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  1. Using data collected in a module/ macro (3 replies)
  2. Is it possible to automate results from an access query into Excel? (16 replies)
  3. On error resume next (1 replies)
  4. Loop through all visible worksheets in excel (2 replies)
  5. read/write to textfile (2 replies)
  6. Declaring global Boolean variable? (9 replies)
  7. Comboboxes filling with for loop (3 replies)
  8. Two Columns (Search and Copy) (2 replies)
  9. SendKeyys command turns off Numlock (11 replies)
  10. Solved: variable formular depending on number of work sheets (5 replies)
  11. VBA web queries - error 1004 "The site reports that the address is not valid" (1 replies)
  12. Cannot Insert Column (7 replies)
  13. Solved: Separate generated password with dashes (2 replies)
  14. Solved: Msgbox interrupts drawing on worksheet (2 replies)
  15. Copy text from Word and paste into Excel VBA (2 replies)
  16. Solved: Re-calculating cells with unrecognized functions (3 replies)
  17. controlling cell entries (4 replies)
  18. Extract email out of changing string count (1 replies)
  19. mutliselect listbox via looping a range (2 replies)
  20. Solved: userform multiselect listbox - select item (0 replies)
  21. Make a simple report with VBA (7 replies)
  22. Automate Click, Save Close (4 replies)
  23. Delete and Move a row in excel (1 replies)
  24. Solved: Runing a macro by clicking on a sheet (2 replies)
  25. Solved: Insert Row after Specific Text (4 replies)
  26. Return Types in Excel VBA (1 replies)
  27. Solved: Not understanding Custom Icon Macro (3 replies)
  28. String and Combox Question (1 replies)
  29. Solved: Working on a not visible Worksheet (1 replies)
  30. Problem with VBA script reading from MySql database (3 replies)
  31. [SOLVED:] Make VBA code shorter (7 replies)
  32. Master Filter for Pivot Tables (0 replies)
  33. Solved: select worksheet and display selected sheet in workbook (2 replies)
  34. Find cells within range equal to 70% of sum of total range (14 replies)
  35. Solved: rd_filename = Active.Workbook.Name (3 replies)
  36. Sorting sheets within a workbook (2 replies)
  37. Macro Help: Replacement for cut and delete Speed wise (2 replies)
  38. on each day, at 6am, the excel file will be opened by itself (2 replies)
  39. Solved: MsgBox to list missing .references (3 replies)
  40. Debugging Runtime Error '13' Type Mismatch (1 replies)
  41. Compare two spreadsheets-Macro (8 replies)
  42. Sorting Options for Several Data (1 replies)
  43. Solved: making a list of the datasheet (5 replies)
  44. Reading values from a closed excel sheet (3 replies)
  45. Solved: UserForms: Passing inputs from one to another (10 replies)
  46. Solved: Speed up an Array Formula in VBA (8 replies)
  47. save as with auto name (2 replies)
  48. Solved: VBA Copy (11 replies)
  49. Solved: Application.Countif - separate workbook (2 replies)
  50. Solved: Allow Authorisation On 2 Computers (4 replies)
  51. Solved: VLOOKUP Code (8 replies)
  52. Solved: Filter and VBA (4 replies)
  53. Expressing a " in an excel Formula as VBA code (3 replies)
  54. Publishing Defined Names to single Htm page (1 replies)
  55. replacing characters in a column which occu at random positions (5 replies)
  56. Solved: Userform Option Button Issues (3 replies)
  57. Merge first sheet of multiple excel file (2 replies)
  58. Comparing string differences between two separate column of sheets??? (8 replies)
  59. Solved: Conditional Format 2 arguments; one of them is only a part of a cell contents (14 replies)
  60. VBA Excel Transpose all files in a folder (6 replies)
  61. Solved: Workbooks.Open issue in Excel 2010 (Network Drive) (4 replies)
  62. VBA Help (5 replies)
  63. Why the Set temp(0) = Activesheet.Columns(3).insert is not working? (4 replies)
  64. Converting Matlab Code to Vba (2 replies)
  65. saving spreadheet to network drive (3 replies)
  66. Solved: copy cells to column without blanks (6 replies)
  67. Solved: Strange problem when protecting/unprotecting sheets (6 replies)
  68. Filling in IE form with values from Excel (0 replies)
  69. Solved: Display the first word separated by comma in textbox (4 replies)
  70. [SOLVED:] Problem with more then one each.. for cicle (7 replies)
  71. Solved: VBA for updating every worksheet in workbook. (32 replies)
  72. Compare two spreadsheets (1 replies)
  73. Need Help - Macro Not Working Properly (14 replies)
  74. VBA Code Freezing (14 replies)
  75. RGB (R, G, B) to hex function (1 replies)
  76. How To Copy Paste File Named in Cell to Another Folder Named in Cell? (4 replies)
  77. Solved: Find text in a cell,copy row and paste into new sheet (6 replies)
  78. Solved: Sumproduct with HLookup (8 replies)
  79. userform filtered search (1 replies)
  80. Solved: Strange Error in simple VBA macro (1 replies)
  81. Problem with .xlsm file adding code via VBA (4 replies)
  82. connetct own help file in excelVBA function addina (7 replies)
  83. Solved: Copy from one workbook, to another, keeping format. (5 replies)
  84. Solved: Quick VBA Userform Pivot query (6 replies)
  85. Confusing issue with Copying and moving work tabs (4 replies)
  86. Copy Paste File Specified in Cell to Another Folder (0 replies)
  87. Solved: Listbox1: Highlight Pre selected Item (2 replies)
  88. VBA code to hide rows (14 replies)
  89. Solved: Delete Rows (13 replies)
  90. [SOLVED:] Stripping numbers from alphanumeric strings (4 replies)
  91. Solved: Shell and Wait Issue (17 replies)
  92. how to search for a string in text file (1 replies)
  93. Question about vba programming (2 replies)
  94. Replace Chart labels with Textboxs (1 replies)
  95. Solved: searching a word in lower and uppercase (10 replies)
  96. Solved: Setting wb.Name to string for VLOOKUP formula (9 replies)
  97. E-mailer from individual e-mail to 1 e-mail (2 replies)
  98. Convert UTC to local time with DST (1 replies)
  99. Tricking Sort Logic (3 replies)
  100. Solved: Find (2 replies)
  101. Create worksheets from a list (1 replies)
  102. Code understanding (1 replies)
  103. Solved: Cannot switch to an active excel workbook from word (4 replies)
  104. Solved: Range selection with array of ranges (10 replies)
  105. [SOLVED:] Conditional Formatting Help :-) (2 replies)
  106. Solved: error handling failed (2 replies)
  107. Solved: multiple interior.colorindex (2 replies)
  108. Solved: Range matrix (2 replies)
  109. Unhide bug (4 replies)
  110. Creating a list of variables (2 replies)
  111. VBA Data Analysis Loop Problem (1 replies)
  112. Cells that update automatically (8 replies)
  113. Solved: SUM Formula (6 replies)
  114. How to password protect grouping? (0 replies)
  115. Drop Down Validation Double Dependency (20 replies)
  116. Copying Characters to the Right of a Selected String in a .txt file (2 replies)
  117. Advanced Filter Command Buttons (1 replies)
  118. Unlock Blank Cells in Column G (4 replies)
  119. Combo box in Excel to query MySQL (0 replies)
  120. Help Exiting Loop (4 replies)
  121. Macro: Highlight Cell in Col B that DOES NOT exist in Col A (3 replies)
  122. Moving to Excel 2010 - worksheets.move compatibility (0 replies)
  123. Solved: Range Selection error (12 replies)
  124. HTML table code (1 replies)
  125. List Ranges with Missing Data in Column (3 replies)
  126. Solved: concatenate cells in IF statements (5 replies)
  127. Set the values for .TextFileFixedColumnWidths in code (2 replies)
  128. vlookup with input box to select a new month when run (8 replies)
  129. Move files and ignore file extension? (1 replies)
  130. Why doesn't the xlcelltypelastcell not giving the last cell inside a list? (1 replies)
  131. cannot get rid of error message (10 replies)
  132. Solved: Entering Value in Combobox with Dynamic Range (2 replies)
  133. Solved: Delete Empty Cells (5 replies)
  134. Make a report with data taken from cells (0 replies)
  135. Solved: Look excel range? (2 replies)
  136. Data Validation based on 2criteria (3 replies)
  137. Solved: VBA to Excel Add-in (7 replies)
  138. Solved: Basic VBA problem with Format (8 replies)
  139. Solved:Looping a section of code (3 replies)
  140. Solved: loop Error (3 replies)
  141. Linking dynamically allocated row offset to stacked column chart data range variable. (0 replies)
  142. Macro vlookup with fill down (3 replies)
  143. How to destroy (de-filter) individual advanced filters in a worksheet? (5 replies)
  144. Data Validation code error (1 replies)
  145. Drill into a Pivot Table using a Macro (1 replies)
  146. Height of Prina Area (0 replies)
  147. Copying a range from a different workbook (1 replies)
  148. Updating sheet automatically periodically (3 replies)
  149. Solved: Lookup County (2 replies)
  150. Textbox Userform: Autopopulate textbox from another textbox (7 replies)
  151. Reading Data and creating a table from it (11 replies)
  152. How to re-arrange the listcolumns? (1 replies)
  153. Macro to look at list in sheet1, if not in sheet2, pull in (12 replies)
  154. Getting Error when No visible Cells found. What to do? (1 replies)
  155. Count non empty cells (2 replies)
  156. Problem showing images in locked sheet (2 replies)
  157. timekeeping template (1 replies)
  158. Solved: Import Web Data with HTML format (1 replies)
  159. custom format (1 replies)
  160. Problem with If...Then...ElseIf Loop (10 replies)
  161. Copy data (1 replies)
  162. Solved: Red Font (7 replies)
  163. Solved: Help Date's (4 replies)
  164. Help with code (8 replies)
  165. help with vba code please (1 replies)
  166. Solved: 2003 Multibox Color fix (3 replies)
  167. Search Date in Worksheet and Set Format (7 replies)
  168. Solved: Dissect result (8 replies)
  169. find with xlprevious not working (11 replies)
  170. Solved: Data Validation: Combine Two Cells In Drop Down Only (31 replies)
  171. Function Help (7 replies)
  172. How to create the menu w/o the code as the attached file (13 replies)
  173. Search data within the spreadsheet to log (1 replies)
  174. Round off Issues and more... (9 replies)
  175. Search Function Problem (2 replies)
  176. Compare 4 columns & find dissimilar (2 replies)
  177. interact with web page (1 replies)
  178. Solved: goal seek w/ value from another workbook (2 replies)
  179. Copying a picture from a web page and pasting into Excel (3 replies)
  180. Deleting empty worksheets in a workbook (1 replies)
  181. [SLEEPER:] Changing Chart Titles (1 replies)
  182. How to generate weekly/monthly reports from daily report using macros (1 replies)
  183. Solved: To reflect latest data updated in a row range (15 replies)
  184. Append excel table into Access table on weekly or monthly basis (4 replies)
  185. Effect of AND and OR operators on Type Long (6 replies)
  186. Solved: Zero the negatives (2 replies)
  187. Solved: Checklist compare (3 replies)
  188. Share workbook with digital signature (1 replies)
  189. Solved: how fix it - vlookup in visible range (not invisible) (4 replies)
  190. copying a range from multiple csv files (2 replies)
  191. Solved: DoubleClick event in a textbox (4 replies)
  192. Excel VBA Coding for xls transformation (0 replies)
  193. Solved: Enabled Button (0 replies)
  194. Filter Problems (5 replies)
  195. Help to disable popup calendar (8 replies)
  196. Dynamic Looping Help (1 replies)
  197. Solved: Pivot Table (2 replies)
  198. Automation error (Error 440) (1 replies)
  199. Macro to drill into pivot table (4 replies)
  200. copy folder WB to a one workbook (1 replies)
  201. Solved: VBA code for checking possible combinations of 4 numeric digits (4 replies)
  202. Login to yahoo mail. (9 replies)
  203. Solved: Delete all info other than name on left side of cell. (2 replies)
  204. Solved: Calculate Time Left (14 replies)
  205. Solved: Deleting part of a merged cell (2 replies)
  206. Displaying missing values from 2 worksheets in another separate worksheet (4 replies)
  207. Effectively using Classes and Property Let/Get; referring to parent or sub class... (10 replies)
  208. Sum of column (6 replies)
  209. Auto print last filled page (4 replies)
  210. Convert workbook code to worksheet code (3 replies)
  211. Unstable event code (15 replies)
  212. Editing in Word and saving in Notepad while controlling everything in Excel (0 replies)
  213. Check if a shape is selected (2 replies)
  214. sheet protection options (3 replies)
  215. Calling macros (3 replies)
  216. help please (4 replies)
  217. Dates and Days (4 replies)
  218. Solved: For next i help (3 replies)
  219. Maximum size for a typical .xlsm file (1 replies)
  220. Delete Row sends Excel into an infinite loop (1 replies)
  221. Solved: activx component cant create object excel 2007 (1 replies)
  222. help with html extraction (2 replies)
  223. hide the row if the row has nothing or more than 1 cell has things (3 replies)
  224. [SLEEPER:] print rows 2,3, as headers on page if multiple pages (4 replies)
  225. Excel VBA controlling IE confirmation popup box (5 replies)
  226. Solved: Sort will not work ... (9 replies)
  227. Users Help (4 replies)
  228. application.match type mismatch (11 replies)
  229. Selecting Rows with More than one Constant (7 replies)
  230. List out all possible combination in the sheet (4 replies)
  231. How to display values in excel sheet from vba Form. (4 replies)
  232. Solved: formula problem, nested if (2 replies)
  233. Solved: Chart Creation (8 replies)
  234. Solved: Calculation with an asterisk (10 replies)
  235. how to sum based on data in corresponding rows (1 replies)
  236. type mismatch on application.run (4 replies)
  237. Code interrupted after running another workbook (3 replies)
  238. Function as Argument (2 replies)
  239. Stable progress bar (2 replies)
  240. How to apply Average formula with multiple criterias (1 replies)
  241. Solved: Copy unknown range size (7 replies)
  242. Solved: open macro security setting dialogue box (2 replies)
  243. Looping through commands (1 replies)
  244. Alternative of .SearchSubFolders = False for 2010 (2 replies)
  245. takefocusonclick checkbox (2 replies)
  246. Solved: force a refresh to workbook shared on network (1 replies)
  247. need help writing a program... (22 replies)
  248. Solved: part of Dir string vba (1 replies)
  249. CommandBarControl error (0 replies)
  250. input the names of all MS Word file in an Excel file. (1 replies)