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  1. Disabling save/as in a specific workbook
  2. add comments to documents summary
  3. select active printer
  4. Solved: Print text box contents in a userform
  5. Formula explanation
  6. Replace Name of Source Workbook in Target Code
  7. Solved: Disable an option in a menu
  8. Automatic Row insertion
  9. Solved: macro to edit links
  10. Solved: Passing objects into procedure
  11. Solved: help with test Calculator in a useform
  12. Solved: Conditional Formatting problem
  13. save workbook without macro's ?
  14. incrimental save
  15. Save Conct to Variable
  16. Rows in selection
  17. Search Internet
  18. Solved: Add column to a report
  19. Make a logfile with all Variables in the Application
  20. Same code produces two different sets of results
  21. Macro Match Destination formatting
  22. How to change contents of a cell depending on adjacent cell
  23. Listbox questions
  24. Solved: Substitute Sheet Name in SUM if Function
  25. Solved: Button to save selected sheets to new workbook
  26. Solved: Error handler in sheet add event
  27. data extract
  28. [SLEEPER:] Creating a floating button?
  29. Blinking Title Bar in a User Form
  30. Help:How to creat matrix bar chart
  31. Solved: New calculator Basic Formulas
  32. Perform SaveAs and Delete Original Copy
  33. Solved: Possible error- VBE does not Change to Uppercase Syntax.
  34. Changing Short-cut key
  35. Help converting Addin to library...
  36. Macro Cell Borders
  37. Listbox Display
  38. problems using the Shell() function
  39. Solved: Insert Header problem...
  40. Solved: Useforms Active Cell Selection
  41. Formating Macro
  42. Solved: TextBox and Label Calculation
  43. Pasting issues
  44. Solved: Force to go to page based on condition
  45. Solved: Referencing a Sheet w/ Sheet Index Question
  46. Solved: Clearing Color Formats
  47. VBA to return ID of person logged on
  48. linking two set of data
  49. macros buttons & toolbars
  50. Create report code help
  51. Solved: Move rows to second worksheet based on value
  52. Solved: Formula needed to match dates with MIN & MAX values
  53. Select Case Construct Help
  54. Is it possible to.....
  55. Help: Defined Array Formula In chart
  56. [SLEEPER:] MySQL Excel file uploading
  57. Solved: Formula help please!
  58. Set TempCell : Object variable not set
  59. Solved: Put quotes around text in cells
  60. Solved: how to detect white/blank space in a row?
  61. Creating one list by comparing two list of different formats
  62. Reducing workbook size.
  63. [SOLVED:] csv file problem
  64. Joining text in selected cells
  65. Copy losing data
  66. get data macro
  67. [SOLVED:] Opening the Save As Dialog in a Specific Directory
  68. Send ectivesheet in body of email(OUTLOOK EXPRESS)
  69. Excel Workbook & Tabs List
  70. Check the order
  71. group column and sum column
  72. [SOLVED:] Zooming in and out of a graph
  73. turn a chart
  74. Need Assistance on VBA Code
  75. Chart problems with MS Excel.
  76. Solved: Control Chart Window
  77. Solved: Run time error 91
  78. use excel to import another excel file
  79. Newbie question
  80. Splash Screen
  81. Solved: Application.Wait question
  82. query error
  83. How to prevent copying of cell data
  84. Solved: Execute macro every n minute
  85. Assistance with code
  86. [SOLVED:] Back to it original location
  87. OLE to RGB conversion
  88. [SOLVED:] Cut and paste question
  89. change the vlookup via a macro
  90. Solved: Loop To Populate Formula
  91. Solved: Extract data from different worksheets & multiple workbooks using certain folder
  92. Calculation problem
  93. Importing Text Files
  94. Multiple Range Loop
  95. Solved: Automatic change in Title Bar
  96. Solved: charting help needed
  97. Need help with finding duplicates per column
  98. Solved: Loop problem: Trying to write data to 5 cols
  99. Solved: multipage userform adding pages
  100. Disable Ctrl key actions
  101. Help: How to keep indirect() function unupdate value...
  102. Solved: Macro auto change name in VBE
  103. Solved: Working Code not finding server folders
  104. Solved: Loop Problem
  105. Solved: Split large data into various column
  106. [SOLVED:] List of Worksheet Tab Names
  107. Copy/Paste macro
  108. Solved: What's wrong with this picture
  109. Userforms
  110. Automation Error - Object has diconnected from Clients
  111. Help: Set Chart Source
  112. VBA code for Vlookup in 2 wkbooks and import to master
  113. Solved: www.youtube.com
  114. Unlocking the Pasword Protected File
  115. Solved: Copy Filtered list from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2
  116. Solved: Percentage in VBA
  117. Solved: countif query & more...
  118. How: to check whether an element in chart is exist or not
  119. chart with vba
  120. List of all open workbooks
  121. Solved: macro to format cells
  122. master detail filtering
  123. [SOLVED:] Left loop
  124. Solved: help for selective highlight of rows
  125. Cell comparison
  126. Find Last Used Cell of Visible Cells
  127. Locking a module rather than the whole project
  128. Auto Sort Entries
  129. Delete Data if Less then Yesterday
  130. Convert Formula from R1C1 to A1
  131. Solved: Method of 'Range' failed error
  132. Replace #DIV/0! ERROR as blank cell
  133. Solved: ayto formatting
  134. [SOLVED:] Remove last two characters from string
  135. how to run when print is cancelled
  136. Solved: save user selected sheets into new workbook
  137. Generating data using a loop
  138. Solved: auto sort 2 columns after second column input
  139. Solved: Delete specific word from rows, add specific words to others
  140. Solved: Row copy
  141. Solved: Extremely Slow Performance
  142. Amending VBA Script
  143. Conditional autofilter based on form
  144. Excel Sheets Opens Itself Again After ADO Query !
  145. Deleting row when a condition is met
  146. code for all possible cases
  147. New VBA Code needed
  148. Format Specific Rows
  149. VB How far backwards compatible?
  150. importing data from other spreadheet
  151. Autonumbering
  152. loop that copy sheets in the same workbook
  153. Solved: Filling a simple array
  154. Reversing the process
  155. Solved: Deactivate workbook close button
  156. Solved: WINAPI problem:project:control any sw from vba(with sendkey+mouseclicks)
  157. List Controls on Worksheet
  158. Solved: Read 'live' LOG file
  159. Solved: Relative range for advanced filter
  160. Excel behave like a multi-user database?
  161. Solved: Row count of non-Active worksheet
  162. Help with CreateObject function
  163. Userform Validation Issues
  164. Solved: Update Userform after changes have been made on another useform
  165. Getting the value that WAS in the cell just deleted
  166. cleaning a cell
  167. Solved: Does sumproduct work with OR
  168. Finding the sum value of permutations...
  169. Coordinates for my shape and placing the cursor
  170. How to Prevent Insertion / Deletion of Worksheet
  171. Cutting up a table
  172. how to parse through pivot filtered items
  173. Solved: Copy Certain Rows into Master Workbook
  174. Nested Loops?
  175. Performing an operation on several cells at once
  176. Solved: Run Time Error 91
  177. Solved: Run macro in other sheets.
  178. Any help to tweak the following code much appreciated
  179. [SOLVED:] List Box Selection To Text Box
  180. Solved: Sheet names
  181. import data to update charts
  182. Finding correct blank cell
  183. Solved: Apportioning Query
  184. Mkdir
  185. [SOLVED:] Macro Record: What Module does it store it in
  186. Solved: Subscript out of range on .Find
  187. Solved: Check Outlook version
  188. Solved: Run-Time Error 5 Invalid proc. call or argument
  189. formatting macro in VBA
  190. Solved: Macros wont run even with security set to low
  191. finding merged cells
  192. Solved: Generating numbers in excel
  193. Copy and paste based on two criteria
  194. Solved: Write a Small Procedure for me please?
  195. Sending Info from Excel to Word
  196. Solved: How to maintain control as nested subs exit?
  197. Solved: auto copy and sort on change 2 columns
  198. Formatting issues
  199. Pivot Table Calculated Field
  200. Pivot Table with ADO
  201. Relate 2 Tables in Excel Database
  202. Formula to find last significant value in string
  203. Solved: Your Opinion, Please
  204. Solved: Inserting Day of the week on a userform TextBox
  205. get min and max from array...
  206. Delete data starting from specific row
  207. Automatic Opening, Saving Closing a Workbook...
  208. Highlighting changed cells
  209. Naming a selected range
  210. ActiveCell not working the way i'd expect
  211. Solved: Find last filled row IN PARAGRAPH
  212. Magnify /Zoom sellectecd cell
  213. Auto adjust
  214. [SOLVED:] What happened to this sheet
  215. Investigating the selection
  216. [SLEEPER:] what type of sheet
  217. running slow
  218. UserForm has Color but when print must only print in Black
  219. How to print 1st page of several excell workbooks
  220. Solved: Loop: IF Condition is getting skipped
  221. Solved: Join 2 formulas to work as 1
  222. array
  223. Solved: Clearing a multi column listbox
  224. Running FTP commands from Excel Macro
  225. Changing/retaining format of cells
  226. Sleeper: Macro to unsort data back to its original format - exact copy
  227. Automatic open, save, close problem.
  228. VBA Objects (getting a combobox)
  229. Solved: Entering only values that are different to a list box
  230. Solved: UserForm Show Input error Message before proceeding
  231. Copy data fields macro
  232. Solved: Display Animation While Random Numbers procedure
  233. Select issue
  234. Solved: Pivot Table Creation: Error 438
  235. Drop down lists problem
  236. Copying data from one sheet to another
  237. Solved: find last row and add border to bottom > Resize selection?
  238. Solved: Check if user has selected more than one cell
  239. Solved: naming a dynamic array with 7 columns, fluctuating rows
  240. Solved: Select Case Construct Help
  241. [SLEEPER:] Crashing on closing
  242. Solved: VBE and continue
  243. Solved: Help with case statement
  244. Unload userforms
  245. [SOLVED:] Copy, cut, paste: on a hidden sheet, possible?
  246. Do While question
  247. Automation Help
  248. Placement of a method
  250. countif forumla