View Full Version : Data type mismatch criteria errors

01-15-2007, 09:53 AM
Hi guys,

Implementations application & programming environ
MS Acess + Visual Basic

Table fields
Serialno (pk) - Auto number
StudentId - text
Course - text
intake - number

Combobox1 (StudentId) - predefined list
TextBox1 (StudentId) - bound to controlsource StudentId
TextBox2 (Course) - bound to controlsource course
TextBox3(intake) userinput

Private_Sub_Combo1_AfterUpdate event

Dim rs as Object

Set rs = Me.RecordSetClone
rs.FindFirst "[Serialno] = " Str(Nz(Me![Combo1]))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Me.StudentId.value = Combo1.Column(0)

I am having an error (Data type mismatch criteria errors) on the last stat of the AfterUpdate event. I am aware that Str only take in Numerical values but nt too sure as hw that stat can be changed to take in string values.

I have invoked the save command to add the below mentioned to Student table but i want to filter dupliacte student Id value selected from the combo box. I have set the field to Yes(No Duplicate) but getting an error this will allow duplicate value, refined index or remove duplicate in the fields. No idea as to what is it but i have provided the necessary info for review. Tks for assisting on this issue,

Private Sub_Save event

Dim rs as RecordSet
Dim db as Database
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordSet("Select StudentId, Course, intake from Student where StudentId = '" & Me.StudentId.value & "' And Course = ''" & Me.Course.value & "')
If Not rs.EOF Then
rs("StudentId").value = Combo1.value
rs("Course").value = text2.value
rs("intake").value = text3.value
End If

set rs = Nothing
set db = Nothing


Private Sub AddRecord event
DoCmd.OpenForm "StudentRecord", acNormal, ,StudnetId = '" & Me.Combo1.Value & "' And course = '" & Me.textBox2.value & "'
DoCmd, acAddForm
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

01-15-2007, 10:16 AM
Try this.

rs("intake").value = Val(text3.value)