View Full Version : Excel Help
- Sum $ within a cell
- Solved: conditions for multiplecomboboxes
- Solved: Problem when Excel function RAND() is triggered by a macro
- Return email from textbox
- [SOLVED:] Calculating Working hours in a Week
- Solved: Excel VBA - Linkg a TextBox to a TXT File
- How to name a chart that is not a chart sheet?
- Go to top of sheet
- Menus in foreign language versions
- Solved: count a specific text value in a column
- Solved: Ending Macro
- Fill row to coulmn
- Macro to remove duplicates
- What are the Units for width and height for charts to powerpoint
- [SOLVED:] My scripts are stored in different modules
- Solved: Copy and paste only visible characters
- Highlighting max numbers
- Solved: Msgbox for if beginning letter of word a "M"
- Workbooks comparison
- Solved: PageSetup
- Print Macro
- Solved: infinite paste!!!!
- Automatically defining cell background color via system date
- To Access and Back
- Converting number stored as text VBA problem
- [SOLVED:] Sendmail bugging
- 2 Date Time Difference
- excel 2007 patch?
- Solved: Runtime Error '-2147352000b)': Specified dimension not valid for current chart type
- Need a code replies to an outlook message
- Solved: Default rgb for buttons
- [SOLVED:] Active cell color change
- Solved: Exporting text of cell into input box
- Function parameters won't work correctly
- Check Column w Criteria
- Cell to Cell comparison and color coding
- Solved: Trimming multiple blanks
- Solved: Open URL that includes string picked up from cell
- Check an ActiveX control is installed
- Solved: EXCEL 2003 Changing row colour based on drop-down selection - more than 3 conditions
- Macro to select unknown, named table
- [SLEEPER:] Custom Msgbox
- How to embed mp3 in excel sheet?
- help
- Solved: Breaking out of Loop with Keyboard
- 64 bit version
- How to get the value of a checkbox when...
- Solved: Find files in folder that have not been saved in x days
- Find - Copy - and Paste
- custom sorting a group of data
- Pivot Table
- Hightlighting duplicates by comparing multiple columns
- Solved: For Each Loop Only Loops Once...
- calc sales within x-mile radius using trig function - lat and long
- Sleeper: Data from Access through network
- Lookup values AND Subtotal
- Simple Floating Toolbar
- Get folder names in different columns excel
- [SOLVED:] Build table in 2010
- Form Control - Checkbox - Background changes colour when clicked
- Solved: Another 2010 problem
- Solved: Determine previous quarters from today
- Determine if folder is Recycle Bin
- Updating Access From Excel VBA
- Excessively slow script (Update wanted)
- Prevent duplicate but for one cell only
- Solved: populate column with array values
- Create a Macro to add to an existing Macro
- Solved: Link text box to a file size ?
- How convert this code to a macro?
- Solved: File name compiling via Userform data help!
- rotate label from user form
- [SOLVED:] Close a UserForm and open another
- How can I make a PasteSpecial from Excel to Outlook?
- Multiple Column Validation List
- Solved: assigning a formula to a cell
- [SOLVED:] Can I enter a value in the prompt of a password-protected workbook?
- Searching entire phrases for one or two words that contain many words
- Solved: Complex code needed (Seperate words)
- use VBA to capture screenshot of a form
- [SOLVED:] Delete duplicates
- VBA Change the Default SaveAs Location?
- Directly Access Streaming Live Data
- Prevent Size Increase With Formulas
- [SLEEPER:] Lookup vba
- Solved: Calendar Control 11 - Open on today
- PRECEDENTS property not working in a UDF
- Solved: Webbrowser Frames
- selected cells in yellow
- Paste Values
- Grouped Controls
- Problems in looping through charts
- ChartType property changes for no reason
- Open Office excel issue
- How to format a part of the imported table from Web
- Project - Build Football (Soccer) Results, Table and Stats spreadsheet
- Importing Pictures
- Solved: trying to copy and paste too much data!
- Importing Pictures
- Sum up formula
- Excel Userform that is published in Word
- Solved: Disabling Worksheet Change while macro is running
- Help update code
- [SOLVED:] Conditional Formatting on computed field
- Appending Multiple Workbooks to Master Workbook
- saved colour
- PDF multiple sheets
- copy date to another workbook's month tab and day cell
- Solved: comparing ranges
- Rowsource for a combo box
- [SOLVED:] Macro that compares directory contents to...
- The triple loop....
- Solved: Create a .txt file
- Solved: Open file .xls or .xlsm, or xlsm
- Run Macro From User Form
- run time error 438, but method DOES exist!!!!
- How to search within a text box?
- Help Needed (LookUp or Match)
- Solved: delete sheets between two dummy sheets vba
- How can VBA recognize the contents of an HTML <a href> tag?
- Counting data in 2 dimentional tables
- VBA code for pivot table
- Listbox Values from VBA, not from worksheet
- Solved: Eliminating a Line or cell from code
- [SLEEPER:] Drag&Drop CSV onto Image Control
- Solved: Creat Macro
- Verifying "free text"
- Active cell font color change
- Solved: Check if file is Open ?
- Looking for a solution.
- Add cells until adjacent cell is not blank
- Call Method Remove Duplicates from VBA
- Input Box Help
- Dates and Times in an Array
- Why cant i get the contents of the title tag ?
- Copying and pasting from multiple workbooks
- Using Userform Input to Run a certain command
- For each worksheet in active workbook, the name will be shown on ...
- Delete files from a list in excel
- Moving pictures 2003 vs 2007
- Add new row,copy only formulas&formats, when reached last used row
- prevent multiple instances of excel
- Does anyone use a digital pen with Excel?
- Solved: Always open in new excel
- Solved: Find unique records
- check if in wkbk1 then delete in wkbk2 if 5 fields match
- [SOLVED:] Exclude some worksheets according to a list of the name of worksheet
- Validation list from multiple dynamic ranges
- Solved: Multi-page Form
- Compare 2 workbooks and delete duplicates
- Index and Match across multiple work sheets.
- Solved: paste to offset cell not working
- Reading values from different excel files
- [SOLVED:] GetObject to open Word File
- [SLEEPER:] Object Variable Not Set
- macro one sheet to multiple-need adjustment w/ input boxes
- Copy textbox from Excel to Powerpoint
- Solved: 2010 application.filesearch
- [SLEEPER:] Need to copy data excel
- Need Macro Unique based Max and Min time
- Create a Access table using Excel
- Solved: changing lines that transfer
- Solved: How to custom format my cell so that decimal my 0s appear
- Solved: How to populate a column up until the next column is populated
- Solved: Autofilter in reverse
- VBA for Latitude and Longitude from 5 digit Postal Code
- How to stop date format changing when copied by macro to new file
- comparing to excel files
- Need help with Auto Comment macro
- Opening multiple excel instances
- personal.xlsb
- Solved: Micrsoft office excel is wating for another application to complete an OLE action
- How to pass a normal datatype argument to an array parameter?
- Solved: Copying values into range
- Solved: New to VBA, a simple question
- formula to macro
- auto sum data above
- Compare two sheets
- Multiple search parameter boxes
- Solved: Removing duplicates
- Solved: Conditional Worksheet Column Comparison and Text Insert
- [SOLVED:] Trouble with Range objects in For Each...Next loops
- problem in copy and pasting data due to column limit
- Trying to "Line up" rows across sheets.
- [SOLVED:] Macro Optimization
- Find Function
- Solved: custom format Required in a cell by code
- Solved: Need help with combining 2 VBA Worksheet_Change Codes
- Calculation based on cell reference
- Solved: Shorten code
- exporting to csv
- Solved: Macro for write value without duplicate
- Excel Add-inn Password Recover/Remover
- copy workbooks to different folder
- [SLEEPER:] Copy from above cell
- Search for Certain Part of String
- Call a sub from another open workbook
- Solved: VBA Move Files to Sub Folder
- Solved: Sort Help VBA
- [SOLVED:] IF and Offset Macro
- need sort data
- Sleeper: Simple problem
- Solved: filter by month
- Conditional Formatting using VBA
- Acomplex export from Excel to Powerpoint
- Change value of Cell to the integer in VBA
- Solved: Assigning formula to cell glitch?
- Anyone In Auckland?
- Funky Character in CVS - Text To Columns
- Need help on Sumif formula
- Conditional macros
- Calendar without add-ins
- input the names of all MS Word file in an Excel file.
- CommandBarControl error
- Solved: part of Dir string vba
- need help writing a program...
- Solved: force a refresh to workbook shared on network
- takefocusonclick checkbox
- Alternative of .SearchSubFolders = False for 2010
- Looping through commands
- Solved: open macro security setting dialogue box
- Solved: Copy unknown range size
- How to apply Average formula with multiple criterias
- Stable progress bar
- Function as Argument
- Code interrupted after running another workbook
- type mismatch on
- how to sum based on data in corresponding rows
- Solved: Calculation with an asterisk
- Solved: Chart Creation
- Solved: formula problem, nested if
- How to display values in excel sheet from vba Form.
- List out all possible combination in the sheet
- Selecting Rows with More than one Constant
- application.match type mismatch
- Users Help
- Solved: Sort will not work ...
- Excel VBA controlling IE confirmation popup box
- [SLEEPER:] print rows 2,3, as headers on page if multiple pages
- hide the row if the row has nothing or more than 1 cell has things
- help with html extraction
- Solved: activx component cant create object excel 2007
- Delete Row sends Excel into an infinite loop
- Maximum size for a typical .xlsm file
- Solved: For next i help
- Dates and Days
- help please
- Calling macros
- sheet protection options
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