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  1. Undo option
  2. How to hide the workbook while exeuting macro?
  3. Solved: Find Empty column
  4. Challenging Macro to reverse the function of an existing macro
  5. Extract certain data from file.
  6. Formula help for counting indexed cells?
  7. Finding Unique ID Number & Fill the Cells
  8. Format Msgbox
  9. Merge all unique values into one in a required column
  10. Data Extraction
  11. Solved: Problem in auto loading toolpak add-in
  12. need help protecting source code..
  13. Refresh Data
  14. Datediff in vba
  15. Solved: Merging two columns as a unique column
  16. Grabbing the cell value before it is changed (or on cell selection)
  17. macroto recreate fucntion of grey ADD/REMOVE button onto blue ADD/remove button
  18. Solved: How to make the mouse Scroll locked
  19. Excel
  20. Solved: Copy a file to the users desktop
  21. Copy a sheet from all workbooks in a folder
  22. [SLEEPER:] Write To Web Page
  23. Solved: Validating a textbox
  24. How to disable the selection of Workbook
  25. Validating an entry against a database
  26. Disable 'Save' and 'Save As' dialogs
  27. Trying to call access functions in excel
  28. Solved: trying to import csv in macro from web.
  29. Solved: Password Protecting particular rows in excel
  30. Solved: move records
  31. Subtotal calculation using Macro
  32. Solved: Sumproduct (Formula not working correctly)
  33. 2nd Userform amend posted worksheet to not show UFC Column B
  34. Ideas to speeds up PivotTable VBA
  35. removing 0's macro based on columns
  36. [SOLVED:] If cell = "" then highlight cell
  37. Solved: Replacing Text
  38. DRJ's conditional formatting
  39. Showing Formula with values in other language
  40. Looping/Copying/Other
  41. Solved: Matching
  42. Save File Without Showing Window
  43. Solved: Charting Macro Problem
  44. Alignment of new data and add boarders
  45. Workbooks.Open using network path
  46. [SLEEPER:] Copying Data to Specific Tab
  47. insert comments from countif
  48. Solved: autofilter question
  49. Compare Sheet1 and Sheet2 Results in Sheet3
  50. Cell Formatting
  51. Solved: Check and copy rows
  52. Solved: send sheet
  53. Conting consective cells based on criteria
  54. Solved: Edit MP3 tags in Excel / VBA
  55. determining user domain account (AD) from VBA
  56. Solved: Using For Loop to get info from Text box
  57. Solved: How to loop through the columns???
  58. How to check the data column and empty column???
  59. Solved: The use of [] brackets for assigning values or arrays
  60. worksheets order + protection
  61. workbook_open: simple question
  62. compile error
  63. Clear constants in a selection
  64. Solved: Match function
  65. Select last 30 cells
  66. Solved: Formula in VBA code - modification requested to avoid Error
  67. Solved: Floating listbox to navigate within a single worksheet
  68. Solved: Process checklist
  69. Check if a Dynamic Array has been ReDim'ed...
  70. [HELP] Charts.Add and Range
  71. userform review function
  72. Display HTML code in Form textbox
  73. problem with filter condition
  74. Append File Names to an Existing List of File Names
  75. Un-wanted audio alert
  76. Solved: Extract info of a point on a chart
  77. [SOLVED:] To edit data using UserForm
  78. How to plot on a image file embedded in excel
  79. creating a chart using VBA
  80. Do While Loop Help
  81. Solved: Search Form Help
  82. Solved: Check contents of cells in header row
  83. Code to install addin feature
  84. Solved: copy data in sheet1 and paste in sheet2
  85. Solved: Reverse code on a macro
  86. Solved: Use a variable to reference a control?
  87. Solved: Advance Filter & Last Rows Sum
  88. detele unnecessary rows
  89. Solved: Using Treeview Control
  90. Userform as a variable and moving data
  91. Solved: Removing All Duplicates
  92. Solved: Scrollbar Control Reverse counting
  93. Solved: Refer to Range Names on Different Worksheets
  94. Solved: past due report
  95. Solved: Filter Combo Box Value
  96. Solved: Use textbox to display data related to the child node
  97. Solved: MenuMaker - disabling menu items
  98. code tweaking
  99. Solved: VLOOKUP resuts
  100. Show user form
  101. excel programming issues
  102. Loop thru range, find and copy data to matching sheets
  103. Solved: How to Identify Worksheet Name for Each Range
  104. Permutation two
  105. Solved: Extracting specific data
  106. Solved: How to Rename a Defined Name
  107. insert data in dialog box...
  108. Query data from two databases
  109. Solved: Help in finishing the code
  110. Solved: Problem with Date Format
  111. Advanced Filter Creating Named Range?
  112. A sound on conditional formatting
  113. Solved: Run Time Error 13 & Format Func in userform
  114. ADODB, SQL, INSERT - force the type of inserted data
  115. Solved: Enter password as *****
  116. Control Treeview
  117. [SOLVED:] Ungrouping all Row and Column ranges in workbook
  118. Solved: Set Worksheet Name and Locate Range Info
  119. Update macro to add tan border as shown in worksheet example
  120. Solved: Sorting by month of year
  121. Solved: Highlight the entire row on click
  122. Solved: Get average table for each month in Column L
  123. Attaching Objects Code
  124. Solved: Hide Columns Form
  125. Solved: Using String in a cell as reference for a cell
  126. Convert data for Pivot Table
  127. Sleeper: Copy data to new sheet to remove duplicates
  128. Solved: How to get a URL address from the cell value
  129. Solved: file generation + naming from a variable
  130. Solved: CountIF based on logical operators
  131. Solved: How to Format Font in Middle of String?
  132. Solved: range question
  133. Solved: VBA - Get Range of a Range ??? How?
  134. Solved: Mousemove event with shape
  135. cannot createobject using "internetexplorer.application"
  136. Solved: Tool allocation forecast with multiple IF statements
  137. Listbox RowSource Requires Range or String
  138. Open multiple files as workbooks
  139. VBA macro code to find last worked row or column
  140. Filling Mandatory Cells in Excel
  141. Show running time of macro
  142. [SOLVED:] Remove commas and spaces in the middle of a string
  143. Solved: Count tabs in Workbook
  144. Macro to generate random number then User needs to guess that value
  145. Solved: List box items selected but wrong message
  146. COUNTIF for more than 1 thing on the same formula
  147. Close out without saving
  148. writting sum function in VBA
  149. nested If statement
  150. making define name ranges to work for other worksheets
  151. Solved: Fill down formula
  152. Solved: Last used cell
  153. Solved: Help with macro
  154. [SOLVED:] Incorporating a version number (incremental) in filename
  155. Macro to ask to find file
  156. Solved: Top 3 highest values in range
  157. 2 different color at the same cell?
  158. Flashing Cell
  159. Tidying up the code and adding functionality
  160. Solved: Index / Match Multiple Criteria Issue
  161. Flow chart
  162. Solved: Hide Buttons in code?
  163. Text to Columns question
  164. Reading Word files and search for key words
  165. [SOLVED:] Save location
  166. find data from one workbook to another workbook
  167. Solved: Preventing a user from saving a file as a different name.
  168. Solved: Incrementing to next record
  169. Solved: getting the file not found error
  170. Reposting as original attachment was corrupt
  171. Solved: Workbook_Open view in 100% zoom
  172. create moviedatabase, search IMDB.com
  173. Formula for cell value
  174. Running macro periodically
  175. Extracting Unique Values from a Column
  176. Macro replacing text in each row by column
  177. charting with vba
  178. Blink Control
  179. Error Checking
  180. creating graphs from vba form
  181. Solved: Copy Cell Values from Non-adjacent columns
  182. How to obtain properties of graphical "line"
  183. Make decisions
  184. Solved: Looping through Columns
  185. Format display in the comboBox
  186. Add week ending date to newly created and renamed sheet?
  187. Working with Multiple Appls Simultaneously
  188. Solved: Extract and convert Data to new sheet
  189. Return top 5 From a tabel of data
  190. Open files with wildcards
  191. Solved: VBA code to create / insert macro
  192. Solved: worksheet_change event does not trigger on copy/paste
  193. Enter File Path in Webform then Submit
  194. Automation error - Element not found
  195. Solved: can't name darn worksheet!
  196. Solved: Searching specific text in cells in a column
  197. Protect excel workbook
  198. Use Do While instead of For/Next
  199. Solved: How does this work?
  200. howto convert a excel file to a htlm file inclusive macro's
  201. Solved: Disabling cut copy paste on certain cells
  202. MACROS
  203. Sumproduct Error
  204. Last Active Row - Help modifying for Column
  205. [SOLVED:] Make me look like an Excel/VBA Rockstar....
  206. Error message when combining all excell wkbks in a folder using macro
  207. Desperately need VBA code help
  208. [SOLVED:] email via outlook from excel
  209. Fill Remaining Chart Percentage
  210. Solved: Getting data from web site
  211. Macro screw ups
  212. Solved: Need help removing a menu bar created in excel 2003
  213. more than 2 dims in an array?
  214. question on a constant + loop on a range
  215. Compare Data
  216. loop + array: complex for me :(
  217. Solved: Updating Charts in VBA with listbox
  218. Solved: Populate Combobox in userform
  219. Solved: How to pause a macro
  220. How to add a row in different files?
  221. Solved: Inserting Formulas With Loops
  222. Solved: TextBox formula
  223. if any cell in a row = > 70 Generate email Alert
  224. Solved: Insert row with formatting and formulas
  225. stop macro from replacing existing price and UCF cost assigned to a customer to zero
  226. Sort excel and get top 10 and bottom 10 rows
  227. Excel send to mail recipients help
  228. How can you stop users from opening a file twice.
  229. [SOLVED:] Excel vs Access VBA
  230. [SOLVED:] Converting Criteria Listed in Excel For Data Validation
  231. Report on a Count of Colours Cells by Unique Row and by Column.
  232. Merging two worksheets
  233. New column through existing ones
  234. Solved: Combine Cells in multiple sheets into 1 sheet
  235. Solved: How can I delete all Queries in workbook?
  236. Solved: Data input from message box
  237. Solved: Download EXE files using VBA
  238. retrieving data in a list according to 3 criteria
  239. Solved: Disable One Procedure While Another Runs Then Enable Again
  240. Reversing a Macro
  241. Solved: Saving a copy of a spreadsheet, external file?
  242. Checking entries to see if it is a valid entry
  243. Directory/Folder listing
  244. Copy and Add to Range
  245. Little help with Autofill please
  246. Lookup code - I am missing something from my code!!
  247. [SLEEPER:] Import multiple files into a single sheet
  248. Solved: Copy subtotal values
  249. Solved: Code Modify
  250. Delete Rows : urgent