- Undo option
- How to hide the workbook while exeuting macro?
- Solved: Find Empty column
- Challenging Macro to reverse the function of an existing macro
- Extract certain data from file.
- Formula help for counting indexed cells?
- Finding Unique ID Number & Fill the Cells
- Format Msgbox
- Merge all unique values into one in a required column
- Data Extraction
- Solved: Problem in auto loading toolpak add-in
- need help protecting source code..
- Refresh Data
- Datediff in vba
- Solved: Merging two columns as a unique column
- Grabbing the cell value before it is changed (or on cell selection)
- macroto recreate fucntion of grey ADD/REMOVE button onto blue ADD/remove button
- Solved: How to make the mouse Scroll locked
- Excel
- Solved: Copy a file to the users desktop
- Copy a sheet from all workbooks in a folder
- [SLEEPER:] Write To Web Page
- Solved: Validating a textbox
- How to disable the selection of Workbook
- Validating an entry against a database
- Disable 'Save' and 'Save As' dialogs
- Trying to call access functions in excel
- Solved: trying to import csv in macro from web.
- Solved: Password Protecting particular rows in excel
- Solved: move records
- Subtotal calculation using Macro
- Solved: Sumproduct (Formula not working correctly)
- 2nd Userform amend posted worksheet to not show UFC Column B
- Ideas to speeds up PivotTable VBA
- removing 0's macro based on columns
- [SOLVED:] If cell = "" then highlight cell
- Solved: Replacing Text
- DRJ's conditional formatting
- Showing Formula with values in other language
- Looping/Copying/Other
- Solved: Matching
- Save File Without Showing Window
- Solved: Charting Macro Problem
- Alignment of new data and add boarders
- Workbooks.Open using network path
- [SLEEPER:] Copying Data to Specific Tab
- insert comments from countif
- Solved: autofilter question
- Compare Sheet1 and Sheet2 Results in Sheet3
- Cell Formatting
- Solved: Check and copy rows
- Solved: send sheet
- Conting consective cells based on criteria
- Solved: Edit MP3 tags in Excel / VBA
- determining user domain account (AD) from VBA
- Solved: Using For Loop to get info from Text box
- Solved: How to loop through the columns???
- How to check the data column and empty column???
- Solved: The use of [] brackets for assigning values or arrays
- worksheets order + protection
- workbook_open: simple question
- compile error
- Clear constants in a selection
- Solved: Match function
- Select last 30 cells
- Solved: Formula in VBA code - modification requested to avoid Error
- Solved: Floating listbox to navigate within a single worksheet
- Solved: Process checklist
- Check if a Dynamic Array has been ReDim'ed...
- [HELP] Charts.Add and Range
- userform review function
- Display HTML code in Form textbox
- problem with filter condition
- Append File Names to an Existing List of File Names
- Un-wanted audio alert
- Solved: Extract info of a point on a chart
- [SOLVED:] To edit data using UserForm
- How to plot on a image file embedded in excel
- creating a chart using VBA
- Do While Loop Help
- Solved: Search Form Help
- Solved: Check contents of cells in header row
- Code to install addin feature
- Solved: copy data in sheet1 and paste in sheet2
- Solved: Reverse code on a macro
- Solved: Use a variable to reference a control?
- Solved: Advance Filter & Last Rows Sum
- detele unnecessary rows
- Solved: Using Treeview Control
- Userform as a variable and moving data
- Solved: Removing All Duplicates
- Solved: Scrollbar Control Reverse counting
- Solved: Refer to Range Names on Different Worksheets
- Solved: past due report
- Solved: Filter Combo Box Value
- Solved: Use textbox to display data related to the child node
- Solved: MenuMaker - disabling menu items
- code tweaking
- Solved: VLOOKUP resuts
- Show user form
- excel programming issues
- Loop thru range, find and copy data to matching sheets
- Solved: How to Identify Worksheet Name for Each Range
- Permutation two
- Solved: Extracting specific data
- Solved: How to Rename a Defined Name
- insert data in dialog box...
- Query data from two databases
- Solved: Help in finishing the code
- Solved: Problem with Date Format
- Advanced Filter Creating Named Range?
- A sound on conditional formatting
- Solved: Run Time Error 13 & Format Func in userform
- ADODB, SQL, INSERT - force the type of inserted data
- Solved: Enter password as *****
- Control Treeview
- [SOLVED:] Ungrouping all Row and Column ranges in workbook
- Solved: Set Worksheet Name and Locate Range Info
- Update macro to add tan border as shown in worksheet example
- Solved: Sorting by month of year
- Solved: Highlight the entire row on click
- Solved: Get average table for each month in Column L
- Attaching Objects Code
- Solved: Hide Columns Form
- Solved: Using String in a cell as reference for a cell
- Convert data for Pivot Table
- Sleeper: Copy data to new sheet to remove duplicates
- Solved: How to get a URL address from the cell value
- Solved: file generation + naming from a variable
- Solved: CountIF based on logical operators
- Solved: How to Format Font in Middle of String?
- Solved: range question
- Solved: VBA - Get Range of a Range ??? How?
- Solved: Mousemove event with shape
- cannot createobject using "internetexplorer.application"
- Solved: Tool allocation forecast with multiple IF statements
- Listbox RowSource Requires Range or String
- Open multiple files as workbooks
- VBA macro code to find last worked row or column
- Filling Mandatory Cells in Excel
- Show running time of macro
- [SOLVED:] Remove commas and spaces in the middle of a string
- Solved: Count tabs in Workbook
- Macro to generate random number then User needs to guess that value
- Solved: List box items selected but wrong message
- COUNTIF for more than 1 thing on the same formula
- Close out without saving
- writting sum function in VBA
- nested If statement
- making define name ranges to work for other worksheets
- Solved: Fill down formula
- Solved: Last used cell
- Solved: Help with macro
- [SOLVED:] Incorporating a version number (incremental) in filename
- Macro to ask to find file
- Solved: Top 3 highest values in range
- 2 different color at the same cell?
- Flashing Cell
- Tidying up the code and adding functionality
- Solved: Index / Match Multiple Criteria Issue
- Flow chart
- Solved: Hide Buttons in code?
- Text to Columns question
- Reading Word files and search for key words
- [SOLVED:] Save location
- find data from one workbook to another workbook
- Solved: Preventing a user from saving a file as a different name.
- Solved: Incrementing to next record
- Solved: getting the file not found error
- Reposting as original attachment was corrupt
- Solved: Workbook_Open view in 100% zoom
- create moviedatabase, search IMDB.com
- Formula for cell value
- Running macro periodically
- Extracting Unique Values from a Column
- Macro replacing text in each row by column
- charting with vba
- Blink Control
- Error Checking
- creating graphs from vba form
- Solved: Copy Cell Values from Non-adjacent columns
- How to obtain properties of graphical "line"
- Make decisions
- Solved: Looping through Columns
- Format display in the comboBox
- Add week ending date to newly created and renamed sheet?
- Working with Multiple Appls Simultaneously
- Solved: Extract and convert Data to new sheet
- Return top 5 From a tabel of data
- Open files with wildcards
- Solved: VBA code to create / insert macro
- Solved: worksheet_change event does not trigger on copy/paste
- Enter File Path in Webform then Submit
- Automation error - Element not found
- Solved: can't name darn worksheet!
- Solved: Searching specific text in cells in a column
- Protect excel workbook
- Use Do While instead of For/Next
- Solved: How does this work?
- howto convert a excel file to a htlm file inclusive macro's
- Solved: Disabling cut copy paste on certain cells
- Sumproduct Error
- Last Active Row - Help modifying for Column
- [SOLVED:] Make me look like an Excel/VBA Rockstar....
- Error message when combining all excell wkbks in a folder using macro
- Desperately need VBA code help
- [SOLVED:] email via outlook from excel
- Fill Remaining Chart Percentage
- Solved: Getting data from web site
- Macro screw ups
- Solved: Need help removing a menu bar created in excel 2003
- more than 2 dims in an array?
- question on a constant + loop on a range
- Compare Data
- loop + array: complex for me :(
- Solved: Updating Charts in VBA with listbox
- Solved: Populate Combobox in userform
- Solved: How to pause a macro
- How to add a row in different files?
- Solved: Inserting Formulas With Loops
- Solved: TextBox formula
- if any cell in a row = > 70 Generate email Alert
- Solved: Insert row with formatting and formulas
- stop macro from replacing existing price and UCF cost assigned to a customer to zero
- Sort excel and get top 10 and bottom 10 rows
- Excel send to mail recipients help
- How can you stop users from opening a file twice.
- [SOLVED:] Excel vs Access VBA
- [SOLVED:] Converting Criteria Listed in Excel For Data Validation
- Report on a Count of Colours Cells by Unique Row and by Column.
- Merging two worksheets
- New column through existing ones
- Solved: Combine Cells in multiple sheets into 1 sheet
- Solved: How can I delete all Queries in workbook?
- Solved: Data input from message box
- Solved: Download EXE files using VBA
- retrieving data in a list according to 3 criteria
- Solved: Disable One Procedure While Another Runs Then Enable Again
- Reversing a Macro
- Solved: Saving a copy of a spreadsheet, external file?
- Checking entries to see if it is a valid entry
- Directory/Folder listing
- Copy and Add to Range
- Little help with Autofill please
- Lookup code - I am missing something from my code!!
- [SLEEPER:] Import multiple files into a single sheet
- Solved: Copy subtotal values
- Solved: Code Modify
- Delete Rows : urgent