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  1. Solved: Visual Basic Editor in Excel
  2. Solved: mergesheet with formula
  3. Copy a .jpeg
  4. Using "For Next" to a button name
  5. Need Help: Auto-acept To replace
  6. Create Table Dialog Problems
  7. Need to build CRC-16 CCITT calculator
  8. ByRef doesn't pass values in dialog initialization
  9. Solved: If Then code
  10. Solved: helpwith WorkSheet Selection_ change & command button
  11. Solved: help
  12. VBA Multidimensional Array Question Help
  13. Solved: Copy last 6 columns
  14. Updating Defined Named Lists (Difficult)
  15. [SOLVED:] Dynamic Ranges not working with Data Validation
  16. Editing Text file
  17. Solved: VBA Help Plz
  18. Solved: Compile names
  19. Solved: Embed and Extract .exe
  20. Need to know if a file is corrupt
  21. [SOLVED:] Open workbook
  22. excel 2007 compare to excel 2010
  23. Solved: Workbook
  24. Screen Refresh
  25. Solved: easy time formula
  26. Macro to pull Duplicate ID # and Absent
  27. Creating and deleting pivot tables and charts with VBA
  28. How to get VBA to read a directory from a cell.
  29. how to continue original workbook macro after calling other workbook macro?
  30. Syntax for converting printing decimal number in English to Spanish
  31. Calculate Interest on monthly values
  32. Solved: Excel 2003 - Is it complicated to save to a shared network drive?
  33. Auto add row and copy formula
  34. Solved: change the font color automatically
  35. If file is not in use or open then execute macro
  36. Solved: Fractions
  37. Help creating a search button on excel
  38. Solved: assign value to array
  39. Filter worksheet data as per the value selected in Validation Listbox
  40. Lookup with interval
  41. Solved: Multiple small issues
  42. Solved: Excel 2003/07 - Is it possible to unshare a workbook using code?
  43. Solved: Excel 2003/07 - How do I assign a UNC path to a USB Drive
  44. Solved: Copying data from one workbook and then transposing and pasting to another workbook
  45. Use Triggered Event in all workbooks
  46. Solved: Cell value to be used for row definition...
  47. Solved: Global Variables and Functions
  48. Solved: Is MyUserForm in ThisWorkbook
  49. Chart on VBA Form
  50. [SLEEPER:] Sheets.Copy inverts colors??
  51. Function fails to update values?
  52. Help Refreshing table filters when updating a value
  53. Solved: VBA Function to Automatically Update
  54. Solved: Refer to the Last Row
  55. 2 months and sumarize amount of missed clients with formula
  56. Email from excel via groupwise 8 using vba
  57. Solved: formatting IF's
  58. Macro checking if currency change is right
  59. [SOLVED:] How to open a .txt file using excel vba
  60. Userform Input Saved To Different Workbook
  61. What is data modelling in ms excel?
  62. [SOLVED:] Can I use vba to clear failed print jobs?
  63. Spreadsheets Don't always Refresh in Macro
  64. [SLEEPER:] Shell Cmd Works on Some Computers, But Not Others
  65. yearfrac()
  66. Solved: Date Formatting
  67. Solved: Form data to spreadsheet....
  68. Solved: ListBox, Option, MultiSelect
  69. Is there an alternative way of doing conditional formatting using vba?
  70. Exit from main sub
  71. Setting Series Colours the same accross charts
  72. Solved: delete rows
  73. Need audio player to be embedded in form
  74. Solved: Hide a list box (form controls)
  75. Block textbox for numbers or text.
  76. Solved: Conditional Formatting Via Worksheet Event Code
  77. [SOLVED:] Updating Functions within a Sub
  78. Vba Code to filter a Column automatically
  79. Can't figure it out .... Weird Bug!!
  80. Solved: Finding the last empty column in a row?
  81. Code Problem Saving Data To Another Workbook
  82. Solved: How to get only specific information from a .txt file using macro
  83. Download attachments from outlook folders.
  84. oldvalue help
  85. Delete empty space at end of row
  86. Error with sumproduct
  87. Storing range object temporarily in code not possible?
  88. Solved: deleting a range based on cell value on another sheet
  89. Web Query & Userforms
  90. License Key (Or Something Like This)
  91. [SOLVED:] Select Sheet Tabs Dynamically
  92. Solved: textbox value = cell range
  93. Solved: Transposing data where some data is in merged cells
  94. Solved: How to add comments to a entire column
  95. Solved: VBA modules crash Excel
  96. Solved: interactive test in excel 2003
  97. Solved: Search and Attach file to email using VBA
  98. Code to move row data to columns
  99. [SLEEPER:] Could not load an object because it is not available on this machine
  100. Solved: read file with marker
  101. Extract Data under Hyperlinks from a webpage in excel
  102. Macro Data Input Message
  103. Solved: LHS and RHS of Comma
  104. Checking hyperlinks in excel macro
  105. Solved: Sumproduct for Months
  106. Solved: Trying to use Line Input, but only vbLF
  107. Help to modify: "Combine All Data From All Worksheets in All Workbooks" (mvidas)
  108. Solved: Why using Range() works but Cells() doesn't??
  109. Solved: Cycling through multiple files in a directory
  110. Mortgage Application Userform
  111. uncompress a (zlib-compressed) string using ZLib in VBA
  112. Snake Eyes Program
  113. How to save a excel sheet into .txt file using macro
  114. Variable Not Defined
  115. Solved: Excel 2003 to 2007 "ENABLE MACROS"
  116. Solved: Highlight row when a cell within it has been selected and 'un-highlight' when not
  117. Looping a Macro
  118. excel
  119. Solved: If with an OR or &
  120. Solved: SaveAsUI.... cleanup before close.
  121. Compile error
  122. Solved: Pause/resume execution
  123. Solved: Excel 2003/07 - Why does using Application.ScreenUpdating not hiding sheet select
  124. Solved: Creating CSV file: double-quote problem
  125. Solved: Excel 2003/07 - I need to Bold two portion's of a string?
  126. How to create a scaled down bar chart from a pivot table. Can this be done?
  127. Solved: Getting macro to work on network and local drive ??
  128. Solved: Need help with VBA syntax
  129. Solved: Set a variable as todays date minus X days.
  130. Solved: "erroneous" result with IF condition!!
  131. Solved: How do you insert Columns using VBA?
  132. Solved: If statement in an Array Formula
  133. To recover Spreadsheet
  134. Solved: open all file type
  135. Solved: Copy Data from Sheet 1 to sheet 2 with auto
  136. Solved: Count filled cells
  137. Setting a Range Equal to an Array
  138. Adding Records to an Excel table Vba
  139. How do I open hyperlinks in a new window?
  140. Solved: Call an AddIn - Compile Error
  141. Automatically send email
  142. Solved: How to trigger macros from Validation List?
  143. extract only specific words/lines from a txt file
  144. code for printers
  145. Not able to extract text from a webpage
  146. Macros that can do automatic calculations with v-lookups on large data sets
  147. Conditional Formatting with a Named Range
  148. Copy duplicate instead of deleting
  149. Expected End of Statement
  150. What do each of these VLookups mean?
  151. How to create a macro that updates a spreadsheet calculation
  152. Transfer Form Data To Worksheet
  153. Solved: Macro to calculate only in cells filled with blue color
  154. Copy files
  155. Solved: Elseif select case not working
  156. Filter Column B based on Column A values
  157. Count of blank values in Pivot table
  158. Trying to write code in a shorter way
  159. [SOLVED:] MsgBox
  160. run time error '438' - Object doesn't support this property or method
  161. [SOLVED:] find selected combobox item's row
  162. Match and copy values from one workbook to another
  163. Before send as attachment
  164. Sleeper: may be userform
  165. Some kind of lookup or macro??
  166. Solved: Restricting Access to Spreadsheet by Network User Name/ID
  167. Area under curve -Integral Sumproduct?
  168. get data from txt file
  169. Solved: Unhide 5 Rows below when entering date Row Above
  170. Solved: Saving a Workbook
  171. [SOLVED:] Compare columns from two sheets
  172. Static Variable
  173. Using Variable Index with FormulaR1C1
  174. Solved: Data Input Restrictions
  175. Speed up the macro-page layout?
  176. combo box custom rowsource and data on the fly
  177. Mouse-click event
  178. Open and Delete all VBA Components -- on locked Files
  179. Random numbers in range
  180. Mysterious file growth on sorting
  181. Solved: Clear Cell Content
  182. VBA macros used update and transfer data from sql
  183. How do I get full Name into a Variable?
  184. Solved: TXTbox filter
  185. Solved: Query Data in Excel WorkBook and Return Results in Same Workbook
  186. Hide Rows and Columns
  187. Solved: Subtracting Totals
  188. VBA vs VB vs Other
  189. Solved: Formula too long for vba?
  190. Solved: Save Sheet as xls
  191. [SOLVED:] Employee Scheduler in Excel
  192. Matching imported hyperlinks to another cell
  193. search and compare
  194. Restricted Access to Folders
  195. Solved: Populating Userform under specific cells
  196. Adding lines that affect formula
  197. Loop
  198. different the Capital letter in 1st 5 character using VBA excel 2003
  199. Solved: need help with a check
  200. Solved: counting with text help
  201. Need macros or something similar
  202. Writing and understanding equations using excel
  203. Solved: insert picture
  204. [SOLVED:] combine contents from a column
  205. [SOLVED:] how to find next but a new word?
  206. Solved: Vlookup error
  207. Solved: Populate ListBox from Worksheet Data
  208. v-lookup to order a column in alphabetical order
  209. Solved: Date formula
  210. Excel Export to Webpage Form Fields
  211. Solved: Extract State names - excel function
  212. Solved: find number in string
  213. AutoFilter and Non Contiguous Ranges
  214. Resorting document using VBA
  215. Scroll bar continuing to change after one click
  216. Solved: Worksheet Consolidation of Rows that Meet Certain Criteria
  217. Create table from list
  218. Solved: Extract Multiple State or cities names - excel function
  219. Application.SendKeys not working
  220. Solved: Sort Problem 2003 to 2007
  221. workbook on server close
  222. Solved: Data Form
  223. Solved: Read in value to use as array size
  224. creating a macro on a button to search for a file
  225. Solved: extract data in row 1 of sheet 1 into sheet 2
  226. A macro used to migrate data from a csv file into ms excel 2007
  227. FIX code for search variable from copy excel cell or clipboard
  228. Run-time error: 9 Subscript Out of Range
  229. Solved: Userform to Userform
  230. Help Splitting levels from Pivot Table into a table.
  231. Solved: Changing Range for Formula
  232. Matching failed
  233. Solved: multiple if formula and checkbox
  234. Solved: Find & clear blank rows
  235. Error 70 Permission Denied
  236. Command Button To Save & Close
  237. Hide Any New Column Fields in Pivot Table
  238. Autosolved - basic working with PDF
  239. Close workbook
  240. Solved: Cells not being Locked correctly!
  241. Solved: cells from tables sumed + checkboxes
  242. Solved: Auto Fill
  243. Adjusting Page Layout for printing
  244. autostart Macro with Date and Time
  245. Solved: VBA Form Problem
  246. Solved: Messagebox in macro
  247. Solved: Undo & redo macro
  248. Solved: Open a "variable.exe"
  249. Solved: Highlight unlisted names
  250. Error Problem