View Full Version : Excel Help
- Solved: Inserting Rows after a count
- Solved: lookup the 4th characters in a cell
- Solved: Sinple question regarding calculating a due date...
- Identify the numbers that make up the average
- Generating an incremented workbook file & save as variable
- Solved: Digital clock within worksheet needed
- Solved: delete open workbook
- Regex in Excel 2007
- export worksheet problem
- Solved: VBA code for "or" + "and" functions
- Solved: Dynamically hide unused rows
- Solved: Open vba file
- Solved: Append matched row data from source wsheet back to corresponding row
- Enter, Tab and Up/Down Arrows Stop Working
- Does visual basic express work with excel?
- Downloading data from webpage into Excel
- copy values that aren't zero
- Solved: Filter & Transfer
- Solved: Delete Sheet list
- Solved: Get FileNames From Folder Not Using PathName
- Solved: Best way to go about?
- Solved: Copy a range from the fourth sheet on
- Transpose Question
- Solved: Minimum Positive value finder using VBA
- How can I make CopyPicture show the selected cell
- Solved: add leading zeros with a specified length of characters
- [SOLVED:] Finding the hour prior to original hour
- Summary sheet update keeping set columns in place
- [SOLVED:] Search value and insert row under value
- From Excel Find Replace in Word 2
- Temporarily widen column
- help with print, clear and save maros
- Solved: Problem with formats
- Solved: Add to existing IF formula
- Change Drive Letter of Removable Storage
- Solved: Charting with labels
- Solved: Stumped - formulas required
- Copy adjacent cells and paste in non adjacent columns
- Solved: Function with multiple exit points
- Solved: Major issue blank cells
- Solved: VBA for Cell Link to network folder document.
- Solved: Excel Macro Not Setting a Cell's Value
- Multi Users in Excel
- Solved: Loop Until Blank or situation
- conditional formatting help
- Sorting a range of cells
- Delete Empty Sheets
- Solved: add headers to print then set page setup settings back.
- Replace Combobox with Listbox ...
- Solved: Copying between sheets
- Solved: checkBox-- Handle Value
- Solved: Exclude rows
- Solved: Copy specific cell based on date condition paste to specific cell
- Is it possible to loop a macro constantly?
- Sleeper: Copy rows from worksheet 1 to worksheet 2
- Solved: Delete any spaces in cell
- Macro to copy, then paste to visible cells
- Solved: Copying data onto next empty row, under certain criteria
- Determining how a ComboBox was changed ...
- Using VB 08 to combine excel files
- Solved: SOLVED -- Update cells same sheet based on data changes
- Solved: Highlight ROW based on cell value
- Selecting a group of cells using the Range.offset syntax
- Solved: Printing a *.gif file from a command button depending a cell value
- Solved: Userforms created with macro
- Solved: Automation error
- Solved: Countif formula to be used on a dynamic range to be used on a data table
- Sum dynamic number of worksheets into one
- Solved: Cut entire rows to sheet on condition
- Solved: VBA Date Formatting with links
- Enter image based on cell value
- Solved: How to find the most common numbers?
- Solved: FSO Function to get Datelastmodified, DateLastAccessed
- Get sub group data based on main group
- Solved: MsgBox code to check for Existence of and Opened Files
- [SOLVED:] Solved: Autocomplete cells
- Solved: need help to create a "database" in excell
- Number of sorts allowed in XL2007
- Help Needed, E-mailing reports
- Solved: IsFileOpen and WorkbookIsOpen giving differing results
- Pivot Table data source
- Solved: Number Format from access field into excel
- Loop through chart and Highlight chart labels based on value
- Find number of lines ?
- Change to Month Sheet name
- Solved: User Defined Function Question
- Solved: URL -No Highlight Search Results.
- data validation from an add-in
- Problem adding References to Excel VBA App
- Autofilter Help
- Solved: Problem counting decimal places
- percentages and comparing two values whats the best way?
- [SOLVED:] Sequential Cell Numbering
- Database Question
- [SOLVED:] Rank Function Question
- Delete all characters after a set number in a cell
- Sleeper: Find the closest date
- Insert sheet
- Urgent help Needed <<removing Rows
- Solved: Refresh data upon open
- Solved: Single member array problem
- Combining Project Timesheet Help
- Solved: Unprotect Sheets while looping through files
- Solved: Unorganized Summing
- [SOLVED:] Select A2 through the last used cell in a column
- Interrupting a macro
- Copy Filenames from Folder
- Copy number of rows to formula result
- DPercentile
- Advanced Filter and Unique Count Code
- Using VBA to LOOKUP
- Simple VBA-code question
- basic unique refs loop
- VBA Copy based on offset
- Solved: Conditional Formatting Based on Percentage
- vlookup help
- How do I copy and paste cells that contain ""
- [SOLVED:] Get absolute address for hyperlinks
- If statement not working
- Convert row into multiple rows of data (ARRAYS)
- Solved: Code to Move to next sheet
- Solved: Deleteing indertiminate spaces
- how to hide all menus from excel woorkbook?
- Solved: Excel Freezing every 30 seconds
- Solved: Show custom error message if file already opened by someone else
- Color Code row based on cell content
- Solved: Referencing a named range for a UserForm?
- Solved: Finding Last column in Row
- Select Case & Data Validation Issues
- Transferring data from two dimensional VBA array to Excel range -
- A different Change event
- Solved: Autofill Cells
- Solved: Inserting & Naming New Columns in Multiple Worksheets
- got error 1004 when executing this code
- Runtime Error - Email Code
- Selecting sheets in add-in
- FInd Problems
- Solved: Deleting Empty Rows
- Solved: Cut and Paste macro
- SaveAs script
- Solved: Strange Excel Error
- Solved: Set FollowHyperlink default Web browser
- VBA Excel and IE login info "Not Sharing"
- bind ListObject to Recordset?
- Solved: Pivot Table Update Data Source
- Solved: Run code on cell selection
- Solved: WorkSheet range Activate issue
- Excel form - listbox
- WinHttpRequest with HTTPS
- Solved: How do I create a range based on a column name?
- Click OK on a dialogue popup box
- Solved: matching that finds the greatest/least amount
- [SOLVED:] Test if an item exists within a collection data type
- Solved: Links to other data sources.
- Flash the TaskBar
- Code for detecting when a Msg box opens
- Solved: Convert row into multiple rows of data (ARRAYS)
- Solved: Code for printing.
- using (iserror) in if statement
- Solved: Repeat Column Insertation (It's simple!)
- [SLEEPER:] trailing zeroes
- Sum for sub total and grand total
- Solved: Excel in Parallels Word not... Help
- create report for list of numbers
- Solved: Stop excel from calculating
- For Each-Next code tidying up
- [SOLVED:] If a condition is True how to add a number
- Solved: Blank cells
- Clearing my autofilter
- For Input as #1 Question
- Solved: AutoFilter macro issues
- Polygon's
- Solved: backgroundquery:=false seems to fail
- Adjusting macro from L.Notes to Outlook
- Copy Excel Range Into Outlook Email As Bitmap?
- Referencing Other Open Workbooks.
- Duplicate names for same range
- [SOLVED:] Populate list
- Solved: VBA for "IF" function
- Solved: Handling large ranges
- Solved: Replicating changes to one WS to others
- Excel Map gets destroyed when opened
- Solved: Transpose selected cells and place result on other sheet
- Confused about RefersTo
- Solved: IF CASE
- List population dependent on another cell
- hlookup and vlookup
- Workbook_Open Does Not Work
- Solved: Create History
- Need Help W/Sort
- Solved: Help using For loop in a IF then statement
- referencing of cells shows formula not values
- Solved: SOme one help find out what is happening
- Option Buttons
- "yyyymmdd_hhmm" change to Date, Time format
- need a code.....
- Solved: Display items of a collection in a message box?
- Solved: Inrease a number in a column basd on condition
- Macros in personal.xls execution based on different file names
- X-Y scatter graph refering a series of data log
- How to retrieve DataSource of chart
- macro to delete files - three days later
- Complex workbook_open solution needed
- Solved: Row to hide on drop down selection
- chasing ranges that move
- Ignore Hidden Sheets in vlookup macro
- Solved: Worksheets name
- Transfer items from list to textbox
- Solved: Create a rolling reference number
- Solved: macro for every cell on the sheet
- Solved: Counting number of pages in word
- Solved: file name extensions
- Solved: Email through Outlook contacts
- help with: suming only colour filled cells in a column
- Solved: Big Automation Question with Pivot Tables and Graphs
- Solved: VBA strangeness, need help please
- Solved: Listbox with data from other sheet problem
- VBA help - Vlookup
- Solved: Button to insert row in multiple worksheets and update
- Solved: ComboBox won't respond to repeat of previous selection
- Solved: Cmd Button Caption
- Solved: data validation question
- Solved: Find String and Merge Cells
- Solved: Disable Cmd Button
- Solved: Performing a task in vba if time is between 2 times?
- Solved: Limit Entries
- Open and refresh
- Autofilling a formulae to lastrow
- Sub reference as Cell
- Solved: XLD - Chart Help
- Saving a screen capture ~ PrintScreen (Excel '97)
- Help W/Small Code . .
- Help with Function
- Check Box Click()
- Copy Workbook, Saveas NewFile, Edit NewFile
- Help W/UserForm
- Funtions: For non-english Excel users
- Solved: Make NewWebQuery with URL-variable.
- exporting excel charts to Word
- Solved: extract a column to 5 column
- Loading Reference aborts Sub
- Solved: listbox little bug
- VBA Splitting the text 1-8 to (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
- AutoCAD referencefiles?
- Solved: Copy images with VBA
- UserInterfaceOnly problem
- default text in
- IF Statement on Cell Format
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