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  1. Splitting, Sorting and Sampling
  2. Solved: Inefficiencies of Multiple Sheets
  3. Solved: Type of Chart to Use
  4. Solved: select multiple fields from different workbook?
  5. [SOLVED:] Validate startup path
  6. Solved: Insert specified number of rows
  7. Solved: Userform art?
  8. Solved: Macro to Show last seven days on Pivot Table
  9. Need Help
  10. [SOLVED:] TextBox Hit Enter Next Line
  11. Selecting 1 static cell and 1 variable cell and fill down
  12. Need Help for my CAREER!
  13. [SOLVED:] Extract the data from a string of data
  14. Solved: Display Formulas -VBA
  15. Objects in Powerpoint
  16. [SOLVED:] Listbox last row Visibility
  17. Solved: separate text using delimiters
  18. Solved: Case Statement Criteria with 2 levels of assesment
  19. Solved: unptotect workbook
  20. [SOLVED:] How to eliminate part of message
  21. Solved: named ranges
  22. Solved: Excel 2003 Workbook Open Code
  23. help Modify the code
  24. Solved: Delete oldest sheet
  25. File doesnt save when i use xmlhttp
  26. Copy Rows based on Name Condition
  27. help with modifying a script!
  28. Solved: Data validation or other drop-down with different sheets?
  29. [SOLVED:] Toolbar added via VBA does not work, assign macro is grayed out
  30. Intergrate 2 userform
  31. AutoFill when new data added to sheet
  32. MMult Headache - 5 Hours Lost!!!
  33. [SOLVED:] Newbie Question
  34. Detele emply rows from the top or from the bottom ?
  35. Sleeper: Save notepad in UTF-8 encoding
  36. macro to open up csv files from day earlier
  37. [SOLVED:] Copy data between multiple sheets
  38. Workbook won't save
  39. Solved: Help
  40. Solved: COUNT IF Multiple Criteria
  41. Solved: Need to set Cell Formatting
  42. Userfrom, field formats
  43. [SOLVED:] Change cell color of Duplicates with message box
  44. Copy and Paste Error
  45. Think this should be straightforward...
  46. Sleeper: How to find out
  47. Copy and paste of multiple ranges
  48. locating cells
  49. find middle value
  50. Solved: Script to add rows with userform data
  51. Skip blank cells or cells with text
  52. PLEASE HELP, project due today! vba search issues, thanks!
  53. Solved: Passing a variable (and its contents) from a sub to a function
  54. opening/extracting ole object file in excel via excel VBA
  55. Solved: Autofilter problem
  56. Datafile changed by multiple users
  57. Solved: Auto Close WorkBook when Idle
  58. Problems with media player
  59. Solved: Type mismatch error
  60. Referencing Multiple Cells
  61. Automatically fill blank cells with specific text.
  62. How do i call my webservice from excel?
  63. Check if "Browse For Folder" window already open
  64. Solved: Emai Spreadsheet as a PDF
  65. Solved: Multiple non consecutive cells selection
  66. [SOLVED:] Spin Up/Down Problem
  67. Max Formula
  68. Solved: Cancel Call to Oracle Database
  69. How to count the No. of times a document is opened.
  70. Solved: controling powerpoint with excel vba
  71. Solved: What did I do wrong?
  72. Closing and opening new Excel Files using BeforeClose procedure
  73. Solved: Cycle trhough worksheets
  74. chart
  75. Countif with two conditions
  76. How to replace a particular element in a cell
  77. Date Formula (Results in last 7 days)
  78. [SOLVED:] Input Box with Drop down list
  79. kernel32 GetFileAttributes Directory type Help
  80. Solved: Add ListBox selections to specific cell range
  81. Excel data to Word Bookmark
  82. Solved: Type miss match
  83. Method of Monitoring a Workbook's Addin Collection
  84. Referring to an Userform
  85. Solved: Finding the name of a Named range
  86. Solved: Copy a range of data and paste to the last row of another workbook
  87. Solved: Wrapping text in a ControlTipText
  88. Hide userform by clicking outside form
  89. Determine media file pixel size
  90. Function to convert text into a number
  91. [SLEEPER:] Failed tp activate range with listbox item select
  92. Solved: Copying a range of cell values to another existing workbook
  93. Error Handling Not Working
  94. String Variable used to define a Range object (following my previous post)
  95. count
  96. Solved: .Find method to locate >= date from message input
  97. Excel Hangs when sending multiple CDO messages
  98. Solved: Copy VBA code from ws to ws on insert...
  99. Solved: More headache w/ xl 2007 macros - HELP!
  100. Solved: string concatenation
  101. Dynamic sliders in a userform
  103. Listview ImageList VBA -?
  104. VBA to Delete cell values only
  105. Sleeper: Defining a range to make a Sound When a Cell is Changed to a Certain Value
  106. VBA code to select rows between values
  107. Hide Ribbon Show Only QAT
  108. Solved: ShowHideMinimize Ribbon using VBA
  109. Organizing data in a spreadsheet
  110. Solved: Get multiple cells as a result in a dropdown list
  111. Label x Axis and y Axis with VBA
  112. Solved: Blinking field in UserForm
  113. Solved: Save & Close with criteria and prevent quit excel thru X button in the right top xls
  114. Macro line for all worksheets
  115. A couple of "easy" questions
  116. Solved: Run batch file
  117. Solved: How to pass login parameters from a form to a function
  118. Solved: Text to Number
  119. Solved: Vlookup, have tried and tried, feel like an idiot.
  120. Solved: Excel Access interaction with ADO
  121. Solved: Find width of text
  122. Odd Excel behavior
  123. RegExp Add Increment to each SubMatch
  124. Userform not showing when closing previous workbook
  125. Solved: "Countif" type application
  126. Solved: VBA ranges and "for" loop
  127. Solved: Lookin multipe folder
  128. Solved: Making sheets of a shared workbook write-protected
  129. Solved: Set the cell value of another spreadsheet
  130. Solved: Conditional data validation?
  131. Solved: Insert character with VBA
  132. Solved: Linking a Macro to an IF Statement
  133. Retreive Data + Authentification via VBA
  134. Solved: Formula problem
  135. Solved: run batchfile?
  136. Excel Negative Time Format
  137. Solved: Insert column then autofilter data
  138. Search form with many option
  139. Solved: convert macro
  140. Solved: Dynamic hyperlink in a cell
  141. Solved: Cutting out the five right letters from ActiveCell
  142. [SOLVED:] Excel Formula Language Translator
  143. Adding a ribbon item...excel '07
  144. Need to execute code at specific time
  145. Solved: Stacked Column Chart with VBA
  146. Disable sort A-Z from filter excel 2007
  147. Solved: Changing Values On UserForm ListBox
  148. Solved: Quick syntax issue on find last row
  149. Solved: Resizing a DropDown Box
  150. Help for Macro to VLookup in multiple files
  151. Syntax error after compiling
  152. Populating Text Box in Userform with Label Value
  153. Deleting Blank Rows
  154. rearranging columns
  155. Solved: Toolbar/CommandButton - OnAction
  156. Any good websites with free active x controls
  157. VBA rnus slow in Office 2007
  158. pass
  159. Solved: Getting the Selected value of a combobox
  160. Solved: Copy data from one Worksheet to another based on Flag
  161. Solved: Test Multiple Variable for Same Result
  162. Don't to change name of sheets
  163. Solved: Sort Method Not Working!
  164. Solved: FileSearch Compatability with Excel 2007
  165. Perfect Gauge Chart in Excel 2007
  166. Solved: Find Copy Row and Paste
  167. Solved: Tally Domino game score
  168. cell linked with another cell
  169. Solved: Accessing form buttons from sheets
  170. [SOLVED:] Problem with Autifilter Date Range
  171. How to undo code (delete it without causing errors)
  172. VBA click questions
  173. Adding to worksheet from ComboBox Selection
  174. Solved: If Contains
  175. Checking Multiple Radio Buttons have been 'clicked'
  176. VbCode changes need review
  177. Solved: Highlighting Rows based on a Text String Search
  178. Solved: Spin button scrolling through cell links
  179. Another Excel coding riddle
  180. Solved: Selecting part of a cell's contents
  181. Solved: Excel Code running too fast
  182. Solved: Code Tweak
  183. excel dropdown
  184. Time Stamp Not working
  185. Solved: Activate next cell ?
  186. Countdown between dates
  187. Solved: Draw Arrow Length of Cell Selection
  188. How to use ADO to connect file on gmail driver
  189. [SOLVED:] Global 'Excel.Range' alternative?
  190. Inserting Rows + ScrollArea + Protection
  191. Project locked Error
  192. select all range
  193. Outputting runtime macro to footer of Excel
  194. copy specific columns from one excel file to already opened excel file
  195. [SOLVED:] Check box prompt
  196. Solved: Inserting Picture in charts thru VBA
  197. Solved: Number format issue in multicolumn listbox
  198. Stats in a variable location
  199. Solved: Form Control vs. Control Box control
  200. Solved: IF statements in excel
  201. Solved: changeing background colour of a certain cell
  202. Solved: Removing text from a field
  203. delete all charts in workbook
  204. Solved: Transferring data from one workbook to another
  205. Solved: countif
  206. Solved: Excel query from foxpro with variables
  207. Active Cell = Bolding
  208. Solved: Update Excel Query Programatically
  209. macros can't find macros in personal.xls
  210. VLookup macro and variables
  211. VBA cannot open excel sheet if another excel is open!!
  212. Update Question
  213. Importing data from visio to excel
  214. Solved: Help for Turning Off Alerts for Missing Addin
  215. color cell depending on input
  216. Extra Workbook called Sheet2 has appeared
  217. Solved: Tricky situation:-Delete readonly folder in vba
  218. Replace Cell values (vba)
  219. Solved: Criteria needing to match several items
  220. Test if more than one instance of excel is open
  221. Cell value dependency
  222. Solved: add to combobox if not already present
  223. Issue with deleting adding
  224. Solved: Open Directory Macro
  225. Solved: None of my buttons work anymore
  226. Solved: Sorting Multiple Rows Horizontally
  227. process array of excel files not working
  228. Solved: Application.GetSaveAsFilename question
  229. Solved: How do you remove all text after the last \ in a string
  230. Count non empty cells on sheet with hidden cols
  231. Solved: Country Name to stay fixed always in a cell
  232. Solved: Password Message Box
  233. Solved: Disable Space Bar & Delete button
  234. Solved: Edit VBA Code using VBA?
  235. Running SQL Stored Proc through VBA
  236. Solved: copy data from one userform to another
  237. Chart
  238. Solved: worksheets function
  239. Problem with multiple users accessing same workbook.
  240. Solved: Delete all code after save
  241. Cell Format
  242. Copy Rows from External Data Query
  243. Use a dynamic range in a formula
  244. Solved: Union Range Error for Pop Up Calendar
  245. Need Help sorting Ratings with or without VBA
  246. Solved: pivot tables
  247. read only
  248. Solved: Questions about calling procedures to shorten code
  249. How to Format a TextBox bound to a ControlSource?
  250. Solved: Copying worksheet formula results to a new workbook.