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  2. Text font change in VBA
  3. Help to create a Word macro to change re-named Hyperlinks back to their full web addr
  4. [SOLVED:] Struggling to get Heading 1 Ranges
  5. User Form retain input using Custom Document Properties
  6. VBA Adding Rows To Table With Content Control
  7. Get VBA Module Name via VBA and Truncate
  8. Crop & Resize numerous images using VBA
  9. [SOLVED:] Pause printing between pages
  10. [SOLVED:] silent print to PDF
  11. Viewing multiple documents as one
  12. Documents.Add Stops Code Execution
  13. [SOLVED:] How Do I Set A Default Variable For An OptionButton?
  14. [SOLVED:] Change Background Colour Of ComboBox Depending On What Option Is Selected
  15. [SOLVED:] Ordinal Created Date
  16. [SOLVED:] MsgBox with Icon on error
  17. Quotation auto calculation
  18. [SOLVED:] Substitute Value of ComboBox to go to TextBox
  19. Populate multiple templates using 1 userform
  20. [SOLVED:] Multiple Selection From ListBox
  21. Using FootnoteFix removes symbols from footnotes
  23. [SOLVED:] Selecting Option Button Throws Up A 'Variable not defined' Error
  24. [SOLVED:] Getting ampersand (&) symbol onto a custom ribbon label for a button
  25. [SOLVED:] Macro to search for a particular word and copy it to a new document
  26. Embed PDF File in Word Document
  27. Selecting/Highlighting all blank lines in Word 2011
  28. [SOLVED:] Reset Form Button
  29. [SOLVED:] Selecting a team from a ListBox
  30. Double click in protected document to check in checkboxes?
  32. Merge two Headers/Footers
  33. Method for getting the character code and font name for a symbol
  34. [SOLVED:] VBA Coding: Event register handler for this document only
  35. Reading/writting cutom properties....Help speeding up my code
  36. Find and Replace with Wildcards and yes no cancel
  37. Import Photos and Captions Based on Excel Data
  38. [SOLVED:] Word commandbutton does not do what I want.
  39. Determine whether bullet point has multilevel list and find string
  40. Automate Conditional Formatting in Word
  41. Color table cell based on string
  42. Alternate Row Shading with a Catch
  43. Paste to navigation search box from userform
  44. [SOLVED:] Paragraph Return
  45. [SOLVED:] How to update the TOC header number when I hide some section in word document use VBA
  46. [SOLVED:] Search for specific word in MSWord text and Drop-Down List, Name Iteratively
  47. Help o kind sir/madam! copy excel sheet to word by browsing for excel file from word
  48. [SOLVED:] how to reset dependent drop boxes in MS Word?
  49. Macro to crop pictures
  50. Edit values in Customdocumentproperties from userform
  51. [SOLVED:] Userform appearing on Documents saved from template
  52. Navigation pane advanced settings
  53. [SOLVED:] Highlighting when two consecutive words are found more than once
  54. Hidden properties affecting table cell margins?
  55. [SOLVED:] disable margin warning using Macro
  56. Can only run a User Form once..?
  57. Need to change value of checkbox from userform
  58. Delete table row containing cells with "-"but not "85-100"
  59. Need beginner help with IF statement with OR
  60. [SOLVED:] Print to PDF and then rename
  61. Multiple Document_Open events possible?
  62. [SOLVED:] Remove surplus spaces
  63. Vertically Center Selected Range in the Useable ActiveWindow
  64. [SOLVED:] Adding numbers to footnotes that lack them
  65. How to only use value from textbox if value exists
  66. [SOLVED:] How to set Drop-Down List Content Control back to blank
  67. Search and replace in table
  68. Adding headers and footers to all sections of word doc and deleting blank sections
  69. [SOLVED:] Replace hyperlink with the text it points to
  70. Ribbon run-time error 5825
  71. Programatically create Fully Functional DropdownList (or ComboBox) Content Controls
  72. Copy and Paste From One Document Into Another
  73. Delete last page from multiple word files and convert to pdf
  74. help with VBA code word after merge
  75. [SOLVED:] Remove hyperlinking from only superscript numbers
  76. [SOLVED:] Write cell contents into individual pdf's
  77. [SOLVED:] loop through tables in word and change color of cells
  78. [SOLVED:] replacing text in a set of word 2010 files (Collection, folder..)
  79. Generating a table from a text file
  80. [SOLVED:] Find the paragraph between Question 1 and Question 2?
  81. [SOLVED:] Turning ALL CAPS text into lower case/sentence case text with character style applied
  82. [SOLVED:] Convert DOS doc in-line footnotes to Word bottom of page ones - Help with Macro
  83. How code copy and paste?
  84. [SOLVED:] word document images need to save a location
  85. how to convert macro omml to mathml
  86. [SOLVED:] Word Macro for saving PDF files according to the text inside of the file
  87. Merging two MACRO scripts (WORD)
  88. [SOLVED:] Toggle Text Case
  89. Existing macro needs modification for desired result
  90. UserForm and Macros dropping out of new Document based on template
  91. Insert endnotes automatically
  92. Using InsertFile method to insert into a BookMark
  93. How to lock/unlock ContentControls in ALL Footers
  94. [SOLVED:] Find instances of certain word within a textbox and make bold
  95. Interactive Drop-down list
  96. [SOLVED:] Mail merge printing without header/footer
  97. [SOLVED:] VBA to automatically mark cross-reference
  98. [SOLVED:] Toggle Shortened hyper to full url (include footnotes)
  99. [SOLVED:] trim space at start of Hyperlink text
  100. [SOLVED:] Save word document to separate pdf file saved by name on first line
  101. [SOLVED:] Trying to apply two types of word case formatting to TextBox
  102. [SOLVED:] Trying to apply two types of word case formatting to same TextBox Content Control
  103. [SOLVED:] Replacing an Image Filename with the Actual Image
  104. VBA to set cell margins to "Same as whole table"?
  105. [SOLVED:] Removing text of a particular style and surrounding spaces
  106. [SOLVED:] Multi-line Control Tip Text
  107. [SOLVED:] How to populate a dropdown list from entries in a table
  108. [SOLVED:] Extract only the title of an article (first paragraph) from a Word file using VBA
  109. [SOLVED:] Applying specific content control formatting, excluding certain words / punctuation
  110. [SOLVED:] Delete a specific file in a folder when the filename contains a matching criteria.
  111. [SOLVED:] Colour coding a table based on values
  112. [SOLVED:] Word AddPics macro mod help
  113. Convert from .docx to RTF ?
  114. [SOLVED:] Content Controls not working as expected
  115. Split document then save with specific file names
  116. VBA - FormFields in document with restricted editing won't trigger on entry macro
  117. [SOLVED:] Some "basic" TextBox assistance
  118. [SOLVED:] VBA - find text in a word doc headers and return all page numbers
  119. [SOLVED:] VBA to bold all Initial Capped defined terms
  120. Automatic Cross-Referencing
  121. [SOLVED:] How to introduce delay so that user can see the changes being made?
  122. How to check if string includes any non-whitespace characters?
  123. Word VBA execution error
  124. [SOLVED:] Bold Text Highest value cells in each column of several tables
  125. [SOLVED:] VBA for replace Font with specific Text
  126. [SOLVED:] Help with sorting arrays numerically
  127. [SOLVED:] Updating bookmark with multiple buildings blocks based on checkbox status
  128. [SOLVED:] What's wrong with that function ? I received a message that doc can not be defined
  129. Run Time Error 5844
  130. [SOLVED:] Select Content Control DropDown List Item
  131. Independent rows of text continuing to the next page
  132. Trouble when cell spans 2 pages
  133. [SOLVED:] Easy one to get started
  134. [SOLVED:] HeaderFooter.LinkToPrevious Issue
  135. [SOLVED:] macro fails on 2nd run
  136. Setting styles on 1st and 2nd lines - improve code
  137. [SOLVED:] Replacing text with Regular expressions
  138. [SOLVED:] Macro not looping through tables
  139. Copy from one word document to another word document
  140. formatting lost
  141. 'Submit' button
  142. [SOLVED:] Batch Print .doc to .prn VBA
  143. Error 52: bad file name or number with OneDrive for Business
  144. Build multiple tables and populate with variable data
  145. Setting "Total Editing Time" property using VBA in MS Word
  146. [SOLVED:] Converting glossary to footnotes
  147. [SOLVED:] CTRL+Z changed inadvertently
  148. How do I display "&" in dependent drop-down in Word?
  149. Limit text and go to the next cell
  150. [SOLVED:] Import image file to Shape Fill UserPicture works in some files, not in others.
  151. Return Footer or Header Page Number
  152. How to arrange tables in order as shown in VBA code. Hope everybody help please. Tks
  153. [SOLVED:] Put word in bracket when cursor is upon word
  154. [SOLVED:] Run macro on save
  155. Removing first two pages and last page in document X
  156. [SOLVED:] Select traversed text in Word using Search
  157. [SOLVED:] Count words with VBA
  158. Excluding punctuation characters from tracked changes counts
  159. [SOLVED:] Export VBA Macros to bas, text, into document, whatever
  160. Open EditReplace dialog with Wild card selected from macro
  161. [SOLVED:] Is this possible?
  162. [SOLVED:] Word VBA code for Mail Merge export
  163. Extracting text from textbox in header/footer/Save html with header/footer
  164. cross checking references with table with explanations
  165. VBA for copy paste
  166. Changing font of all content control placeholders with VBA
  167. Align a shape to the top right corner of the page
  168. Inserting Table after the Excel Pasted Table identified as the paragraph.
  169. [SOLVED:] Compile Error
  170. How to change the FONT SIZE of Empty space only from selected paragraph ?
  171. Selection From ListBox Not Populating TxtBox
  172. Bulk rename based on contents in document
  173. Word365 Doc.Activate and Paste range from other document
  174. [SOLVED:] Getting character after / to capitalize
  175. Select and align floating shapes overlapping selected range-Word 2007
  176. [SOLVED:] Play with Highlited text
  177. MS Word Search for Multiple Words
  178. Insert Pictures
  179. [SOLVED:] Macro: list of the 3 last subfolder of a file
  180. Hide non-highlighted text on a Microsoft Word document including text boxes
  181. Naming files as Content Control in doc
  182. Merging word documents
  183. [SOLVED:] How can I either remove all bullet point symbols or convert all lists to text?
  184. Need help with simple (I hope) edit for continuous page numbering across sections
  185. Complicated Find
  186. Word office Mailings (VBA) - automatic printing with stapling
  187. VBA to identify last pilcrow in a series of paragraphs and remove its character style
  188. Command Buttons
  189. Code for populating a dropdown doesn't like duplicates
  190. Is it possible to restrict formatting of text in an certain area
  191. [SOLVED:] Set TextBox content based on selected ComboBox value
  192. Remove header without removing the content of the header
  193. Word copy to comments
  194. Distance from las line to bottom border of a page
  195. Help with Command Button
  196. Macros to copy in new comments
  197. [SOLVED:] VBA Word macro - find and replace from a list
  198. Conditional Format of Word Content Control Drop down
  199. [SOLVED:] cyrillic transliterator macro for Word
  200. Macros to Draw Table Border for All Comments
  201. VBA Code to change the color of a specific word in the document?
  202. pasting image from clipboard into image control
  203. Command button in word
  204. Basic VBA for removing rows/columns in word tables?
  205. Documents.Count returns 0 with documents still open
  206. [SOLVED:] Runtime Error 13: Type Mismatch
  207. Macro for showing all fonts
  208. Feformatting a page !
  209. [SOLVED:] Reformating old type email messages !
  210. extracting text from text box
  211. [SOLVED:] VBA comments from excel to selected text in word
  212. [SOLVED:] Take footnotes from source and put into new template
  213. [SOLVED:] Entered Text On UserForm Not Filling CC On Document
  214. Download CSv file from Webpage which is having dropdown list
  215. Word VBA help with missing punctuation macro
  216. [SOLVED:] Sort by String Length
  217. [SOLVED:] Selectively extract words from paragraphs and write them below certain paragraph
  218. Word: File and Close VBA time saver
  219. Acronym Matcher - exclude terms
  220. DocumentBeforeClose Help
  221. Tables - First Row to Always be Grey
  222. [SOLVED:] How to enable right click paste on more than one TextBox
  223. Mail merge output hyphenated
  224. VBA Mail Merge for making labels
  225. [SOLVED:] Using the VBA Replace function to delete an obscure character by its Hex code (Word).
  226. [SOLVED:] VBA help Only format selected text in manual to schedule level numbering
  227. Find string in Excel sheet from Word doc
  228. Find shaded text in Word and reformat as strikethrough?
  229. deleting rows in word table if certain cells are empty or contain a specific value
  230. [SOLVED:] VBA Help with square bracket issue
  231. [SOLVED:] VBA Help with Text to Table issue
  232. [SOLVED:] Formating Date Entry Via UserForm
  233. Procedure too large
  234. Searchable drop-down list in Word
  235. hide/unhide non-highlighted
  236. [SOLVED:] Remove Excess Paragraphs Inside A TextBox
  237. Macro for saving file to folder with specified name and date
  238. VBA Add Bold Quotes Issue
  239. [SOLVED:] Suppress Microsoft Word Security Notice with VBA
  240. [SOLVED:] Move down and selection in table
  241. [SOLVED:] Regular Expressions convert uppercase to lowercase
  242. [SOLVED:] Macro in Word to Combine Text and Numbers
  243. Copy Text from Bookmark in SourceDoc to use as Document Variable in NewDoc
  244. [SOLVED:] How to stop Overwrites in VBA Word
  245. [SOLVED:] File Save with Predefined Name and Value from TextBox
  246. [SOLVED:] Search a word table for a unique value and delete in second table if not present
  247. [SOLVED:] Macro search text BOLD UPPERCASE if within table row and apply style Word
  248. Delete data from selected multiple Word tables
  249. Apply colour to numbers within brackets
  250. macro that changes white text in black text