- Live Data over network
- Setting Current Position equal to Last Position: Homework
- Solved: Unwanted Connection to Macros in Another WB
- [SOLVED:] ShowDataForm and data validation
- How to make Hyperlink which will change with cell number?
- Solved: userform error 424
- Conditional formatting
- setting "trust access to visual basic project" programmatically?
- [SOLVED:] Showing Male and Female Ages on the same chart
- Changing Date Format
- macro to copy and past into mulitple worksheets
- Solved: Using forms and form data
- Get value from workbook closed
- Solved: Macro is really slow
- Sleeper: Chart title as grid
- [SOLVED:] dynamic chart layout
- Sleeper: Excel 2003 Convert to 2007 xlsm file
- Solved: Lookup Dates & Times
- Solved: Multiple replace slowing macro
- Chart multiple ranges from userform dropdown
- [SOLVED:] Spreadsheet inside a Userform
- Solved: Making a Collection of some Form Controls
- [SOLVED:] Popup Window
- [SOLVED:] Maximum size of String Variable
- Sleeper: Calculating automatically with matrix
- [SOLVED:] Disabling a button for specific worksheets
- [SOLVED:] Excel to Access Database
- [SOLVED:] How can I simplify my pivot tables
- Sleeper: Case Statement?
- Advice: Not filtering by given criteria
- Solved: Web page closes itself then opens a new IE... How can I track?
- How to add paste special in contex menu and make Hotkey on it?
- Solved: Compare Values from two sheets
- Can VBA do = camera to scan paper image:check marks ABCD = auto grading in classroom
- [SOLVED:] A command that clears all data stored??
- Chage background colour
- Scan lists and shade row with lowest number
- Solved: set print area problem
- [SOLVED:] How do i access Excel training?
- [SOLVED:] Save excel in temp
- vba with web application
- Solved: help in indirect function
- Error while sending mail
- Solved: Cells format
- Delete invalid filename characters
- Solved: Change background colour if cell is blank
- Solved: Review Code
- "Save As" for Excel file with Internet Explorer
- Solved: links in formulas to other files problem
- Solved: SOS !!! File/Send To
- Solved: Protect based on cell colour
- Solved: colorIndex change event
- Correspondance search between sheets
- Excel and Mainframe apps
- Solved: Coverting table data to flat data & delete empty rows
- Solved: How to correct hide sheets when more than one workbook is closed?
- Using Excel to Tab through IE
- Center Userform/splash son monitor
- "Application OnTime" Questions
- Solved: Take time difference
- Correlation Matrix through relative refrances
- Solved: Opening the Edit Links Dialog
- Procedure needed to group sections of data?
- Sum of column
- Formatting text cells to use in a formula
- Solved: deleting rows matching criteria from a column
- Change picture based on cell value
- Print tables with variable height and same heading
- Calculate Retirement Age: I Failed!
- Solved: Changes in all Workbooks in One Time
- Solved: Speeding up routine
- Solved: Splitting all addresses in a formula
- Solved: Alphabetically reverse text in cell
- Solved: Select case for conditional formatting to build heat chart?
- Pausing a macro...
- Solved: how to protect/unprotect column depending on cell value?
- Help to populate listbox via vba
- Solved: How to Chart two different data ranges
- Solved: Join Two Codes Together
- Solved: How to automate Excel Tools-> Options
- Solved: copying rows matching criteria from a column
- Solved: Need to add a sort command to macro
- Opening Excel from Powerpoint
- Snap view upon cell click
- Solved: Offset Macro Needed...I think
- Jumble Word Game
- Alternative to late Binding?
- Sleeper: Copying single values instead of range
- Solved: Amend vba code to add and extra step
- [SOLVED:] Changing Names to Numbers
- [SLEEPER:] Fill PDF form from Excel
- VLookup and column indicator
- Solved: Calendar
- Pull Access cells into Excel
- Solved: using a worksheet function in VBA
- Want to have a static column referring to a dynamic range of data
- Creating a lagged correlation matrix
- Solved: Textbox formatting question
- Solved: Excel Macro Help - Hyperlinking
- [SOLVED:] Disable Cut, Copy, Paste Macro for One Column
- Deleting headers between two found variables?
- Solved: Macros men?
- Array Formula (sum of ranges)
- [SOLVED:] Can't Find Project or Library
- Solved: getting rid of a "If" + improving my code
- Solved: Create folders and filename
- Solved: Check conditional format colour?
- Solved: Autofilter for multiple condition
- Solved: Add a count variable & increment it appropriately in this code
- Data update does not work from VBS initiated open
- VBA search through workbooks to return answer help
- How can I disable the links and query alerts
- Solved: Need someone to discreetly look at my code
- Pivot table to NOT summarize data?
- Multi Text Criteria
- Solved: how to copy value with criteria to other worksheet?
- Solved: ActiveSheet Printing
- Looping and shaking
- Solved: UserForm turtorial
- Movies and scales
- Solved: Loop to Get and put values
- [SOLVED:] Get Tenor - Bucket Function
- Solved: Locking Merged Cells
- Solved: Time and Date log using VBA
- [SOLVED:] Autofilter OR function
- Solved: xlCellTypeVisible question
- How to Parse a string with VBA
- Deselect range after Macro runs
- Compare two columns to two other columns
- Solved: Pie chart data labels percent formatting
- Help with ADSI spreadsheet
- Solved: Merged Cells Null Value
- Solved: To copy part of the table data
- Solved: deleting an asterik
- Saving
- Can you help me?I want code
- Solved: What to do when executing a code freezes Excel?
- How to close the dialog with Excel VBA
- Solved: Deleting Unwanted Rows
- Email several sheets in one workbook password protected
- Solved: Add sheet & name
- Find Major Lows and Highs in Series
- Solved: Search through range and fill corresponding offset?
- [SOLVED:] Getting Month and Year from a date cell
- Solved: double case statement
- Internet Explorer dialog pop-up from Excel
- Error Popup
- Solved: Copy only filtered rows
- Solved: unchecking checkboxes
- Solved: Textbox format
- Solved: column loop
- Scripting.FileSystemObject
- Solved: Choosing random samples
- How Can I save data in incremental way-Help needed
- Saving data in incremental way in dat format-Help Needed.
- Solved: conditional formatting by color
- Regular Express
- Solved: Insert comment pictures fill down.
- Spreadsheet maintainance automation required?
- Solved: Formula help for odd money calculation?
- User Defined Function - Write value to a range
- Delete row if cell does not contain a particular value
- MS Excel 2007: what is wrong with standard colors when constructing a chart?
- When to Use "Application.CutCopyMode" Statement
- Solved: Single click on cell should store value in another cell
- Help to Modify An macros to compare
- Add another call function to an exiting macro button
- Solved: Prevent numeric or symbol and if function in userform
- Remove Duplicates in ComboBox
- Solved: Open User Form in specified range
- Saving Excell Data to File (More complicated then the title says)
- Solved: Amend vba code to apply same font and styling
- Excel VBA Variant Variable Assigned a Number Tests as Number when assigned to ??
- Solved: Redirect save when given drive is not accessible
- Solved: Convert a number into a string with a leading zero
- Solved: Display if Found, if not edit???
- How add new table ellement faster?
- Solved: Adding Second Symbol
- generating emails from excel fields
- Challenging Macro
- Range copying issues
- Solved: Define Name from a function
- Illegal Characters in Excel File Name
- Solved: Adding More Cell Ranges to BeforeDoubleClick and BeforeRightClick Macro
- Sorting - data in columns - arranged finally in one column
- How do i add the custom toolbars programmatically
- Solved: Delete row if meet the criteria
- Transpose Row into Combobox
- Accessing Web page from Excel
- Unknown Symbols keep appearing!!
- Improuvement af this macros
- Solved: Glitch in Macro
- Combobox.value reference
- change the defined name range names to correspond to workbook (book1.xls) -
- To show multiple contacts pick one
- Permutation with a handicap
- Solved: Filtering Pivot Items by value
- Solved: Copy format Range into another Range
- UserForm
- Multiformat Lookup
- View/Print Non-empty columns only
- Error when deleting
- saving changes to xlt doc
- Excel bug?
- Solved: Print information from rows
- compare records
- Print selected rows to labels
- Solved: how to use variables with rows selection
- How to do Unit testing in Excel as part of Test Driven Development?
- Data Validation: Listbox
- Autorun externally held macro without opening external file
- Combobox Selection Problem
- Solved: Trying to work out which userform has been opened
- Problems with calculating hours worked
- Solved: eliminating blank spaces inside string
- Solved: Dollar symbol in formula
- Swapping multiple cells accross a row
- Problems grabbing hrefs in HTML docs
- Solved: non-modal userform to reflect values with Worksheet_SelectionChange
- Copy between Excel applications
- Solved: Add a extra step to current macro button
- Range assignment in chart
- Solved: selecting and copying a range where a variable is found
- Grouping Cells + Printing
- Solved: A function as a variable? Pass function as parameter? function pointer?
- Solved: VBA Hyperlink from a Cell ?
- Solved: Conditional Print Preview
- Solved: Sheet name in formula instead of caption
- [SOLVED:] How to skip no dates data in chart
- Solved: VBA VLOOKUP error
- Solved: Getting 2 pieces of data from one source (cell)
- remove corrupt excel names - programmatically?
- Solved: Macro hangs and need an extra step add to the macro
- Solved: Code to automatically enter data update date
- Solved: Condition with StatusBar based on Row number
- Solved: Painfully slow Copy & Paste from Web onto a sheet.
- Solved: DTPicker1 in Userform help
- Solved: Matching two sheets help needed
- Solved: combine mulitple columns
- [SOLVED:] Disable 'Save As' dialog
- Test if vba password is set.
- [SOLVED:] How find the empty column immediately after the data column???
- Solved: How to insert values in rows through for loop
- [SLEEPER:] Set trial time limit on workbook?
- Solved: If value in a row = value in another column store in another cell
- [SOLVED:] Macro can only be executed if specific cells are selected
- Solved: Tricky formula help?
- Solved: Mandatory fields
- Solved: VBA help... Gaining access to training or information
- Code to match two sheets and display differences