- Disabling save/as in a specific workbook
- add comments to documents summary
- select active printer
- Solved: Print text box contents in a userform
- Formula explanation
- Replace Name of Source Workbook in Target Code
- Solved: Disable an option in a menu
- Automatic Row insertion
- Solved: macro to edit links
- Solved: Passing objects into procedure
- Solved: help with test Calculator in a useform
- Solved: Conditional Formatting problem
- save workbook without macro's ?
- incrimental save
- Save Conct to Variable
- Rows in selection
- Search Internet
- Solved: Add column to a report
- Make a logfile with all Variables in the Application
- Same code produces two different sets of results
- Macro Match Destination formatting
- How to change contents of a cell depending on adjacent cell
- Listbox questions
- Solved: Substitute Sheet Name in SUM if Function
- Solved: Button to save selected sheets to new workbook
- Solved: Error handler in sheet add event
- data extract
- [SLEEPER:] Creating a floating button?
- Blinking Title Bar in a User Form
- Help:How to creat matrix bar chart
- Solved: New calculator Basic Formulas
- Perform SaveAs and Delete Original Copy
- Solved: Possible error- VBE does not Change to Uppercase Syntax.
- Changing Short-cut key
- Help converting Addin to library...
- Macro Cell Borders
- Listbox Display
- problems using the Shell() function
- Solved: Insert Header problem...
- Solved: Useforms Active Cell Selection
- Formating Macro
- Solved: TextBox and Label Calculation
- Pasting issues
- Solved: Force to go to page based on condition
- Solved: Referencing a Sheet w/ Sheet Index Question
- Solved: Clearing Color Formats
- VBA to return ID of person logged on
- linking two set of data
- macros buttons & toolbars
- Create report code help
- Solved: Move rows to second worksheet based on value
- Solved: Formula needed to match dates with MIN & MAX values
- Select Case Construct Help
- Is it possible to.....
- Help: Defined Array Formula In chart
- [SLEEPER:] MySQL Excel file uploading
- Solved: Formula help please!
- Set TempCell : Object variable not set
- Solved: Put quotes around text in cells
- Solved: how to detect white/blank space in a row?
- Creating one list by comparing two list of different formats
- Reducing workbook size.
- [SOLVED:] csv file problem
- Joining text in selected cells
- Copy losing data
- get data macro
- [SOLVED:] Opening the Save As Dialog in a Specific Directory
- Send ectivesheet in body of email(OUTLOOK EXPRESS)
- Excel Workbook & Tabs List
- Check the order
- group column and sum column
- [SOLVED:] Zooming in and out of a graph
- turn a chart
- Need Assistance on VBA Code
- Chart problems with MS Excel.
- Solved: Control Chart Window
- Solved: Run time error 91
- use excel to import another excel file
- Newbie question
- Splash Screen
- Solved: Application.Wait question
- query error
- How to prevent copying of cell data
- Solved: Execute macro every n minute
- Assistance with code
- [SOLVED:] Back to it original location
- OLE to RGB conversion
- [SOLVED:] Cut and paste question
- change the vlookup via a macro
- Solved: Loop To Populate Formula
- Solved: Extract data from different worksheets & multiple workbooks using certain folder
- Calculation problem
- Importing Text Files
- Multiple Range Loop
- Solved: Automatic change in Title Bar
- Solved: charting help needed
- Need help with finding duplicates per column
- Solved: Loop problem: Trying to write data to 5 cols
- Solved: multipage userform adding pages
- Disable Ctrl key actions
- Help: How to keep indirect() function unupdate value...
- Solved: Macro auto change name in VBE
- Solved: Working Code not finding server folders
- Solved: Loop Problem
- Solved: Split large data into various column
- [SOLVED:] List of Worksheet Tab Names
- Copy/Paste macro
- Solved: What's wrong with this picture
- Userforms
- Automation Error - Object has diconnected from Clients
- Help: Set Chart Source
- VBA code for Vlookup in 2 wkbooks and import to master
- Solved: www.youtube.com
- Unlocking the Pasword Protected File
- Solved: Copy Filtered list from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2
- Solved: Percentage in VBA
- Solved: countif query & more...
- How: to check whether an element in chart is exist or not
- chart with vba
- List of all open workbooks
- Solved: macro to format cells
- master detail filtering
- [SOLVED:] Left loop
- Solved: help for selective highlight of rows
- Cell comparison
- Find Last Used Cell of Visible Cells
- Locking a module rather than the whole project
- Auto Sort Entries
- Delete Data if Less then Yesterday
- Convert Formula from R1C1 to A1
- Solved: Method of 'Range' failed error
- Replace #DIV/0! ERROR as blank cell
- Solved: ayto formatting
- [SOLVED:] Remove last two characters from string
- how to run when print is cancelled
- Solved: save user selected sheets into new workbook
- Generating data using a loop
- Solved: auto sort 2 columns after second column input
- Solved: Delete specific word from rows, add specific words to others
- Solved: Row copy
- Solved: Extremely Slow Performance
- Amending VBA Script
- Conditional autofilter based on form
- Excel Sheets Opens Itself Again After ADO Query !
- Deleting row when a condition is met
- code for all possible cases
- New VBA Code needed
- Format Specific Rows
- VB How far backwards compatible?
- importing data from other spreadheet
- Autonumbering
- loop that copy sheets in the same workbook
- Solved: Filling a simple array
- Reversing the process
- Solved: Deactivate workbook close button
- Solved: WINAPI problem:project:control any sw from vba(with sendkey+mouseclicks)
- List Controls on Worksheet
- Solved: Read 'live' LOG file
- Solved: Relative range for advanced filter
- Excel behave like a multi-user database?
- Solved: Row count of non-Active worksheet
- Help with CreateObject function
- Userform Validation Issues
- Solved: Update Userform after changes have been made on another useform
- Getting the value that WAS in the cell just deleted
- cleaning a cell
- Solved: Does sumproduct work with OR
- Finding the sum value of permutations...
- Coordinates for my shape and placing the cursor
- How to Prevent Insertion / Deletion of Worksheet
- Cutting up a table
- how to parse through pivot filtered items
- Solved: Copy Certain Rows into Master Workbook
- Nested Loops?
- Performing an operation on several cells at once
- Solved: Run Time Error 91
- Solved: Run macro in other sheets.
- Any help to tweak the following code much appreciated
- [SOLVED:] List Box Selection To Text Box
- Solved: Sheet names
- import data to update charts
- Finding correct blank cell
- Solved: Apportioning Query
- Mkdir
- [SOLVED:] Macro Record: What Module does it store it in
- Solved: Subscript out of range on .Find
- Solved: Check Outlook version
- Solved: Run-Time Error 5 Invalid proc. call or argument
- formatting macro in VBA
- Solved: Macros wont run even with security set to low
- finding merged cells
- Solved: Generating numbers in excel
- Copy and paste based on two criteria
- Solved: Write a Small Procedure for me please?
- Sending Info from Excel to Word
- Solved: How to maintain control as nested subs exit?
- Solved: auto copy and sort on change 2 columns
- Formatting issues
- Pivot Table Calculated Field
- Pivot Table with ADO
- Relate 2 Tables in Excel Database
- Formula to find last significant value in string
- Solved: Your Opinion, Please
- Solved: Inserting Day of the week on a userform TextBox
- get min and max from array...
- Delete data starting from specific row
- Automatic Opening, Saving Closing a Workbook...
- Highlighting changed cells
- Naming a selected range
- ActiveCell not working the way i'd expect
- Solved: Find last filled row IN PARAGRAPH
- Magnify /Zoom sellectecd cell
- Auto adjust
- [SOLVED:] What happened to this sheet
- Investigating the selection
- [SLEEPER:] what type of sheet
- running slow
- UserForm has Color but when print must only print in Black
- How to print 1st page of several excell workbooks
- Solved: Loop: IF Condition is getting skipped
- Solved: Join 2 formulas to work as 1
- array
- Solved: Clearing a multi column listbox
- Running FTP commands from Excel Macro
- Changing/retaining format of cells
- Sleeper: Macro to unsort data back to its original format - exact copy
- Automatic open, save, close problem.
- VBA Objects (getting a combobox)
- Solved: Entering only values that are different to a list box
- Solved: UserForm Show Input error Message before proceeding
- Copy data fields macro
- Solved: Display Animation While Random Numbers procedure
- Select issue
- Solved: Pivot Table Creation: Error 438
- Drop down lists problem
- Copying data from one sheet to another
- Solved: find last row and add border to bottom > Resize selection?
- Solved: Check if user has selected more than one cell
- Solved: naming a dynamic array with 7 columns, fluctuating rows
- Solved: Select Case Construct Help
- [SLEEPER:] Crashing on closing
- Solved: VBE and continue
- Solved: Help with case statement
- Unload userforms
- [SOLVED:] Copy, cut, paste: on a hidden sheet, possible?
- Do While question
- Automation Help
- Placement of a method
- countif forumla