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  1. Solved: Inserting Rows after a count
  2. Solved: lookup the 4th characters in a cell
  3. Solved: Sinple question regarding calculating a due date...
  4. Identify the numbers that make up the average
  5. Generating an incremented workbook file & save as variable
  6. Solved: Digital clock within worksheet needed
  7. Solved: delete open workbook
  8. Regex in Excel 2007
  9. export worksheet problem
  10. Solved: VBA code for "or" + "and" functions
  11. Solved: Dynamically hide unused rows
  12. Solved: Open vba file
  13. Solved: Append matched row data from source wsheet back to corresponding row
  14. Enter, Tab and Up/Down Arrows Stop Working
  15. Does visual basic express work with excel?
  16. Downloading data from webpage into Excel
  17. copy values that aren't zero
  18. Solved: Filter & Transfer
  19. Solved: Delete Sheet list
  20. Solved: Get FileNames From Folder Not Using PathName
  21. Solved: Best way to go about?
  22. Solved: Copy a range from the fourth sheet on
  23. Transpose Question
  24. Solved: Minimum Positive value finder using VBA
  25. How can I make CopyPicture show the selected cell
  26. Solved: add leading zeros with a specified length of characters
  27. [SOLVED:] Finding the hour prior to original hour
  28. Summary sheet update keeping set columns in place
  29. [SOLVED:] Search value and insert row under value
  30. From Excel Find Replace in Word 2
  31. Temporarily widen column
  32. help with print, clear and save maros
  33. Solved: Problem with formats
  34. Solved: Add to existing IF formula
  35. Change Drive Letter of Removable Storage
  36. Solved: Charting with labels
  37. Solved: Stumped - formulas required
  38. Copy adjacent cells and paste in non adjacent columns
  39. Solved: Function with multiple exit points
  40. Solved: Major issue blank cells
  41. Solved: VBA for Cell Link to network folder document.
  42. Solved: Excel Macro Not Setting a Cell's Value
  43. Multi Users in Excel
  44. Solved: Loop Until Blank or situation
  45. conditional formatting help
  46. Sorting a range of cells
  47. Delete Empty Sheets
  48. Solved: add headers to print then set page setup settings back.
  49. Replace Combobox with Listbox ...
  50. Solved: Copying between sheets
  51. Solved: checkBox-- Handle Value
  52. Solved: Exclude rows
  53. Solved: Copy specific cell based on date condition paste to specific cell
  54. Is it possible to loop a macro constantly?
  55. Sleeper: Copy rows from worksheet 1 to worksheet 2
  56. Solved: Delete any spaces in cell
  57. Macro to copy, then paste to visible cells
  58. Solved: Copying data onto next empty row, under certain criteria
  59. Determining how a ComboBox was changed ...
  60. Using VB 08 to combine excel files
  61. Solved: SOLVED -- Update cells same sheet based on data changes
  62. Solved: Highlight ROW based on cell value
  63. Selecting a group of cells using the Range.offset syntax
  64. Solved: Printing a *.gif file from a command button depending a cell value
  65. Solved: Userforms created with macro
  66. Solved: Automation error
  67. Solved: Countif formula to be used on a dynamic range to be used on a data table
  68. Sum dynamic number of worksheets into one
  69. Solved: Cut entire rows to sheet on condition
  70. Solved: VBA Date Formatting with links
  71. Enter image based on cell value
  72. Solved: How to find the most common numbers?
  73. Solved: FSO Function to get Datelastmodified, DateLastAccessed
  74. Get sub group data based on main group
  75. Solved: MsgBox code to check for Existence of and Opened Files
  76. [SOLVED:] Solved: Autocomplete cells
  77. Solved: need help to create a "database" in excell
  78. Number of sorts allowed in XL2007
  79. Help Needed, E-mailing reports
  80. Solved: IsFileOpen and WorkbookIsOpen giving differing results
  81. Pivot Table data source
  82. Solved: Number Format from access field into excel
  83. Loop through chart and Highlight chart labels based on value
  84. Find number of lines ?
  85. Change to Month Sheet name
  86. Solved: User Defined Function Question
  87. Solved: URL -No Highlight Search Results.
  88. data validation from an add-in
  89. Problem adding References to Excel VBA App
  90. Autofilter Help
  91. Solved: Problem counting decimal places
  92. percentages and comparing two values whats the best way?
  93. [SOLVED:] Sequential Cell Numbering
  94. Database Question
  95. [SOLVED:] Rank Function Question
  96. Delete all characters after a set number in a cell
  97. Sleeper: Find the closest date
  98. Insert sheet
  99. Urgent help Needed <<removing Rows
  100. Solved: Refresh data upon open
  101. Solved: Single member array problem
  102. Combining Project Timesheet Help
  103. Solved: Unprotect Sheets while looping through files
  104. Solved: Unorganized Summing
  105. [SOLVED:] Select A2 through the last used cell in a column
  106. Interrupting a macro
  107. Copy Filenames from Folder
  108. Copy number of rows to formula result
  109. DPercentile
  110. Advanced Filter and Unique Count Code
  111. Using VBA to LOOKUP
  112. Simple VBA-code question
  113. basic unique refs loop
  114. VBA Copy based on offset
  115. Solved: Conditional Formatting Based on Percentage
  116. vlookup help
  117. How do I copy and paste cells that contain "@ml.com"
  118. [SOLVED:] Get absolute address for hyperlinks
  119. If statement not working
  120. Convert row into multiple rows of data (ARRAYS)
  121. Solved: Code to Move to next sheet
  122. Solved: Deleteing indertiminate spaces
  123. how to hide all menus from excel woorkbook?
  124. Solved: Excel Freezing every 30 seconds
  125. Solved: Show custom error message if file already opened by someone else
  126. Color Code row based on cell content
  127. Solved: Referencing a named range for a UserForm?
  128. Solved: Finding Last column in Row
  129. Select Case & Data Validation Issues
  130. Transferring data from two dimensional VBA array to Excel range -
  131. A different Change event
  132. Solved: Autofill Cells
  133. Solved: Inserting &amp; Naming New Columns in Multiple Worksheets
  134. got error 1004 when executing this code
  135. Runtime Error - Email Code
  136. Selecting sheets in add-in
  137. FInd Problems
  138. Solved: Deleting Empty Rows
  139. Solved: Cut and Paste macro
  140. SaveAs script
  142. Solved: Strange Excel Error
  143. Solved: Set FollowHyperlink default Web browser
  144. VBA Excel and IE login info "Not Sharing"
  145. bind ListObject to Recordset?
  146. Solved: Pivot Table Update Data Source
  147. Solved: Run code on cell selection
  148. Solved: WorkSheet range Activate issue
  149. Excel form - listbox
  150. WinHttpRequest with HTTPS
  151. Solved: How do I create a range based on a column name?
  152. Click OK on a dialogue popup box
  153. Solved: matching that finds the greatest/least amount
  154. [SOLVED:] Test if an item exists within a collection data type
  155. Solved: Links to other data sources.
  156. Flash the TaskBar
  157. Code for detecting when a Msg box opens
  158. Solved: Convert row into multiple rows of data (ARRAYS)
  159. Solved: Code for printing.
  160. using (iserror) in if statement
  161. Solved: Repeat Column Insertation (It's simple!)
  162. [SLEEPER:] trailing zeroes
  163. Sum for sub total and grand total
  164. Solved: Excel in Parallels Word not... Help
  165. create report for list of numbers
  166. Solved: Stop excel from calculating
  167. For Each-Next code tidying up
  168. [SOLVED:] If a condition is True how to add a number
  169. Solved: Blank cells
  170. Clearing my autofilter
  171. For Input as #1 Question
  172. Solved: AutoFilter macro issues
  173. Polygon's
  174. Solved: backgroundquery:=false seems to fail
  175. Adjusting macro from L.Notes to Outlook
  176. Copy Excel Range Into Outlook Email As Bitmap?
  177. Referencing Other Open Workbooks.
  178. Duplicate names for same range
  179. [SOLVED:] Populate list
  180. Solved: VBA for &quot;IF&quot; function
  181. Solved: Handling large ranges
  182. Solved: Replicating changes to one WS to others
  183. Excel Map gets destroyed when opened
  184. Solved: Transpose selected cells and place result on other sheet
  185. Confused about RefersTo
  186. Solved: IF CASE
  187. List population dependent on another cell
  188. hlookup and vlookup
  189. Workbook_Open Does Not Work
  190. Solved: Create History
  191. Need Help W/Sort
  192. Solved: Help using For loop in a IF then statement
  193. referencing of cells shows formula not values
  194. Solved: SOme one help find out what is happening
  196. Option Buttons
  197. "yyyymmdd_hhmm" change to Date, Time format
  198. need a code.....
  199. Solved: Display items of a collection in a message box?
  200. Solved: Inrease a number in a column basd on condition
  201. Macros in personal.xls execution based on different file names
  202. X-Y scatter graph refering a series of data log
  203. How to retrieve DataSource of chart
  204. macro to delete files - three days later
  205. Complex workbook_open solution needed
  206. Solved: Row to hide on drop down selection
  207. chasing ranges that move
  208. Ignore Hidden Sheets in vlookup macro
  209. Solved: Worksheets name
  210. Transfer items from list to textbox
  211. Solved: Create a rolling reference number
  212. Solved: macro for every cell on the sheet
  213. Solved: Counting number of pages in word
  214. Solved: file name extensions
  215. Solved: Email through Outlook contacts
  216. help with: suming only colour filled cells in a column
  217. Solved: Big Automation Question with Pivot Tables and Graphs
  218. Solved: VBA strangeness, need help please
  219. Solved: Listbox with data from other sheet problem
  220. VBA help - Vlookup
  221. Solved: Button to insert row in multiple worksheets and update
  222. Solved: ComboBox won't respond to repeat of previous selection
  223. Solved: Cmd Button Caption
  224. Solved: data validation question
  225. Solved: Find String and Merge Cells
  226. Solved: Disable Cmd Button
  227. Solved: Performing a task in vba if time is between 2 times?
  228. Solved: Limit Entries
  229. Open and refresh
  230. Autofilling a formulae to lastrow
  231. Sub reference as Cell
  232. Solved: XLD - Chart Help
  233. Saving a screen capture ~ PrintScreen (Excel '97)
  234. Help W/Small Code . .
  235. Help with Function
  236. Check Box Click()
  237. Copy Workbook, Saveas NewFile, Edit NewFile
  238. Help W/UserForm
  239. Funtions: For non-english Excel users
  240. Solved: Make NewWebQuery with URL-variable.
  241. exporting excel charts to Word
  242. Solved: extract a column to 5 column
  243. Loading Reference aborts Sub
  244. Solved: listbox little bug
  245. VBA Splitting the text 1-8 to (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
  246. AutoCAD referencefiles?
  247. Solved: Copy images with VBA
  248. UserInterfaceOnly problem
  249. default text in
  250. IF Statement on Cell Format