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  1. Closed: Using Unicode
  2. Reading a Unicode file into a rich text box
  3. FrontPage XP/2002 - Replaces &#8250 with Character instead?
  4. autoCad region
  5. Solved: Polarpoint
  6. FrontPage Question/Problems
  7. Visio and MapPoint Experience
  8. Solved: FP2000-pw page keeps opeing new window
  9. Publisher 2003
  10. Solved: Groups Autocad VBA
  11. Frontpage edit
  12. Solved: GetOpenFilename in MS Project
  13. ThisProject.Saved Error
  14. Application.ScreenUpdating
  15. Difference between vba/vb.net/
  16. Frontpage 2003 Question
  18. Taming Illustrator CS
  19. [SOLVED:] how to speed up processing string values from folder name and load into listbox
  20. FrameMaker and VB6
  21. Distributing MSP Macro
  22. Solved: Avoiding the need to rebuild points for ACAD.
  23. Need Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later
  24. VBA in ACAD
  25. Need help with pie chart in mappoint using vba
  26. How to disable the save dialog box in mappoint ?
  27. Send MS Project task to a project resource
  28. Static variables with vbs??
  29. Docking bar
  30. Solved: list and combo box
  31. Run a Routine When Opening AutoCAD Drawing
  32. Solved: Windows Media CD to MP3
  33. text file results in a drawing in autocad
  34. Solved: Text file to drawing
  35. MySQL error
  36. acad2002: Blockreference and attribute rotation
  37. Create ACAD command to run VBA routine
  38. Inserting Blocks and allowing user to choose position and rotation
  39. Solved: Extracting groupwise e-mails
  40. Printing from Business Objects
  41. Help with CHM files
  42. Solved: Coding for AutoCad
  43. [SOLVED:] open acad drawings within excel VBA
  44. select file
  45. VAT TAX Calculating Database
  46. PDF Format
  47. Solved: attatch xref
  48. Export to database
  49. Solved: Opening Named Views in AutoCAD
  50. setting pagesetups in autocad
  51. Macro to plot in AutoCad Lite 2004
  52. Solved: Send to Shift keys to Windows
  53. Printing lanscape from IE
  54. Open Office VBA
  55. Solved: Modified code to work in Microsoft Publisher
  56. ACAD: How to Copy All Object in a Layer to Another File?
  57. autocad VBA problem, union after polar array Options
  58. Solved: Stop that process
  59. capture AutoCAD text window text
  60. Reading block attribute in closed drawing
  61. identifying entity to acad prompt
  62. acad - list xrefs with last saved dates
  63. Solved: Inserting Everything in a Directory MS Project
  64. ACAD - read block documentation (notes, attached files)
  65. AutoCad script
  66. autocad vba ~ measure command
  67. Solved: VBA migration to VB6
  68. Solved: VB6 & the XL spreadsheet control
  69. Solved: Run MODI from Excel
  70. Solved: Firefox Questions
  71. Solved: Autocad - run routine when switching Layouts
  72. Solved: FireFox: Redux
  73. Search PDF in ACtiveX VBA Help
  74. [SOLVED:] How do you get rid of alert messages in Project?
  75. Update on the Internet
  76. User not defined? OpenFileDialog1
  77. Solved: Using TextBox1 to MkDir Name
  78. Solved: Is it possible to make a WinZip file from MSProject?
  79. Solved: Using WinZip within MSProject
  80. Solved: CopyFolder into Dynamic Parent Directory
  81. [SOLVED:] Current Users Email Address
  82. Solved: WinZipping a Folder Errors
  83. FireFox will not open
  84. ACAD: GetPoint is driving me nuts
  85. Solved: MSProject Printing Indicator Text
  86. Integrate Outlook with Project
  87. autocadvba - place circle on the poinr of a polygon?
  88. autocad vba problem - offset a circle continously towards the center?
  89. [SOLVED:] AutoCAD 2004 - User Preferences
  90. Visio VBA - Find and Replace from UserForm
  91. Parse a table in FrontPage
  92. Calculate ratios
  93. AutoCAD 2004 - Finding non-connecting lines for hatches
  94. Entering data to document library of Windows SharePoint Services through Access 2003
  95. AutoCAD 2004 - Deleted dimensions from selection
  96. VB6 open XL in OLE
  97. Visio - automation with ASP
  98. AutoCAD layers setup using VBA
  99. Office Assistant in Access
  100. Calculate total length?
  101. Solved: Firefox not working (again)
  102. Solved: Reactors
  103. Solved: Microsoft Project 2002
  104. Solved: VB6 FileSearch
  105. AUTOCAD 2006--unable to extrude in vba
  106. MS Project: Annotating Network Diagram View
  107. Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - SHX Fonts and an error
  108. AutoCAD 2004 - WBLOCK command
  109. AutoCAD 2004 - Selecting and Deleting Blocks
  110. Solved: WMI and Missing ProgID's
  111. Publisher Coding
  112. Acad2002: make a layout current
  113. AutoCAD 2004 - How to get the TextStyle of an attribute
  114. Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - Color Control
  115. Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - Finding which object snaps are on/off
  116. Solved: Visio
  117. How to do this ?
  118. Solved: Strange new line characters may be a problem for my FileSystemObject's in WSH
  119. Hide values of functions in VB Editor
  120. text rotation in publisher
  121. Solved: VB6 - set form item value using variable names?
  122. Solved: Automated editing of HTML files..
  123. MS Project 2000: Automating starting point and other questions
  124. Solved: VB6 - set 'read' property for MS Access table?
  125. Open Office
  126. AutoCAD VBA Block Color Selection
  127. Autocad VBA Copy Block Definition
  128. Help with VBA
  129. Show Image with VB Code
  130. Office 2007 Beta
  131. How can I disable the Save As command for AutoCAD
  132. Vanishing images when vb clipped
  133. Solved: VB6 P&D Problems
  134. Solved: VB6: Only 1 program instance
  135. AutoCAD 2007 - Run routine when opening dwg
  136. Solved: Need help in Opening and Reading simple text file.
  137. ACAD VBA to insert drawing?
  138. SQL Server Reporting Services
  139. jumpstart my autocad vba
  140. Solved: Visio to Word
  141. Vista and Windows mobile
  142. Can some please explain the difference between Userform_Activate and _Intitialize
  143. VBA with Fields
  144. Put an array into a block
  145. create array macro at degree angle
  146. Validating a web page
  147. Visio Problem
  148. wordwrap problems in AutoCAD
  149. Problem with Referencing
  150. How to get object from AutoCAD
  151. Could we record VBA code from AutoCAD?
  152. Save items from OWA (Outlook Web Access)
  153. Adding Module to Global.mpt
  154. Solved: How do you get the path of a currently open file?
  155. Flash Help
  156. Open .chm File from Menu or Toolbar Button
  157. Add text box to every file
  158. Help with VBA & AutoCAD- placing an arc through existing lines
  159. Help with VBA code for a scale calculator
  160. Solved: Need help with Date/Time issue.
  161. ASP: Add & Delete attachment
  162. Sorting String Array with mixed Text and Values
  163. AutoCAD VBA help with files in dir
  164. Solved: Empty rows in MSP 2007
  165. Count increment revise number if same item number
  166. Autorun problem
  167. Sorting a Selection Set
  168. Solved: Improve performance MSP 2007
  169. Cognos Powerplay PPR files
  170. VBA code to change view from iso to top?
  171. Solved: MSP 2003 - Set flag from summary to task
  172. VB6 Stop that command click
  173. AutoCAD VBA - Change all objects to Lay 0
  174. Internet Security on Limited Accounts
  175. Solved: Running Process (Processor %/Memory Usage)
  176. benefits of C#
  177. Convert VBA To AutoIt
  178. C# Manifest file question
  179. Create CD's w/IMAPI2
  180. Page set up in PDF-Creator software
  181. Check no selection in a listbox..
  182. Solved: VBA and AutoCAD reading points from a txt file?
  183. autocad (dwg) to excel
  184. Publisher Save As Jpeg
  185. Solved: This is probably a reach of question..ASP
  186. VBA in PI-Process book
  187. Solved: Using VBA to Automate Attachmate Extra! X-Treme
  188. Solved: SunGard Investran
  189. vba codes for autocad dimensions
  190. Show form when Visio 2007 starts up.
  191. Solved: converting text to mtext in autocad
  192. [SLEEPER:] Use Excel to Read Autocad's text and import it to execl
  193. Solved: Another AutoCad to Excel Question
  194. attach material(jpg/bmp) to layer in autocad
  195. open and display contents of a folder
  196. Solved: Automatic E-mail from Groupwise Resource
  197. InfoPath Security
  198. Solved: Export User Profile in VBA
  199. Solved: Scan for a block in AutoCAD
  200. Inline script VBA
  201. Visio hyperlink help
  202. problem with setfocus after point input in acad
  203. Solved: sql qurey to arrange by names
  204. create new material list in autocad
  205. Solved: Need Help with calculation inside FORM
  207. draw rectangle in solidedge uisng vb.6
  208. Generating APT with VBA for a 2D AutoCAD dxf parts??
  209. How to use PrintHookProc?
  210. software help
  211. Suggest a programming language
  212. visio 2007 insert picture
  213. Need help with defining object methods (my own, not autocads) in autocad vba
  214. Operator Overloading
  215. Attach file from non-office application
  216. Solved: VBA and FedEx API
  217. Acrobat 8 - Export to Text
  218. Visual basic and PDFs
  219. Visio 07 - sometimes shapes/layers won't hide
  220. Solved: Visual C++ Question: Math with Variables
  221. Solved: Visual C++: Loops Question
  222. C# help nedeed
  223. [SLEEPER:] Mestamed & VBA
  224. Internet explorer delete cookies, temp files
  225. Question for Admins
  226. [SLEEPER:] Stretching Dimensions via VBA
  227. tweaking combobox to collate based on date
  228. AutoCAD dxf format for a hidden line, can someone post a R12 dxf?
  229. Run VBA macros in Visio Viewer.
  230. Solved: OCR Suggestions
  231. Fusion Pro with Excel - Mail Merges
  232. Visual Basic 2005 & SQL Server Error
  233. Offset in VBA (AutoCAD)
  234. Lotus Notes
  235. General VBA Registry Read
  236. Control DXF version when use Export method
  237. VS 2005 VB - Just a Note on Casting Text to Double
  238. Just started VBA tonight, in need of help.
  239. Info Path or Adobe Publisher?
  240. Solved: VB6 an Excel Filedialog
  241. Autocad Plotter
  242. [SLEEPER:] VBA run-time error '91': Sometimes, Sometimes Not
  243. Solved: Unzip Problem using Ron de Bruin's code
  244. Solved: Retreiving IE Favorites in a Userform
  245. Solved: IE WindowsSize ??
  246. to save MDB as Access 200 format with ado?
  247. Macro to run a PCANYWARE command queue
  248. Solved: copyhere method
  249. Run IE through VBA
  250. Read excel cell values from autocad (excel 2007)