View Full Version : Thank you

11-03-2006, 02:04 PM
This is not a post for help, rather a post of gratitude for all those that have helped me since I joined this board. I think too often in our busy days we sometimes neglect to pass on our sincere feelings for the help provided. I wont name names but it is amazing as to what lengths some of you go to help others. I know I have learned a lot on this board and will continue to do so. I give back when I can but find myself on the other end more often than not. So thanks again to everyone. :thumb

11-03-2006, 04:17 PM
Well said Austenr. I too have experienced very strong support from a number of people here on the forum. Even when I post something which is muddled and confusing, forum members have taken the time to initially sort out that which it is that I'm chasing and then to supply code to do that which I thought was damn near impossible.

A big heart felt thanks to all of you.


11-03-2006, 04:18 PM
Thanks Austen,
It's nice to be receive some thanks. If you saw the post regarding who gets paid for coding, you'll have seen that a lot of our efforts are "unappreciated". I don't expect an immediate turnaround from questioner to Expert, but the effort is appeciated and IMHO is the best way to improve one's own abilities. I could never encounter the range of problems I see here within my own work experience but its amazing the use I can find for the solutions.

11-04-2006, 07:48 AM
Many regulars here are not long time coders but came to this site to browse for solutions and learn. Eventually it evolves into sharing what you have learned with others on the board.

Gert Jan
11-04-2006, 07:52 AM
I'm around here for only a few weeks, and just a couple of weeks more trying to work with vba.
It's not just the answers i got over here, but also i learned a lot from just reading trough old posts.
Also, the articles and KB have been a great help on many things, having said that i realise that i'm still far from "real coding", and will be here more often with questions and reading.
So far it has been, and will be a pleasure to hang around here with you.
You've all deserved my deepest respects :bow:

Gert Jan

11-04-2006, 09:50 PM
Yes austenr, how do you go about thanking all the people. I certainly would join you in thanking everyone that helped me, certainly the people who run this site. If it wasn't for them, like on the competing (if that is even the right word) sites and the moderators, I would still be walking around with my slide rule in my pocket. Having said that, of course all the other participants are thanked also including other people who have asked questions from which I learned.
Thanks you guys and keep up the good work and questions (and answers).