- problem unprotect vbproject
- Error 461
- Solved: textbox disappears
- XL2000 Add-In Question:
- Compare VBA Code in Modules
- Solved: Quick Concatenate Question (formatting)
- vlookup closest value
- Solved: Closing Excel by clicking the Red X
- Solved: set row color based on value of a cell
- Solved: TextBox Character limit
- Solved: VBA to count characters in cell - getting error
- Solved: Date and time
- Solved: Combobox linked to calender
- use excel database to populate 2 different word doc
- Solved: modify code to run on several sheets in a workbook
- How to get to the single dictionary entry without knowing its key ro value?
- Progress bar Running on top
- Solved: total by company
- Solved: Insert comment
- Excel form to database help
- Chart Help::Stacked Column
- [SOLVED:] What Causes “Personal.xls” to be Opened?
- Stringlists or String arrays
- can't call subs automatically
- Data Validation issues
- Rename controls in VBE
- Solved: Delete emty rows.
- Solved: Join Sheets Cells By Common Field
- Using Variables in VBA formulas
- Solved: Remove a shapes
- Solved: Range Error during loop
- Search value as the part of the Sheetname
- Solved: Select variable range of rows and then delete ??
- How to Add a File to References List with VBA
- Loading malformed xml into MSXML2.DOMDocument
- Different sound file question - simple ??
- Solved: Select copy & paste
- delete blank rows
- Solved: Changing Values Between Text Boxes
- Saving a Worksheet
- Applying Format To ALL sheets in Workbook
- Solved: How to sum a range of cell values based on common data field
- Solved: How do I sort a dynamic named range?
- Solved: Unhide and activate sheet based on system date
- Problem with error type mismatch
- Solved: Delete Text to Left of First Number
- Merge cells based on a cell value
- Make VBA Code Shorter
- Solved: download files from internet thruugh VBA
- Linking to formula rather than paste special
- Event for Ctrl-G
- Help in Vlookup function error
- What Message Is Being Written?
- make textboxes visible at runtime?
- alerts out of a spreadsheet based on dates
- Solved: Distribution Graphs
- Solved: How To make Macro Interactive
- How to know value of margin of the last row on page
- Date formula required
- I just want the Date, not the time (CDate(Now))
- Userform triggers Excel Crash
- Need help about listbox column count property
- Special Calendar to fill textboxes
- Solved: Conditional Format VBA not using Range Name Value
- DSO and File Properties
- Solved: Inserting an undetermined number of rows?
- How to tell user to get updated copy?
- UDF for Three Parameter hlookup
- Solved: Count Formula Based Currency Criteria
- Solved: Copy the table in Word document to NEW Excel file
- How to open a secured directory
- Same code - one set works but other does not...
- Solved: run access macro from excel
- Multiple Excel ranges to multiple Word tables.
- Solved: Flashing commandbutton?
- Copying Data from different workbooks
- print preview , value of ending line on page
- Solved: Countif with a Range Name as the Criteria
- Super Quick ComboBox Question
- Solved: Modify Hyperlink Code
- Need VBA help with populating missing data??
- Solved: move to textbox in other sheet if is "TAB" pressed
- Sports league VBA program
- Listbox items getting transferred in reverse order
- Password to open file via macro?
- Message box to appear once commandbutton is pressed?
- Copying from a PDF file
- textbox validation help please :-)
- Solved: Code randomly stops without CancelKey Disabled
- Mega Sort
- checkbox to populate 2 textboxes?
- How to make a text box mandatory?
- Excel 2003 File Size
- start search from beginning with static variable
- Importing part of textfile
- Solved: Printout Problems
- Sorting CurrentRegion?
- Solved: Set X-Axis Value to match row numbers
- Worksheet change - single click>value entered
- is it possible to do screen tips without hyperlinks
- Solved: Highlight only certain words in cells
- Using data in a worksheet and vba to complete a form on a website.
- Late-binding --pls sort out the confusion
- calculating monthly returns in table from historical data
- Autohyperlink to and replace file names in worksheet
- Set TextOrProperty attribute change the name of company
- ListBox Item queries
- Selecting a sheet within a workbook by using a macro
- Solved: Excel insists on changing the format of cells
- Solved: VBA to delete text between < >
- Count all unique entries in a column (mission impossible?!)
- [SOLVED:] From Excel, create table of selected rows in Word
- Delete Custom Document Properties?
- Reading pdf file into excel 2007.
- copying information from another tab
- Solved: add slash in string
- Combination from binary bit to Hexdecimal
- parsing in vbscript
- Solved: Batch Renaming all files in a folder
- Solved: UDF for mann-whitney statistical test?
- Solved: Filter Workbook when protection is on
- Solved: counting number of observations under condition
- calculate % of each items total in a year in Pivot Table
- Solved: Small macro, simpler way of writing it?
- Insert Template Macro
- Solved: Deleting multiple values within range of rows
- [SLEEPER:] Check for visible rows after filter
- Solved: Multidimensional Array Sort
- Need to nest .Find routines in VBA
- Finding mode of array in VBA
- Fusing chart and shapes before copying
- Solved: Delete row (numbered) all other rows (numbers) change in sequence
- Solved: Arrows in Excel Document
- Solved: strange Unload Me behaviour
- transferring selections from one list box to another
- Insert A row in workbook A automatically if a row is inserted in WOrkbook B
- Remove the file extention from the file list
- Solved: to accept changes
- Solved: copying dynamic range from Sheet1 to Sheet2
- Solved: .bas vba export question
- Searching a record or row.
- Update the value from B file to A file
- Solved: Command Buttons to SAVE, SAVE and EXIT and to EXIT without SAVING
- Solved: Passing variables between suns and functions
- Pasting charts in the same document - avoiding new instance creation
- Array help, deleting columns.
- Combining vba for forcing macros and expiry
- [SOLVED:] Extract Data From Text File
- Return a value from an activex
- Solved: Find string in the cell and then output value
- Solved: Argument Not Optional Error
- Not Highlighting Errors
- Solved: Deleting rows from selected cells.
- force users enable macros and auto save&close if idle
- Custom menu top left
- Delete WB-Open sub as WB is saved
- Need a String Function
- Save As Issues (excel 2003 and excel 2007)
- zodiac userform to display zodiac sign picture based on users birthdate
- Solved: Initializing Entire Array at Once:: Syntax Error
- [SOLVED:] Delete VBA Project
- Trouble With Assigning Value to Cell
- Carriage Return not working
- Imbedding Image File Instead of Referencing?
- Solved: Copy module from present file to PERSONAL.XLS
- Excel multi criteria search
- optionbuttons and vba
- Solved: Extracting 5 or 6 digit numbers from a cell
- removing items from collections
- Compare Workbook to 2nd workbook (Newbie)
- Solved: Using Bold with .Cells Object?
- Really Quick Precision Question
- enter commas
- Problem with Cancel Button in Input Box
- problem with activecell is blank or zero
- Solved: Force users to enable macros in a workbook code by Ken Puls.
- Unhide a Hidden Workbook
- multiple search and filter
- Call tracker - VBA coding help
- Solved: Combo Box inside pop-up Message Box ?
- Case Select Statement
- [SLEEPER:] Filling an array with a for..each construct
- Solved: VBA code for a button with user supplied titles
- entirecolumn.hidden with autofilter result
- Closed: sendkeys
- Solved: vba to make formulas work
- Cant read txt file with Unicode symbols and store it to cell
- Formula Referencing other cells
- Excel Macro that creates an Auto Macro
- Exclude a single xl file from macro
- Return cell address in messagebox
- Combine 2 similar worksheets (live document)
- Solved: excel to word for Labels
- Match function for 2 columns
- Insert Rows
- Save different filename based on multiple selection
- Need a solver
- Make other cells invisible or locked programmatically
- Solved: Simple question for CheckBox in sheet
- Solved: shapes in a worksheet
- Solved: excels AND function
- Solved: excel's IF function
- Cnverting Excel if into UDF.
- VBA Performance Query
- Compare Columns
- Excel CSV Read issue
- Accessing Excel Spreadsheet via Sharepoint
- Look For and delete
- Copy/Past cell contents into a PDF Field
- [SOLVED:] TAT Calculate in office hours
- Button w/drop down list
- IF, Solver and Clearing Cells based on the IF
- [SLEEPER:] Linking excel with folders and show the content
- Excel values to Website, web data extractn back to Xls. PLEASE Help!!!
- Solved: Using comments to track changes
- working on range
- Hyperlink to Chart or Range by Double-click Named range
- Regarding getting values for Multi Column LISTBOX
- Solved: Create Multiple Sheets and Save As CSV (COMMA DILIMITED) FORMAT
- Solved: deleting duplicate rows
- Solved: Finding Specific Days In a Year
- Need Code to Check if .CSV file has finished writing
- Solved: How to rename text file to date and time format
- Solved: Selecting a hyperlink using Data Validation
- Link userform check boxes with corresponding text boxes
- Solved: Hide row with a 1 on selection change
- Hide comments programmatetically
- How can i speed this up?
- Solved: Converting Minutes Into Hours
- Copying Worksheet to another book with new name
- A little (?) VBA help
- Solved: Delete a CSV Workbook from Another Workbook?
- [SOLVED:] Validation In Cell
- Protect a column ins workbook with macros
- consolidating the difference in counts on hourly basis
- count subfolders
- Solved: Finding the rows of a Selection
- Sampling after Auto-filtering
- Solved: Find does not do an exact match
- Solved: reversed sequences in code
- Solved: Return Sheet Index of Last Sheet
- find next and loop combined
- Solved: variables carrying over from userform to Module
- Blank or null string in drop-down
- Solved: Get state of checkboxes
- Solved: userform textbox format for currency
- Solved: Formula property compile error
- Excel Creating an Email Error
- Open to specific location of worksheet