- Splitting, Sorting and Sampling
- Solved: Inefficiencies of Multiple Sheets
- Solved: Type of Chart to Use
- Solved: select multiple fields from different workbook?
- [SOLVED:] Validate startup path
- Solved: Insert specified number of rows
- Solved: Userform art?
- Solved: Macro to Show last seven days on Pivot Table
- Need Help
- [SOLVED:] TextBox Hit Enter Next Line
- Selecting 1 static cell and 1 variable cell and fill down
- Need Help for my CAREER!
- [SOLVED:] Extract the data from a string of data
- Solved: Display Formulas -VBA
- Objects in Powerpoint
- [SOLVED:] Listbox last row Visibility
- Solved: separate text using delimiters
- Solved: Case Statement Criteria with 2 levels of assesment
- Solved: unptotect workbook
- [SOLVED:] How to eliminate part of message
- Solved: named ranges
- Solved: Excel 2003 Workbook Open Code
- help Modify the code
- Solved: Delete oldest sheet
- File doesnt save when i use xmlhttp
- Copy Rows based on Name Condition
- help with modifying a script!
- Solved: Data validation or other drop-down with different sheets?
- [SOLVED:] Toolbar added via VBA does not work, assign macro is grayed out
- Intergrate 2 userform
- AutoFill when new data added to sheet
- MMult Headache - 5 Hours Lost!!!
- [SOLVED:] Newbie Question
- Detele emply rows from the top or from the bottom ?
- Sleeper: Save notepad in UTF-8 encoding
- macro to open up csv files from day earlier
- [SOLVED:] Copy data between multiple sheets
- Workbook won't save
- Solved: Help
- Solved: COUNT IF Multiple Criteria
- Solved: Need to set Cell Formatting
- Userfrom, field formats
- [SOLVED:] Change cell color of Duplicates with message box
- Copy and Paste Error
- Think this should be straightforward...
- Sleeper: How to find out
- Copy and paste of multiple ranges
- locating cells
- find middle value
- Solved: Script to add rows with userform data
- Skip blank cells or cells with text
- PLEASE HELP, project due today! vba search issues, thanks!
- Solved: Passing a variable (and its contents) from a sub to a function
- opening/extracting ole object file in excel via excel VBA
- Solved: Autofilter problem
- Datafile changed by multiple users
- Solved: Auto Close WorkBook when Idle
- Problems with media player
- Solved: Type mismatch error
- Referencing Multiple Cells
- Automatically fill blank cells with specific text.
- How do i call my webservice from excel?
- Check if "Browse For Folder" window already open
- Solved: Emai Spreadsheet as a PDF
- Solved: Multiple non consecutive cells selection
- [SOLVED:] Spin Up/Down Problem
- Max Formula
- Solved: Cancel Call to Oracle Database
- How to count the No. of times a document is opened.
- Solved: controling powerpoint with excel vba
- Solved: What did I do wrong?
- Closing and opening new Excel Files using BeforeClose procedure
- Solved: Cycle trhough worksheets
- chart
- Countif with two conditions
- How to replace a particular element in a cell
- Date Formula (Results in last 7 days)
- [SOLVED:] Input Box with Drop down list
- kernel32 GetFileAttributes Directory type Help
- Solved: Add ListBox selections to specific cell range
- Excel data to Word Bookmark
- Solved: Type miss match
- Method of Monitoring a Workbook's Addin Collection
- Referring to an Userform
- Solved: Finding the name of a Named range
- Solved: Copy a range of data and paste to the last row of another workbook
- Solved: Wrapping text in a ControlTipText
- Hide userform by clicking outside form
- Determine media file pixel size
- Function to convert text into a number
- [SLEEPER:] Failed tp activate range with listbox item select
- Solved: Copying a range of cell values to another existing workbook
- Error Handling Not Working
- String Variable used to define a Range object (following my previous post)
- count
- Solved: .Find method to locate >= date from message input
- Excel Hangs when sending multiple CDO messages
- Solved: Copy VBA code from ws to ws on insert...
- Solved: More headache w/ xl 2007 macros - HELP!
- Solved: string concatenation
- Dynamic sliders in a userform
- Listview ImageList VBA -?
- VBA to Delete cell values only
- Sleeper: Defining a range to make a Sound When a Cell is Changed to a Certain Value
- VBA code to select rows between values
- Hide Ribbon Show Only QAT
- Solved: ShowHideMinimize Ribbon using VBA
- Organizing data in a spreadsheet
- Solved: Get multiple cells as a result in a dropdown list
- Label x Axis and y Axis with VBA
- Solved: Blinking field in UserForm
- Solved: Save & Close with criteria and prevent quit excel thru X button in the right top xls
- Macro line for all worksheets
- A couple of "easy" questions
- Solved: Run batch file
- Solved: How to pass login parameters from a form to a function
- Solved: Text to Number
- Solved: Vlookup, have tried and tried, feel like an idiot.
- Solved: Excel Access interaction with ADO
- Solved: Find width of text
- Odd Excel behavior
- RegExp Add Increment to each SubMatch
- Userform not showing when closing previous workbook
- Solved: "Countif" type application
- Solved: VBA ranges and "for" loop
- Solved: Lookin multipe folder
- Solved: Making sheets of a shared workbook write-protected
- Solved: Set the cell value of another spreadsheet
- Solved: Conditional data validation?
- Solved: Insert character with VBA
- Solved: Linking a Macro to an IF Statement
- Retreive Data + Authentification via VBA
- Solved: Formula problem
- Solved: run batchfile?
- Excel Negative Time Format
- Solved: Insert column then autofilter data
- Search form with many option
- Solved: convert macro
- Solved: Dynamic hyperlink in a cell
- Solved: Cutting out the five right letters from ActiveCell
- [SOLVED:] Excel Formula Language Translator
- Adding a ribbon item...excel '07
- Need to execute code at specific time
- Solved: Stacked Column Chart with VBA
- Disable sort A-Z from filter excel 2007
- Solved: Changing Values On UserForm ListBox
- Solved: Quick syntax issue on find last row
- Solved: Resizing a DropDown Box
- Help for Macro to VLookup in multiple files
- Syntax error after compiling
- Populating Text Box in Userform with Label Value
- Deleting Blank Rows
- rearranging columns
- Solved: Toolbar/CommandButton - OnAction
- Any good websites with free active x controls
- VBA rnus slow in Office 2007
- pass
- Solved: Getting the Selected value of a combobox
- Solved: Copy data from one Worksheet to another based on Flag
- Solved: Test Multiple Variable for Same Result
- Don't to change name of sheets
- Solved: Sort Method Not Working!
- Solved: FileSearch Compatability with Excel 2007
- Perfect Gauge Chart in Excel 2007
- Solved: Find Copy Row and Paste
- Solved: Tally Domino game score
- cell linked with another cell
- Solved: Accessing form buttons from sheets
- [SOLVED:] Problem with Autifilter Date Range
- How to undo code (delete it without causing errors)
- VBA click questions
- Adding to worksheet from ComboBox Selection
- Solved: If Contains
- Checking Multiple Radio Buttons have been 'clicked'
- VbCode changes need review
- Solved: Highlighting Rows based on a Text String Search
- Solved: Spin button scrolling through cell links
- Another Excel coding riddle
- Solved: Selecting part of a cell's contents
- Solved: Excel Code running too fast
- Solved: Code Tweak
- excel dropdown
- Time Stamp Not working
- Solved: Activate next cell ?
- Countdown between dates
- Solved: Draw Arrow Length of Cell Selection
- How to use ADO to connect file on gmail driver
- [SOLVED:] Global 'Excel.Range' alternative?
- Inserting Rows + ScrollArea + Protection
- Project locked Error
- select all range
- Outputting runtime macro to footer of Excel
- copy specific columns from one excel file to already opened excel file
- [SOLVED:] Check box prompt
- Solved: Inserting Picture in charts thru VBA
- Solved: Number format issue in multicolumn listbox
- Stats in a variable location
- Solved: Form Control vs. Control Box control
- Solved: IF statements in excel
- Solved: changeing background colour of a certain cell
- Solved: Removing text from a field
- delete all charts in workbook
- Solved: Transferring data from one workbook to another
- Solved: countif
- Solved: Excel query from foxpro with variables
- Active Cell = Bolding
- Solved: Update Excel Query Programatically
- macros can't find macros in personal.xls
- VLookup macro and variables
- VBA cannot open excel sheet if another excel is open!!
- Update Question
- Importing data from visio to excel
- Solved: Help for Turning Off Alerts for Missing Addin
- color cell depending on input
- Extra Workbook called Sheet2 has appeared
- Solved: Tricky situation:-Delete readonly folder in vba
- Replace Cell values (vba)
- Solved: Criteria needing to match several items
- Test if more than one instance of excel is open
- Cell value dependency
- Solved: add to combobox if not already present
- Issue with deleting adding
- Solved: Open Directory Macro
- Solved: None of my buttons work anymore
- Solved: Sorting Multiple Rows Horizontally
- process array of excel files not working
- Solved: Application.GetSaveAsFilename question
- Solved: How do you remove all text after the last \ in a string
- Count non empty cells on sheet with hidden cols
- Solved: Country Name to stay fixed always in a cell
- Solved: Password Message Box
- Solved: Disable Space Bar & Delete button
- Solved: Edit VBA Code using VBA?
- Running SQL Stored Proc through VBA
- Solved: copy data from one userform to another
- Chart
- Solved: worksheets function
- Problem with multiple users accessing same workbook.
- Solved: Delete all code after save
- Cell Format
- Copy Rows from External Data Query
- Use a dynamic range in a formula
- Solved: Union Range Error for Pop Up Calendar
- Need Help sorting Ratings with or without VBA
- Solved: pivot tables
- read only
- Solved: Questions about calling procedures to shorten code
- How to Format a TextBox bound to a ControlSource?
- Solved: Copying worksheet formula results to a new workbook.