- Solved: Visual Basic Editor in Excel
- Solved: mergesheet with formula
- Copy a .jpeg
- Using "For Next" to a button name
- Need Help: Auto-acept To replace
- Create Table Dialog Problems
- Need to build CRC-16 CCITT calculator
- ByRef doesn't pass values in dialog initialization
- Solved: If Then code
- Solved: helpwith WorkSheet Selection_ change & command button
- Solved: help
- VBA Multidimensional Array Question Help
- Solved: Copy last 6 columns
- Updating Defined Named Lists (Difficult)
- [SOLVED:] Dynamic Ranges not working with Data Validation
- Editing Text file
- Solved: VBA Help Plz
- Solved: Compile names
- Solved: Embed and Extract .exe
- Need to know if a file is corrupt
- [SOLVED:] Open workbook
- excel 2007 compare to excel 2010
- Solved: Workbook
- Screen Refresh
- Solved: easy time formula
- Macro to pull Duplicate ID # and Absent
- Creating and deleting pivot tables and charts with VBA
- How to get VBA to read a directory from a cell.
- how to continue original workbook macro after calling other workbook macro?
- Syntax for converting printing decimal number in English to Spanish
- Calculate Interest on monthly values
- Solved: Excel 2003 - Is it complicated to save to a shared network drive?
- Auto add row and copy formula
- Solved: change the font color automatically
- If file is not in use or open then execute macro
- Solved: Fractions
- Help creating a search button on excel
- Solved: assign value to array
- Filter worksheet data as per the value selected in Validation Listbox
- Lookup with interval
- Solved: Multiple small issues
- Solved: Excel 2003/07 - Is it possible to unshare a workbook using code?
- Solved: Excel 2003/07 - How do I assign a UNC path to a USB Drive
- Solved: Copying data from one workbook and then transposing and pasting to another workbook
- Use Triggered Event in all workbooks
- Solved: Cell value to be used for row definition...
- Solved: Global Variables and Functions
- Solved: Is MyUserForm in ThisWorkbook
- Chart on VBA Form
- [SLEEPER:] Sheets.Copy inverts colors??
- Function fails to update values?
- Help Refreshing table filters when updating a value
- Solved: VBA Function to Automatically Update
- Solved: Refer to the Last Row
- 2 months and sumarize amount of missed clients with formula
- Email from excel via groupwise 8 using vba
- Solved: formatting IF's
- Macro checking if currency change is right
- [SOLVED:] How to open a .txt file using excel vba
- Userform Input Saved To Different Workbook
- What is data modelling in ms excel?
- [SOLVED:] Can I use vba to clear failed print jobs?
- Spreadsheets Don't always Refresh in Macro
- [SLEEPER:] Shell Cmd Works on Some Computers, But Not Others
- yearfrac()
- Solved: Date Formatting
- Solved: Form data to spreadsheet....
- Solved: ListBox, Option, MultiSelect
- Is there an alternative way of doing conditional formatting using vba?
- Exit from main sub
- Setting Series Colours the same accross charts
- Solved: delete rows
- Need audio player to be embedded in form
- Solved: Hide a list box (form controls)
- Block textbox for numbers or text.
- Solved: Conditional Formatting Via Worksheet Event Code
- [SOLVED:] Updating Functions within a Sub
- Vba Code to filter a Column automatically
- Can't figure it out .... Weird Bug!!
- Solved: Finding the last empty column in a row?
- Code Problem Saving Data To Another Workbook
- Solved: How to get only specific information from a .txt file using macro
- Download attachments from outlook folders.
- oldvalue help
- Delete empty space at end of row
- Error with sumproduct
- Storing range object temporarily in code not possible?
- Solved: deleting a range based on cell value on another sheet
- Web Query & Userforms
- License Key (Or Something Like This)
- [SOLVED:] Select Sheet Tabs Dynamically
- Solved: textbox value = cell range
- Solved: Transposing data where some data is in merged cells
- Solved: How to add comments to a entire column
- Solved: VBA modules crash Excel
- Solved: interactive test in excel 2003
- Solved: Search and Attach file to email using VBA
- Code to move row data to columns
- [SLEEPER:] Could not load an object because it is not available on this machine
- Solved: read file with marker
- Extract Data under Hyperlinks from a webpage in excel
- Macro Data Input Message
- Solved: LHS and RHS of Comma
- Checking hyperlinks in excel macro
- Solved: Sumproduct for Months
- Solved: Trying to use Line Input, but only vbLF
- Help to modify: "Combine All Data From All Worksheets in All Workbooks" (mvidas)
- Solved: Why using Range() works but Cells() doesn't??
- Solved: Cycling through multiple files in a directory
- Mortgage Application Userform
- uncompress a (zlib-compressed) string using ZLib in VBA
- Snake Eyes Program
- How to save a excel sheet into .txt file using macro
- Variable Not Defined
- Solved: Excel 2003 to 2007 "ENABLE MACROS"
- Solved: Highlight row when a cell within it has been selected and 'un-highlight' when not
- Looping a Macro
- excel
- Solved: If with an OR or &
- Solved: SaveAsUI.... cleanup before close.
- Compile error
- Solved: Pause/resume execution
- Solved: Excel 2003/07 - Why does using Application.ScreenUpdating not hiding sheet select
- Solved: Creating CSV file: double-quote problem
- Solved: Excel 2003/07 - I need to Bold two portion's of a string?
- How to create a scaled down bar chart from a pivot table. Can this be done?
- Solved: Getting macro to work on network and local drive ??
- Solved: Need help with VBA syntax
- Solved: Set a variable as todays date minus X days.
- Solved: "erroneous" result with IF condition!!
- Solved: How do you insert Columns using VBA?
- Solved: If statement in an Array Formula
- To recover Spreadsheet
- Solved: open all file type
- Solved: Copy Data from Sheet 1 to sheet 2 with auto
- Solved: Count filled cells
- Setting a Range Equal to an Array
- Adding Records to an Excel table Vba
- How do I open hyperlinks in a new window?
- Solved: Call an AddIn - Compile Error
- Automatically send email
- Solved: How to trigger macros from Validation List?
- extract only specific words/lines from a txt file
- code for printers
- Not able to extract text from a webpage
- Macros that can do automatic calculations with v-lookups on large data sets
- Conditional Formatting with a Named Range
- Copy duplicate instead of deleting
- Expected End of Statement
- What do each of these VLookups mean?
- How to create a macro that updates a spreadsheet calculation
- Transfer Form Data To Worksheet
- Solved: Macro to calculate only in cells filled with blue color
- Copy files
- Solved: Elseif select case not working
- Filter Column B based on Column A values
- Count of blank values in Pivot table
- Trying to write code in a shorter way
- [SOLVED:] MsgBox
- run time error '438' - Object doesn't support this property or method
- [SOLVED:] find selected combobox item's row
- Match and copy values from one workbook to another
- Before send as attachment
- Sleeper: may be userform
- Some kind of lookup or macro??
- Solved: Restricting Access to Spreadsheet by Network User Name/ID
- Area under curve -Integral Sumproduct?
- get data from txt file
- Solved: Unhide 5 Rows below when entering date Row Above
- Solved: Saving a Workbook
- [SOLVED:] Compare columns from two sheets
- Static Variable
- Using Variable Index with FormulaR1C1
- Solved: Data Input Restrictions
- Speed up the macro-page layout?
- combo box custom rowsource and data on the fly
- Mouse-click event
- Open and Delete all VBA Components -- on locked Files
- Random numbers in range
- Mysterious file growth on sorting
- Solved: Clear Cell Content
- VBA macros used update and transfer data from sql
- How do I get full Name into a Variable?
- Solved: TXTbox filter
- Solved: Query Data in Excel WorkBook and Return Results in Same Workbook
- Hide Rows and Columns
- Solved: Subtracting Totals
- VBA vs VB vs Other
- Solved: Formula too long for vba?
- Solved: Save Sheet as xls
- [SOLVED:] Employee Scheduler in Excel
- Matching imported hyperlinks to another cell
- search and compare
- Restricted Access to Folders
- Solved: Populating Userform under specific cells
- Adding lines that affect formula
- Loop
- different the Capital letter in 1st 5 character using VBA excel 2003
- Solved: need help with a check
- Solved: counting with text help
- Need macros or something similar
- Writing and understanding equations using excel
- Solved: insert picture
- [SOLVED:] combine contents from a column
- [SOLVED:] how to find next but a new word?
- Solved: Vlookup error
- Solved: Populate ListBox from Worksheet Data
- v-lookup to order a column in alphabetical order
- Solved: Date formula
- Excel Export to Webpage Form Fields
- Solved: Extract State names - excel function
- Solved: find number in string
- AutoFilter and Non Contiguous Ranges
- Resorting document using VBA
- Scroll bar continuing to change after one click
- Solved: Worksheet Consolidation of Rows that Meet Certain Criteria
- Create table from list
- Solved: Extract Multiple State or cities names - excel function
- Application.SendKeys not working
- Solved: Sort Problem 2003 to 2007
- workbook on server close
- Solved: Data Form
- Solved: Read in value to use as array size
- creating a macro on a button to search for a file
- Solved: extract data in row 1 of sheet 1 into sheet 2
- A macro used to migrate data from a csv file into ms excel 2007
- FIX code for search variable from copy excel cell or clipboard
- Run-time error: 9 Subscript Out of Range
- Solved: Userform to Userform
- Help Splitting levels from Pivot Table into a table.
- Solved: Changing Range for Formula
- Matching failed
- Solved: multiple if formula and checkbox
- Solved: Find & clear blank rows
- Error 70 Permission Denied
- Command Button To Save & Close
- Hide Any New Column Fields in Pivot Table
- Autosolved - basic working with PDF
- Close workbook
- Solved: Cells not being Locked correctly!
- Solved: cells from tables sumed + checkboxes
- Solved: Auto Fill
- Adjusting Page Layout for printing
- autostart Macro with Date and Time
- Solved: VBA Form Problem
- Solved: Messagebox in macro
- Solved: Undo & redo macro
- Solved: Open a "variable.exe"
- Solved: Highlight unlisted names
- Error Problem