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View Full Version : Fill text to two sheets on entry

01-16-2007, 03:21 AM
Can any body help me?
I have one table in my sheet1 and another table in sheet2, some fields in both of those tables are same. I dont want to retype same fields into two sheets, just i want to insert same value in sheet2 when i am typing in sheet1. How can i do this? If its possible, give me reply with an example!
Thanks in advance!

01-16-2007, 06:18 AM
Hi Suresh,
I've moved this to a new post.

Select both sheet tabs using Shift or Control. Text entered in one sheet will appear on the other. Deletions etc. will also affect both sheets. Be a bit wary with this; it's easy to mess up!

01-17-2007, 04:46 AM
MD, this works only if the sheet layout is exactly the same?


01-17-2007, 05:18 AM
It works CORRECTLY only if the sheet layout is exactly the same. I've found use for this method in changing multiple sheet layouts and formatting, adding headings etc. I've never used it for data entry.