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  1. Macro to save file with active cell value with 3 date options
  2. Method to merge two excel files without links
  3. [SOLVED:] Working with CutCopyPaste Mode
  4. Dynamic hyperlink that can survive sorting
  5. Wildcard character for VBA
  6. Solved: email from within excel using outlook
  7. Macro to Group columns on the basis of criteria
  8. Filter Rows with Duplicate values.
  9. [SOLVED:] Using InputBox to select Range
  10. Help with a couple lines of code please...
  11. Entering cell comments using VBA
  12. Looping Ranges
  13. Protected Sheet Allows Macro to Execute
  14. Create Pivot table from multiple worksheet
  15. Conditional Drop-Down lists + auto filling
  16. formula/code cleanup
  17. Workbook to track changes in other workbooks
  18. Nested Loops-In What Sequence?
  19. Solved: Find Text Position
  20. [SOLVED:] Separated tables in one page
  21. Solved: Run Macro on Specified File and Worksheet
  22. Get MS Word ActiveX Control values from Excel VBA
  23. RefEdit control to clear contents
  24. Resize JPG files to consistent size
  25. Read fr Open File > if not open > open file > and read cells
  26. Solved: Matching 2 customer record sheets
  27. Click Event
  28. Solved: Turning ScreenUpdating On and Off
  29. Solved: How can I have a nested IF-function combined with an OR and AND-fun
  30. [SOLVED:] Tracking Comments
  31. ask permission
  32. Need Help for WEB PAGE TextBox
  33. Solved: Is there a shorter way to write my VBA code?
  34. Column counting and Loop
  35. [SOLVED:] Performing a Successive Filter
  36. [SOLVED:] Automate Chart with filtered values
  37. Count Half of the Visible Rows
  38. VBA If statements Variable help!
  39. Beginner
  40. VBA Code for pivot table from multiple worksheet
  41. Solved: Excel 2003 end(xlup) problem
  42. Automatic Directory File List
  43. [SLEEPER:] Inserting Flash in Office2007
  44. Not sure if possible..brackets issue
  45. Extract Data from Outlook and populate it into Excel
  46. [SOLVED:] Daylight savings time
  47. Solved: Rename "Microsoft Excel Objects"
  48. Pulling Information from a String
  49. VBA Macro - Automating Web Querie
  50. Solved: Conditional Numbering
  51. Solved: Vba Automate Emailer for Lotus 6.5.3
  52. Subscript out of range for importing files
  53. How to Save File & Overwrite Original??
  54. Oorang: A query about your GUID program
  55. Prevent Worksheet Deletion
  56. Default Messages
  57. Solved: log only once per 5 sec. - only fix code
  58. Solved: Multiple logical tests
  59. Solved: Splitting data from one column into multiple columns in excel
  60. How to Delete Visible Rows in VBA?
  61. Solved: Delete multiple rows & Unhide hidden rows
  62. Solved: Web Query...creating data crawler
  63. Solved: Custom Classes and Collections
  64. [SOLVED:] Filtering using a listbox across multiple columns
  65. Save file as excel through xl macro from web- in existing code
  66. Need help with delete
  67. Mesage box in VBA
  68. Parse Text
  69. Dynamically allowing/disallowing user sheet insert.
  70. Extract text from multiple text files
  71. Bar chart help any example or sample file ?
  72. Converting manual chart to bar chart?
  73. Solved: Skip blank cells
  74. Solved: Copy text from shapes
  75. VBA: embedded excel chart
  76. [SOLVED:] Excel 2010-Run VBA code pressing a sheet button
  77. Solved: how can i add "count" and "Sum" in existing code
  78. Solved: Calculate age from row eleven
  79. [SOLVED:] Ribbon management in Excel-2007
  80. Changing default field "All" in pivot table
  81. Sending email without using outlook
  82. Button to interrupt subroutine
  83. Solved: KB entry "Reduce Excel File Size "give run time error 1004
  84. Microsoft Speech Object Library
  85. trigger proc. with a date
  86. copy data
  87. Solved: to extend the coloring
  88. Automatically split a large text file in separate worksheets on import
  90. Solved: To Auto Populate Value
  91. One message box in a for loop
  92. trouble with .Resize
  93. Print_Area Formula
  94. Record Formula Evaluation Steps
  95. copy filter cells
  96. Conditional formating
  97. Solved: Count according to date
  98. [SOLVED:] explanation
  99. Random
  100. Solved: Having trouble with "Offset" or the equivilent
  101. [SOLVED:] To get specific part of filename from a folder
  102. Run process at set time
  103. Mesage box - Conditional formating
  104. Solved: Another Query question
  105. Solved: vb conditional formatting
  106. test of CF
  107. Solved: DropDown Question
  108. Creating a TOC for only visible tabs? Excel VBA
  109. [SOLVED:] Count number of files in a folder
  110. Printing solution request
  111. Open csv file using VBA
  112. Solved: Track Changes in Excel Feature
  113. Auto Email
  114. rc
  115. Protect workbook, save and close
  116. Unable to record
  117. Using Macro to Add Code
  118. Filter Pivot table by Month & Year
  119. Solved: Export from Word form to Excel
  120. Solved: Self Destruct file
  121. pdf price lists to excel
  122. copy data from other sheets into another sheet
  123. Solved: loop help please and thank you!
  124. [SOLVED:] macro to convert all word files to excel from a folder
  125. [SOLVED:] Using Range Names with a multiple IF Formula
  126. combine a single sheet in 100 workbooks to another workbook and then summarize
  127. Hide Workbook Title Bar
  128. Naming sheets in "Combine All Workbooks from One Folder Skipping Blank Sheets"
  129. Solved: Auto text-ellipse macro. Is it possible?
  130. Solved: Msg Box code for a RANGE
  131. Find a word
  132. Solved: How to use replace function in VBA?
  133. [SOLVED:] How do you convert negative number to positive?
  134. search value in entire wb - only fixing code
  135. use if else loop
  136. Working with vba in two excel workbooks
  137. How do I add the red triangle in the right hand corner in Excel?
  138. VBA Lookup
  139. Sleeper: Displaying a UDF within insertFunction
  140. Performing calculations using VBA
  141. How to loop a date
  142. userform displaying table data
  143. Solved: Using Select Case
  144. VBA macro simple adjust
  145. how to find the value and replace with diff value
  146. Solved: Help with Find function VBA
  147. Change days each time
  148. Sending Multiple Emails via VBA
  149. Solved: filter
  150. Solved: Using one Calendar in multiple userform textboxes
  151. Sort 2 Columns Code Needed
  152. Solved: How to use str?
  153. Copy & paste based on value after stripping characters
  154. Creating a Simple Array
  155. Copy the data of one cell to three Rows in excel sheet
  156. Combine all sheets to Master sheet
  157. Open file with datestamp in filename
  158. Solved: Time Difference between two dates
  159. Solved: Calculate Number of pages
  160. Solved: Dynamic File Path - Code Tweak?!
  161. Looping copy and paste macro
  162. Importing text file -
  163. Macro/VBA find/copy/paste question
  164. Writing data to chart/graph with a variable data range
  165. Cascading ComboBoxes
  166. How to Adjust Column Target
  167. copy range with cell link
  168. search
  169. Mailing PDF from EXCEL
  170. Range.Formula for A1-ref.style notation goes wrong
  171. Solved: Userform ListBox Row selection
  172. Excel Dashboard
  173. Macro to provide count of results
  174. Is it possible to export to html without using save as?
  175. [SOLVED:] VBA for playing sound effect!
  176. [SLEEPER:] Passing Variable with .OnAction
  177. Copying Values Down or Across
  178. Solved: VBA and HTML help make them talk.
  179. Solved: PivotTable Name issue
  180. Solved: A question about code finding a certain text
  181. Solved: change variable ; from 2000000 to $2,000,000
  182. Reading a text file by column in to an array?
  183. Solved: How do I create an add in that automatically adds a new menu to the toolbar?
  184. Solved: Search for value in columns and display results of the relevant rows
  185. Solved: Hyperlink to PDF file gives error 432
  186. Solved: Alternative to RICI notation in formula
  187. Solved: Copy Paste non-adjacent cells in a range
  188. Solved: Help Identifying Empty Cells
  189. Solved: Escape from Edit Mode
  190. Solved: Compare two sheets semi-manually
  191. Solved: Dir Function - Sequential files
  192. Solved: Removing Noncontiguous DropDown Arrows
  193. gif animated picture on a user form !!!
  194. manage datas from a multilection rows
  195. Display label results in a texbox
  196. Userform Search help!
  197. Auto Import Text file GetOpenFilename no dialog
  198. Solved: copy the formula or address
  199. copy cells from excel table into a pre-formatted table in word
  200. Not sure what to do.
  201. Pulling data according to a cell value
  202. Average of n elements in an array
  203. Formating lines in table/pivot table
  204. VBA code to open an Excel workbook readonly
  205. Solved: Save chart as image plus refresh
  206. Pivot Table Show All
  207. Solved: Copying comments from one workbook to another
  208. Loop but Subscript out of Range
  209. Solved: label caption
  210. Extract Data to Excel from a Website.
  211. Solved: Calling a Function, of Sorts
  212. Using arrays in vba excell
  213. Remove duplication and fill a form
  214. Macro to return picture in a cell?
  215. How to Modify Userform?
  216. Solved: On open excel
  217. Solved: Error on Insert Picture code...
  218. Pick a Workbook and mail its worksheets
  219. Userform Activate not firing in Excel 97
  220. picking range from "A1" to variable
  221. Need help on VBA coding....
  222. Solved: Scroll worksheet when userform is present
  223. Multiselection areas: how to manage?
  224. delete duplicate text
  225. Creating sub-blocks within a large data-block
  226. Is it possible to ask vba to write html code in to an html file?
  227. Changing AutoFilter Range
  228. Excel 2007-UPDATE Links ISSUE with excel 2003 file
  229. Dynamic Formula put in formula with VBA
  230. Save Excel Userform as a Web Page
  231. Solved: If else doesn't work the way I expected
  232. Solved: Date picker 2003
  233. Assigning a cell to a row that has a cell with a similar value
  234. Solved: Formula help
  235. Using Custom Views
  236. Color Banding Rows
  237. Way to get innertext of all childnodes of a node?
  238. Solved: Find,MatchCase PROBLEM
  239. Solved: Alignment on coding page
  240. Solved: Count Business Days Between 2 Dates
  241. Sleeper: Can I run an executable within my VBA?
  242. Solved: load a one dimensional array from non-contiguo
  243. Return Row info based on Column dates
  244. Question on insert Object
  245. Solved: Calling a Function and Resize
  246. Solved: inserting date where cursor located
  247. Solved: how to paste only value since there r some fuction in cells
  248. [SOLVED:] Working with a text file
  249. [SOLVED:] Aligning data labels in a chart
  250. translating math formula into vba