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  1. Solved: Why i get Vba Error in this code?? (6 replies)
  2. Split Text file data (1 replies)
  3. Macro help! (9 replies)
  4. Eliminate unwanted data... (1 replies)
  5. Can you force code to run in order? (15 replies)
  6. Solved: Display following year in combo box (2 replies)
  7. Solved: Formula to return latest date (3 replies)
  8. [SOLVED:] Test for empty directory - odd result (3 replies)
  9. VBA to automatically run (4 replies)
  10. Solved: Excel VBA to select rows after Pivot Table (2 replies)
  11. Solved: Excel keeps freezing for about 5-7 seconds (2 replies)
  12. Print Macro and Cell to Populate from table Help! (1 replies)
  13. Macro names changed in V2007 (2 replies)
  14. Solved: Hide/Show Rows based on % character in cell (16 replies)
  15. Loop A Script (3 replies)
  16. Embedded Spread Sheet - Span to next page (0 replies)
  17. Find and delete (1 replies)
  18. Solved: Dynamic Procedure call (2 replies)
  19. xlt question (2 replies)
  20. Copy And Compare vs Switch And Compare (5 replies)
  21. .xlsm row restrictions? (2 replies)
  22. Want to use vb YES/NO question box (2 replies)
  23. Solved: Summing to a target (3 replies)
  24. efficient way of comparing whats already in a collection (6 replies)
  25. Set a value from different sheet in other sheet (8 replies)
  26. Solved: Shortcut to run macro (3 replies)
  27. Solved: Delete Row Based On Value (13 replies)
  28. Writing a .CSV file (.txt) from a Sheet (2 replies)
  29. Creating an OnClick event for an autopopulated userform (7 replies)
  30. Solved: How to import multiple sheets from different files in same folder to main workbook (16 replies)
  31. Loop web query (7 replies)
  32. Select sheets based on name (14 replies)
  33. Lock Cell after value updates to specific value (3 replies)
  34. [SOLVED:] Copy and rename sheet in sequential order (4 replies)
  35. Solved: An error with setting a wb. Why? (17 replies)
  36. Macro: Move Cells where QTY is in upper percentile (2 replies)
  37. Loop through folder of Excel files and copy sheet from one set into another (1 replies)
  38. Getting a 0 When Dividing (2 replies)
  39. Solved: Loop with Go to steps? (5 replies)
  40. Messagebox to remind user of 12 day limit (15 replies)
  41. Solved: General questions on excel objects... (11 replies)
  42. Convert String To Date (9 replies)
  43. Macro's for printing (3 replies)
  44. Solved: copy worksheet with referencing old worksheet (12 replies)
  45. ref range to replace sheet name (5 replies)
  46. Solved: display worksheets in combo box except... (1 replies)
  47. Solved: Unable to change the name of this cell (3 replies)
  48. Solved: Open workbook to last Friday of current week (10 replies)
  49. Lock Cell Format? (1 replies)
  50. Excel VBA Access (3 replies)
  51. how to use VLOOKUP only for blank cells in column A (3 replies)
  52. Solved: slow macro (11 replies)
  53. Assign Value to Variable Type Range (4 replies)
  54. Solved: Delete row if default value (4 replies)
  55. Macro: Need to find all unmatched Data (22 replies)
  56. Solved: Fill by number of rows (2 replies)
  57. Data Validation - "A" and 2 number and 2 letters (3 replies)
  58. Which FileFormat code (enumeration) for XL 97-2003 ? (2 replies)
  59. Can anyone improvise this data and chart? (5 replies)
  60. Userform Validation - Unique Names & Numbers (15 replies)
  61. Error: Object Variable or With block variable not set (1 replies)
  62. Forgot the password I gave to protect a part of sheet (2 replies)
  63. Solved: Not sure how to fix this loop? Help Please (6 replies)
  64. set calendar to open at a specified date. (1 replies)
  65. Reordering rows where sort is not effective (0 replies)
  66. Solved: Click on protected sheet (20 replies)
  67. Need some newbie help with Cell validation (7 replies)
  68. Application.Volatile Method (8 replies)
  69. Override the built in SAVE (6 replies)
  70. Solved: Macro's slowing down my spreadsheet (0 replies)
  71. Check Cell for Blank (3 replies)
  72. Copying the entire workbook to a new workbook (5 replies)
  73. Control Inputbox as number only? (3 replies)
  74. Solved: Activate certain sheet based on cell content (2 replies)
  75. Generating one .TXT archive from the Sheet. (0 replies)
  76. Change all pivot table data sources (0 replies)
  77. Modifying Code for Whole to Flash (1 replies)
  78. Data Validation C2*D2 = E2 (3 replies)
  79. Compare dtmDate with a value in column A (6 replies)
  80. Solved: Add a WebService reference to an Excel 2010 sheet (21 replies)
  81. [SOLVED:] Set Msgbox with Default number? (2 replies)
  82. Solved: conditional formatting (1 replies)
  83. Solved: Label display (4 replies)
  84. excel - checkbox (2 replies)
  85. Does VBA Lose Variable Definitions and/or Values between Subs? (14 replies)
  86. on change event according to pivot table (1 replies)
  87. Solved: caption SaveAs location (4 replies)
  88. looking for value position in table (3 replies)
  89. Solved: Total sum of Time in a column (5 replies)
  90. Solved: CNTL + N (2 replies)
  91. Solved: How many substrings returned by Split() ? (3 replies)
  92. Form position (5 replies)
  93. Solved: Data Validation List shortcoming(s) (3 replies)
  94. Solved: Code for vba to replace below formula (13 replies)
  95. problem with excel 2010 slicers (0 replies)
  96. How to delete a Empty column? (2 replies)
  97. Solved: How to Throttle SMTP Traffic (17 replies)
  98. Solved: InputBox Help (4 replies)
  99. Created a Drop Down Box based on certain criteria! (1 replies)
  100. Macro: look up another field and pull the data not matched (4 replies)
  101. Solved: Embedded Spread Sheet (4 replies)
  102. Solved: VBA Code, who can help? (14 replies)
  103. Solved: Match Name find Row No then copy values to sheet2 (4 replies)
  104. Solved: Address (4 replies)
  105. Solved: variable ProperCase (19 replies)
  106. iterate till equilibrium reached (7 replies)
  107. A Short Formula Please - Excel (3 replies)
  108. Solved: What's wrong??? (5 replies)
  109. Sharing a macro that is created by me (4 replies)
  110. Split Cell Content Into Two Columns (6 replies)
  111. [SOLVED:] How do I Insert 2 or more rows with a copy from one other row? (31 replies)
  112. Help With VBA in Excel ? Writing a function using probabilities ? (0 replies)
  113. Multiple If statements in 1 column (1 replies)
  114. Need quick help with some VBA issues (image sizing) (6 replies)
  115. Solved: cutting date into variables (2 replies)
  116. Looping through workseets issue (6 replies)
  117. Solved: Print Settings (2 replies)
  118. Macro to trim and convert in excel (4 replies)
  119. UDF randomize an array (0 replies)
  120. Solved: get all the names in the column (6 replies)
  121. Help from Guru needed (4 replies)
  122. Solved: Emailing From Excel Using an Outlook Template (7 replies)
  123. Carriage Return Quote Delete Macro (12 replies)
  124. Solved: download complete (3 replies)
  125. HyperLinks to specific Location in another App. (1 replies)
  126. Solved: Delimiter saving each tab to its own .txt file (6 replies)
  127. Solving a problem within VBA without using solver (1 replies)
  128. LOOKUP?? how to find data (stuck on project..please help) (5 replies)
  129. Solved: Floating command bar position (2 replies)
  130. Open Gmail (5 replies)
  131. Solved: Message box for offset column (19 replies)
  132. Solved: Adding conditional formatting VBA (9 replies)
  133. Get Cells to flash based on a condition (9 replies)
  134. Problem with Changing formula (5 replies)
  135. Copy Array of Values (1 replies)
  136. Sum columns in table excel 2007 (1 replies)
  137. [SOLVED:] Simple question... (3 replies)
  138. excel connection (10 replies)
  139. Solved: Cell Reference (3 replies)
  140. Copy to last row with unspecified column (3 replies)
  141. list all running programs (13 replies)
  142. Solved: Change Path -- ActiveWorkbook.path (8 replies)
  143. Very complicated, copy and paste sheets in a loop (5 replies)
  144. Solved: Restrict Special Charachters (4 replies)
  145. Append data in master file from 4 different files (17 replies)
  146. Solved: Cell Value As String (2 replies)
  147. Solved: What is wrong with this code??? (8 replies)
  148. Autofill issue (3 replies)
  149. Modify code to run on multiple files (3 replies)
  150. VBA Module (6 replies)
  151. Compare one number with list of numbers (3 replies)
  152. Why doesn't this work in a loop? (5 replies)
  153. Solved: Need Zip code ` (9 replies)
  154. Array help (4 replies)
  155. Solved: how do I save an xls as an xlsx after changes are made in VBA? (4 replies)
  156. Formula Update (4 replies)
  157. Collating data into a consolidated view (3 replies)
  158. Solved: Is it possible to enter a UDF into a cell and replace it w a native Excel formula? (4 replies)
  159. Replacing columns and rows default names (1 replies)
  160. Reading Data from Excel 2007 (?????) (0 replies)
  161. Detecting the class in a span (3 replies)
  162. Get javascripts from a URL with VBA (2 replies)
  163. count instances if within 30 days (4 replies)
  164. Solved: Userform value problem (2 replies)
  165. SOLVED: Send email using vbs without attachment (2 replies)
  166. Solved: Autofill formula VBA needed (5 replies)
  167. Blank Columns (7 replies)
  168. Filter several pivot tables for same value (2 replies)
  169. Solved: Programmatically naming an offset cell.... (2 replies)
  170. "Out of Memory" error thrown when Formula contents length exceeded (1 replies)
  171. Can I block an .xlsm from being converted when it's open in Excel 2003 (5 replies)
  172. Print Visible data rows (6 replies)
  173. Solved: When a row inserted, add one to highest Value in Col N, & add -1 to Col B value (8 replies)
  174. Add lines in excel comments through VBA (5 replies)
  175. populate combobox using array (1 replies)
  176. Solved: Delete Row based on Column Criteria (with looping) (6 replies)
  177. Refresh Sheet1 or workbook periodically (1 replies)
  178. Solved: excel 2003 conditional formatting (8 replies)
  179. request for complex examples for combination of function (2 replies)
  180. Excel VBA for creating Folders (14 replies)
  181. If blank column, paste to the next column VBA (5 replies)
  182. VBA Code to check if shared document is locked for editing (0 replies)
  183. Solved: SUMIF attempting to interrogate cell properties in "criteria" portion of the syntax (5 replies)
  184. Print active sheet from printpreview-excel 2007 (0 replies)
  185. Lookup Macro Help (1 replies)
  186. OWC11 Spreadsheet component Undo Error (6 replies)
  187. Scrollbar controlling several Textboxes? (1 replies)
  188. Conditional formating of rows (2 replies)
  189. Basic question on cell comparison (4 replies)
  190. Solved: CheckBox Help (5 replies)
  191. [SOLVED:] List data (3 replies)
  192. Using wildcard in folder name (4 replies)
  193. Rich Text Box (1 replies)
  194. Solved: Cells vs Range (2 replies)
  195. CTRL + Break (4 replies)
  196. COMPARE 2 XL WORKBOOKS & PASTE DATA (2 replies)
  197. Solved: Mysterious macro running on Excel file close? (10 replies)
  198. Solved: Challenging Question* Need excel macro to send email based on a choosen number (6 replies)
  199. Make a cicle (4 replies)
  200. Excel 2007 find last column in table (4 replies)
  201. What's wrong with this code? (3 replies)
  202. Solved: Calculation of an UDF (4 replies)
  203. Solved: VBA alternative to a look up table (4 replies)
  204. Code to print folders, subfolders and files (2 replies)
  205. Solved: Copy based on multiple condition (9 replies)
  206. trim & dates (12 replies)
  207. Solved: Detecting a Running Application (3 replies)
  208. Solved: worksheet change event (8 replies)
  209. Copy, Paste Special and Insert (4 replies)
  210. Set to default browser (3 replies)
  211. Solved: Non-VBA Solution: Identify Text String from Table and Return Text String (8 replies)
  212. copy data from excel to word without mail merge (2 replies)
  213. VBA to find a directory (12 replies)
  214. Solved: String Question (4 replies)
  215. Macro for gantt chart update (2 replies)
  216. Is it possible to auto-calculate as well as autopopulate a graph (1 replies)
  217. Formula Trouble (3 replies)
  218. Help With the VLOOKUP (5 replies)
  219. Extract data from pdf to excel (1 replies)
  220. dynamically created array (3 replies)
  221. Out of memory / resource - XML import (1 replies)
  222. Solved: macro to update chart axis (1 replies)
  223. Picture blinking (flashing) (2 replies)
  224. Export Excel data to Word table (1 replies)
  225. replace macro from list to another sheet (2 replies)
  226. Sleeper: Listbox value from excel filter (1 replies)
  227. Year To Date Sales Compared to Last Year To Date (4 replies)
  228. vba macro code (32 replies)
  229. Infinite loop for a simple high frequency trading algorithm (1 replies)
  230. import data from password protected website into Excel worksheet (4 replies)
  231. how can i paste only value with this code? (2 replies)
  232. Filling a Two Dimension Array (5 replies)
  233. Extend the code up to row 21 (5 replies)
  234. Solved: Saving Sent Mail to an Alternate Folder (9 replies)
  235. File with a lot of links (9 replies)
  236. Solved: Reset a cell value on a certain day of the month (13 replies)
  237. Loop not working (1 replies)
  238. Class Module unhooked after Userform shown (1 replies)
  239. Help With "Email Activesheet in Body of Mail Using Default Mailer" (1 replies)
  240. Solved: Bold Text From a Defined Word to End of Line (5 replies)
  241. Solved: Rename Folder - Error 75 (3 replies)
  242. Solved: Display text & background color in sheet textbox (variable) (12 replies)
  243. Problems in Outlook.Application object in VBA (2 replies)
  244. Solved: Macro addition (2 replies)
  245. Sub only works when stepping in to (1 replies)
  246. Solved: sumproduct freezing the file (9 replies)
  247. Solved: BAT file (4 replies)
  248. FSObject Create Folder not creating entire folder list (4 replies)
  249. Help...Excel Macro... (2 replies)
  250. Solved: VBA Importing a sheet from a closed excel workbook (16 replies)