- Macro to save file with active cell value with 3 date options
- Method to merge two excel files without links
- [SOLVED:] Working with CutCopyPaste Mode
- Dynamic hyperlink that can survive sorting
- Wildcard character for VBA
- Solved: email from within excel using outlook
- Macro to Group columns on the basis of criteria
- Filter Rows with Duplicate values.
- [SOLVED:] Using InputBox to select Range
- Help with a couple lines of code please...
- Entering cell comments using VBA
- Looping Ranges
- Protected Sheet Allows Macro to Execute
- Create Pivot table from multiple worksheet
- Conditional Drop-Down lists + auto filling
- formula/code cleanup
- Workbook to track changes in other workbooks
- Nested Loops-In What Sequence?
- Solved: Find Text Position
- [SOLVED:] Separated tables in one page
- Solved: Run Macro on Specified File and Worksheet
- Get MS Word ActiveX Control values from Excel VBA
- RefEdit control to clear contents
- Resize JPG files to consistent size
- Read fr Open File > if not open > open file > and read cells
- Solved: Matching 2 customer record sheets
- Click Event
- Solved: Turning ScreenUpdating On and Off
- Solved: How can I have a nested IF-function combined with an OR and AND-fun
- [SOLVED:] Tracking Comments
- ask permission
- Need Help for WEB PAGE TextBox
- Solved: Is there a shorter way to write my VBA code?
- Column counting and Loop
- [SOLVED:] Performing a Successive Filter
- [SOLVED:] Automate Chart with filtered values
- Count Half of the Visible Rows
- VBA If statements Variable help!
- Beginner
- VBA Code for pivot table from multiple worksheet
- Solved: Excel 2003 end(xlup) problem
- Automatic Directory File List
- [SLEEPER:] Inserting Flash in Office2007
- Not sure if possible..brackets issue
- Extract Data from Outlook and populate it into Excel
- [SOLVED:] Daylight savings time
- Solved: Rename "Microsoft Excel Objects"
- Pulling Information from a String
- VBA Macro - Automating Web Querie
- Solved: Conditional Numbering
- Solved: Vba Automate Emailer for Lotus 6.5.3
- Subscript out of range for importing files
- How to Save File & Overwrite Original??
- Oorang: A query about your GUID program
- Prevent Worksheet Deletion
- Default Messages
- Solved: log only once per 5 sec. - only fix code
- Solved: Multiple logical tests
- Solved: Splitting data from one column into multiple columns in excel
- How to Delete Visible Rows in VBA?
- Solved: Delete multiple rows & Unhide hidden rows
- Solved: Web Query...creating data crawler
- Solved: Custom Classes and Collections
- [SOLVED:] Filtering using a listbox across multiple columns
- Save file as excel through xl macro from web- in existing code
- Need help with delete
- Mesage box in VBA
- Parse Text
- Dynamically allowing/disallowing user sheet insert.
- Extract text from multiple text files
- Bar chart help any example or sample file ?
- Converting manual chart to bar chart?
- Solved: Skip blank cells
- Solved: Copy text from shapes
- VBA: embedded excel chart
- [SOLVED:] Excel 2010-Run VBA code pressing a sheet button
- Solved: how can i add "count" and "Sum" in existing code
- Solved: Calculate age from row eleven
- [SOLVED:] Ribbon management in Excel-2007
- Changing default field "All" in pivot table
- Sending email without using outlook
- Button to interrupt subroutine
- Solved: KB entry "Reduce Excel File Size "give run time error 1004
- Microsoft Speech Object Library
- trigger proc. with a date
- copy data
- Solved: to extend the coloring
- Automatically split a large text file in separate worksheets on import
- Solved: To Auto Populate Value
- One message box in a for loop
- trouble with .Resize
- Print_Area Formula
- Record Formula Evaluation Steps
- copy filter cells
- Conditional formating
- Solved: Count according to date
- [SOLVED:] explanation
- Random
- Solved: Having trouble with "Offset" or the equivilent
- [SOLVED:] To get specific part of filename from a folder
- Run process at set time
- Mesage box - Conditional formating
- Solved: Another Query question
- Solved: vb conditional formatting
- test of CF
- Solved: DropDown Question
- Creating a TOC for only visible tabs? Excel VBA
- [SOLVED:] Count number of files in a folder
- Printing solution request
- Open csv file using VBA
- Solved: Track Changes in Excel Feature
- Auto Email
- rc
- Protect workbook, save and close
- Unable to record
- Using Macro to Add Code
- Filter Pivot table by Month & Year
- Solved: Export from Word form to Excel
- Solved: Self Destruct file
- pdf price lists to excel
- copy data from other sheets into another sheet
- Solved: loop help please and thank you!
- [SOLVED:] macro to convert all word files to excel from a folder
- [SOLVED:] Using Range Names with a multiple IF Formula
- combine a single sheet in 100 workbooks to another workbook and then summarize
- Hide Workbook Title Bar
- Naming sheets in "Combine All Workbooks from One Folder Skipping Blank Sheets"
- Solved: Auto text-ellipse macro. Is it possible?
- Solved: Msg Box code for a RANGE
- Find a word
- Solved: How to use replace function in VBA?
- [SOLVED:] How do you convert negative number to positive?
- search value in entire wb - only fixing code
- use if else loop
- Working with vba in two excel workbooks
- How do I add the red triangle in the right hand corner in Excel?
- VBA Lookup
- Sleeper: Displaying a UDF within insertFunction
- Performing calculations using VBA
- How to loop a date
- userform displaying table data
- Solved: Using Select Case
- VBA macro simple adjust
- how to find the value and replace with diff value
- Solved: Help with Find function VBA
- Change days each time
- Sending Multiple Emails via VBA
- Solved: filter
- Solved: Using one Calendar in multiple userform textboxes
- Sort 2 Columns Code Needed
- Solved: How to use str?
- Copy & paste based on value after stripping characters
- Creating a Simple Array
- Copy the data of one cell to three Rows in excel sheet
- Combine all sheets to Master sheet
- Open file with datestamp in filename
- Solved: Time Difference between two dates
- Solved: Calculate Number of pages
- Solved: Dynamic File Path - Code Tweak?!
- Looping copy and paste macro
- Importing text file -
- Macro/VBA find/copy/paste question
- Writing data to chart/graph with a variable data range
- Cascading ComboBoxes
- How to Adjust Column Target
- copy range with cell link
- search
- Mailing PDF from EXCEL
- Range.Formula for A1-ref.style notation goes wrong
- Solved: Userform ListBox Row selection
- Excel Dashboard
- Macro to provide count of results
- Is it possible to export to html without using save as?
- [SOLVED:] VBA for playing sound effect!
- [SLEEPER:] Passing Variable with .OnAction
- Copying Values Down or Across
- Solved: VBA and HTML help make them talk.
- Solved: PivotTable Name issue
- Solved: A question about code finding a certain text
- Solved: change variable ; from 2000000 to $2,000,000
- Reading a text file by column in to an array?
- Solved: How do I create an add in that automatically adds a new menu to the toolbar?
- Solved: Search for value in columns and display results of the relevant rows
- Solved: Hyperlink to PDF file gives error 432
- Solved: Alternative to RICI notation in formula
- Solved: Copy Paste non-adjacent cells in a range
- Solved: Help Identifying Empty Cells
- Solved: Escape from Edit Mode
- Solved: Compare two sheets semi-manually
- Solved: Dir Function - Sequential files
- Solved: Removing Noncontiguous DropDown Arrows
- gif animated picture on a user form !!!
- manage datas from a multilection rows
- Display label results in a texbox
- Userform Search help!
- Auto Import Text file GetOpenFilename no dialog
- Solved: copy the formula or address
- copy cells from excel table into a pre-formatted table in word
- Not sure what to do.
- Pulling data according to a cell value
- Average of n elements in an array
- Formating lines in table/pivot table
- VBA code to open an Excel workbook readonly
- Solved: Save chart as image plus refresh
- Pivot Table Show All
- Solved: Copying comments from one workbook to another
- Loop but Subscript out of Range
- Solved: label caption
- Extract Data to Excel from a Website.
- Solved: Calling a Function, of Sorts
- Using arrays in vba excell
- Remove duplication and fill a form
- Macro to return picture in a cell?
- How to Modify Userform?
- Solved: On open excel
- Solved: Error on Insert Picture code...
- Pick a Workbook and mail its worksheets
- Userform Activate not firing in Excel 97
- picking range from "A1" to variable
- Need help on VBA coding....
- Solved: Scroll worksheet when userform is present
- Multiselection areas: how to manage?
- delete duplicate text
- Creating sub-blocks within a large data-block
- Is it possible to ask vba to write html code in to an html file?
- Changing AutoFilter Range
- Excel 2007-UPDATE Links ISSUE with excel 2003 file
- Dynamic Formula put in formula with VBA
- Save Excel Userform as a Web Page
- Solved: If else doesn't work the way I expected
- Solved: Date picker 2003
- Assigning a cell to a row that has a cell with a similar value
- Solved: Formula help
- Using Custom Views
- Color Banding Rows
- Way to get innertext of all childnodes of a node?
- Solved: Find,MatchCase PROBLEM
- Solved: Alignment on coding page
- Solved: Count Business Days Between 2 Dates
- Sleeper: Can I run an executable within my VBA?
- Solved: load a one dimensional array from non-contiguo
- Return Row info based on Column dates
- Question on insert Object
- Solved: Calling a Function and Resize
- Solved: inserting date where cursor located
- Solved: how to paste only value since there r some fuction in cells
- [SOLVED:] Working with a text file
- [SOLVED:] Aligning data labels in a chart
- translating math formula into vba