- Mac, Excel, and VBA
- Excel 2004 VBA Bug (Resolved w/SP1)
- Limitations on Excel for Mac VBA
- Scripting Word via AppleScript vs VBA
- anybody have a Split() replacement?
- XL file with both Mac & PC users: plugin possible?
- Please Help Procedure not working
- Excel 2001 - font issues in Excel and VBA
- Help! Macro working in Excel 2003 but not working in Mac Excel 2004
- Solved: Strange Array Problem
- Solved: Sheet Positioning
- Solved: Where can I find a script that will copy the activesheet
- Solved: name it from data entered In a cell And save it
- modifying code using addfromfile method
- Solved: Positioning UserForm In VBA :)
- Solved: Rename forum
- VBE on a mac
- copy / Paste and Textbox
- Solved: check for Word running
- Click cell - move to that address
- Solved: msgbox problems
- Opening other programs
- How do I open a file on a windows server with a macro on a Mac OS X machine?
- Thanks firefytr for...
- VBA to Hide/Unhide Sheets
- Referencing Named Ranges in UserForms
- Multiple User Account Problem (maybe)
- combo box but no Rowsource property
- Pivot Table Grouping
- matchentry property doesn't work
- Solved: Loading data into a form
- [SLEEPER:] Run-Time error -- GetOpenFilename / Open Browse Box
- Solved: Tabbing
- Sorting
- Solved: VBA Splash screen
- Solved: FaceID on Excel Worksheet Menu Bar
- Solved: Calling macro in another project
- Type Libraries and WLLs on the Mac
- Solved: How to get the size of an array?
- Shortcut toggle between Excel and the VBIDE
- List box in cell?
- Solved: VBA equivalent for Edit->Clear->All?
- [SOLVED:] Appending arrays
- DataObject on the Mac
- checkboxes enable and disable and assigning values and retreiving answers
- DateDiff Problems with Elapsed Years
- "file not found" when using Shell()
- FileFind on the Mac
- Export Chart as Graphic
- Mac menu options
- [MAC] How to process all XLS files in a directory?
- End of VBA for Mac Office
- Solver.xla equivalent for Java platform
- GetObject method in Excel 2004 for MacOS
- Copy fail in Automation
- Object library not recognized
- XML parsing in VBA on Mac
- RefEdit in Excel2004
- Solved: textbox.SelStart Excel 2004 no effect?
- [SLEEPER:] How do I get Autofilter to select the next criteria?
- intersectwith > 3dface
- Button Image
- Spell Check Fillable Form Word:mac
- Excel VBA crashes
- forms on MAC
- Problem with Tab Function in UserForms
- Excel VBA Help - hide few fields on drop down selection
- Help me be able to use a macro on any workbook without creating a new module?
- VBA Lookup
- Opening/Activating Safari
- Inserting image into userform
- Userform size varies on pc and mac
- File Dialog in Xl 2004 on Mac?
- Problems w/SplitVertical in Word 2004
- Solved: How do I pass an Array back to Sub from Function?
- Solved: copy range with formula unchanged
- Sound Files with Mac Excel Solution
- Modeless VBA/AppleScript routine - Puzzling
- [SOLVED:] Problem using Oorang's worksheet compare on a Mac
- Connecting to MQ Series Queue using VBA
- Picture file problems on mac
- How to sign digital certification by script or code?
- VBA in XLA not working as expected....
- Drag the Excel userform
- Blink
- Macro keeps crashing Excel!?!?!
- macro code to switch worksheets?
- Variant type not match error
- Calendar control for Windows and Mac
- "Can't assign to Array" Error
- GetOpenFilename
- VBA in a sheet and not a module
- Solved: looking for the correct sheet and fill in the value refer to date
- VBA Excel in MAC OS
- Control+Break on a Mac?
- Excel 2011 VBA Help system
- Delete Sheet2 & Sheet3
- VBA compatibility Excel 2010 / 2011
- Mac Office 2011 VBA
- Pick a Folder Name in Mac 2011 VBA
- VBA Unable to Run Excel 2011
- Heritage Excel VBA bombs in Excel 2011
- Word 2011: AutoNew() doesn't run
- Solved: Formula Help
- [SOLVED:] ReDo formula Help
- Mac VBA help 2011 is on-line
- I need to make a program bullet proof
- Import data from another workbooks
- Solved: Inserting a photo
- Using Save As to create a new workbook
- Copy text from Word and paste into Excel VBA
- Open Page Break Preview and Print Preview, Excel 2011
- A date picker userform for Mac.
- How to open files one by one in an order??
- Copy more than 1024 characters to a cell
- Extended Properties for Word 2011 documents
- [SLEEPER:] Custom Menu Bars
- Control Tip Text
- SaveAs Dialog pointing to specified folder
- Edit with TextEdit via VBA
- Application.Workbooks("try.xls").Close problem
- Not sure Excel issue or Batch file issue - Application.Workbooks("Book2.xls").Close
- Word 2007
- Solved: Excel 2011 - can not update locked textbox programmatically if locked
- Solved: Small Modification VBA code help needed!!
- Workbook does not work in Excel for Mac
- New to MAC - VB Questions
- Migration vba excel from win to mac office 2011
- Save as to network directory
- Syntax for opening file on server...
- Solved: Make a new folder error
- Add Calendar to User Form on a Mac
- time picker
- Solved: Save as a Plain Text file on a Mac
- macro excel report flickering
- ASCII file
- .Find function
- Getting values from a textbox in a userform
- VBA Excel 2011 Data Labels
- VBA 2011 Overlapping Datalabels
- VBA Excel 2011 Calculate / Clear / Copy
- Default Mail Add-in for Excel/Outlook 2011 for the Mac
- Default Mail Add-in for Excel/Mail 2011 for the Mac
- Unable to Click a link in web page using VBA
- VBA code to update master file and reflect changes on other workbooks
- VBA code for inserting blank row in between the data points
- Browse button for Photos to Upload in Userform (MAC)
- Open Macro to delete line of code witout running macro
- currency change on an estimate
- Problem with looping
- Looking for Macro or VBA to edit word DOC
- Trouble exporting multiple sheets to PDF
- Mac Excel Page and Print Setup
- Browse for network folder - VBA
- [SOLVED:] First to digit remove from text file without open by vba coding
- Records Count
- call web service excel for mac
- Form Export / Import
- VBA search for files stored in mac time capsule
- Vba code for solving N equations N unknowns
- [SOLVED:] Problem solving multiplication of two matrices with entries decimal
- VBA Code for Combining Multiple Columns into One Column - Excel for Mac
- Pass Macro results to Javascript in Mac
- VBA Ok Click() If Statement Procedure Too Long
- If statement with CommandButton
- I Need A Macro That Moves Entire Row To Sheet2 If Cell=X
- Read data (one column) from excel and pass to AS400
- Word Macro not run in Mac
- How to show 'Save As' dialog box?
- Word not found message box
- Multiple DSN's for Excel Macro
- Macscript
- Listing files in a folder with a powerpoint macro
- How to Convert selected ThinkCell chart as an image
- DIR() and filename lengths
- VBA Code to Count & print Dulplicates from One Excel to Other
- [SOLVED:] Adding a common value to a column.
- Timesheet entry
- Adding Daily Expense to Tracking Spreadsheet by pulling data from Trial Balance
- Combo box with list box help
- DateDiff no longer works with interval parameters
- HELP -- Hyperlink Question
- Automation Error
- RemoveDuplicates
- Need help to convert windows excel vba code to run on mac osx
- AppleScriptTask command not working in VBA for Excel 2016 for Mac
- Pls help with macro to send e-mail from excel workbook
- Table in powerpoint disappears when additional codes are added
- Out of Stack Space Runtime Error 28 in MAC Excel 2011 VBA
- [SLEEPER:] Help with a simple VBA
- PPAM doesn't appear on Mac with PPT for Mac 2011
- [SOLVED:] Windows to Mac macro error
- add new sheet one workbook to another and copy Data
- Mapping of cells to other cells on other sheets based on certain condition
- How to change size of internal cache in Word/Office using a macro
- [SLEEPER:] VBA code to extract strings
- Windows APIs & loading pictures into userforms at runtime in Office for Mac
- Excel For Mac - Macro to Print Worksheets to Separate PDF File
- Create custom mouseover pop up box
- LoadPicture for the Mac
- VBA Excel - Extract Unique Combinations from two cells
- Using AppleScriptTask to run Apple Script but can not close access of a file
- Using a macro to find and replace terms in specific column using an array of terms
- Excel 2016 Crash when calling Function with some parameters
- Lindin extractor
- Creating new folders and file names using data from sheets in Excel 2016 Mac
- Workbook.close and limit scroll area in Mac excel 2016
- Image is not dispalying in mac excel 2016 for xlsm
- Copying Same Range in Multiple Workbooks Worksheets to Columns in a Master Workbook
- How to Find selected Active cell highlighted with Color and copy the data provided in
- How to open a specific word document in Excel VBA
- Need to extract data from word to excel
- Can't associate a keystroke with my MarkupToggle macro
- Loop doesn't work when insert multiple rows from excel to mysql
- VBA Word Code - newbie
- TextBox Help
- Choosing folder for sent mails
- Selecting a value from the form control combo box ,doesn't reflects the item selected
- Transfer attachment
- Macro won't loop through files in folder - opens up first file again and then crashes
- Automation error in vba
- Mac Excel VBA - copy paste a picture from Excel to Word document
- Run-time error "438": Object doesn't support this property or method
- Printing $ instead of £
- Need help with inventory control formula using VBA (First time user of VBA)
- Sleeper: ActiveWindow Top and Left bug?
- Extract email data of 'To' and 'CC' values from an existing Macro
- How to 7zip all folders separately in a same path
- Import data from multiple CSV files on a Mac
- Creating Macro for dynamic range
- [SLEEPER:] Import CSV- error 53 file not found, How do I open a CSV ?
- new doc from template from excel
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") alternative for Mac?
- VBA - create email with body based on cell range and open it in New Apple Mail
- Mac excel macro pdf export
- problem getting internet values
- 2 Vba Routines - stop working
- Mac Excel VBA - Printing Problems
- Extract Certain Text from Word into Excel Using VBA
- Excel "License information for this component not found" error when accessing Word
- Retaining data in cell when dependent cells change value
- Macro-Enabled Template with Word 2016 on a Mac
- [SLEEPER:] Macro for deleting slides in Powerpoint from number 60 to 246
- [SLEEPER:] Word 2016 Mac DocumentBeforeClose Event
- [SLEEPER:] Error message Type mismatch
- Macro for random numbers from range when conditions are met
- [SLEEPER:] Hiding Emails and sorting groups from Google Forms Survery