- Closed: Using Unicode
- Reading a Unicode file into a rich text box
- FrontPage XP/2002 - Replaces › with Character instead?
- autoCad region
- Solved: Polarpoint
- FrontPage Question/Problems
- Visio and MapPoint Experience
- Solved: FP2000-pw page keeps opeing new window
- Publisher 2003
- Solved: Groups Autocad VBA
- Frontpage edit
- Solved: GetOpenFilename in MS Project
- ThisProject.Saved Error
- Application.ScreenUpdating
- Difference between vba/vb.net/
- Frontpage 2003 Question
- Taming Illustrator CS
- [SOLVED:] how to speed up processing string values from folder name and load into listbox
- FrameMaker and VB6
- Distributing MSP Macro
- Solved: Avoiding the need to rebuild points for ACAD.
- Need Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later
- Need help with pie chart in mappoint using vba
- How to disable the save dialog box in mappoint ?
- Send MS Project task to a project resource
- Static variables with vbs??
- Docking bar
- Solved: list and combo box
- Run a Routine When Opening AutoCAD Drawing
- Solved: Windows Media CD to MP3
- text file results in a drawing in autocad
- Solved: Text file to drawing
- MySQL error
- acad2002: Blockreference and attribute rotation
- Create ACAD command to run VBA routine
- Inserting Blocks and allowing user to choose position and rotation
- Solved: Extracting groupwise e-mails
- Printing from Business Objects
- Help with CHM files
- Solved: Coding for AutoCad
- [SOLVED:] open acad drawings within excel VBA
- select file
- VAT TAX Calculating Database
- PDF Format
- Solved: attatch xref
- Export to database
- Solved: Opening Named Views in AutoCAD
- setting pagesetups in autocad
- Macro to plot in AutoCad Lite 2004
- Solved: Send to Shift keys to Windows
- Printing lanscape from IE
- Open Office VBA
- Solved: Modified code to work in Microsoft Publisher
- ACAD: How to Copy All Object in a Layer to Another File?
- autocad VBA problem, union after polar array Options
- Solved: Stop that process
- capture AutoCAD text window text
- Reading block attribute in closed drawing
- identifying entity to acad prompt
- acad - list xrefs with last saved dates
- Solved: Inserting Everything in a Directory MS Project
- ACAD - read block documentation (notes, attached files)
- AutoCad script
- autocad vba ~ measure command
- Solved: VBA migration to VB6
- Solved: VB6 & the XL spreadsheet control
- Solved: Run MODI from Excel
- Solved: Firefox Questions
- Solved: Autocad - run routine when switching Layouts
- Solved: FireFox: Redux
- Search PDF in ACtiveX VBA Help
- [SOLVED:] How do you get rid of alert messages in Project?
- Update on the Internet
- User not defined? OpenFileDialog1
- Solved: Using TextBox1 to MkDir Name
- Solved: Is it possible to make a WinZip file from MSProject?
- Solved: Using WinZip within MSProject
- Solved: CopyFolder into Dynamic Parent Directory
- [SOLVED:] Current Users Email Address
- Solved: WinZipping a Folder Errors
- FireFox will not open
- ACAD: GetPoint is driving me nuts
- Solved: MSProject Printing Indicator Text
- Integrate Outlook with Project
- autocadvba - place circle on the poinr of a polygon?
- autocad vba problem - offset a circle continously towards the center?
- [SOLVED:] AutoCAD 2004 - User Preferences
- Visio VBA - Find and Replace from UserForm
- Parse a table in FrontPage
- Calculate ratios
- AutoCAD 2004 - Finding non-connecting lines for hatches
- Entering data to document library of Windows SharePoint Services through Access 2003
- AutoCAD 2004 - Deleted dimensions from selection
- VB6 open XL in OLE
- Visio - automation with ASP
- AutoCAD layers setup using VBA
- Office Assistant in Access
- Calculate total length?
- Solved: Firefox not working (again)
- Solved: Reactors
- Solved: Microsoft Project 2002
- Solved: VB6 FileSearch
- AUTOCAD 2006--unable to extrude in vba
- MS Project: Annotating Network Diagram View
- Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - SHX Fonts and an error
- AutoCAD 2004 - WBLOCK command
- AutoCAD 2004 - Selecting and Deleting Blocks
- Solved: WMI and Missing ProgID's
- Publisher Coding
- Acad2002: make a layout current
- AutoCAD 2004 - How to get the TextStyle of an attribute
- Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - Color Control
- Solved: AutoCAD 2004 - Finding which object snaps are on/off
- Solved: Visio
- How to do this ?
- Solved: Strange new line characters may be a problem for my FileSystemObject's in WSH
- Hide values of functions in VB Editor
- text rotation in publisher
- Solved: VB6 - set form item value using variable names?
- Solved: Automated editing of HTML files..
- MS Project 2000: Automating starting point and other questions
- Solved: VB6 - set 'read' property for MS Access table?
- Open Office
- AutoCAD VBA Block Color Selection
- Autocad VBA Copy Block Definition
- Help with VBA
- Show Image with VB Code
- Office 2007 Beta
- How can I disable the Save As command for AutoCAD
- Vanishing images when vb clipped
- Solved: VB6 P&D Problems
- Solved: VB6: Only 1 program instance
- AutoCAD 2007 - Run routine when opening dwg
- Solved: Need help in Opening and Reading simple text file.
- ACAD VBA to insert drawing?
- SQL Server Reporting Services
- jumpstart my autocad vba
- Solved: Visio to Word
- Vista and Windows mobile
- Can some please explain the difference between Userform_Activate and _Intitialize
- VBA with Fields
- Put an array into a block
- create array macro at degree angle
- Validating a web page
- Visio Problem
- wordwrap problems in AutoCAD
- Problem with Referencing
- How to get object from AutoCAD
- Could we record VBA code from AutoCAD?
- Save items from OWA (Outlook Web Access)
- Adding Module to Global.mpt
- Solved: How do you get the path of a currently open file?
- Flash Help
- Open .chm File from Menu or Toolbar Button
- Add text box to every file
- Help with VBA & AutoCAD- placing an arc through existing lines
- Help with VBA code for a scale calculator
- Solved: Need help with Date/Time issue.
- ASP: Add & Delete attachment
- Sorting String Array with mixed Text and Values
- AutoCAD VBA help with files in dir
- Solved: Empty rows in MSP 2007
- Count increment revise number if same item number
- Autorun problem
- Sorting a Selection Set
- Solved: Improve performance MSP 2007
- Cognos Powerplay PPR files
- VBA code to change view from iso to top?
- Solved: MSP 2003 - Set flag from summary to task
- VB6 Stop that command click
- AutoCAD VBA - Change all objects to Lay 0
- Internet Security on Limited Accounts
- Solved: Running Process (Processor %/Memory Usage)
- benefits of C#
- Convert VBA To AutoIt
- C# Manifest file question
- Create CD's w/IMAPI2
- Page set up in PDF-Creator software
- Check no selection in a listbox..
- Solved: VBA and AutoCAD reading points from a txt file?
- autocad (dwg) to excel
- Publisher Save As Jpeg
- Solved: This is probably a reach of question..ASP
- VBA in PI-Process book
- Solved: Using VBA to Automate Attachmate Extra! X-Treme
- Solved: SunGard Investran
- vba codes for autocad dimensions
- Show form when Visio 2007 starts up.
- Solved: converting text to mtext in autocad
- [SLEEPER:] Use Excel to Read Autocad's text and import it to execl
- Solved: Another AutoCad to Excel Question
- attach material(jpg/bmp) to layer in autocad
- open and display contents of a folder
- Solved: Automatic E-mail from Groupwise Resource
- InfoPath Security
- Solved: Export User Profile in VBA
- Solved: Scan for a block in AutoCAD
- Inline script VBA
- Visio hyperlink help
- problem with setfocus after point input in acad
- Solved: sql qurey to arrange by names
- create new material list in autocad
- Solved: Need Help with calculation inside FORM
- draw rectangle in solidedge uisng vb.6
- Generating APT with VBA for a 2D AutoCAD dxf parts??
- How to use PrintHookProc?
- software help
- Suggest a programming language
- visio 2007 insert picture
- Need help with defining object methods (my own, not autocads) in autocad vba
- Operator Overloading
- Attach file from non-office application
- Solved: VBA and FedEx API
- Acrobat 8 - Export to Text
- Visual basic and PDFs
- Visio 07 - sometimes shapes/layers won't hide
- Solved: Visual C++ Question: Math with Variables
- Solved: Visual C++: Loops Question
- C# help nedeed
- [SLEEPER:] Mestamed & VBA
- Internet explorer delete cookies, temp files
- Question for Admins
- [SLEEPER:] Stretching Dimensions via VBA
- tweaking combobox to collate based on date
- AutoCAD dxf format for a hidden line, can someone post a R12 dxf?
- Run VBA macros in Visio Viewer.
- Solved: OCR Suggestions
- Fusion Pro with Excel - Mail Merges
- Visual Basic 2005 & SQL Server Error
- Offset in VBA (AutoCAD)
- Lotus Notes
- General VBA Registry Read
- Control DXF version when use Export method
- VS 2005 VB - Just a Note on Casting Text to Double
- Just started VBA tonight, in need of help.
- Info Path or Adobe Publisher?
- Solved: VB6 an Excel Filedialog
- Autocad Plotter
- [SLEEPER:] VBA run-time error '91': Sometimes, Sometimes Not
- Solved: Unzip Problem using Ron de Bruin's code
- Solved: Retreiving IE Favorites in a Userform
- Solved: IE WindowsSize ??
- to save MDB as Access 200 format with ado?
- Macro to run a PCANYWARE command queue
- Solved: copyhere method
- Run IE through VBA
- Read excel cell values from autocad (excel 2007)