- Problems with foreach loop in a modul
- Solved: finding MAX number and matching symbol
- Solved: xlCellType
- Solved: Userform & Class Module Interaction
- Solved: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 dynamic column
- Solved: Reading a .csv File?
- Help With automatically reading a column
- Sum months plus today
- Solved: how does xlMultiply work? and can i paste and multipy in one go?
- Delete named Sheets if they exist
- Solved: Listening to the active sheet's events from the personal macro
- Download from Excel via URLDownloadToFile
- Excel 2007 Macro Recorded
- Solved: Intersect
- Formulas
- Playing with arrays... sort of
- Conditional locking of row
- VBA Error help please
- VBA to copy 3 worksheets and email
- Excel to Word... little help required
- Solved: Macro Recorder Code fails
- Can this code be simplified
- Solved: Using a Date variable in Excel 2007 macro
- Excel Macro Help
- Selection
- Solved: Clear cell contents without deleting formula
- Solved: multiple file selection
- VBA for multiple excel file
- Extract a list of employees according to month
- Solved: Probably a quick solution to this! - finding rows
- Solved: Delimiting in odd situations...
- Solved: Excel VBA
- Write a value from a cell formula
- Solved: Why is this code simply exiting without reason?
- [SLEEPER:] Use of Ajax in an inputbox?
- Solved: Hide unhide rows in range
- Set StartCell as ActiveCell
- Solved: Formula to allocate absolute values
- Solved: How to export bookmarks from word to excel
- [SLEEPER:] VBA Code Problems with Sending Excel DB through Outlook
- Sorting While in .FilterMode
- adding up interchanging word in a single cell
- Split The Column Data based on first column values using VBA
- [SOLVED:] How do you clear filter in macro?
- Solved: XY chart with values on top of each other
- [SLEEPER:] Use combobox as history
- vba MultiSelect ListBox based on advanced filter
- Divide the Column Data using VBA
- Solved: Change cell colour if changes made
- Multi Select List Box based on Advanced Filter
- Solved: Add 1 when copying and linking.
- Solved: Error Handling
- Help with Syntax Using ADO to Query Excel Worksheet
- Solved: Football Team Record Ranking
- Solved: Detecting Conditional Formatting
- Solved: Removing certain string
- Solved: Date as an Index
- Executing Macro at Time with Excel Closed
- Search Function in a User Form
- Solved: Selecting a Range of Rows
- Solved: using name in VBA propertys vs Sheet name
- Solved: How to create Yes or No Message Box?
- [SOLVED:] Extract a string from a cell
- Is this a timeout issue?
- Grabbing Data..Excel VBA
- Solved: VLOOKUP the Nth Occurance
- Solved: Use Vlookup in VBA Code
- Excel 2007 macro for comparing multiple dates
- Solved: could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- Combo Box / List box help
- Stop dialog box popping up
- Solved: Hlookup and Vlookup problem
- Solved: Filter from Drop Down Box
- how to change multiple value instead of one value at a time?
- VBA Code to know the date of creating a new worksheet
- lookup function in VBA
- Solved: Events
- Need macro to list folder with name and size in excel. Thanks
- User form will not allow blank fields
- Solved: index/match
- Copy & Paste Dates with Macro
- Solved: Worksheet Change Event
- [SOLVED:] Uncheck CheckBoxes if one is checked
- Tool or editor require for understanding return value of each argument of so many nes
- Month selection
- Set trial period for use of your project
- ِAccepting new repeated entries or not
- Solved: Avoiding errors in formulas
- Problem: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
- Confused About Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error
- Capturing UNDO Stack
- con.open error message data source name not found no default driver specified
- coloring similar cells in values in the same column
- Create school timetable by vba
- Copy contents from various excel files in a folder and merge
- Sum of Cells Within the Selected Range (vba)
- Solved: 1004 error
- [SLEEPER:] Open and copy/paste data to same row...
- Solved: SUM(IF with an OR statement produces incorrect results.
- Solved: auto run the macro
- Solved: VLOOKUP Question
- Solved: Count an array of data based on Sum
- Solved: Putting a slash between numbers and text
- Copy row to the duplicate row - Macro
- Exchange (part of) file name with a cell ref in Vlookup formula?
- combobox generate another combobox
- Solved: Changing default weekday
- Solved: vba vlookup fix
- Bookmark Runtime Errors, 5941 and 462
- How to compare two same files
- combobox generate another combobox
- Charting Scenarios
- Dynamically creating variables...possible?
- Find and Replace Dynamic values
- VBA help: need to transfer 130 cells to memory and back
- Printing specific records
- how do we access a variable declared in one form to another form
- Adding a blank string in between
- Worksheet event code to copy Formula
- Solved: Unmerge target cell
- [SOLVED:] Converting multi-dimension array to single-dimension
- How to import XML to excel without the HTML, I think?
- Solved: Write to Word from Excel
- Solved: Sum an array of data when records are > $xxx
- Range References in VBA when Wks Rows/Columns Deleted
- Solved: Run-time Error 70 creating application object in Windows 7
- transpose macro
- Pivot Table
- Copy specific multiple groups of sheets to new workbooks
- Solved: find first item in column
- align input data
- Random Sampler Macro
- Finding the min or max value in a sub range of a reference.
- [SOLVED:] Macro to find specified date in a range
- How to delete external links excel 2007
- Solved: Deleting duplicate data
- [SOLVED:] Defining an array as a range of cells
- hyperlink
- Solved: Error Setting Selection.Formula in a ListColumn
- Solved: extend the border line until desired row
- [SLEEPER:] Control on Combobox
- Solved: represent column by variable
- Problem with UDF Function
- Run time error '6'
- Update links between workbooks
- Find row based on picture
- Classes
- Need help replacing For Next Loop with AutoFilter
- Assort information in columns from rows
- Solved: Deleting Defined Names
- Install a new font in Excel
- mail item problem
- Force enabling macro
- Solved: Separating between each two digits
- Wierd Calculation Issue - VBA- Excel (2007)
- DTPicker
- Changing dates in a cell
- Solved: Copy 2 cells with formula.
- [SOLVED:] Saving a chart to .pdf
- Solved: is there any way i can change the WB created date
- add item to a listbox
- Solved: Total distance and time between two cities in a state
- vblf's peculiarities
- using vba to copy and paste from a website
- Solved: copying value set to variable
- Solved: Defining a variable number of arrays?
- How to highlight conditional formatting
- Listen to double click
- Save file as TXT or CSV
- Create New tab
- Greate ChartLines & Show SeriesPoint(i)Values?
- Formula help
- how to stop at the last row
- Unviewable projects
- [SOLVED:] Sending Excel range to Access; question...
- random
- Add 1250 textboxes in excel using vba vb6
- Get entire worksheet range
- Copying a row in Excel using VBA
- Solved: Creating a number of workbooks
- Solved: Compare Column Data
- Transparent Command Button Covers Text
- Working with Cell Comments
- Solved: Horizontal Sorting
- Array Formula
- VBA Application to print multiple, user selected files
- VBA Function Help
- Set Chart Height and Width to Match Page Dimensions
- Spedometer Type Chart (Donut) - Help with Formula
- Solved: Add from Month of April Onward
- Set Properties for Printing
- [SOLVED:] Run a macro at a specific time and day
- Formulas help
- Messy alignment when copying to Power Point
- Unique items in ListBox
- Solved: correction
- Solved: Producing Error
- Sleeper: Compare one workbook with multiple workbooks
- Solved: data from txt to existing sheet (only fix my code)
- [SOLVED:] Select Case
- Excel 2007 error with code for creating passwords
- Excel Date Problem (XLD!!!)
- I expect this is fairly simple...
- Automatic Sort On double Click
- 2D arrays
- Ribbon Object in xl2007 vs CommandBar Object in xl2003
- Creating a UserForm Programatically, with Frame
- Excel 2007 Unlocking Specific Cells Based on Password
- combox transfers data
- [SOLVED:] Replace carriage return and line feed in excel
- Solved: Checkboxes form Form Controls
- Need help with some VBA - Probably very simple
- [SOLVED:] Zoom sheet on background
- Microsoft listview control 6.0 (SP4) problem
- Solved: How to raise/lower the Windows Taskbar with code
- Conditionally hide and unhide cell ranges
- Solved: Dynamically determine week number and filter
- Excell 2007 - select all/copy
- What Are the Black Dots For On Excel Worksheet?
- Solved: Importing Data from Multiple Worksheets
- Filter Fails to Work - Incorrect Format?
- copying chart from one workbook to another using VB
- Need help with combobox
- Solved: Copying data from excel to word
- VBA Code to Delete Rows with AWR
- [SOLVED:] Detect changes to VBA code.
- UDF Function to refer to the Sheet Name
- Write this formula in a shorter way
- Reference to different VBAProject
- Excel VBA for multiple email on button
- VBA: Go Down Page & Add Seperator Lines
- Need help with word to excel function
- filtering cells based on data in listbox
- Data Validation List with no empty cells
- Limit cell to numeric values only
- Training Educational DVDs for VBA on excel
- VBA Dynamically Saving in a Folder Structure
- how to search all w sh in WB
- Solved: Application or object defined error
- VBA Code if a user input in an inputbox causes error in a running macro
- VBA Not working in Office XP
- Export Excel data to Access table thru TransferSpreadsheet
- Solved: Count cells except empty cells
- Help using VBA
- Referring to the first and last cell of a range
- Solved: Cut and Paste Problem
- Excel VBA error method 'minimumscaleisauto' of object 'axes' failed
- How to search and modify existing record