View Full Version : Office 2007 Ribbon UI

  1. Solved: Word 2007 Ribbon Tab visibility
  2. Solved: Quick Access Toolbar Word 2007
  3. Solved: Problem adding Macro Buttons to the QAT in Word 2007
  4. Solved: Modifying tab order on the ribbon
  5. Solved: VBA code to select a specific tab
  6. Solved: Re-connecting the Ribbon after error
  7. Solved: Changing QAT Icons
  8. Solved: Assign macros to ribbon-commands
  9. Disabling Office 2007 Ribbon and QAT with VBA
  10. Excel 2007 Disable right click menu items
  11. Disable Cut Copy Paste in Excel 2007
  12. Solved: Odd file open behaviour with RibbonX
  13. TabAddInd
  14. Solved: Conflicts between tabs
  15. Custom image for shared Add-in ribbon doesn't show.
  16. Custom UI editor
  17. Solved: Ribbon does not show
  18. how to disable Open() with the Ribbon UI
  19. Pasting an excel chart that is linked to excel in a text box in MS Word
  20. Document Close
  21. Excel 2007 Crashes a LOT!
  22. Adding a Macro to the QAT
  23. How to Copy ATPVBAEN.XLAM from System Disk to Computer
  24. Determining the Path to a File in Win 7
  25. Explain What a "CallBack" is
  26. Questions About Windows Explorer 7 Display
  27. Personal,xls, Personal.xlsm, Personal.xlsb . . . Use Which in Win 7??
  28. File Is Marked "Non-commercial Use"
  29. Why Does Excel 2007 Erase My Defined Names?
  30. Trouble Customizing the QAT
  31. How to Unhide a Workbook?
  32. A Fix For Some Excel 2007 Open Workbook Crashes
  33. Take some of the frustration out....
  34. Microsoft Reference for File Name and Path Rules in Windows 7
  35. Ribbon Object
  36. Solved: problem inserting more than one with tab or customGroups
  37. Solved: RibbonX XML: How can I put in a carriage return or new line within " " marks
  38. Solved: How can I remove the text below the supertip text
  39. More than one Customui
  40. Custom Number format in charts vs. cells
  41. Custom Tab based on Network UserName
  42. Ribbon Loading Sequence
  43. Picture in DialogLauncher Supertip
  44. Solved: Hide/Show Ribbon Tab
  45. Solved: Attach Specific Ribbon to Query objects?
  46. Solved: Office 2010 Ribbom Customizations
  47. Solved: can't add commend to customUI file
  48. Solved: Floating Toolbars/Macro Buttons (using UI Editor)?
  49. Solved: Question Regarding “Startup” Folder & UI Ribbon (Word 2007)
  50. Language switching Tab
  51. Disable SaveAs including QAT
  52. FileSendAsAttachment in Quick Access Toolbar
  53. Word 2010 interface... recreation/exposed?
  54. Disabling QAT and Ribbon on Startup - Not working?
  55. Word 2010 Custom Toolbar
  56. Solved: "Carriage Return" or "Line Feed" to Split Button Label Sentence?
  57. WordArtInsertGalleryClassic
  58. How to disable Ribbon in Excel 2010
  59. Ribbon Gallery Tool
  60. Set a reference to the current ribbon
  61. [SOLVED:] Ribbon - toggle button problems
  62. Ribbon Menu Controls in Word 2010 Using Greg Maxey's Demo
  63. Solved: Put special character on a button?
  64. Solved: VS2012 and VBA
  65. Shortcut Keys on the Ribbon?
  66. Ribbon tab triggered from another Workbook
  67. Solved: Spacing inconsistent in custom menus
  68. Solved: Error when trying to delete row by macro
  69. Display my quick parts on custom ribbon?
  70. Solved: Edit Box on ribbon to save to global variable
  71. Image Gallery Ribbon *HELP PLEASE*
  72. Solved: Add Design Mode onto Ribbon
  73. Multilingual Ribbon UI
  74. Hide a Qualified tab dynamically using getVisible
  75. Callbacks not working
  76. Need Help
  77. Turn CUT on and off
  78. Images in custom Menu control
  79. [SOLVED:] Questions from a customUI newbie
  80. How to disable Word 2003 Toolbars in Word 2007/2010/2013
  81. Has Anyone got a Macro that adds a Custom Toolbar button to the Quick Access Toolbar
  82. [SOLVED:] Make custom tab visible across all workbook
  83. [SOLVED:] NameSpace Glitches?
  84. Deactivate button after it has been run once
  85. Check/Uncheck all checkboxes with VBA
  86. Multiple drawing arrows
  87. [SOLVED:] How does one activate ribbon components from an xlam file ?
  88. Pull excel data in to word
  89. [SOLVED:] Something wrong in XML? Or in VBA? Or something missing anywhere?
  90. XML file is gone, whats the new address for xml references?
  91. [SOLVED:] Changing the active ribbon when PPT starts
  92. [SOLVED:] Can I get rid of the labels of Cut/Copy/Paste on my self-created ribbon?
  93. [SOLVED:] Is anything wrong with the idMso of the format painter?
  94. Catching the button label on a ribbon from a shape name
  95. What kind of dimension is a ribbon?
  96. Help getting dynamic menu of files to work
  97. [SOLVED:] Microsoft functions working a bit different on self created ribbon and original
  98. How to limit the ribbon to 2 normal size icons per column
  99. duplicate groups on my custom tab :-(
  100. [SOLVED:] Create Sub Groups with Ribbon
  101. [SOLVED:] Any disadvantages in using older XML on newer Office version?
  102. ComboBox problem in custom ribbon
  103. [SOLVED:] Access Ribbon
  104. [SOLVED:] Speed of populating a Ribbon Bar
  105. Populating a DropDown box
  106. XML Validation Error
  107. Securing XML
  108. [SOLVED:] TabHelp - Can it be hidden?
  109. [SOLVED:] Organising a gallery
  110. [SLEEPER:] Office 2016 ribbon tab issue - faded/greyed/grayed out
  111. How to grey out a Ribbon Bar button
  112. How to stop saving a template back to original loation
  113. Ribbon disappearing bug / issue with getVisible and .Invalidate
  114. Remove a custom group/button from the ribbon
  115. Multiple problems with custom ribbon (loading images and re-loading)
  116. [SOLVED:] RibbonX - Setting pressed state of Checkbox control at runtime
  117. Separators not shown
  118. [SLEEPER:] Ribbon not always loading
  119. [SOLVED:] How to monitor the built-in ribbon buttons
  120. [SOLVED:] Disable Menu Bar ("HOME" AND "DATA") Menu in EXCEL 2007
  121. Refresh All event
  122. [SLEEPER:] Custom buttons in the print preview.
  123. [SOLVED:] Ribbon Split Button
  124. [SOLVED:] Can not set add Font and font siz to my ribbon
  125. [SOLVED:] Improved CustomUI Editor (calling Paul Hossler)
  126. [SOLVED:] ibox only showing label for AlignCenter
  127. [SLEEPER:] Button missing on Ribbon on a Mac
  128. Word Ribbon with 2 .dotm files
  129. [SLEEPER:] Custom UI Editor - how do I add a group to tab created in a different workbook ?
  130. Change appearance of custom buttons on Excel ribbon based on cell status or contents?
  131. PowerPoint VBA to get value from Ribbon Control
  132. [SOLVED:] TextHighlightColor - control, button, gallery, whatever ...
  133. [SOLVED:] "The macro cannot be found" when clicking on the ribbon
  134. [SOLVED:] Button from Ribbon UI should call VBA function
  135. Disable Power Pivot Menu
  136. [SOLVED:] Ribbon toggleButtons Highlight and Un-Highlight
  137. ToggleButton for Smart Quotes