- Windows task scheduler and Excel
- Solved: need to select and run macro on all worksheets in workbook consecutively
- GOTO A different Worksheet named in cell A1
- Solved: how to open a folder?
- Solved: Checkbox confirmation
- Help: How to get date input in specific syntax
- ComboBox help
- Hide Rows Based on Condition
- Solved: Keep Track of a Workbook Review
- Locking Form Controls
- Simple Comparison
- Solved: Filter list and place results below
- Solved: filesearch for .txt and text conversion
- Count number of times word occurs in selected column?
- Solved: Custom Menu and Toobar Items for a single file.
- adding/sizing images.
- Solved: RESOLVED - How do you set a max column range?
- Solved: Alert Message and highlight duplicate
- [SOLVED:] Build file string to import an HTML file
- Solved: Need to convert date to three letter month
- Solved: Split test column as string
- Inconsistent Behavior When Capturing Application Events From xla Add-in
- Data validation with dependent dropdowns from a sorted list - seperate document?
- Solved: How to reset only the current row color?
- Create a new worksheet from existing worksheets plus doing calculations.
- Solved: Extracted Sheets Limits to 43 only why?
- Solved: Formula in vba help
- Tracking blood sugar levels
- Class property vs public variable
- Solved: Range cell color by Double Clicking
- Solved: Problem delete and replace item
- Sleeper: HTML Data to Excel Cells...Help
- Can I Cascade Dependent Validations?
- Error running second time
- Solved: Split ONE word into TWO cells
- Solved: BeforeDoubleClick Question
- Solved: How do you prevent a row color change event?
- Solved: Timesheet Weekly Totals Help
- Solved: Is MS excel installation necessary to run VBA code?
- Solved: Insert lines after so many rows
- Closing Errors...
- Solved: Connect to Oracle
- Solved: userform to search datasheet & return values
- Solved: If make confusing..
- Solved: Printing an array of sheets
- Solved: Test if there is a Ranged Name already
- Solved: Extracting just the Number in a name
- [SOLVED:] Visual Basic - Import and Insert Photos
- Skip Cell VBA Help Change Code
- microsoft access barcode control 9.0 active X running error
- Solved: If Value in one column is something and another column is mandatory
- Renaming Defined Ranges
- How to load specific items to the listview 6.0
- Solved: OT - Help Needed To Access My Own Workbook
- Solved: Can this code be made any more efficient?
- Solved: Range Select problem
- Can not understand what it means!
- Create Copy of a Control
- Solved: Help improve reverse loop
- MSCOMM32.OCX ....Problem
- Solved: How to create a "Live" points table
- Solved: Merging sheets and stopping Excel from date formatting cells
- execute excel
- Solved: Floating Toolbars
- Progress Bar
- Solved: Finding ID Number & Using That Row
- Trigger a macro when result changes
- How to protect my project
- [SOLVED:] Log In-Out Sheet
- Worksheet DoubleClick Event
- Solved: How do you run ThisWorkbook code from a module?
- Solved: Sheet tab change event
- Filter ListBox based on a ComboBox
- Form not changing transparency
- Solved: manual calculation for individual workbooks
- Solved: bloating of file
- Solved: slow to open a workbook
- Solved: Making my code smaller
- Solved: Different expressions of a simple formula
- Fully declaring each variable
- Solved: Is it possible to protect specific cells on the sheets,
- Un check a CheckBox when others are checked.
- Find shapes in sheet
- Solved: Pivot Table Help
- VBA userform calendar
- Vba code for importing external data
- Compare two columns for any one word
- Rich Text Format RichTx32.ocx found in \system32 but does not display
- Reference question
- mismatch error
- Logic assistance, please.
- screen up by code the option form (security tab)
- Still need help with this vba code
- comment autosize help
- Solved: VBA code to merge Worksheets Of Up To 1 Million Records In Ex. 2007
- Renaming sheet name
- Sumproduct formula help
- Scheduling servicing
- Help needed VB code - file name with dates
- Solved: Compatibility of Macros coded in 2007
- Hlookup returns wrong field
- Solved: How to change the index of an array
- excel to xml (problem with listed elements)
- Chart Object Disable Right Click
- Solved: Issues with Find
- Solved: Update Formulas to include added rows
- trying to add the new name of a file in a cell
- Solved: Count Dates in a Week
- Multi Criteria Macro
- XML in VBA
- Real Random number
- Fine tuning an If formula. Cells matching based on Condition
- Need help with vba code for deleting trailing spaces before or after an entry in a co
- Solved: Linking sub's and selecting cells for a sub
- Need Help testing if a cells contents match that of a cell in another column
- Solved: count dates in a week (continue)
- need help
- Solved: smilies in excell 2003
- Group with sum.
- Date Format issues
- Solved: Autofill Cells When Another Cell Has Value
- Solved: Is there an ISnumeric or Formula code
- [SLEEPER:] Date format testing fails
- Solved: again problem with counting date in week
- Ini. Files problem
- Solved: Prevent users from editing every 'nth' row - eg every 3rd or 4th row.
- Solved: hi code tweeking
- Code for changing an entry to uppercase
- Right Click menu changed due to macro - how to modify?
- Formula for summing vertically based on horisontal condition
- Solved: if (RC[1]) = 1 then "=TEXT(RC[-1],""MMM/YY"")"
- Solved: Array Formulas Using CTRL SHIFT ENTER
- Solved: Sendkeys using wait.
- Solved: test selection for first and last row
- Sleeper: Change Col diff into Col letter
- Show Date And Time Of Latest Import From Yahoo! Finance
- Solved: Close workbook based upon cell value, but don't save workbook
- mirror fill color from reference cell
- parse text
- changing cell contents on basis off another cell
- Access Report
- Solved: web forms/log ins + VBA?
- Copy Duplication
- Copy Data From WebPage To Excel
- Mail to macro
- macro to run a series of tasks
- Saving data in .dat format-help needed
- Solved: Checkbox issue
- UserForm - List Box Error Message
- Solved: One sheet dependent on input on another?
- VBA Web Query Generating Error 1004
- Rename file excle
- vlookup match columns
- Include Row Number in XLFilterCopy
- Solved: Userform Calendar Control modification
- Solved: formula to extract number
- Solved: Lookup & transpose variable range from 1 To 3 columns
- Solved: Check cell for text
- Have predetermined data appear in one cell, when specific data entered in another.
- Solved: Locking down a spreadsheet
- Find for a specific word and extract details based on the found value
- Save columns A:D to C:\
- Sleeper: Copying new data from one sheet to another
- repeated action
- Solved: Open File on shared network drive and copy information to sheet
- Solved: Sum Dynamic row in VBA
- Track changes if array or multiple cells are changed
- Solved: how to condense results from multiple sheets
- Solved: Define range and combine two codes
- Solved: Making more checkboxes visible when a checkbox is checked
- Solved: Sumif with concatenate and wildcard
- Go To Dialog Box Width F5
- Solved: help with saving a program
- Solved: Accessing Cells With Activecell.offset
- Locking cells in different range
- Solved: Create new folder within VB
- Show messagebox if user selects locked cells
- [SLEEPER:] VLookup like ?
- Mail merge where person and file name are the same.
- Locking blank cells only via VBA
- Import and split large tab deliminated text files
- adding a message box icon
- Solved: fill in every other row
- Excel to Power Point
- sending mail from excel via smtp-relay
- Value change with date
- Validating column Heads
- Linking Excel to Access Forms
- problem with date format when I use userform
- Solved: Specify 63 Days From a Date
- Code to Export as xml file
- Solved: Double Click a cell to show form with data
- Copy Data
- Check no selection in a listbox..
- Solved: VBA Message Box
- Incremental number for saved files
- Solved: Vlookuping a separate sheet
- Disable cut & paste in active workbook
- Solved: Names I define in a macro ignored by workbook?
- Solved: copying cell value only when calculated from formula
- Fastest method to read data from sheet
- Multipe Goal Seek across workbooks
- Solved: vlookup from another worksheet
- Solved: Compare the values between two columns
- dynamic Validation criteria
- Set bottom of variable range
- Solved: Message box ( Open Event)
- VBA Code Error
- [SOLVED:] Reverse Lookup Last Record Ignoring Location 300
- % movement tracker macro
- Solved: Create quarterly summary report from details
- Make file read/write
- Exporting Spreadsheets
- Solved: Column search returning wrong results
- Solved: formula simplificiation
- Frequency filter by date and sorted elements
- Solved: Last Row Array help
- Vlookup for all the row?
- Solved: Newbie once again, importing a module
- UserForm Initialize or Activate Conundrum
- Solved: Do ... loop
- Solved: Concatenate into a Single Cell
- Still need help with this vba code
- find duplicates entries
- Using VB with variables to access data from web sites
- GoTo versus Resume within an error-handling routine
- runtime error 1004
- Append to master list?
- Dynamically change number formatting within a column
- Help with code cleanup.
- Modify Macro to go from Ascending to Descending Order
- VBA Sub Procedures; Homework
- Advice and Tips for instr & for Findnext
- Dir function returns fileNames not as expected
- Solved: Help with For....Next, and some useful code for everyone
- VBA Help: Homework
- Concatenated Message Box: Homework
- Select Case Statements; Homework
- Solved: Help transfer excel table to access db
- VBA Case Statement verification; Homework
- Macro to hide blank rows in Workbook
- Variable column in code
- Solved: Copy Specific Cell in Rows and Columns to Another Worksheet
- macro to save a Worksheet
- Solved: Leading Zeros Truncated
- Solved: Using office assistant to display custom messages
- Manipulating Chart objects