- Solved: How to Declare Public Multi-Dimension Arrays
- Solved: More array questions
- Solved: Can I run a SQL query from Outlook '03 VBA?
- Solved: Automate Saving Message Attachments
- Solved: Loop Optimization Challenge
- Solved: Change email body text to HTML
- Place Cursor At End Of Message
- Solved: Automate Saving Attachments in Selected Message Attachments
- Solved: Adding & Removing List Box Items
- Solved: CDO Method to delete items programmatically
- Solved: Newsgroups in Outlook (Not Outlook Express)
- Solved: Using MAPI in Excel to Access Outlook Public Folders
- Solved: Dumping Outlook GAL into Excel
- Solved: Tasks Formula Field
- Solved: MAPI: Ensure Mail is really sent and not just in the Outbox
- Solved: Recover lost email folder
- Automatic Importing
- Help with Outlook Forms
- Linking and Evelopes in Outlook
- For FireFytr
- Using VBA in conjunction with 'Rules' in Outlook
- Solved: Outlook 2000 Won't Send
- Solved: Full Path Not Showing in Hyperlink
- Solved: Excel info to Outlook Form
- Solved: Locate Link Browser popup
- Solved: Auto Start - Minimized
- How to format URL links in OL Message Body
- delete all...
- Before Send, Strip Text from Subject Line
- Template Help
- Solved: Group Calendar in Outlook 98 - How?
- Solved: Groupwise/Novell problems ..
- Solved: Do you think this is possible:
- OL98: How can I put a standard text into the subject line?
- Outlook 2003 - Left to right Text
- A VERY needed macro in Outlook 2003!! HELP
- [SOLVED:] Delete older emails with same subject line
- Reply-To Field Macro?
- automating macros
- Minimise When Attachment is opened
- Solved: Txt File to Folder
- Command Line Switches in Outlook
- Solved: Fixing personal folders
- Outlook VBA find contact Fullname issue
- [SLEEPER:] Setting up OE to show 4 e-mail addresses with sub folders
- outlook - sending e-mail at a certain time
- Distribute Outlook Project
- Save and Print attachments
- Antispam filter
- Solved: OL2003 new msg notification
- Updating Distribution Lists
- Solved: Public Folders
- Solved: Utilizing VBA in an Outlook Rule
- Solved: Printing Tracking Page
- Solved: How to check event in inbox ?
- Saving e-mails
- Personal Folders Homepage w/tasks, calendar and messages.
- settling outlook as my primary email
- How many emails in the inbox folder
- Solved: question about "UserProperties"
- Import and Export Contacts
- Changing SMTP server automatically
- Using VBA to delete duplicate emails
- Solved: Read smth from tex file. How ?
- [HELP] Outlook Form File Search Dialog
- Solved: Default Folder Problem
- Automatically replacing text in subject lines
- enter folder event
- Save information in public folders ?
- Solved: Macro to create ToDo from Email
- How to remove "confidential or proprietary" attachment at the end of email
- Solved: Prevent me from deleting a folder
- Solved: Finding empty days in the Calendar
- Solved: AutoForward Gmail setting (OL2003)
- Solved: Distributing Outlook programs
- Marked text in TextBox
- Solved: How to add field in mail before sending !
- Solved: button on the opened email
- Solved: save e-mails to local disk
- Solved: COMDLG32.OCX call from vba source
- Solved: File New Email bassed on subject
- Sleeper: Rules Wizard Question
- Solved: Flagging Posts
- Solved: Reading a DOS variable
- Outlook VB Text To Image Conversion
- Solved: Macro problem
- Outlook ItemSend Proc
- How to dynamically add an Office reference?
- Font Properties in an E-mail Body using VBA
- Solved: Registration of a dll file
- Voting Button Responses
- Solved: Server rules: moving mail to a public folder
- What is trailing text that's neither a footer nor a signature??
- Solved: Changing archive properties with vba
- Solved: Desktop Customisation thru VBA
- How to modify an outgoing email !?
- Word to outlook mail merge help
- Solved: The sent date / time of an email
- Import/Export command not working
- Adding Smilies/Emoticons to emails
- New Mail Alert
- Solved: popup problem reading email information
- Set birthday to null
- Obtaining current date from calendar view
- Outlook reading Excel
- Help needed with 'installing' macro's
- Solved: How can I extract text from an e-mail???
- Printing Attachments and DoEvents
- Football Pool
- Creating stationary and signatures through code
- Solved: Group Schedules
- Multiple Profiles / Single Contacts "Folder"
- Solved: Modify the Navigation Pane?
- Email to SMS
- Code doesn't work when checked Word as editor
- Solved: Outlook forms and validation
- Add contact to distrbution list
- Outlook2000 "ini" file
- Solved: respective id's in the textbox...
- Solved: Remove all Bcc recipients
- Solved: Have a timer in code to sent out a Email with a attachment
- Need help or suggestion
- recall message
- New email message body
- Export into txt
- Solved: extract body of the message
- Outlook Web Calendar
- Solved: listview logic
- Creating Envelopes
- Solved: Notifying changes in Post
- Solved: Auto creating Subject headers
- [SLEEPER:] Global address book
- Solved: List Boxes in any Office Application
- List foldersn outlook
- Need to Add a Userdefined Property to Mail Items...
- Solved: Copy Attachments In A Folder
- insert Date/Time in body of message
- Importing Eudora mailboxes into Outlook 2003
- Solved: MailItem Property
- Solved: Send out Attachments that are last modified files in folders
- Solved: Opening Outlook from Excel and sending to a mailing list
- Signatures
- Need a bit of Help: Exporting Information from Outlook to Excel
- Multiple e-mail Accounts
- Solved: Auto_open macro
- Solved: Display e-mail message
- More than one email accounts
- Solved: Trouble with HTML forms
- Solved: Distributing Outlook Macros
- Tracing BCC
- Solved: Cannot Open VBA Editor In Outlook
- Very slow macro performance in Outlook 2003
- Outlook's OptionsPagesAdd Event
- VB Macro error when exiting Outlook 2003
- Solved: The case of Word editor in Outlook
- [SOLVED:] Help getting body text from new message into a string
- Solved: Need help with inserting images into outlook messages
- Solved: Outgoing Messages Folder
- Thumbnails instead of Icons?
- Solved: Reference Libraries
- [SLEEPER:] Userform does not show when I tell it to! Bad UserForm!!!
- Change font of msg body using VBA
- How to strip First/Last name from Outlook ?
- Outlook body from Access
- Solved: Open attachment in Outlook MailItem with VBA
- Save an attatchment (olAtt.SaveAsFile)
- Distributing Outlook Macros (continuation...)
- Solved: Standard ReplyAll with an attachment
- Solved: Automatic Attachment Saves and Deletes
- Duplicate emails
- Solved: Using Categories
- Need help , a newbie needs help how to start
- Print to one sheet.
- Outlook 2003 Macro - auto send messages in outbox
- Paste HTML as body of mail
- Solved: Changing user rights to folders via VBA
- complicated and potential dangerous request
- Firing a script via a rule
- Solved: Type Mismatch error whilst scanning folder
- Help, need a macro for groups of calendar events!
- Attach file from a certain folder.
- Contact Import
- VBA Code - Mail send and Msgbox
- printing multiple calendars
- sort order for tasks on Outlook Today screen
- Solved: Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf not support in OutLook
- Use VBA to CHECK/UNCHECK Mail account options "Send messages immediately"
- Combine appointments/meetings
- Need help for writing a macro - Mail alert
- Subject Line Default
- Connection to SQL Server from Outlook?
- Possible to use CDO without relay set up?
- Help needed with changes to save attachments to folder code
- Save e-mail attachments to hard drive
- Solved: Kill permision denied
- Purge Deleted emails from IMAP Folder
- Help for forwarding mail in Outlook 2003 using VBA code
- [SOLVED:] Bypassing Outlook Security Warning
- Solved: Problem sending email to excel
- Recurring appointments without counting weekends in outlook
- Why doesnt my code execute?
- Delete email addresses from fwd's
- Looping through inbox, code fails
- When sending Meeting requests ask if it should be posted on Public Folders Calendar
- Sending Messages as a different user
- Solved: wordmail: issues with displaying inputboxes & newly created mail items
- Solved: Problems with automatic save attachment
- Basics of VBA in Outlook
- Email Form in Outlook
- Programatically selecting Account
- how to Auto accept a task item
- Contacts in Public Folders
- Create new task when task is completed
- Solved: sending emails using vba
- Import calendar from a text file, Meeting type?
- Menu shortcut implementation in VBA for outlook 2000
- Creating Headers with VBA?
- Creating/Sending an HTMl E-mail
- [SOLVED:] Write excel cell value into new email
- Extract smtp email addresses from Outlook
- MS Outlook Mail body info to Excel
- desktop alerts in excel via vba
- Open Email Message
- Std Reply to all emails with an attachment
- Standard Reply to all emails with an attachment
- Disable Send Option on new mail
- Solved: Full delete
- Standard Reply with generic button
- Return Outlook Express Unread Email Count to Excel
- Solved: Reply keeping the body of text and Adding new line
- Using Outlook to activate opened xl Sheet
- Solved: Printing Sent Email
- Solved: Arabic language
- Solved: Categories in 2007
- search inbox emails, report string
- Can't open a PDF file
- Solved: Automate creation of form e-mail each month (with date input)?
- Solved: Save Contact to different folder
- Solved: Catch Opening Item?
- Solved: email addresses
- Sending mail in outlook using different Email ID
- Solved: Getting the users exchange server name
- Stop a timer after email received
- Macro to Create Subfolders in Active Folder
- Solved: open shortcut at 7:15pm every day?
- Resource for list of Outlook VBA commands
- Filtering Subject and creating Categories
- Solved: Quality print of VBAProject?
- Print to a Specific Paper Tray in Outlook - Macro
- Disable contents of the mail