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  1. Hyperlink Problem when print Excel to PDF
  2. Solved: Macro need to direct a cell value to the corresponding named worksheet.
  3. Solved: Adding 2 worksheets to an existing workbook
  4. Nested Collections
  5. Macro to copy paste data
  6. Solved: Iserror in VBA setup
  7. Inventory control
  8. Solved: Need Help with the Logic of my Program
  9. AutoCorrelation and Partial AutoCorrelation series Generation
  10. Load Excel Userform from Powerpoint Button
  11. [SOLVED:] Sorting a column alphabetically, however a blank row between names must be retained.
  12. Continual Import of Excel data into Sharepoint list
  13. Solved: Webbrowser page depending on listbox value
  14. Solved: how to reference previous cell value
  15. Need Help developing an Algorithm to Decode MathML (XML)
  16. Delete the duplicate value/cell in selected range
  17. Excel VBA recognizing the variable as Date wrong
  18. How to exclude hidden pivot field items in count
  19. Copying data from DB in a Sheet
  20. Change Array Arguments to read horizontal instead of vertical
  21. Count of rows excluding a set of values in the another sheet
  22. Solved: Conditional Formatting a worksheet based on value in a cell in another worksheet
  23. Excel Formula Help
  24. Pivot Chart and Table Problem
  25. Solved: Copy string to clipboard in VBA
  26. Sorting Collections
  27. Solved: Deleteing unused word bookmarks
  28. VBA to open Excel & Enable Macro
  29. Solved: User Form syntax
  30. Loop fifty files into one file
  31. Code to Filter, Copy, Paste and Save Data
  32. Excel Vba for Macros...
  33. Solved: sumproduct formula error
  34. Solved: IF Formula problems
  35. [SOLVED:] Excel VBA Open / Save As
  36. Solved: Copy selected cells in all worksheets and paste into another worksheet
  37. Solved: Deleting data within a named range (xl '97)
  38. Macros help
  39. Query-Style Custom Function needs speed boost!
  40. Strange combobox problem
  41. Solved: Assign Macro to Runtime-Generated Textbox Event
  42. Sorting then send
  43. Solved: How to open all files in folder using input box
  44. Solved: MS Excel: Password Problem
  45. Solved: Limit input to textbox
  46. Using FieldInfo with variable array content
  47. Solved: Explanation of Advanced Filter
  48. Selecting more than cell VBA
  49. Vlookup
  50. Solved: VBA code to periodically copy data
  51. Buttons to Start and Stop Macro
  52. Dynamic graph
  53. Solved: clear cells without form appearing
  54. Solved: Create a marco that will autofill a formula but the range is variable
  55. filter - hide active cell content
  56. Solved: Make chart where source data range is variable
  57. Chart Colouring Macros
  58. Solved: Find is not matching expected values
  59. Solved: Loop through user specified folder
  60. Solved: VBA lookup to insert value into cell.
  61. Solved: Excel equivalent to MS Word's DOCVARIABLE?
  62. [SOLVED:] Why do create a temporary variable and then set the value to a function?
  63. Solved: add to existing value by matching
  64. Vlookup the price in latest date
  65. Truncating cell data to fit in cell
  66. Solved: Custom Prompt box w/ multiple buttons
  67. Solved: Low inventory alert
  68. Solved: Invintory Project.
  69. Solved: Add opened file into a summary workbook
  70. Solved: Reduce size of current region
  71. Print PDF file
  72. Solved: When replacing a sheet, how to fix refs?
  73. Clearing and resetting CTRL+END
  74. Displaying text with freeze panes
  75. Chart source data depends on the sheets choosen on the Combo box
  76. Solved: Prompt comment?
  77. Solved: Change caption of a button on spreadsheet without selecting it
  78. Incremental Change in Values of Data Table
  79. Solved: Auto-repeating input error
  80. convert Exif photo data to excel
  81. ActiveSheet.Paste Error
  82. VBA to disable close
  83. VBA Compare Excel Files Macro
  84. Solved: Script to add values in new sheet without blank rows
  85. Solved: use GetOpenFilename with only few files displayed
  86. Solved: Find value and count occurances of text
  87. Solved: RANK (??)
  88. Recording web application using a macro?
  89. Solved: Find Empty Column Range
  90. Write to Output File w/out Overwriting Everytime?
  91. Solved: Add to comment?
  92. [SOLVED:] Automatic addition of comments to entire column
  93. [SOLVED:] Finding complicated average
  94. Advanced Find & Replace
  95. Solved: input box loop
  96. access invoice to excel combo box vba urgently need help
  97. Solved: extract values in a range
  98. Enum replacement for saving double datatype
  99. Macro to copy formulas across a worksheet
  100. insert image
  101. Date variables
  102. Using embedded pics
  103. Check if Column Exist & it in sequance
  104. VBA and XML::Conversion of Sorts
  105. Solved: open Excel filename with only certain characters
  106. Solved: Incorrect Date Brings Up MsgBox
  107. list names of all saved files
  108. Solved: Clear corresponding cells when changing one cell in a row
  109. Solved: Variables in message box
  110. Solved: Increase value of a Cell by 1
  111. Solved: password policy when opening an excel sheet
  112. [SOLVED:] Cannot select multiple cells at a time
  113. Call Sub when cell is double clicked
  114. Solved: Comparing Cells
  115. Solved: Sub to Go Back to Stored Range
  116. Solved: Summing of Totals
  117. Solved: Why doesn't this work?
  118. Solved: Partial file name
  119. Solved: Goto previous cell
  120. Solved: Clear shapes BUT save buttons
  121. auto serial number
  122. Solved: Disable subs depending on which button is pressed
  123. Solved: Format Date + 3 months
  124. Solved: Hyperlink activation of Script/Macro
  125. Solved: How to rename a worksheet if name already exists
  126. Cell References
  127. Workbook size
  128. Solved: Shapes & Values
  129. Auto increment number & Date Stamp
  130. Script to show up time zone in excel
  131. Syntax error
  132. Search list, find value and return binary value.
  133. Solved: VBA file names (and more) from folder on worksheet
  134. Problem with Contour Graphs
  135. Macro from Number to Letter
  136. VBA to download data from website
  137. Solved: Hyperlinks warning
  138. Arrange the values as per pre-defined orders
  139. Help with search form
  140. [SLEEPER:] Capture user data
  141. Iterating through a list of cells
  142. VBA sorting method
  143. Solved: How to Recognize this string properly?
  144. Solved: Lottery Checker
  145. Solved: Activate vba in another workbook
  146. Arraylist or something else help
  147. Solved: Lookup Value, Copy and Paste Row Values?!
  148. Type Mismatch error
  149. Shapes and values the sequel
  150. Solved: Checking to see if a cell contains a Number or Letter
  151. Sleeper: Problem with range selection
  152. Message box with options
  153. Solved: Close Excel Command Button
  154. Can Someone help with this For Loop?
  155. [SLEEPER:] Opening email with selected names and attachments
  156. How to get subtotal ignore subtotal which is netted in If()
  157. Solved: Is there a Function in Excel to Determine the Row Length?
  158. Solved: What am I doing Wrong in this simple Code?
  159. IE login and logout from Excel
  160. [SOLVED:] Type MisMatch!!
  161. Solved: date & time difference
  162. Solved: unprotect sections of word document with excel
  163. Solved: copy late items to new sheet
  164. Solved: I am the Worst:: Something is Terribly Wrong w/ My Code
  165. How to populate missing digits in a date cell or convert US to UK date format
  166. Need help for "Format" function
  167. Code update with the help of form
  168. Solved: Userform Pop-up when opening excel
  169. Solved: VBA Graph - Tweaks Needed to Amend Font and Placement?!! HELP!
  170. Quick Question ABout Setting a Range
  171. Solved: Case statement
  172. Solved: Problem With .pagesetup.printarea
  173. Progress Bar
  174. What am i Doing wrong
  175. Solved: The Trouble with For-Loops
  176. Warning message open file
  177. Solved: Number Based on Date
  178. Solved: ADO handling
  179. VBA CODE OLAP Pivot Table Excel 2007
  180. Solved: Date and Time Difference 2
  181. Solved: Data Validation Negitive
  182. Sleeper: Amend HTML file
  183. Solved: If 8th character ...then
  184. Solved: UF textbox 8th character
  185. Solved: Hyperlinks to Hidden Worksheets
  186. script to pull email information onto excel
  187. adding time 15min in a textbox
  188. If statement help
  189. how to set a value to an external cell ?
  190. create a list of numbers in a single cell
  191. Solved: Hide Row based on particular word
  192. code without select
  193. [SOLVED:] MS SQL OLEDB struggling
  194. Solved: Stored procedure w/ w/out parameters
  195. Need Assistance with Text Font Color Change
  196. hide columns depend on cell values
  197. Solved: Data population based on a field entry
  198. Solved: Using an If statement on change event procedure
  199. Solved: copy visible cells
  200. printing pdf's i open thru excel vba
  201. [SLEEPER:] Checkbox problem
  202. Solved: Infernal 4s
  203. Solved: Combo Chart creation
  204. Solved: Populate userform from selection of another userform
  205. Excel variable for path
  206. Need help with a multiple if statement on a change event procedure
  207. Emailing from Excel
  208. Solved: Forumla with defined sheet name in other cell
  209. Process all values in search area to retrieve all matches
  210. How to implement this effectively
  211. Solved: Using named range to plot chart data
  212. Solved: Compiler Directives (#Const, #If, etc.)
  213. Update links with all files closed
  214. [SOLVED:] Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)'
  215. How to load hyperlinks in userform listview
  216. Need help for Dynamic Data
  217. Solved: Reformatting a WorkSheet
  218. Solved: Find cell containing PART of string
  219. Something "Off" About my Code ??
  220. Balance two elements to a number
  221. Problem with Nested IF function
  222. Need formula to get that output
  223. Format textbox to numbers in Userform
  224. Solved: Formatting bookmarks
  225. Manipulate a string
  226. Solved: Deleteing Word Chart Rows if all cells are empty
  227. Stop FIND() errors - related to my late post
  228. Solved: Case Select
  229. Pivot table macro
  230. adding cell in excel vba
  231. Check if selections in listbox are contiguous
  232. Solved: Compare dates
  233. Consolidate Data from Mutiple Sheets in Summary
  234. How to check if file is open
  235. Solved: Calling Subs::Error "Compile Error: Expected Variable or Procedure, Not Module"
  236. Solved: select txtbox
  237. Solved: Cell Format being Weird
  238. Solved: match and return offset value in cell
  239. how do i sum a total of multiple numbers
  240. array in vba
  241. Insert/Delete Rows on 2 sheets simultaneously
  242. Solved: randomize rows in range
  243. Macro on Server
  244. Convert text to numbers
  245. Solved: Conditional Formating with multiple If statements and conditions
  246. Solved: Convert entire column from General to Text
  247. This Should be Easy::Event Handler Maybe?
  248. Seriously Excel? Change Row Colors
  249. Select folder and insert folder path into cell
  250. Solved: Drop Down Box Settings