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  1. Sum $ within a cell
  2. Solved: conditions for multiplecomboboxes
  3. Solved: Problem when Excel function RAND() is triggered by a macro
  4. Return email from textbox
  5. [SOLVED:] Calculating Working hours in a Week
  6. Solved: Excel VBA - Linkg a TextBox to a TXT File
  7. How to name a chart that is not a chart sheet?
  8. Go to top of sheet
  9. Menus in foreign language versions
  10. Solved: count a specific text value in a column
  11. Solved: Ending Macro
  12. VBA HELP
  13. Fill row to coulmn
  14. Macro to remove duplicates
  15. What are the Units for width and height for charts to powerpoint
  16. [SOLVED:] My scripts are stored in different modules
  17. Solved: Copy and paste only visible characters
  18. Highlighting max numbers
  19. Solved: Msgbox for if beginning letter of word a "M"
  20. Workbooks comparison
  21. Solved: PageSetup
  22. Print Macro
  23. Solved: infinite paste!!!!
  24. Automatically defining cell background color via system date
  25. To Access and Back
  26. Converting number stored as text VBA problem
  27. [SOLVED:] Sendmail bugging
  28. 2 Date Time Difference
  29. excel 2007 patch?
  30. Solved: Runtime Error '-2147352000b)': Specified dimension not valid for current chart type
  31. Need a code replies to an outlook message
  32. Solved: Default rgb for buttons
  33. [SOLVED:] Active cell color change
  34. Solved: Exporting text of cell into input box
  35. Function parameters won't work correctly
  36. Check Column w Criteria
  37. Cell to Cell comparison and color coding
  38. Solved: Trimming multiple blanks
  39. Solved: Open URL that includes string picked up from cell
  40. Check an ActiveX control is installed
  41. Solved: EXCEL 2003 Changing row colour based on drop-down selection - more than 3 conditions
  42. Macro to select unknown, named table
  43. [SLEEPER:] Custom Msgbox
  44. How to embed mp3 in excel sheet?
  45. help
  46. Solved: Breaking out of Loop with Keyboard
  47. 64 bit version
  48. How to get the value of a checkbox when...
  49. Solved: Find files in folder that have not been saved in x days
  50. Find - Copy - and Paste
  51. custom sorting a group of data
  52. Pivot Table
  53. Hightlighting duplicates by comparing multiple columns
  54. Solved: For Each Loop Only Loops Once...
  55. calc sales within x-mile radius using trig function - lat and long
  56. Sleeper: Data from Access through network
  57. Lookup values AND Subtotal
  58. Simple Floating Toolbar
  59. Get folder names in different columns excel
  60. [SOLVED:] Build table in 2010
  61. Form Control - Checkbox - Background changes colour when clicked
  62. Solved: Another 2010 problem
  63. Solved: Determine previous quarters from today
  64. Determine if folder is Recycle Bin
  65. Updating Access From Excel VBA
  66. Excessively slow script (Update wanted)
  67. Prevent duplicate but for one cell only
  68. Solved: populate column with array values
  69. Create a Macro to add to an existing Macro
  70. Solved: Link text box to a file size ?
  71. How convert this code to a macro?
  72. Solved: File name compiling via Userform data help!
  73. rotate label from user form
  74. [SOLVED:] Close a UserForm and open another
  75. How can I make a PasteSpecial from Excel to Outlook?
  76. Multiple Column Validation List
  77. Solved: assigning a formula to a cell
  78. [SOLVED:] Can I enter a value in the prompt of a password-protected workbook?
  79. Searching entire phrases for one or two words that contain many words
  80. Solved: Complex code needed (Seperate words)
  81. use VBA to capture screenshot of a form
  82. [SOLVED:] Delete duplicates
  83. VBA Change the Default SaveAs Location?
  84. Directly Access Streaming Live Data
  85. Prevent Size Increase With Formulas
  86. [SLEEPER:] Lookup vba
  87. Solved: Calendar Control 11 - Open on today
  88. PRECEDENTS property not working in a UDF
  89. Solved: Webbrowser Frames
  90. selected cells in yellow
  91. Paste Values
  92. Grouped Controls
  93. Problems in looping through charts
  94. ChartType property changes for no reason
  95. Open Office excel issue
  96. How to format a part of the imported table from Web
  97. Project - Build Football (Soccer) Results, Table and Stats spreadsheet
  98. Importing Pictures
  99. Solved: trying to copy and paste too much data!
  100. Importing Pictures
  101. Sum up formula
  102. Excel Userform that is published in Word
  103. Solved: Disabling Worksheet Change while macro is running
  104. Help update code
  105. [SOLVED:] Conditional Formatting on computed field
  106. Appending Multiple Workbooks to Master Workbook
  107. saved colour
  108. PDF multiple sheets
  109. copy date to another workbook's month tab and day cell
  110. Solved: comparing ranges
  111. Rowsource for a combo box
  112. [SOLVED:] Macro that compares directory contents to...
  113. The triple loop....
  114. Solved: Create a .txt file
  115. Solved: Open file .xls or .xlsm, or xlsm
  116. Run Macro From User Form
  117. run time error 438, but method DOES exist!!!!
  118. How to search within a text box?
  119. Help Needed (LookUp or Match)
  120. Solved: delete sheets between two dummy sheets vba
  121. How can VBA recognize the contents of an HTML <a href> tag?
  122. Counting data in 2 dimentional tables
  123. VBA code for pivot table
  124. Listbox Values from VBA, not from worksheet
  125. Solved: Eliminating a Line or cell from code
  126. [SLEEPER:] Drag&Drop CSV onto Image Control
  127. Solved: Creat Macro
  128. Verifying "free text"
  129. Active cell font color change
  130. Solved: Check if file is Open ?
  131. Looking for a solution.
  132. Add cells until adjacent cell is not blank
  133. Call Method Remove Duplicates from VBA
  134. Input Box Help
  135. Dates and Times in an Array
  136. Why cant i get the contents of the title tag ?
  137. Copying and pasting from multiple workbooks
  138. Using Userform Input to Run a certain command
  139. For each worksheet in active workbook, the name will be shown on ...
  140. Delete files from a list in excel
  141. Moving pictures 2003 vs 2007
  142. Add new row,copy only formulas&formats, when reached last used row
  143. prevent multiple instances of excel
  144. Does anyone use a digital pen with Excel?
  145. Solved: Always open in new excel
  146. Solved: Find unique records
  147. check if in wkbk1 then delete in wkbk2 if 5 fields match
  148. [SOLVED:] Exclude some worksheets according to a list of the name of worksheet
  149. Validation list from multiple dynamic ranges
  150. Solved: Multi-page Form
  151. Compare 2 workbooks and delete duplicates
  152. Index and Match across multiple work sheets.
  153. Solved: paste to offset cell not working
  154. Reading values from different excel files
  155. [SOLVED:] GetObject to open Word File
  156. [SLEEPER:] Object Variable Not Set
  157. macro one sheet to multiple-need adjustment w/ input boxes
  158. Copy textbox from Excel to Powerpoint
  159. Solved: 2010 application.filesearch
  160. [SLEEPER:] Need to copy data excel
  161. Need Macro Unique based Max and Min time
  162. Create a Access table using Excel
  163. Solved: changing lines that transfer
  164. Solved: How to custom format my cell so that decimal my 0s appear
  165. Solved: How to populate a column up until the next column is populated
  166. Solved: Autofilter in reverse
  167. VBA for Latitude and Longitude from 5 digit Postal Code
  168. How to stop date format changing when copied by macro to new file
  169. comparing to excel files
  170. Need help with Auto Comment macro
  171. Opening multiple excel instances
  172. personal.xlsb
  173. Solved: Micrsoft office excel is wating for another application to complete an OLE action
  174. How to pass a normal datatype argument to an array parameter?
  175. Solved: Copying values into range
  176. Solved: New to VBA, a simple question
  177. formula to macro
  178. auto sum data above
  179. Compare two sheets
  180. Multiple search parameter boxes
  181. Solved: Removing duplicates
  182. Solved: Conditional Worksheet Column Comparison and Text Insert
  183. [SOLVED:] Trouble with Range objects in For Each...Next loops
  184. problem in copy and pasting data due to column limit
  185. Trying to "Line up" rows across sheets.
  186. [SOLVED:] Macro Optimization
  187. Find Function
  188. Solved: custom format Required in a cell by code
  189. Solved: Need help with combining 2 VBA Worksheet_Change Codes
  190. Calculation based on cell reference
  191. Solved: Shorten code
  192. exporting to csv
  193. Solved: Macro for write value without duplicate
  194. Excel Add-inn Password Recover/Remover
  195. copy workbooks to different folder
  196. [SLEEPER:] Copy from above cell
  197. Search for Certain Part of String
  198. Call a sub from another open workbook
  199. Solved: VBA Move Files to Sub Folder
  200. Solved: Sort Help VBA
  201. [SOLVED:] IF and Offset Macro
  202. need sort data
  203. Sleeper: Simple problem
  204. Solved: filter by month
  205. Conditional Formatting using VBA
  206. Acomplex export from Excel to Powerpoint
  207. Change value of Cell to the integer in VBA
  208. Solved: Assigning formula to cell glitch?
  209. Anyone In Auckland?
  210. Funky Character in CVS - Text To Columns
  211. Need help on Sumif formula
  212. Conditional macros
  213. Calendar without add-ins
  214. input the names of all MS Word file in an Excel file.
  215. CommandBarControl error
  216. Solved: part of Dir string vba
  217. need help writing a program...
  218. Solved: force a refresh to workbook shared on network
  219. takefocusonclick checkbox
  220. Alternative of .SearchSubFolders = False for 2010
  221. Looping through commands
  222. Solved: open macro security setting dialogue box
  223. Solved: Copy unknown range size
  224. How to apply Average formula with multiple criterias
  225. Stable progress bar
  226. Function as Argument
  227. Code interrupted after running another workbook
  228. type mismatch on application.run
  229. how to sum based on data in corresponding rows
  230. Solved: Calculation with an asterisk
  231. Solved: Chart Creation
  232. Solved: formula problem, nested if
  233. How to display values in excel sheet from vba Form.
  234. List out all possible combination in the sheet
  235. Selecting Rows with More than one Constant
  236. application.match type mismatch
  237. Users Help
  238. Solved: Sort will not work ...
  239. Excel VBA controlling IE confirmation popup box
  240. [SLEEPER:] print rows 2,3, as headers on page if multiple pages
  241. hide the row if the row has nothing or more than 1 cell has things
  242. help with html extraction
  243. Solved: activx component cant create object excel 2007
  244. Delete Row sends Excel into an infinite loop
  245. Maximum size for a typical .xlsm file
  246. Solved: For next i help
  247. Dates and Days
  248. help please
  249. Calling macros
  250. sheet protection options