- when last day in month and time is 23:55 then copy cells???
- Excelk VB code
- Excel link in webpage works, but saves in temp file instead of original location
- chart background divided into segments
- Pivot Table processing problem
- elements in an array
- Help with filling data in relative cells
- form - cursor position - Excel 2007
- Comparing 2 sheets
- [SOLVED:] Check to see if macro has run
- Embedding Word into Excel Form
- Solved: phantom name ranges
- Solved: how to delete some range with values on another sheet
- Solved: when closing file and users click on NO (do you want to save...)...ask one more time
- Solved: using just the cells with relevent data in to plot graph...
- two questions.....public variables and naming charts
- Changing the contents of the hint in a graph
- a formula in footer
- How to efficiently handle sets?
- Application.FileSearch and Excel 2007 problem
- Delete row if value does not exist
- Help using list boxes
- User Defined Folder For hyperlink in Excel
- Solved: Help: Time Scale for chart
- Return Missing Lookups
- Opening Access From Excel Macro - Security Warning
- msgbox help wanted
- Change attributes of a folders contents
- Solved: changing plot area of chart to have gradient look
- calculating slope
- Macro for Tracing Precents and Formula Auditing
- Solved: worksheet counting
- Solved: Break the password protecting the code
- linking problem..
- Solved: Remove all lines
- Query for Help
- Color cells based on values
- Delete Columns if value equals zero
- Solved: count the cells with fill color
- Deleting all named ranges except "Print_Area"
- Solved: Pivotable.pivotfield.pivotitem problem
- List sub folder permission groups
- Solved: Match Values in Column A and Column B and if matched copy entire row
- [SOLVED:] Defining both axes titles for charts
- Is Excel 2007 back compatible to 100%?
- Sleeper: Preventing Duplicate data entry in a userform
- Validate Data entered in UserForm
- Stop Webpage from popping up
- Clear ComboBox
- Opening Up a PDF Document via a Command Button
- Text file from Excel - MESSY! HELP!
- Issues With Adding TextBox
- [SOLVED:] Vlookup for Duplicates
- Solved: more chart questions....defining specific ranges to axes
- Solved: Tricky copying to a new Sheet - Urgent Help Needed Please! Thanks!!!
- String Cell Formula from Column Headings
- [SOLVED:] VB to find first populated number & then sum range of cells
- Vlookup is this what I need???
- [SLEEPER:] Copy, Paste, Then Save
- Using Windows Media Player in VBA
- Solved: Extract specific data from a worksheet.
- Solved: Run macro only once within 20 hours
- Vlookup Macro that updates values by file by date.
- Solved: Format Cell with Upper Case
- Solved: Sub v Function
- Solved: interacting with other applications
- Help with Password
- xlDialogSaveAs: Lock it to a specific directory?
- Create Bandings within a Pivot Table
- runtime error 13???
- Solved: Using Page Field to Create Multiple Sheets in Pivot Table
- Filter Issue
- principle component analysis for excel
- Displaying Image on a Userform
- search for a file in a folder using rows of data in an excel file
- Automating Exporting Records
- drop down lists
- Verification on my defining variable and small piece of code
- Help: 3D chart
- Clear cell value after data entry
- multiple workbooks--take values and match
- button works funny, why??
- MaxLength for Textbox
- Remoing Pivot Items
- Random Records
- Add values when checkbox is checked.
- Using VBA to initiate a windows macro
- Solved: Date format help
- Pivot Table: Sort rows according to columns
- Solved: Workbook close event
- [SOLVED:] Object Required error
- Keyboard
- Solved: How to get values from hidden sheet
- Insert search and edit button
- Solved: Macro runs regardless of Msg Box press NO
- Deleteing excluded columns/rows in MS Graph Datasheet
- Cut and Paste rows
- [SOLVED:] Presentation in UserForm
- do until
- Excel Export
- Solved: Cell Value Question - Error Handling?
- Disable design mode with password?
- I need a code to recognize a trigger value of....
- Solved: changing the default file path
- Solved: clipboard message
- opening a workbook
- Searching for cell Data via form
- Solved: www.domain.com TO name@domain.com
- Time breakdown function in Excel
- Help: Set Transparency for chart
- Solved: get cell data into textbox on userform
- How do I set up a session timeout in Excel?
- Import 2 different text files and compare
- Spreadsheet in user form
- Need Excel macro
- [SOLVED:] How to change the shape of Command Button ?
- "Format" menu is not visible.
- Solved: stopping users deleting sheets
- Transferring Data from 2 columns to another sheet using For Next loop
- Add some .avi files in a ListBox
- Dir function
- Paste into every sheet but first
- Plot charts with data position unfixed
- Solved: sort multiple rows
- Solved: Trying to create a summary sheet
- Printing each page from a multipage object
- Adding item in listbox
- Web Browser Control - turn off error warnings
- Update links when file names are different each time....
- How to make many protection properties on Ranges when I protect my Sheet?
- Adding item in listbox 1
- help with a price list demo
- Solved: Subtracting dates/times to show number of hours?
- 2 Dimensions of a table
- Changes in Excel 2007
- Attach Files
- How to identify two instances of same exe?
- Search the value in the column.
- Need Help With User Form
- Solved: Array formula to extract multiple values
- Copy and paste to specific Worksheets
- How to update value to a textbox according to loop-index
- Solved: Using VLOOKUP in VBA Code
- Solved: Moving a worksheet
- averaging 1 column depending on another
- Change workbook reference to variable
- Copying data from Multiple workbooks and combining in one sheet
- Is there a way to Paste text into a Merged Excel Cell, from an outside file?
- [SOLVED:] Userform - textbox data
- Custom Toolbars 4 Multiple Users
- AllowFormattingCells:=
- [SLEEPER:] ForcePasteSpecial - Error 2147467259
- [SOLVED:] number pad key id?
- Using number of digits before "-" to determine whether number is type A or type B?
- Print Without Background Fill Color
- PDF to Excel
- file transfer from one folder to another.
- Removing special characters from text entered in a cell
- show numbers not used
- Solved: Removing and pasting rows using a collection?
- [SOLVED:] Asking user to please enter all mandatory filed
- [SLEEPER:] Sorting without absolute cell referenes
- VBA macro to write from text file to excel
- Solved: How to use Excel Functions from VBA.
- Solved: Another delete rows query
- Auto Update/Sort
- link a user interface to another user interface
- Openning a workbook while a userform is running
- Finding exact matches only
- Solved: Capturing Flag status of mail in Execl from Outlook
- Excel for MAC crashes
- Solved: Bringing a selected cell to the top of the screen
- Do loop search
- List files in a folder and open using correct app
- VBA Find based on cell value
- Solved: Help: How to set a column Value become Key Index
- Compile error in hidden module: ThisWorkbook
- Solved: Time format in Statusbar
- Solved: Timer based messages
- Save Table as .mdb
- Solved: ActiveCell Property Question
- Solved: Custom button only works with specificied sheet
- Solved: How to find (match) 3 criteria on a row?
- Solved: Popup messages when clicking on a tab
- Solved: MsgBox Loop Help
- Solved: Disable any changes to tha value in the cell.
- Method Range of Object Workbook failed
- Help w/ Loop
- Extracting values from an Application
- Protecting Sheets - Code stops???
- Adding Dashboard Functionality
- Formula is right - but result looks wrong
- Solved: Hiding/unhiding Command buttons?
- Input Box not working
- get data from web poage and store in MY_VAR
- Multiple users - different drives
- Two dimensional arrays
- Selected Cells Copy
- Solved: How to force Excel to reconnect to website?
- Solved: Automate Listbox hyperlink
- Opening Workbook through command button
- Run code after pivot table refreshes
- Updating multi worksheets from closed workbook
- Changing Default Control Properties
- Solved: Help: how to re-use Database function with fixed criteria header
- Troubleshooting slowness
- Solved: Run-time error '13'
- Solved: Printing Headers to all sheets on printout?
- Two Listbox questions
- [SOLVED:] Userform to simulate 2007 autofilter options
- Solved: Add a 'sum' function in the 'worksheet_change' Procedure.
- Solved: Mouse Right click not working in cells
- Slip up in If Statement?
- List box format
- Solved: Mulitple If function?
- Solved: Missing Toolbox
- Highlighting a range of data based on a cell within a loop
- Solved: Change Number into text for Page Heading
- xml to vba listbox
- Solved: ping a cell value which is an IP address
- Solved: Round to the nearest quarter?
- excel connexion
- repeate an action
- Doesnt like vbCancel button
- Excel 2007 AdvancedFilter
- Backing up Query
- Solved: Sorting Pivot Items in a pivot table??
- Solved: Adding to a list - Preventing Duplicates
- Add contents of cells to combo box
- Solved: Check if numerical with no decimal
- Solved: ID number
- Need to copy multiple lists to one sheet
- [SOLVED:] ListView control problem
- test if text file is open
- Solved: Suggest a file name
- SaveAs Date Minus One Month
- Solved: 2 search criteria
- Solved: Finding a Deleting Multiple Occurences using FindNext
- Searching through CSV files
- print board
- Excel =MAX, =MIN from Range via VBA
- VBA code runs when workbook is closed?
- Solved: Workbook Filename to be the Sheet Tab Label
- One UserForm, more Buttons which call that form - NOW problem..?
- Solved: Index/Match Formular to VBA conversion
- Alter code to paste into separate sheet
- Highlight Cell According to List and Criteria
- Copying macro and associated button to new file/sheet "in flight"
- ListBox not displaying Horizontal Scroll bar
- vb if help