View Full Version : Resources

  1. Please see our Resources Page
  2. Downloadable Cheat Sheets
  3. Code Indenter + (more)
  4. Publisher update
  5. [SLEEPER:] Regular Expressions in Excel and Access
  6. [SOLVED:] Installer Freeware
  7. Optimize String Handling in Visual Basic
  8. Convert VBA Code to VB.NET When Migrating to Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office 2003
  9. Getting Started: Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) 2005
  10. [SLEEPER:] Highlight number
  11. Outlook Help
  12. [SLEEPER:] VBA to attach file to Lotus Notes Email template and save to drafts
  13. [SLEEPER:] Books to be read to clear certification test
  14. Certification Excel, Access,VBA
  15. step by step learning in VBA Macros
  16. External Modules
  17. Free Access Video Tutorials
  18. certification test.
  19. File name from multipe cell contents and prefixed filename
  20. interested in otaining a certificate from vbax.
  21. VBA Certification Training
  22. VBA training level 2
  23. VBA Certification topics: more details required
  24. [SLEEPER:] MS Excel Macroprogramming
  25. [SLEEPER:] Need HTML - VBA code for sending email with multiple lines in body
  26. Intermediate VBA course
  27. [SOLVED:] help wanted.
  28. [SLEEPER:] Learning VBA from Lynda.com?
  29. [SLEEPER:] new to vba
  30. [SLEEPER:] CustomerAccounts !! HELP Control and Logic Loops
  31. Sleeper: How do you identify AI articles?