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  1. Solved: delete trailing empty rows from 2d array
  2. Solved: Excel Graph w/cubic function
  3. Solved: Please help with this Code
  4. specifying range when returning an array
  5. [SLEEPER:] VBA Code for clicking a link?
  6. Solved: Speed up or new code for deleteing rows
  7. Solved: Run time error 424 - object required. Why?
  8. Sleeper: Copy rows to worksheet two
  9. Solved: naming sheet after cell value
  10. Opening embedded word document through VBA
  11. problem deleting rows based on a condition in another workbook
  12. Solved: Assistance with character counting (Excel '97)
  13. Solved: Automatically import data from Access DB in Excel
  14. Multi-condition function
  15. Microsoft Query hangs
  16. Checkbox checking...then unchecking on its own?
  17. Change to "SKIP BLANKS" when pasting?
  18. Macro to sort Ascending,identify duplicates& highlight yellow
  19. Solved: Application.Help doesn't work on terminal server
  20. Looping until a Frame is ready?
  21. Listbox Question
  22. initialize 2d array
  23. Switching workbooks in VBA
  24. [SOLVED:] Change Check box Value to Text
  25. Solved: Need help creating a function with loop.
  26. I need help with a code to change the scale of a bar chart.
  27. Copying Forumla Down In One Column
  28. Code execution has been interrupted
  29. Solved: Times Now & Rounding
  30. Solved: Autofilter, copy and paste into new sheet problem
  31. Solved: Paste Listbox Variable to cells
  32. VBA Code runs too slow
  33. Solved: Hyperlink in a Userform
  34. Solved: Infamous "Excel cannot complete this task" message.
  35. [SOLVED:] sending data to powerpoint charts table
  36. Solved: [Excel 2007] Apply custom number format based on column header
  37. Solved: Error when clicking "Cancel" Button
  38. Solved: Multiple Questions (Chiinv function & dragging cells)
  39. Solved: Sumif Concatenate VBA code
  40. Solved: Charts & Ranges
  41. Solved: Generating a 1 or 0 randomly with frequency l
  42. Solved: Help with VBA code
  43. Solved: Comparing elements in 2 arrays
  44. Chart
  45. Solved: Userform;TextBox:Update Data
  46. Excel 2007, Aditional Controls
  47. Solved: returning the previous tuesday at 2pm
  48. Help VBA - Importing Data
  49. Hide subtotal row in pivot table
  50. Sending email using Loops/If Then?
  51. Solved: Looking to change a character to another...
  52. Solved: Select chart series with option button
  53. Solved: filter criteria in active column
  54. Hide rows in excel
  55. Send Keys does not work in my remote application
  56. Solved: IsNumber question
  57. checking for space bar
  58. GUI Excel
  59. Copy paste data from activerow into existing powerpoint presentation
  60. Solved: Import Spreedsheet from a closed workbook to another workbook
  61. Solved: Count if two criteria meet requirement
  62. Copy Range From External Workbook to Range in Open Workbook
  63. Sleeper: Convert all excels files from a folder to pdf
  64. VBA Excel (variable range) help
  65. [SOLVED:] Format only blank cells in the range
  66. [SOLVED:] Getting rid of a popup on closing a workbook
  67. Replacing in VBA
  68. Solved: Sending email using 'IfThen'
  69. [SLEEPER:] Multiple commands in BeforeClose
  70. Solved: Formatting Macro Problem
  71. Copying sheets multiple times in the same workbook
  72. Solved: Find Replace from external file
  73. Sending Birthday Greetings via Email using list of addresses in Excel Sheet
  74. Remembering a file path ...
  75. Double Click Table Header to Sort
  76. Solved: Need help te create formula or vba code
  77. item.send security dialog box
  78. Solved: Creating File Path for Hyperlink
  80. got following error after export excel file .
  81. Message Response Loop Problem
  82. Pagesetup and set PrintArea for multiple ranges and sheets
  83. Solved: Code Help for FX conversion and formatting
  84. Macro Toolbar, disable buttons
  85. Creating and renaming work sheets to correspond with worksheets of a nother WB
  86. Line Graph
  87. Intersect with multiple ranges
  88. macro help
  89. Copy Active sheet to new workbook.
  90. Pass form Object to Function
  91. Solved: Copy Sheets to a New workbook
  92. Solved: Close Sheet after Copy
  93. Solved: Enable command button if in group of option button one option is selected
  94. Create range of only duplicates from another range
  95. SearchFind = Nothing in Union &/or Intersect
  96. Test what formula is in a cell and change it Excel 2007
  97. Solved: A quick Sendkey question
  98. Solved: How to make spreadsheet tabs invisible but not hidden
  99. Excel VBA Row Generation if Value Exists
  100. Solved: Deleting Autoshapes with vba
  101. put clipboard as variable
  102. Filtering an ADODB recordset
  104. Solved: Cell contains certain text, delete row?
  105. from excel formula to vba ...
  106. Solved: Offset Function Question
  107. Solved: How to stop an 'on_change' subroutine running if I make a change via another subrouti
  108. solved: Excel VBA Removing duplicates
  109. Solved: Copy range help
  110. Combining two VBA processes
  111. Report creation
  112. Solved: Only use CommandButton Once
  113. grouping tasks
  114. Delete rows except user defined criteria
  115. [SLEEPER:] Pull .xls from google docs via vba
  116. Solved: Search for an Excel field
  117. Solved: Close workbook and quit XL
  118. Search form in excel
  119. how to hide excel toolbars from macro enabled file
  120. Solved: Form Question
  121. Categorizing data
  122. Solved: If statements
  123. Solved: My "do while" loop doesn't complete
  124. Solved: UserForm Import Form
  125. [SOLVED:] Excel and Bloomberg
  126. Solved: VBA pastes in wrong range
  127. Solved: Subscript out of range (Error 9) VBA Code works on one computer but not the other.
  128. Help with the error
  129. [SLEEPER:] Integrate Excel with AD.
  130. stupid F8 in excel 2003
  131. VBA Macro Conditional letter generation
  132. Help with disabling Macros in another workbook
  133. Solved: Further Help with Code
  134. Help needed Macro Runs after userform is closed
  135. Mail the current workbook to different recipients on condition
  136. active cell formula typing
  138. search first value in range
  139. VBA script to verify that file size is increasing
  140. How to know if multiple cells were selected
  141. Conditionally Populate Value in Rows Using List/ComboBox
  142. find if cell value changed
  143. Solved: WEEKNUM - Excel 2003
  144. How to split a PDF into pages using VBA
  145. Solved: Updating Cell Info
  146. Not able to copy a VBA array with formulas into an Excel range
  147. split a variable
  148. Solved: Path to macro
  149. Pivot table trouble
  150. Excel 2003 SP3 (Excel11) problem
  151. Solved: Updated data should export to Create Task in MS-Outlook
  152. Solved: Formula for Date Ranges
  153. Solved: Reset Button duplicates combobox list
  154. Pass String to Word macro
  155. Writing to specific row using matching criteria from user form
  156. Solved: personal.xls
  157. Solved: Problem writing formula
  158. Solved: Copying cell content if target cell is blank
  159. Copying a worksheet content to 19 other WSs in the same WB
  160. checkbox size
  161. Solved: Display user name using msg box function
  162. Solved: Find the numbers out of sequence
  163. VBA code for Shared workbooks
  164. Solved: Formula gone wrong
  165. using inputbox data
  166. CODE HELP
  167. Error: Too Many Different Cell Formats
  168. Solved: Formula with { & } at both ends
  169. Run time error 1004 - Application defined or object defined error.
  170. [SLEEPER:] comparing text
  171. textbox default value
  172. Calculated field on pivot
  173. vlookup / match / concatenate??
  174. Blank line at end of file
  175. Search for empty column / paste values only?
  176. Range Position and link to ranges
  177. [SOLVED:] Print multiple sheets to virtual printer as one print job
  178. 2nd criteria filter-search in lisform
  179. VBA Macro Creates Scatter Plot in 2003, Adds Lines in 2007???
  180. Pivot table using 4 other excel books for data
  181. How to clone a class?
  182. Changing a checkbox value
  183. Solved: Todays Date Name in VBA
  184. Can I send a CDO message via a Proxy Server ?
  185. Array Type Mismatch
  186. Load colours from another sheet
  187. Solved: Generating a Pivot thru VBA (Summary)
  188. Error handling declaring public variables
  189. Using Sumif in a Macro
  190. Solved: Find Greater Than
  191. VBA code to search & open file in FTP directory
  192. Switching between Excel instances
  193. Solved: comment used to track changes
  194. Insert Hyperlink in Cell using Text Box
  195. Protect only selected cells
  196. Solved: Break up total months into years and month
  197. Fixing worksheet in place
  198. Pulling Data into Excel from IE Javascript table?
  199. Can you tell if a cell has Data Valdidation Circle?
  200. Solved: File Count in Directory
  201. Hide Protect/Unprotect Sheet
  202. Show userform while macro runs
  203. How to change cell data in excel by reading data from another file
  204. Solved: option button help
  205. Very Basic Loop Question?
  206. Selecting rows in viewable filters
  207. Solved: Calculating weighted average using macro
  208. In Cell Drop Down List
  209. Solved: Server moved, macro failed
  210. Find similar part #
  211. Multiple IF else formula not working.
  212. Clear All Command Button in User Form
  213. Solved: Open a workbook from a path stored in a variable
  214. Protected Cells
  215. Comment box style help
  216. Switch the active Window ...
  217. Solved: Nesting in a Private Sub Worksheet_Change
  218. Double lookup
  219. Listbox Header
  220. Solved: UDT initialization
  221. Solved: Adjusting the last digit of a number with macro
  222. Loop through auto generated filter by variable (Help needed!)
  223. Solved: Userform textbox - random numbers (Excel '97)
  224. Solved: Excel 2007 Add-ins
  225. Retrieve data from Outlook
  226. Solved: Simple way of moving all files in a folder
  227. RefEdit issue
  228. Solved: Search for possible combinations of values
  229. Solved: Clear Contents in all worksheets in workbook
  230. Solved: extend range of cells
  231. Solved: Highlight Numbers
  232. Activate an 'Add in' in a macro
  233. Solved: Dynamic field parser/importer
  234. Solved: Changing column values to negative and in descending order
  235. Format Chart Data Lablel based on Target Value/Goal
  236. Selecting a Range of Dates with a Specific Month
  237. Rand Select Unique Values
  238. TextAlign for specific columns in a ListBox
  239. Solved: add column values
  240. Code help with Aggregating Statements
  241. Search for keyword within a keyword search
  242. export selected worksheet into dbf format
  243. Solved: Remove Empty Cells from Range, Copy and Paste
  244. Solved: more if condition in one formula
  245. ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(x) Referance
  246. Solved: Changing the settings of a combobox
  247. Solved: Highlight cell from link
  248. Solved: Move rows to new sheet based on condition
  249. Solved: Emailing CC. recipients
  250. Solved: Sort Data and color code