserted (21 replies)
  227. [SLEEPER:] VBA Exam type of questions (3 replies)
  228. [SOLVED:] Convert Text body in email to HTML (2 replies)
  229. Help with using a UDF as the criteria for a countif formula (1 replies)
  230. [SOLVED:] Protected View, Enable Edit causes Runtime Error 91 or 1004 (4 replies)
  231. [SOLVED:] Assigning datalabels to doughnut charts with vba (9 replies)
  232. how to export the data into .excel in VBA (1 replies)
  233. Date Automation (2 replies)
  234. [SOLVED:] VBA To Hide or Show Rows (9 replies)
  235. Autosum current column in a table (6 replies)
  236. Assign value to shape by double clicking (1 replies)
  237. [SOLVED:] Fill an array LIKE a multiplication table with a macro (4 replies)
  238. Copy specific links into excel from explorer html (0 replies)
  239. [SLEEPER:] Paytm Automation help (0 replies)
  240. Group Columns are not expanded (1 replies)
  241. Gmail search box automation - Need Help (0 replies)
  242. Create PDF of Workbook or Individual sheets by last used row & column and send email (9 replies)
  243. From Template file Force Save and Close (0 replies)
  244. [SOLVED:] Catching error messages (1 replies)
  245. VBA code for if else based on date (9 replies)
  246. Transpose Column to Row (2 column) (2 replies)
  247. Transpose column by date( Excel or VBA) (1 replies)
  248. Do until loop in Excel (3 replies)
  249. [SOLVED:] How to prevent a Pivot Table from Re-Sizing (3 replies)
  250. [SOLVED:] Add missing text in certain cells (5 replies)