- Sleeper: Cleaner Code
- [SOLVED:] A challenge for someone
- [SOLVED:] Arrrgh! My Excel Toolbar Is Corrupted!!
- [SOLVED:] Listbox multi select issue
- [SOLVED:] Time in VBA
- [SOLVED:] Code runs on Office XP but not on Office 2003
- Sleeper: Self saving workbook
- Sleeper: Sort columns by cell color
- [SOLVED:] "CutCopyMode" . . . What Is It?
- [SOLVED:] Stop Userform Events
- Solved: UserForm & Spreadsheet updating problem
- [SOLVED:] Selecting Sheets by TAB Colour
- [SOLVED:] Time in userform listbox
- Sleeper: Change color of variable
- Draw Line Arrow VBA,VBE,MACro
- [SOLVED:] Characters
- Sleeper: Custom Toolbars
- [SOLVED:] Duplicate Comboboxes
- [SOLVED:] Extract numbers from a range of cells
- [SOLVED:] If current sheet is...
- [SOLVED:] Hyperlinking from Excel to Word bookmarks
- Sleeper: Unique values when compare
- [SOLVED:] Ensure at least one workbook open
- Sleeper: VBA Controlled Passwords
- [SOLVED:] Hiding Columns
- Sleeper: Reducing file size
- Sleeper: How to hilight duplicate ROWS in excel(plz read message)
- [SOLVED:] How to highlight duplicate ROWS in excel
- [SOLVED:] Making code as reusable/simple as possible
- [SOLVED:] How Beneficial Is "Destination:=" to Copy?
- Sleeper: Securing workbook as an add-in
- Sleeper: Count same values
- [SOLVED:] ShowDataForm
- Sleeper: Looping checkbox in excel
- [SOLVED:] Protecting sheets using names from a "Defined Name"
- [SOLVED:] Enable use of "Grouping" with Excel 2000
- [SOLVED:] Insert Rows / Find Cell based on Shading
- [SOLVED:] Configuring the VBA Editor
- Solved: How do I "save as" with a predefined filename?
- Sleeper: Change the Filename before emailing?
- Sleeper: Where is the download
- Sleeper: Hide unhide rows
- Sleeper: Code for browse button
- Sleeper: Copy column
- [SOLVED:] Randomize
- Sleeper: Font and Colour of Generated File
- [SOLVED:] How do I code a userform
- Sleeper: Dr J's Progress Bar problem
- Sleeper: Bordering rows help (again)
- [SOLVED:] Conditional Formatting
- Sleeper: Formula question
- [SOLVED:] How Do I Execute an Addin I Just Loaded??
- [SOLVED:] Need Formula Help
- Sleeper: Code for Formulas & Input data via Userforms
- [SOLVED:] Prompt windows on Save
- [SOLVED:] Guide for VBA functions
- [SOLVED:] Keep userform on top at all times
- Sleeper: Sort by interior.colorindex
- Sleeper: VBA macro instead of IF statements?
- Format Functions Excel Add-in!
- [SOLVED:] Copy Multi WorkBooks To master
- Sleeper: Emailing Excel Tabs
- Sleeper: Email Worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Multi Email idea for you
- [SOLVED:] Formula time as text
- Sleeper: Delimited file: Assigning names to sheets,charts
- [SOLVED:] I want the path of the Workbook
- Sleeper: Creating own formula
- [SOLVED:] Rounding to the nearest whole or .5
- Sleeper: Open/save VBA projects
- Sleeper: Small problem
- Sleeper: TAB color revisited
- [SOLVED:] TAB color
- [SOLVED:] Return value in cell
- Sleeper: Formula calculate value
- Sleeper: Excel Statistics add-in
- Sleeper: VBA script to open, refresh pivot and save the file
- [SOLVED:] Disable ComboBox event?
- Sleeper: Can I loop this ?
- UserForm & Spreadsheet updating problem (I am Back)
- web queries
- [SOLVED:] Read textfile contents into user form
- [SOLVED:] If statement for Scatter Chart
- [SOLVED:] More Info on Program "XLAppRest"
- [SOLVED:] Change worksheet name according to cell
- Sleeper: Kill excel instance
- Sleeper: Using intersect method
- [SOLVED:] Remove Named Range
- [SOLVED:] Application.Calculation
- export data from ERP database
- Solved: Error Numbers
- [SOLVED:] Hide rows based on values within range
- Sleeper: Simple (but hard for me) excel problem..columns
- Sleeper: How to add a formula at the bottom of a pivot table?
- [SOLVED:] Copying a workbook to selected folder
- [SOLVED:] Populate Combobox with Named Range
- [SOLVED:] Copy InputBox
- [SOLVED:] Add-in for stock price update
- [SOLVED:] Delete a folder
- Sleeper: Search Function Problem
- [SOLVED:] Select listbox item on userform through vba
- [SOLVED:] Importing Sheets
- Sleeper: Problem with changing filenames
- Excel to Word Label Mail Merge
- [SOLVED:] Outbox Outlook
- [SOLVED:] Protect Sheets But Allow Data Entry From UserForm
- [SOLVED:] etting VBE Options Programatically
- [SOLVED:] Trim?
- [SOLVED:] Writing to an xlveryhidden sheet
- [SOLVED:] Exporting VBA Modules
- Sleeper: Deactivate workbook after 3 login attempts
- Solved: Methods to update an add-in
- [SOLVED:] How to launch a procedure on one another sheet?
- [SOLVED:] Deleting a sheet without a prompt
- Sleeper: Function Question
- [SOLVED:] Copying merged cells
- [SOLVED:] Finding 1st NonBlank Char in String
- Sleeper: DateTimePicker Control not displaying
- [SOLVED:] Multiple Instances of Excel
- [SOLVED:] Input Box problems
- [SOLVED:] Listview
- Sleeper: Using Userforms
- [SOLVED:] Modified Move Files from one hard drive to another vba
- [SOLVED:] Move Cursor in Text Box
- Sleeper: Copy worksheet
- [SLEEPER:] Probleme with the position of values
- Sleeper: InputBox Error
- Sleeper: Checking for ColorIndex following Conditional Formatting
- [SOLVED:] Help with required entry before copy macro works
- [SOLVED:] I need Help with format date and data
- Sleeper: Selecting row through active cell
- Sleeper: Macro to print area problem
- Sleeper: VBA Function to total expense
- Populating a LISTBOX based on sheet name
- [SOLVED:] Conditional adding to a tree view
- [SOLVED:] Dynamic Combo Box
- [SOLVED:] MsgBox text...bold???
- [SOLVED:] Deleting from tree view
- Solved: VBA - Excel - XP - Ping
- [SOLVED:] Macro or conditional formatting???
- Sleeper: Troubleshooting Add Command
- [SOLVED:] If data entered then prompt
- [SOLVED:] Retrieving old Target Value
- [SOLVED:] Pass Variables
- Sleeper: formula calculate time
- [SOLVED:] Can you password protect the macros
- Advice: Tony Jollans' Clipboard Article
- [SOLVED:] Workbook Activate vs Select Revisited
- [SOLVED:] Sheet1(MyTab)
- Sleeper: How to add a formula on one row directly below a pivot table?
- [SLEEPER:] Unchecked' references
- Sleeper: Cancelling a browse box.
- Sleeper: Excel Macros
- Sleeper: Result a search in a list box function
- Sleeper: Moving cotents of a cell
- Sleeper: Address from global and contact list in text box
- Sleeper: Exporting data from Excel into MS Project
- [SLEEPER:] Remove hyperlinks
- Solved: select a cell and filter data automatically
- [SOLVED:] Play Movie in Excel
- [SOLVED:] Macro to write code INTO the VBE
- [SOLVED:] Divide and place remainder in separate cell
- Sleeper: On date account
- Sleeper: Cant get this code to work
- Sleeper: Pivot Tables
- Sleeper: Input Box - Exit Sub on Cancel
- [SOLVED:] Select from userform listbox
- log into an internet site
- Sleeper: Treeview selection problem
- Sleeper: Conditionnal copying rows
- [SOLVED:] Forced-In negative value
- [SOLVED:] Building a Sickness Spreadsheet
- [SOLVED:] Count Rows Error
- [SOLVED:] Hidding a row from a function
- [SOLVED:] Reference to cells
- [SOLVED:] Something wrong with Microsoft Excel Community Newgroups?
- [SOLVED:] Double Lookup Formula
- [SOLVED:] Can VBA do what cannot be done with Advanced Filtering?
- [SOLVED:] Select records that meet criteria in column E
- [SOLVED:] Worksheet Delete event?
- [SOLVED:] Updating Menu
- [SOLVED:] Help with percentage formula
- [SOLVED:] Passing arguments/variables to Forms
- [SOLVED:] Can VBA force an Excel file to open as read/write?
- Sleeper: Display files being searched
- [SOLVED:] Manipulating a string in the form 11:22:33
- [SOLVED:] ExcelDiet
- [SOLVED:] Cannot open file (Error 53) for writing
- [SOLVED:] Number to date
- [SOLVED:] Web Query To Jpeg w/external VBA/VBScript Code
- Sleeper: Recalc cells if macro code has changed?
- It's Official
- Sleeper: Follow up question on "Solved" thread
- Sleeper: Update macro
- [SOLVED:] Selecting cells off a button
- [SOLVED:] Array of Controls
- [SOLVED:] Problem with ActiveSheet.Shapes
- [SOLVED:] Input Box text to display Asterisks (*)
- Sleeper: Is there a Calculator user Form such as the Calendar
- [SOLVED:] I fell off the truck
- Sleeper: Find values and copy areas to another sheet
- Sleeper: AutoFilter and criteria inarray
- Sleeper: Adding code from XLA to workbook (Excel 2000)
- Sleeper: Subtotal
- Sleeper: Printing very hidden sheet?
- [SOLVED:] Separate 2 last digits of a number with comma.
- Sleeper: Circular reference in a macro
- Sleeper: "statistical" function to randomize..
- [SOLVED:] Count item in array
- [SOLVED:] Disallow workbook to be opened
- [SOLVED:] AutoRunning User Defined Formula
- Sleeper: Copy stock symbols from one sheet to another
- [SOLVED:] Set multiple Print Areas
- [SOLVED:] Can you call a Sub from a Function?
- [SOLVED:] Translate to Named Range
- [SOLVED:] Clearing shapes
- [SOLVED:] Using only names found in combo box
- Sleeper: Pivot table showing text values
- [SOLVED:] Spelling out numbers
- [SOLVED:] Find cell address
- [SOLVED:] Deleting rows where value in column AN = certain value
- [SOLVED:] Cannot delete worksheet from userform...Why?
- Sleeper: Search cells for no Hyperlink
- [SOLVED:] List Files from target directory thru all subdirs
- Sleeper: Draw Lines & Arrows UserForm VBE
- Sleeper: Importing a worksheet
- [SOLVED:] Further to previous solved, deleing rows in AN
- Sleeper: Check CC validation (in excel).
- [SOLVED:] Matching two sets of numbers with duplicates
- [SOLVED:] Problem with save
- Sleeper: Match values on multiple sheets
- [SOLVED:] An Ify statment in macro module
- [SOLVED:] Modify Code to Unprotect Workbook Prior to Deleting Worksheet
- [SOLVED:] How to Construct a Column Variable for Range
- Sleeper: How to assign macros from workbook module to Option Buttons Automatically
- [SOLVED:] Selecting named columns
- Draw Line arrow to Scale VBE
- Solved: Refresh date fields on data form in Excel
- Solved: Conditional Formatting
- Sleeper: Code to add comment when value of cell is changed
- [SOLVED:] Cut and paste
- [SOLVED:] Using ADO to copy form a closed WB to a new WB
- [SOLVED:] Converting amounts to fixed-length
- Solved: Mystery to SOLVED: Forced-in negative value
- [SOLVED:] Using Union Method
- [SOLVED:] Could this possibly be a problem in Excel 2000
- Collect data and send mail
- Solved: Inserting '-' in cell items
- Sleeper: Tagging a Cell
- [SOLVED:] Intersect method question